22 resultados para High regeneration capacity
The dewatering of iron ore concentrates requires large capacity in addition to producing a cake with low moisture content. Such large processes are commonly energy intensive and means to lower the specific energy consumption are needed. Ceramic capillary action disc filters incorporate a novel filter medium enabling the harnessing of capillary action, which results in decreased energy consumption in comparison to traditional filtration technologies. As another benefit, the filter medium is mechanically and chemically more durable than, for example, filter cloths and can, thus, withstand harsh operating conditions and possible regeneration better than other types of filter media. In iron ore dewatering, the regeneration of the filter medium is done through a combination of several techniques: (1) backwashing, (2) ultrasonic cleaning, and (3) acid regeneration. Although it is commonly acknowledged that the filter medium is affected by slurry particles and extraneous compounds, published research, especially in the field of dewatering of mineral concentrates, is scarce. Whereas the regenerative effect of backwashing and ultrasound are more or less mechanical, regeneration with acids is based on chemistry. The chemistry behind the acid regeneration is, naturally, dissolution. The dissolution of iron oxide particles has been extensively studied over several decades but those studies may not necessarily be directly applicable in the regeneration of the filter medium which has undergone interactions with the slurry components. The aim of this thesis was to investigate if free particle dissolution indeed correlates with the regeneration of the filter medium. For this purpose, both free particle dissolution and dissolution of surface adhered particles were studied. The focus was on acidic dissolution of iron oxide particles and on the study of the ceramic filter medium used in the dewatering of iron ore concentrates. The free particle dissolution experiments show that the solubility of synthetic fine grained iron oxide particles in oxalic acid could be explained through linear models accounting for the effects of temperature and acid concentration, whereas the dissolution of a natural magnetite is not so easily explained by such models. In addition, the kinetic experiments performed both support and contradict the work of previous authors: the suitable kinetic model here supports previous research suggesting solid state reduction to be the reaction mechanism of hematite dissolution but the formation of a stable iron oxalate is not supported by the results of this research. Several other dissolution mechanisms have also been suggested for iron oxide dissolution in oxalic acid, indicating that the details of oxalate promoted reductive dissolution are not yet agreed and, in this respect, this research offers added value to the community. The results of the regeneration experiments with the ceramic filter media show that oxalic acid is highly effective in removing iron oxide particles from the surface of the filter medium. The dissolution of those particles did not, however, exhibit the expected behaviour, i.e. complete dissolution. The results of this thesis show that although the regeneration of the ceramic filter medium with acids incorporates the dissolution of slurry particles from the surface of the filter medium, the regeneration cannot be assessed purely based upon free particle dissolution. A steady state, dependent on temperature and on the acid concentration, was observed in the dissolution of particles from the surface even though the limit of solubility of free iron oxide particles had not been reached. Both the regeneration capacity and efficiency, with regards to the removal of iron oxide particles, was found to be temperature dependent, but was not affected by the acid concentration. This observation further suggests that the removal of the surface adhered particles does not follow the dissolution of free particles, which do exhibit a dependency on the acid concentration. In addition, changes in the permeability and in the pore structure of the filter medium were still observed after the bulk concentration of dissolved iron had reached a steady state. Consequently, the regeneration of the filter medium continued after the dissolution of particles from the surface had ceased. This observation suggests that internal changes take place at the final stages of regeneration. The regeneration process could, in theory, be divided into two, possibly overlapping, stages: (1) dissolution of surface-adhered particles, and (2) dissolution of extraneous compounds from within the pore structure. In addition to the fundamental knowledge generated during this thesis, tools to assess the effects of parameters on the regeneration of the ceramic filter medium are needed. It has become clear that the same tools used to estimate the dissolution of free particles cannot be used to estimate the regeneration of a filter medium unless only a robust characterisation of the order of regeneration efficiency is needed.
In recent decades, industrial activity growth and increasing water usage worldwide have led to the release of various pollutants, such as toxic heavy metals and nutrients, into the aquatic environment. Modified nanocellulose and microcellulose-based adsorption materials have the potential to remove these contaminants from aqueous solutions. The present research consisted of the preparation of five different nano/microcellulose-based adsorbents, their characterization, the study of adsorption kinetics and isotherms, the determination of adsorption mechanisms, and an evaluation of adsorbents’ regeneration properties. The same well known reactions and modification methods that were used for modifying conventional cellulose also worked for microfibrillated cellulose (MFC). The use of succinic anhydride modified mercerized nanocellulose, and aminosilane and hydroxyapatite modified nanostructured MFC for the removal of heavy metals from aqueous solutions exhibited promising results. Aminosilane, epoxy and hydroxyapatite modified MFC could be used as a promising alternative for H2S removal from aqueous solutions. In addition, new knowledge about the adsorption properties of carbonated hydroxyapatite modified MFC as multifunctional adsorbent for the removal of both cations and anions ions from water was obtained. The maghemite nanoparticles (Fe3O4) modified MFC was found to be a highly promising adsorbent for the removal of As(V) from aqueous solutions due to its magnetic properties, high surface area, and high adsorption capacity . The maximum removal efficiencies of each adsorbent were studied in batch mode. The results of adsorption kinetics indicated very fast removal rates for all the studied pollutants. Modeling of adsorption isotherms and adsorption kinetics using various theoretical models provided information about the adsorbent’s surface properties and the adsorption mechanisms. This knowledge is important for instance, in designing water treatment units/plants. Furthermore, the correspondence between the theory behind the model and properties of the adsorbent as well as adsorption mechanisms were also discussed. On the whole, both the experimental results and theoretical considerations supported the potential applicability of the studied nano/microcellulose-based adsorbents in water treatment applications.
Työn tavoitteena on kartoittaa ja arvioida asiakastarpeita hienojakoisen hiilen ja nesteen erotuksessa. Aluksi työssä kuvataan hiiliteollisuutta, jonka jälkeen syvennytäänhiilen ja nesteen erotukseen. Tämän jälkeen keskitytään asiakastarpeiden kartoittamiseen. Jo olemassaolevan tiedon keräämiseen käytetään haastatteluja ja kysymyslomakkeita. Saatyn AHP-mallia hyödynnetään asiakastarpeiden arvioinnissa. Yksi suurimmista haasteista puhtaan hiiliteknologian käytössä on kustannustehokas nesteen ja hienojakoisen hiilen erotus, joka on tärkeää rahtauskustannusten minimoinnin, laatuvaatimusten täyttämisen ja prosessiveden kierrättämisen kannalta. Tekniset ominaisuudet ja kustannukset ovat tärkeimmät ominaisuudet hiilen ja veden suodatinratkaisussa asiantuntijoiden mukaan. Asiakkaan mukaan laatu, tekniset ominaisuudet ja tukipalvelut ovat tärkeitä.Sekä asiakkaan että asiantuntijoiden mielestä korkea yksikkökapasiteetti, matala lopputuotteen kosteus ja luotettavuus ovat tärkeimmät tekniset ominaisuudet. Investointikustannukset ovat noin kolme kertaa tärkeämpiä kuin käyttökustannukset. Asiakkaan mukaan laitetoimittajan ominaisuudet ovat tärkeämpiä kuin teknologiset ominaisuudet.
Tutkimuksessa arvioidaan millaisia kyvykkyyksiä toimijoiltavaaditaan, jotta voidaan edistää verkostoja palvelevan innovaatiopolitiikan toteutumista ja toteuttaa käytäntölähtöistä innovaatiotoimintaa. Empiirinen osa tarkastelee Päijät-Hämeen toimijoiden asenneympäristöä ja toimimisen valmiuksia käytäntölähtöisen innovaatiotoiminnan tarpeisiin sopivaksi. Osaaminen kerääntyy yliopistopaikkakunnille ulkoisten suurtuotannon etujen mukaisesti. Ne alueet, joilla ei ole yliopistoa joutuvat luomaan muunlaista innovaatiokyvykkyyttä saavuttaakseen kilpailuetua. Siksi Päijät-Hämeen visiona on tulla johtavaksi käytäntölähtöisen innovaatiotoiminnan alueeksi hyvien toimintamallien ja tehokkaiden tiedonsiirtomekanismien avulla. Tämä vaatii alueen toimijoilta mm. korkeaa absorptiivista kapasiteettia ja heikkoja linkkejä alueen ulkopuolelle. Työn empiirinen osa koostuu 12:sta puolistrukturoidusta haastattelusta sekä kyselytutkimuksesta. Tiedonluonti ja -siirto alueelle nähtiin pääasiassa tutkimusmaailman tehtävänä, mutta varianssianalyysin perusteella tutkimusmaailma ei itse nähnyt olevansa siinä asemassa. Yhteisen kielen puuttuminen tutkimus- ja käytännön työelämän väliltä nähtiin puutteena.
Polymeeriadsorbentteja valmistetaan silloittamalla styreeniä, akrylaattia tai fenoliformaldehydiä. Useimmiten ristisilloittajana toimii divinyylibentseeni. Polymeeriadsorbenteissa ei itsessään ole ioninvaihtoryhmiä, joten ne sopivat ionittomien ja heikosti ionisoitujen aineiden adsorptioon. Usein polymeeriadsorbentteja käytetään vaihtoehtona aktiivihiilelle eri sovelluksissa. Työn kirjallisuusosassa on katsaus polymeeriadsorbenttien sovelluksiin lähinnä elintarviketeollisuudessa. Lisäksi siinä selvitetään polymeeriadsorbenttien rakennetta ja synteesimenetelmiä. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin valittujen styreeni- ja akrylaattipohjaisten polymeeriadsorbenttien soveltuvuutta kromatografisen erotuksen stationaarifaasiksi. Kromatografia-ajoissa käytettiin eluenttina vettä, jonka lämpötila oli pääasiassa joko 75 tai 125 °C. Jälkimmäisessä lämpötilassa vesi on paineistettua neste, jota kutsutaan myös alikriittiseksi vedeksi. Malliaineina oli eri sokereita, aminohappoja sekä bentsoehappoa ja bentsyylialkoholia. Kromatografisen soveltuvuuden lisäksi selvitettiin adsorbenttien termistä kestävyyttä ja rakennetta. Termisesti polymeeriadsorbentit kestivät hyvin lämpötiloja 125 °C:eseen saakka. Polymeeriadsorbenteilla, joilla on suuri ominaispinta-ala, on myös suuri adsorptiokapasiteetti. Styreenipohjaiset adsorbentit erottivat kaikkia tutkittuja malliaineita akrylaattipohjaisia paremmin. Jotkut adsorbentit eivät erottaneet mitään tutkituista yhdisteistä. Lämpötilan nostaminen kavensi piikkejä ja nopeutti malliaineiden retentoitumista, mutta ei parantanut erottumista.
Työn tavoitteena oli etsiä vaihtoehtoja paperiteollisuuden kiertovesien ja pastapitoisten jätevesien suodatusprosesseissa tällä hetkellä käytössä oleville kalvoille. Työssä pyrittiin myös määrittämään tekijöitä, joiden avulla voitaisiin ennustaa polymeerikalvon käyttäytymistä erilaisissa paperiteollisuuden kalvosovelluksissa. Työn kirjallisessa osassa tarkasteltiin polymeerikalvojen ominaisuuksia, jotka vaikuttavat kalvojen käyttäytymiseen suodatusprosesseissa. Työssä esiteltiin myös tavallisimmat kalvomateriaalit ja polymeerikalvojen valmistustavat sekä paperiteollisuuden kalvosovelluksia. Paperiteollisuuden kalvosuodatussovellukset eroavat toisistaan huomattavasti toimintaolosuhteiltaan ja käyttötarkoituksiltaan. Tästä johtuen on hankalaa löytää yhteisiä tekijöitä, joiden perusteella voitaisiin ennustaa kalvon käyttäytymistä eri sovelluksissa. Kalvon hydrofiilisyyden todettiin kuitenkin vaikuttavan positiivisesti suodatustapahtumaan useissa sovelluksissa. Kokeellisessa osassa verrattiin erilaisten polymeerikalvojen ja referenssikalvojen toimintaa happaman kirkkaan suodoksen ja pastapitoisen veden suodatuksessa. Kirkkaan suodoksen suodatuskokeet tehtiin UPM-Kymmene Oy:n Kaukaan tehtailla. Pastapitoista jätevettä mallinnettiin syöttöpanoksilla, jotka tehtiin laimentamalla CTC:n valmistamaa LWC-pastaa. Suodatukset tehtiin CR 200/1- ja CR 550/10 -suodattimilla. Kirkkaan suodoksen suodatuksissa käytettiin referenssikalvona regeneroidusta selluloosasta ja pastapitoisen veden suodatuksessa aromaattisesta polyamidista valmistettua kalvoa. Kirkkaan suodoksen koesuodatusten perusteella todettiin, ettei minkään vertailtavan ultrasuodatuskalvon suodatuskapasiteetti ollut yhtä korkea kuin referenssikalvon. Referenssikalvon toiminta suodatuksessa oli myös vakaata syötön laadun muutoksista huolimatta. Todennäköisesti referenssikalvon erittäin hydrofiilinen luonne tekee siitä vertailtavia kalvoja sopivamman kirkkaan suodoksen suodatukseen. Pastapitoisen veden suodatustulosten perusteella referenssikalvolle löytyi useita potentiaalisia korvaajia. Näistä parhaan kalvon valitseminen edellyttää kuitenkin jatkotutkimuksia. SEM-analyysituloksista huomattiin, että tietyntyyppinen kalvorakenne parantaa kalvon toimintaa pastapitoisen veden suodatuksessa.
Ultrafiltration (UF) is widely applied in different separation processes in the pulp and paper industry. The growing need to protect the environment, a lack of pure water and an interest in producing high-value chemicals from compounds present in process waters will probably lead to an increase in the use of UF in the pulp and paper industry. The efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a UF process depends on the applied membrane. The membrane should have a high and stable filtration capacity, a particular selectivity and a long operational lifetime. To meet these requirements a membrane should have a low fouling tendency. In addition, it should withstand the prevailing operational and chemical conditions. This thesis evaluates the performance and applicability of the regenerated cellulose (RC) membranes 00030T and C2 in the treatment of pulp and paper mill process waters based on the requirements above. The results demonstrated that both the tested RC membranes fulfilled well the requirement of high filtration capacity. In addition, in the filtration of a paper mill clear filtrate (CF) the RC membranes were not as greatly affected by variations in the CF quality as a polysulphone membrane. Furthermore, due to their extreme hydrophilicity and weak charge the fouling tendency of the membranes can be expected to be low in pulp and paper mill filtration applications. It is, however, known that fouling cannot be totally avoided even when the membrane is chosen very carefully. This study indicated that carbohydrates influenced negatively on permeability and caused fouling in the filtration of groundwood mill circulation water. Thus, a pre-treatment effectively reducing the amount of carbohydrates might help to maintain a stable capacity. However, the results of the thesis also showed that the removal of some of the possible foulants might just increase the harmful effect of others. Multivariate examination was useful in the understanding of the complicated factors causing the unstable capacity. The thesis also revealed that the 00030T and C2 membranes can be used at high pressure (max. tested pressure 12 bar). The C2 membrane, having a sponge-like substructure, was more pressure resistant, and its performance was more stable at high pressure compared to the UCO30T membrane containing macrovoids in its substructure. Both tested membranes can, according to the results, also be used at temperatures as high as 70°C in acidic, neutral and alkaline conditions. However, the use at extreme conditions might cause faster ageing of the membranes compared to ageing in neutral conditions. The thesis proved that both the tested RC membranes are very suitable for pulp and paper mill applications and that the membranes can be utilised in processes operating in challenging conditions. Thus, they could be used in more demanding applications than supposed earlier.
Synchronous machines with an AC converter are used mainly in large drives, for example in ship propulsion drives as well as in rolling mill drives in steel industry. These motors are used because of their high efficiency, high overload capacity and good performance in the field weakening area. Present day drives for electrically excited synchronous motors are equipped with position sensors. Most drives for electrically excited synchronous motors will be equipped with position sensors also in future. This kind of drives with good dynamics are mainly used in metal industry. Drives without a position sensor can be used e.g. in ship propulsion and in large pump and blower drives. Nowadays, these drives are equipped with a position sensor, too. The tendency is to avoid a position sensor if possible, since a sensor reduces the reliability of the drive and increases costs (latter is not very significant for large drives). A new control technique for a synchronous motor drive is a combination of the Direct Flux Linkage Control (DFLC) based on a voltage model and a supervising method (e.g. current model). This combination is called Direct Torque Control method (DTC). In the case of the position sensorless drive, the DTC can be implemented by using other supervising methods that keep the stator flux linkage origin centered. In this thesis, a method for the observation of the drift of the real stator flux linkage in the DTC drive is introduced. It is also shown how this method can be used as a supervising method that keeps the stator flux linkage origin centered in the case of the DTC. In the position sensorless case, a synchronous motor can be started up with the DTC control, when a method for the determination of the initial rotor position presented in this thesis is used. The load characteristics of such a drive are not very good at low rotational speeds. Furthermore, continuous operation at a zero speed and at a low rotational speed is not possible, which is partly due to the problems related to the flux linkage estimate. For operation in a low speed area, a stator current control method based on the DFLC modulator (DMCQ is presented. With the DMCC, it is possible to start up and operate a synchronous motor at a zero speed and at low rotational speeds in general. The DMCC is necessary in situations where high torque (e.g. nominal torque) is required at the starting moment, or if the motor runs several seconds at a zero speed or at a low speed range (up to 2 Hz). The behaviour of the described methods is shown with test results. The test results are presented for the direct flux linkage and torque controlled test drive system with a 14.5 kVA, four pole salient pole synchronous motor with a damper winding and electric excitation. The static accuracy of the drive is verified by measuring the torque in a static load operation, and the dynamics of the drive is proven in load transient tests. The performance of the drive concept presented in this work is sufficient e.g. for ship propulsion and for large pump drives. Furthermore, the developed methods are almost independent of the machine parameters.
Synchronous motors are used mainly in large drives, for example in ship propulsion systems and in steel factories' rolling mills because of their high efficiency, high overload capacity and good performance in the field weakening range. This, however, requires an extremely good torque control system. A fast torque response and a torque accuracy are basic requirements for such a drive. For large power, high dynamic performance drives the commonly known principle of field oriented vector control has been used solely hitherto, but nowadays it is not the only way to implement such a drive. A new control method Direct Torque Control (DTC) has also emerged. The performance of such a high quality torque control as DTC in dynamically demanding industrial applications is mainly based on the accurate estimate of the various flux linkages' space vectors. Nowadays industrial motor control systems are real time applications with restricted calculation capacity. At the same time the control system requires a simple, fast calculable and reasonably accurate motor model. In this work a method to handle these problems in a Direct Torque Controlled (DTC) salient pole synchronous motor drive is proposed. A motor model which combines the induction law based "voltage model" and motor inductance parameters based "current model" is presented. The voltage model operates as a main model and is calculated at a very fast sampling rate (for example 40 kHz). The stator flux linkage calculated via integration from the stator voltages is corrected using the stator flux linkage computed from the current model. The current model acts as a supervisor that prevents only the motor stator flux linkage from drifting erroneous during longer time intervals. At very low speeds the role of the current model is emphasised but, nevertheless, the voltage model always stays the main model. At higher speeds the function of the current model correction is to act as a stabiliser of the control system. The current model contains a set of inductance parameters which must be known. The validation of the current model in steady state is not self evident. It depends on the accuracy of the saturated value of the inductances. Parameter measurement of the motor model where the supply inverter is used as a measurement signal generator is presented. This so called identification run can be performed prior to delivery or during drive commissioning. A derivation method for the inductance models used for the representation of the saturation effects is proposed. The performance of the electrically excited synchronous motor supplied with the DTC inverter is proven with experimental results. It is shown that it is possible to obtain a good static accuracy of the DTC's torque controller for an electrically excited synchronous motor. The dynamic response is fast and a new operation point is achieved without oscillation. The operation is stable throughout the speed range. The modelling of the magnetising inductance saturation is essential and cross saturation has to be considered as well. The effect of cross saturation is very significant. A DTC inverter can be used as a measuring equipment and the parameters needed for the motor model can be defined by the inverter itself. The main advantage is that the parameters defined are measured in similar magnetic operation conditions and no disagreement between the parameters will exist. The inductance models generated are adequate to meet the requirements of dynamically demanding drives.
Teollisuuden jäähdytysjärjestelmiä tarvitaan prosessien lämpötilan ja paineen hal-litsemiseen. Vesi on käytetyin lämmönsiirtoaine hyvän saatavuutensa, halvan hin-nan ja korkean lämmönsiirtokyvyn ansiosta. Jäähdytysjärjestelmät jaetaan kolmeen päätyyppiin, joita ovat läpivirtausjäähdytys, suljettu ja avoin kiertojäähdytys. Kullakin järjestelmätyypillä on tyypilliset alatyyppinsä. Avoimella kiertojär-jestelmällä on eniten alatyyppejä, joista yleisin on jäähdytystorni. Jäähdytystorneja on kolmea tyyppiä: märkä-, kuiva ja hybriditorni. Kullakin järjestelmätyypillä on ominaiset piirteensä käyttökohteiden, ympäristövaikutusten, ohjattavuuden, investointi- ja käyttökulujen suhteen, joita tässä työssä esitellään. Työssä tutkitaan teollisuuden jäähdytysjärjestelmien esittelyn lisäksi erään ali-painekaasunpoistimen soveltuvuutta suljetun kiertojäähdytysjärjestelmän kaasun-poistoon. Suljettuun kiertojäähdytysjärjestelmään jää ilmaa täyttövaiheessa ja kul-keutuu liuenneena käytettävän jäähdytysveden mukana. Muodostuva ylikylläinen seos synnyttää veden sekaan ilmakuplia, jotka aiheuttavat korroosiota kemiallisesti ja kuluttamalla. Lisäksi kaasukuplat vievät tilavuutta nesteeltä. Tämä pienentää järjestelmän jäähdytystehoa merkittävästi, koska kaasun lämmönsiirtokyky verrat-tuna veden lämmönsiirtokykyyn on pieni. Työssä esitellään myös muita mahdolli-sia suljetun järjestelmän kaasulähteitä ja niiden aiheuttamia ongelmia. Alipainekaasunpoistimen kaasunerotustehokkuutta mitattiin jäähdytysvesinäyttei-den selkeytymisnopeudella ja lämmönsiirtimien tehon paranemisella. Kahden viikon tarkastelujaksolla selkeytymisajat paranivat 36–60 % eri mittauspaikoissa ja lämmönsiirtimien tehot paranivat 6–29 %. Järjestelmään kuitenkin jäi merkittävä määrä kaasua, vaikka laitteen käyttöä jatkettiin tarkastelujakson jälkeen, joten tavoitteisiin ei päästy. Tutkitun alipainekaasunpoistolaitteen ei todettu soveltuvan tehdasympäristöön kestämättömyyden, hankalakäyttöisyyden ja tehottomuuden takia. Tulokset kuitenkin osoittavat, että kaasunerotuksella on merkittävä vaikutus suljetun jäähdytysjärjestelmän toimivuuteen ja saavutettavaan jäähdytystehoon.
Enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic polymers is likely to become one of the key technologies enabling industrial production of liquid biofuels and chemicals from lignocellulosic biomass. Certain types of enzymes are able to hydrolyze cellulose and hemicellulose polymers to shorter units and finally to sugar monomers. These monomeric sugars are environmentally acceptable carbon sources for the production of liquid biofuels, such as bioethanol, and other chemicals, such as organic acids. Liquid biofuels in particular have been shown to contribute to the reduction of net emissions of greenhouse gases. The solid residue of enzymatic hydrolysis is composed mainly of lignin and partially degraded fibers, while the liquid phase contains the produced sugars. It is usually necessary to separate these two phases at some point after the hydrolysis stage. Pressure filtration is an efficient technique for this separation. Solid-liquid separation of biomass suspensions is difficult, because biomass solids are able to retain high amounts of water, which cannot be readily liberated by mechanical separation techniques. Most importantly, the filter cakes formed from biomaterials are compressible, which ultimately means that the separation may not be much improved by increasing the filtration pressure. The use of filter aids can therefore facilitate the filtration significantly. On the other hand, the upstream process conditions have a major influence on the filtration process. This thesis investigates how enzymatic hydrolysis and related process conditions affect the filtration properties of a cardboard suspension. The experimental work consists of pressure filtration and characterization of hydrolysates. The study provides novel information about both issues, as the relationship between enzymatic hydrolysis conditions and subsequent filtration properties has so far not been considered in academic studies. The results of the work reveal that the final degree of hydrolysis is an important factor in the filtration stage. High hydrolysis yield generally increases the average specific cake resistance. Mixing during the hydrolysis stage resulted in undefined changes in the physical properties of the solid residue, causing a high filtration resistance when the mixing intensity was high. Theoretical processing of the mixing data led to an interesting observation: the average specific cake resistance was observed to be linearly proportional to the mixer shear stress. Another finding worth attention is that the size distributions of the solids did not change very dramatically during enzymatic hydrolysis. There was an observable size reduction during the first couple of hours, but after that the size reduction was minimal. Similarly, the size distribution of the suspended solids remained almost constant when the hydrolyzed suspension was subjected to intensive mixing. It was also found that the average specific cake resistance was successfully reduced by the use of filter aids. This reduction depended on the method of how the filter aids were applied. In order to obtain high filtration capacity, it is recommended to use the body feed mode, i.e. to mix the filter aid with the slurry prior to filtration. Regarding the quality of the filtrate, precoat filtration was observed to produce a clear filtrate with negligible suspended solids content, while the body feed filtrates were turbid, irrespective of which type of filter aid was used.
Direct air capture technologies extract CO2 from air at a concentration of as low as 400ppm. The captured CO2 can be used for the production of synthetic methane or liquid fuels. In the literature survey of this thesis, results related to direct air capture by using solid sorbents are presented and critically discussed. In the experimental part, a proprietary amine functionalized resin is characterized for direct air capture. Structural comparison is also made to a commercial resin of similar type. Based on the literature survey, the most important parameters in direct air capture process are low adsorption and desorption temperatures, good cyclic stability in dry and humid conditions, high CO2 outlet purity and a high working capacity. Primary amine functionalized solid sorbents are found to often have good qualities for direct air capture, but overall process performance is rarely studied exhaustively. Based on FTIR spectra, both resin adsorbents are found to be consisted of polystyrene functionalized with primary amine, and capture CO2 by forming carbamate. The commercial resin is more porous, has a slightly higher particle size and contains fewer impurities. Important physical parameters are gained of the proprietary resin, such as internal porosity and median particle size. The resin’s amine group is found to endure thermal treatment reasonably well. CO2 adsorption capacity gained by thermal gravimetry from 400ppm CO2 is highest at 25oC, and is found to be reasonable compared to values presented in literature. Thus, the resin is stated to exhibit promising qualities for direct air capture.
Diplomityössä kehitettiin ioninvaihtoon perustuva ammoniakin talteenottoprosessi NSSC (Neutral Sulphite Semi Chemical) -prosessin haihduttamon lauhteille. Tarkoituksena oli saada aallotuskartonkitehtaan kemi-kaalikiertoa suljettua ja sitä kautta ammoniakkipäästöjä vähennettyä. Ammoniakki tuli ottaa hyötymuodossa (ammoniakkihöyry tai ammoniumsulfiitti) talteen. Ammoniumsulfiittiliuosta käytetään NSSC-prosessissa keittonesteenä. Kirjallisuusosassa selvitetään strippaukseen perustuvia ammoniakin talteenottomahdollisuuksia. Tutkitaan ioninvaihdon teoriaa ja ammoniumin talteenottoon sopivien ioninvaihtomateriaalien ominaisuuksia ioninvaihtajina. Lisäksi esitetään ioninvaihtoprosesseihin liittyviä laitteistoratkaisuja ja prosessiolosuhteita. Työn kokeellisessa osassa on yleiskuvaus Powerflute Oy Savon Sellun prosesseista ja selvitetään ammoniakin merkitystä tehtaalle. Laboratoriokokein tutkittiin orgaanisten kationihartsien sekä epäorgaanisen luonnon zeoliitin soveltuvuutta ammoniumionien vaihtoon esihaihduttamon lauhteesta. Ammoniakin talteenottoprosessin toimivuutta teollisessa mittakaavassa selvitettiin rakennetulla pilotlaitteistolla suoritettujen kokeiden avulla. Lopuksi tehtiin ammoniakin talteenottoprosessin scale-up: laskettiin prosessin talteenottokapasiteetti, arvioitiin kustannuksia sekä annettiin lausunto prosessin toteutettavuudesta. Laboratoriokokeiden perusteella luonnon zeoliitti ja heikosti hapan ioninvaihtohartsi eivät sovellu ammoniumionien vaihtoon NSSC haihduttamon lauhteista. Vahvasti hapan kationihartsi toimi ammoniumin talteenotossa parhaiten, joten se valittiin pilotkokeiden ioninvaihtomateriaaliksi. Pilotkokeissa ioninvaihtomateriaaliin saatiin sidottua ammoniumia noin 30 g NH4+ / dm3 hartsia, kun materiaalin teoreettinen ioninvaihtokapasiteetti oli 32 g NH4+ / dm3 hartsia. Ammoniumin läpäisykäyrien muotoon vaikutti suuresti syöttölauhteen virtausnopeus ja ammoniumpitoisuus. Ioninvaihtomateriaalipedin syvyydellä ei ollut niinkään merkitystä. Pilotkokeiden regenerointitavoista tehokkaimmaksi osoittautui höyrystrippaus, jossa saavutettiin noin 90 %:n talteenottotehokkuus. Rikkihapokekäsittelyllä talteenottotehokkuus jäi 50 %:iin. Teollisen mittakaavan laitoksella voidaan vuosittain regenerointitavasta riippuen ottaa talteen esihaihdut-tamon lauhteesta noin 100-150 tonnia ammoniakkia. Prosessin käyttökustannukset ovat talteenotetusta ammoniakista saataviin säästöihin verrattuna suuret ja niihin vaikuttaa merkittävästi ioninvaihtohartsin käyttöikä sekä regenerointikemikaalien kulutus. Osittaisella kemikaalikierron sulkemisella saavutetaan NSSC-prosessissa sekundäärietuja, joiden vaikutuksen merkittävyys pitäisi tarkentaa lisätutkimuksilla.
Today’s commercial web sites are under heavy user load and they are expected to be operational and available at all times. Distributed system architectures have been developed to provide a scalable and failure tolerant high availability platform for these web based services. The focus on this thesis was to specify and implement resilient and scalable locally distributed high availability system architecture for a web based service. Theory part concentrates on the fundamental characteristics of distributed systems and presents common scalable high availability server architectures that are used in web based services. In the practical part of the thesis the implemented new system architecture is explained. Practical part also includes two different test cases that were done to test the system's performance capacity.