132 resultados para Hard part


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Tieto on aina ollut yksi yrityksen tärkeimmistä resursseista, mutta vasta nyt siihen on alettu kiinnittää enemmän huomiota. Tiedonjohtaminen ja tietämyksen hallinta ovat haastavia ja osin hankaliakin toimintoja, koska on vaikeaa johtaa sellaista, mitä ei voi kuvata. Tietojohtamista voidaan kuitenkin ajatella prosessina, joka koostuu useammasta alaprosessista, kuten tiedon hankinta, tiedon luominen, tiedon varastointi, tiedon jakaminen ja tiedon soveltaminen. Kun ongelma-alue pilkotaan pienempiin kokonaisuuksiin, on siihen helpompi vaikuttaa. Tässä diplomityössä kehitettiin Stora Enso Publication Papers Oy Ltd Varkauden tehtaalle toimivia työkaluja/-menetelmiä tiedonjohtamisen ja tietämyksen hallinnan tueksi. Työssä luotiin yrityksen tarpeita vastaava mittaristomalli ja keskityttiin siinä erityisesti aineettomaan pääomaan liittyviin mittareihin. Jotta voidaan mitata jotain, on se ensin pystyttävä kuvaamaan. Siksi työssä käsiteltiin myös prosessijohtamista ja analysoitiin hieman yrityksen prosesseja sekä kehitettiin yritykselle uusi "tietojohtaminen" -prosessi. Mittariston ja prosessin luomisen lisäksi työssä esitettiin muutamia toimivia työkaluja/ menetelmiä tiedonjohtamisen ja tietämyksen hallinnan avuksi. Työn teoriaosuudessa tutustuttiin ensin prosessijohtamisen yleisimpiin teorioihin ja tarvittaviin käsitteisiin. Tämän jälkeen luotiin teoriapohja mittariston rakentamiseksi määrittelemällä käsitteet tieto ja aineeton pääoma sekä käsittelemällä muutamia mittaristomalleja, mittariston rakentamista ja aineettoman pääoman mittaamista. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osassaanalysoitiin yrityksen johtamismalleja sekä määriteltiin prosessijohtamisessa käytetyt termit teorian pohjalta. Pääpaino työssä oli mittariston rakentamisessa ja tiedonjohtamisen sekä tietämyksen hallinnan tehostamisessa. Mittaristomalli luotiin useamman teorian pohjalta painottuen kuitenkinselvästi Balanced Scorecard -menetelmään. Työn tuloksena oli kattava mittaristomalli, aineettoman pääoman mittareita sekä uusia työkaluja/-menetelmiä tiedonjohtamiseen ja tietämyksen hallintaan.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli saada perustietoa tekijöistä, jotka vaikuttavat musteen kuivumiseen erilaisilla paperipinnoilla inkjet tulostuksessa. Tavoitteena oli saada tietoa erilaisista musteista, joita käytetään yleisimmissä inkjet tulostustekniikoissa, miten paperit vaikuttavat musteen kuivumiseen ja minkälaisia menetelmiä on olemassa musteen kuivumistekijöiden määrittämiseen. Lisäksi tarkoituksena oli varmistaa, voidaanko inkjetmusteiden absorptioajan määrittämiseen käytettävää DIGAT-laitetta käyttää määrittämään ja ennustamaan erilaisten musteiden kuivumista erilaisilla paperipinnoilla sekä etsiä korrelaatioita musteen absorptioajan ja teknisten paperiominaisuuksien sekä inkjet tulostuksen laadun välillä. Kirjallisuusosassa tarkasteltiin erilaisia inkjet tulostusmenetelmiä, niissä käytettäviä musteita ja musteiden koostumuksia. Tutkittiin myös paperin ja musteen välisiä vuorovaikutuksia sekä inkjet tulostuksen laatua. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin musteenabsorboitumista paperiin DIGAT-laitteen avulla. kuudella eri musteella. Paperinäytteistä määritettiin teknisiä paperiominaisuuksia sekä ominaisuuksia, jotka liittyvät inkjet tulostuksen laatuun. Inkjet tulostuksen laatua tarkasteltiin tulostamalla testikuva kolmella eri tulostimella, jotka olivat Canon Bubble Jet i950, HP DeskJet Cxi970 ja Epson Stylus C46. Havaittiin, että DIGAT-laite ei sovellu määrittämään musteen absorptioaikoja kiiltäville näytteille.Tässä tutkimuksessa näyte, jonka kiilto oli 65 %, oli liian kiiltävä mitattavaksi DIGAT-laitteella. Lisäksi absorptiomäärityksissä havaittiin, että erilaiset musteet asettuvat erilailla paperin pintaan ja että pigmenttipohjaisella musteella asettumisaika oli kaikista pisin. Musteiden absorptioajat olivat nopeimpia erikoisinkjetpaperilla ja hitaimpia päällystetyillä, tiiviillä papereilla. Musteen absorptioajan ja teknisten paperiominaisuuksien ja inkjet tulostuksen laadun välisiä korrelaatioita oli vaikea havaita. Voidaan sanoa, että tulokset olivat muste- ja printterikohtaisia. Havaittiin vain muutamia teknisiä paperiominaisuuksia, jotka korreloivat hyvin musteen absorboitumisen kanssa. Nämäolivat Gurley-Hill huokoisuus, paperin tuhka- sekä kalsiumkarbonaattipitoisuus ja K&N värinabsorptio. Myöskään inkjet tulostuksen laadun ja musteen absorption välisiä korrelaatioita ei löytynyt kuin muutama; densiteetti, mottling sekä bleeding. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta DIGAT-laitteen soveltuvan hyvin kuvaamaan inkjet tulostuksen laatuominaisuuksista densiteettia, mottlingia sekä bleedingiä. DIGAT-laitetta voidaan siis käyttää avuksi ennustettaessa kuivumisaikaa ja sen vaikutusta edellä mainittuihin ominaisuuksiin. Läpipainatusominaisuuksia DIGAT-laitteen avulla ei voida tutkia, sillä ne ovat enemmän riippuvaisia paperin neliömassasta, paksuudesta ja huokoisuudesta kuinmusteen absorptioajasta. Teknisistä paperiominaisuuksista Gurley-Hill huokoisuus, paperin tuhka-sekä CaCO3-pitoisuus ja K&N värinabsorptio kuvaavat hyvin musteen imeytymisaikaa paperiin, kun taas ominaisuudet Cobb, HST ja polaari- sekädispersiokomponentit eivät kuvaa. Näyttää siltä, että testikuva, joka on tällä hetkellä käytössä UPM Tutkimus-keskuksessa, ei sovellu suurtehotulostuksen laadun tarkkailuun. Testikuva toimii hyvin pöytätulostimilla ja perinteisillä kopiopapereilla ja inkjetpapereilla, jotka on tarkoitettu tulostettaviksi hitaasti. Tulostusnopeuden ja musteen kuivumisnopeuden välisiä ilmiöitä seei tuo esille, joten se ei sovellu kuvaamaan suurtehotulostusta.


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Diplomityön tutkimusfunktio käsittelee toimeksiantajan, Stora Enso Timber Oy Ltd Kotkan sahan, sahalinjan optimointikokonaisuuden relevanttia ongelmakenttää. Tutkimuksen alussa profiloivan sahalinjan tukinpyörityksen, pelkan sivuttaissiirron tai sivulautaoptimoinnin toimivuudesta ei ollut varmuutta. Työn painopistealue on sivulautaoptimointi, jonka toimivuus tutkimuksen alussa on hyvin kyseenalaista tuotantoajossa. Työn tavoitteet kiteytyvät paremman raaka-aineen käyttösuhteen saavuttamiselle, jolloin pitkän aikajänteen kannattavuus on realistisempaa saavuttaa. Kotkan sahalinjan optimointijärjestelmässä on kokonaisuudessaan saavutettu tuotantoajoon hyväksyttävä taso. Tukinpyörityksen tarkkuudessa saavutettiin asetettu tavoite, eli 90 % pyöritystuloksista menee virheikkunaan ± 10° , sekä virheen keskiarvon itseisarvo jasen ympärillä olevan hajonnan summa on maksimissaan 10° . Pelkan sivuttaissiirto todettiin tutkimuksessa sekundääriseksi optimointijärjestelmäksi. Ohjaus perustuu tukkimittarin mittaamaan dataan, jolloin tukinpyörityksen hajonta aiheuttaa epätarkkuutta pelkan suuntauksessa. Pelkan sivuttaisiirron käyttäminen vaatii lisämittauksia, jolloin voidaan varmistua pelkan suuntauksen optimoinnin toimivuudesta. Sivulautaoptimoinnin toimivuuden kehittämisessä saavutettiin se taso, missä todellista kehitystyötä voidaan tehdä. Koeajoissa ja optimointiohjelman tarkastamisessa havaittiin periaatteellisia virheitä, jotka korjattiin. Toimivan sivulautaoptimoinnin myötä on mahdollista hallita paremmin tuotannonohjaus, jolloin tuotanto voidaan etenkin sivulautojen osalta kohdentaa paremmin vastaamaan kysyntää sekä asete-erän hyvää käyttösuhdetta. Raaka-aineen käyttösuhde on parantunut. Yksittäisten asetevertailujen sekä esimerkkilaskelmien perusteella tuottopotentiaali tukinpyörityksen ja sivulautaoptimoinnin osalta on 0,6...1,5 MEUR Välillinen tuottopotentiaali on suurempi, koska tuotantoprosessi sahauksen osalta on erittäin joustava markkinoiden tarpeen muutoksille. Sahalinjalla on mahdollista tuottaa helposti laajalla tukkisumalla laajaa tuotematriisia, jossa sivulautaoptimoinnilla on avainrooli. Tuotannonsuunnittelufunktiota tulee kehittää vastaamaan mahdollisuuksiin,joita sivulautaoptimointi tarjoaa. Tuotematriisi ja sitä vastaavat asetteet lankeavalla tukkisumalla tulee rakentaa uudestaan niiltä osin, joihin sivulautaoptimointi antaa variaatiomahdollisuuksia.


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Työ tutkii yritysportaalin roolia organisaation tietojohtamisessa. Tutkimusongelman ratkaisemiseksi luodaan viitekehys, jossa yritysportaalin ja tietojohtamisen teoriat linkittyvät. Työn empiirisessä osassa viitekehys on pohjana case-yritykselle rakennettavalle yritysportaalille. Laadullinen tutkimus käsittää teoriaosuuden sekä osallistuvaan case-tutkimukseen perustuvan empiriaosuuden. Työn runko muodostuu kahden vastakkaisen tietojohtamisajattelun vuoropuhelusta, jotka ovat informaatioteknologiaan- ja strategiseen johtamiseen perustuvat näkökulmat. Toimivan tietojohtamismallin täytyy sisältää molemmat aspektit. Jokainen organisaatio tarvitsee informaation hallintaan liittyviä toiminnallisuuksia ja täten eksplisiittisen tiedon hallinta tietojärjestelmien avulla on onnistuneen tietojohtamisen kulmakiviä. Tätä perusinfrastruktuuria on mahdollista laajentaa hiljaisen tiedon hallintaan perustuvilla tietojohtamismenetelmillä. Työn ratkaisu näiden kahden näkemyksen, 'kovan' informaatioteknogiaan painottuvan sekä 'pehmeän' ihmisnäkökulman integrointiin, on yritysportaali. Työssä käytettävä yritysportaalin viitekehys rakentuu kolmeen päätoiminnallisuuteen; sisällönhallintaan, yhteistyöominaisuuksiin ja liiketoimintatiedon hallintaan. Työ todistaa yhteyden viitekehyksen sekä tietojohtamisen perusmallien, kuten tietojohtamisen prosessimallin sekä tietoympäristöjen välillä. Yritysportaali voi täten toimia, ei ainoastaan yksittäisten tietojohtamistyökalujen implementoinnissa, vaan tietojohtamisstrategian luomisen apuna tarjoten alustan tai 'katalyytin' kokonaisvaltaiselle tietojohtamiselle.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli löytää vastaus siihen, miten 1.9.2006 voimaan astunut uusi osakeyhtiölaki vaikuttaa tilintarkastajan työhön kaikkein merkittävimmin. Tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi apuna käytettiin alatavoitteita, jotka muodostuivat uuden osakeyhtiölain vaikutuksista tilintarkastajan tarkastusprosessiin, riippumattomuuteen ja vastuukysymyksiin. Tutkimusmenetelmä oli kvalitatiivinen ja lisäksi tutkimuksen teorian tueksihaastateltiin auktorisoituja tilintarkastajia sekä osakeyhtiölain asiantuntijaa. Haastattelu toteutettiin puolistrukturoituna. Tutkimuksessa ei ole erillistä empiriaosaa, vaan haastattelujen tuloksia on esitetty teorian yhteydessä Tutkimuksen mukaan uuden osakeyhtiölain muutoksista tällä hetkellä kaikkein eniten tilintarkastajien työhön vaikuttavat maksukykyisyystesti sekä lähipiirilainat. Muutokset ovat lähinnä lisänneet työn dokumentaatiota. Tilintarkastajien on kuitenkin vielä tässä vaiheessa suhteellisen vaikeaa arvioida mitkä muutokset tulevat vaikuttamaan kaikkein oleellisimmin, koska uusi osakeyhtiölaki onollut voimassa vasta vähän aikaa eikä kokemusta uudesta laista ole kertynyt vielä riittävästi.


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The aim of `Valssi' study was to find out the service requirements in `business-to-business' (B2B) markets and to present a new logistics service concept, where the traditional logistics service is expanded with significant manufacturing and value addedfacilities. The traditional third-party logistics service providers are not necessarily able to offer services, which cover widely the needs of potential customers. The study has been outlined to spare part markets in metal industry. In the second phase of the Valssi-project the aim is to examine the economical conditions and potentiality of the new logistics business concept. This research report (Part 1) concentrates on examining current trends in global and domestic logistics markets. Based on detailed survey among the participating companies, the study presents basis for a new logistics business concept model. The developed concept consists of 12 different service modules, which are split into deeper details of processes. The integration of worldwide supplier and service provider network together with customer companies systems is a challenge. The report focuses on evaluating the requirements for the new business concept from the customer-companies point of view. The study paints an overall picture of distribution and service provider network including an abstract about the software and system integration possibilities. As a result of the survey, it can be concluded that thereis need for the new business concept among the participating companies, and a modular service concept meets the requirements of them, because the new sophisticated concept considers the specialities involved in spare part logistics in metal industry.


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The aim of this study is to present an Activity-Based Costing spreadsheet tool for analyzing the logistics costs. The tool can be used both by customer-companies and logistics service providers. The study discusses the influence of different activity models on costs. Additionally this paper discusses about the logistical performance across the total supply chain This study is carried out using ananalytical research approach and literature material has been used for supplementing the concerned research approach. Cost structure analysis was based on the theory of activity-based management. This study was outlined to spare part logistics in machine-shop industry. The outlines of logistics services and logisticalperformance discussed in this report are based on the new logistics business concept (LMS-concept), which has been presented earlier in the Valssi-project. Oneof the aims of this study is to increase awareness of different activity modelson logistics costs. The report paints an overall picture about the business environment and requirements for the new logistics concept.


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VALOSADE (Value Added Logistics in Supply and Demand Chains) is the research project of Anita Lukka's VALORE (Value Added Logistics Research) research team inLappeenranta University of Technology. VALOSADE is included in ELO (Ebusiness logistics) technology program of Tekes (Finnish Technology Agency). SMILE (SME-sector, Internet applications and Logistical Efficiency) is one of four subprojects of VALOSADE. SMILE research focuses on case network that is composed of small and medium sized mechanical maintenance service providers and global wood processing customers. Basic principle of SMILE study is communication and ebusiness insupply and demand network. This first phase of research concentrates on creating backgrounds for SMILE study and for ebusiness solutions of maintenance case network. The focus is on general trends of ebusiness in supply chains and networksof different industries; total ebusiness system architecture of company networks; ebusiness strategy of company network; information value chain; different factors, which influence on ebusiness solution of company network; and the correlation between ebusiness and competitive advantage. Literature, interviews and benchmarking were used as research methods in this qualitative case study. Networks and end-to-end supply chains are the organizational structures, which can add value for end customer. Information is one of the key factors in these decentralized structures. Because of decentralization of business, information is produced and used in different companies and in different information systems. Information refinement services are needed to manage information flows in company networksbetween different systems. Furthermore, some new solutions like network information systems are utilised in optimising network performance and in standardizingnetwork common processes. Some cases have however indicated, that utilization of ebusiness in decentralized business model is not always a necessity, but value-add of ICT must be defined case-specifically. In the theory part of report, different ebusiness and architecture models are introduced. These models are compared to empirical case data in research results. The biggest difference between theory and empirical data is that models are mainly developed for large-scale companies - not for SMEs. This is due to that implemented network ebusiness solutions are mainly large company centered. Genuine SME network centred ebusiness models are quite rare, and the study in that area has been few in number. Business relationships between customer and their SME suppliers are nowadays concentrated more on collaborative tactical and strategic initiatives besides transaction based operational initiatives. However, ebusiness systems are further mainly based on exchange of operational transactional data. Collaborative ebusiness solutions are in planning or pilot phase in most case companies. Furthermore, many ebusiness solutions are nowadays between two participants, but network and end-to-end supply chain transparency and information systems are quite rare. Transaction volumes, data formats, the types of exchanged information, information criticality,type and duration of business relationship, internal information systems of partners, processes and operation models (e.g. different ordering models) differ among network companies, and furthermore companies are at different stages on networking and ebusiness readiness. Because of former factors, different customer-supplier combinations in network must utilise totally different ebusiness architectures, technologies, systems and standards.


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VVALOSADE is a research project of professor Anita Lukka's VALORE research team in the Lappeenranta University of Technology. The VALOSADE includes the ELO technology program of Tekes. SMILE is one of four subprojects of the VALOSADE. The SMILE study focuses on the case of the company network that is composed of small and micro-sized mechanical maintenance service providers and forest industry as large-scale customers. The basic principle of the SMILE study is the communication and ebusiness in supply and demand networks. The aim of the study is to develop ebusiness strategy, ebusiness model and e-processes among the SME local service providers, and onthe other hand, between the local service provider network and the forest industry customers in a maintenance and operations service business. A literature review, interviews and benchmarking are used as research methods in this qualitative case study. The first SMILE report, 'Ebusiness between Global Company and Its Local SME Supplier Network', concentrated on creating background for the SMILE study by studying general trends of ebusiness in supply chains and networks of different industries. This second phase of the study concentrates on case network background, such as business relationships, information systems and business objectives; core processes in maintenance and operations service network; development needs in communication among the network participants; and ICT solutions to respond needs in changing environment. In the theory part of the report, different ebusiness models and frameworks are introduced. Those models and frameworks are compared to empirical case data. From that analysis of the empirical data, therecommendations for the development of the network information system are derived. In process industry such as the forest industry, it is crucial to achieve a high level of operational efficiency and reliability, which sets up great requirements for maintenance and operations. Therefore, partnerships or strategic alliances are needed between the network participants. In partnerships and alliances, deep communication is important, and therefore the information systems in the network also are critical. Communication, coordination and collaboration will increase in the case network in the future, because network resources must be optimised to improve competitive capability of the forest industry customers and theefficiency of their service providers. At present, ebusiness systems are not usual in this maintenance network. A network information system among the forest industry customers and their local service providers actually is the only genuinenetwork information system in this total network. However, the utilisation of that system has been quite insignificant. The current system does not add value enough either to the customers or to the local service providers. At present, thenetwork information system is the infomediary that share static information forthe network partners. The network information system should be the transaction intermediary, which integrates internal processes of the network companies; the network information system, which provides common standardised processes for thelocal service providers; and the infomediary, which share static and dynamic information on right time, on right partner, on right costs, on right format and on right quality. This study provides recommendations how to develop this system in the future to add value to the network companies. Ebusiness scenarios, vision, objectives, strategies, application architecture, ebusiness model, core processes and development strategy must be considered when the network information system will be developed in the next development step. The core processes in the case network are demand/capacity management, customer/supplier relationship management, service delivery management, knowledge management and cash flow management. Most benefits from ebusiness solutions come from the electrifying of operational level processes, such as service delivery management and cash flow management.


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The aim of this research study was to find out guidelines for outsourcing of logistics processes. The study was outlined to spare parts and `business-to-business' (B2B) markets in metal industry. This study can be applied as a manual for outsourcing especially warehousing and transportation activities. The study also touches other important areas of spare part logistics like manufacturing, customer service, procurement, quality control, reverse and recycling logistics, logistics technologies and valueadded services. The method of study consisted of three areas. Firstly exchanging views with logistics experts in participating companies, and secondly compiling material based on author's practical experience in logistics business with several international and domestic logistics service providers and vendors. Thirdlythe study includes also references to literature material. Due to the fact thatthe outsourcing of logistics functions can be handled widely and from differentpoint of views, in this study it is concentrated mainly on giving general levelguidelines for defining logistics strategy, hints both for tendering process and implementation project, and not forgetting the aftercare of business partnership.


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Theultimate goal of any research in the mechanism/kinematic/design area may be called predictive design, ie the optimisation of mechanism proportions in the design stage without requiring extensive life and wear testing. This is an ambitious goal and can be realised through development and refinement of numerical (computational) technology in order to facilitate the design analysis and optimisation of complex mechanisms, mechanical components and systems. As a part of the systematic design methodology this thesis concentrates on kinematic synthesis (kinematic design and analysis) methods in the mechanism synthesis process. The main task of kinematic design is to find all possible solutions in the form of structural parameters to accomplish the desired requirements of motion. Main formulations of kinematic design can be broadly divided to exact synthesis and approximate synthesis formulations. The exact synthesis formulation is based in solving n linear or nonlinear equations in n variables and the solutions for the problem areget by adopting closed form classical or modern algebraic solution methods or using numerical solution methods based on the polynomial continuation or homotopy. The approximate synthesis formulations is based on minimising the approximation error by direct optimisation The main drawbacks of exact synthesis formulationare: (ia) limitations of number of design specifications and (iia) failure in handling design constraints- especially inequality constraints. The main drawbacks of approximate synthesis formulations are: (ib) it is difficult to choose a proper initial linkage and (iib) it is hard to find more than one solution. Recentformulations in solving the approximate synthesis problem adopts polynomial continuation providing several solutions, but it can not handle inequality const-raints. Based on the practical design needs the mixed exact-approximate position synthesis with two exact and an unlimited number of approximate positions has also been developed. The solutions space is presented as a ground pivot map but thepole between the exact positions cannot be selected as a ground pivot. In this thesis the exact synthesis problem of planar mechanism is solved by generating all possible solutions for the optimisation process ¿ including solutions in positive dimensional solution sets - within inequality constraints of structural parameters. Through the literature research it is first shown that the algebraic and numerical solution methods ¿ used in the research area of computational kinematics ¿ are capable of solving non-parametric algebraic systems of n equations inn variables and cannot handle the singularities associated with positive-dimensional solution sets. In this thesis the problem of positive-dimensional solutionsets is solved adopting the main principles from mathematical research area of algebraic geometry in solving parametric ( in the mathematical sense that all parameter values are considered ¿ including the degenerate cases ¿ for which the system is solvable ) algebraic systems of n equations and at least n+1 variables.Adopting the developed solution method in solving the dyadic equations in direct polynomial form in two- to three-precision-points it has been algebraically proved and numerically demonstrated that the map of the ground pivots is ambiguousand that the singularities associated with positive-dimensional solution sets can be solved. The positive-dimensional solution sets associated with the poles might contain physically meaningful solutions in the form of optimal defectfree mechanisms. Traditionally the mechanism optimisation of hydraulically driven boommechanisms is done at early state of the design process. This will result in optimal component design rather than optimal system level design. Modern mechanismoptimisation at system level demands integration of kinematic design methods with mechanical system simulation techniques. In this thesis a new kinematic design method for hydraulically driven boom mechanism is developed and integrated in mechanical system simulation techniques. The developed kinematic design method is based on the combinations of two-precision-point formulation and on optimisation ( with mathematical programming techniques or adopting optimisation methods based on probability and statistics ) of substructures using calculated criteria from the system level response of multidegree-of-freedom mechanisms. Eg. by adopting the mixed exact-approximate position synthesis in direct optimisation (using mathematical programming techniques) with two exact positions and an unlimitednumber of approximate positions the drawbacks of (ia)-(iib) has been cancelled.The design principles of the developed method are based on the design-tree -approach of the mechanical systems and the design method ¿ in principle ¿ is capable of capturing the interrelationship between kinematic and dynamic synthesis simultaneously when the developed kinematic design method is integrated with the mechanical system simulation techniques.


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Lobbying by companies and the management techniques of lobbying have been fairly unknown territory. This study explains different theories related to lobbying including major political, economic and mathematical theories and their connections to lobbying. Existing lobbying networks in the European Union, especially at the European Union level, are explained. Lobbying organisations in the European Union are interconnected. Networks start at a local level, and have connections to national, European Union, international and sometimes to the global level. Relationships between business strategy and lobbying are studied with emphasis on issues management. Business strategy is often seen stemming from business environment analysis and stakeholder management. The issues management concept bridges aspects of business environment analysis and stakeholder management into a project type of management approach. The study includes two different empirical parts. A sample of public policy managers representing the European chemical industry was interviewed, and a chemical industry specific lobbying framework was built. This framework was then tested using a questionnaire sent to European public issues managers representing some of the largest European companies. Based on the results of the questionnaire, a generic framework on how large, European companies manage lobbying in general terms was developed.


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The market place of the twenty-first century will demand that manufacturing assumes a crucial role in a new competitive field. Two potential resources in the area of manufacturing are advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) and empowered employees. Surveys in Finland have shown the need to invest in the new AMT in the Finnish sheet metal industry in the 1990's. In this run the focus has been on hard technology and less attention is paid to the utilization of human resources. In manymanufacturing companies an appreciable portion of the profit within reach is wasted due to poor quality of planning and workmanship. The production flow production error distribution of the sheet metal part based constructions is inspectedin this thesis. The objective of the thesis is to analyze the origins of production errors in the production flow of sheet metal based constructions. Also the employee empowerment is investigated in theory and the meaning of the employee empowerment in reducing the overall production error amount is discussed in this thesis. This study is most relevant to the sheet metal part fabricating industrywhich produces sheet metal part based constructions for electronics and telecommunication industry. This study concentrates on the manufacturing function of a company and is based on a field study carried out in five Finnish case factories. In each studied case factory the most delicate work phases for production errors were detected. It can be assumed that most of the production errors are caused in manually operated work phases and in mass production work phases. However, no common theme in collected production error data for production error distribution in the production flow can be found. Most important finding was still that most of the production errors in each case factory studied belong to the 'human activity based errors-category'. This result indicates that most of the problemsin the production flow are related to employees or work organization. Development activities must therefore be focused to the development of employee skills orto the development of work organization. Employee empowerment gives the right tools and methods to achieve this.


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In this study, equations for the calculation of erosion wear caused by ash particles on convective heat exchanger tubes of steam boilers are presented. Anew, three-dimensional test arrangement was used in the testing of the erosion wear of convective heat exchanger tubes of steam boilers. When using the sleeve-method, three different tube materials and three tube constructions could be tested. New results were obtained from the analyses. The main mechanisms of erosionwear phenomena and erosion wear as a function of collision conditions and material properties have been studied. Properties of fossil fuels have also been presented. When burning solid fuels, such as pulverized coal and peat in steam boilers, most of the ash is entrained by the flue gas in the furnace. In bubbling andcirculating fluidized bed boilers, particle concentration in the flue gas is high because of bed material entrained in the flue gas. Hard particles, such as sharp edged quartz crystals, cause erosion wear when colliding on convective heat exchanger tubes and on the rear wall of the steam boiler. The most important ways to reduce erosion wear in steam boilers is to keep the velocity of the flue gas moderate and prevent channelling of the ash flow in a certain part of the cross section of the flue gas channel, especially near the back wall. One can do this by constructing the boiler with the following components. Screen plates can beused to make the velocity and ash flow distributions more even at the cross-section of the channel. Shield plates and plate type constructions in superheaters can also be used. Erosion testing was conducted with three types of tube constructions: a one tube row, an inline tube bank with six tube rows, and a staggered tube bank with six tube rows. Three flow velocities and two particle concentrations were used in the tests, which were carried out at room temperature. Three particle materials were used: quartz, coal ash and peat ash particles. Mass loss, diameter loss and wall thickness loss measurements of the test sleeves were taken. Erosion wear as a function of flow conditions, tube material and tube construction was analyzed by single-variable linear regression analysis. In developing the erosion wear calculation equations, multi-variable linear regression analysis was used. In the staggered tube bank, erosion wear had a maximum value in a tube row 2 and a local maximum in row 5. In rows 3, 4 and 6, the erosion rate was low. On the other hand, in the in-line tube bank the minimum erosion rate occurred in tube row 2 and in further rows the erosion had an increasing value, so that in a six row tube bank, the maximum value occurred in row 6.