18 resultados para Economic reform-China
After the economic reform, China has undergone fast economic growth, urbanization and adopted the western lifestyle. Global enterprises are investing in China and Finnish companies began to enter the Chinese market after the 1980s. Fast economic growth has downside effects like pollution and thus more cleantech solutions are needed. There are different kinds of entry modes that companies are using when entering the Chinese market. This thesis focuses on export tire entry mode. The purpose of this study is to examine cleantech companies’ opinions about the export tire operations. The background of this study is built by combining the written knowledge about the history of the Chinese industry and market entry modes. The empirical part of the study is a semi-structured, qualitative analysis of five case companies that are operating together in a particular export tire and represent the highest Finnish cleantech knowledge. The results of this study indicate that the export tire entry is an easy and cost effective way to enter new markets or market segment. Export tire is really dependent on the leader who in this particular case succeeded well.
Suomen Pankin kirjastolla on erilliskokoelma Siirtymätalouksien tutkimuslaitoksessa, BOFITissa. Kokoelma on painottunut siirtymätalouksia käsittelevään tieteelliseen kirjallisuuteen, tilasto- ja kausijulkaisuihin. Kokoelmaa on kartutettu 1980-luvulta lähtien ja siihen sisältyy merkittävä määrä nimekkeitä, joita ei ole hankittu muihin suomalaisiin kirjastoihin. Kokoelmaa on rajattu sekä aihepiireiltään että maantieteellisesti kulloistenkin tutkimuspainopisteiden mukaisesti. Kokoelman keskeinen aihealue on makrotalous ja erityisinä painopisteinä ovat rahatalous, talouspolitiikka ja talousuudistukset. Paljon kirjallisuutta löytyy myös raha- ja valuuttapolitiikasta, pankkitoiminnasta ja kansainvälisistä taloussuhteista. Maantieteellisinä painopisteinä ovat tällä hetkellä erityisesti Venäjä ja Kiina. Vanhempaa aineistoa löytyy myös Baltian sekä Itä-Euroopan maista, Neuvostoliitosta sekä Suomen idänkaupasta. Kirjakokoelma sisältää n. 5300 nimekettä, lehtikokoelma n. 150 nimekettä. Artikkeliviitteitä löytyy n. 2300 vuodesta 1990 lähtien. Kokoelma sisältää tiedot myös kaikesta BOFITin omasta julkaisutuotannosta. Suurin osa kokoelmasta on englanninkielistä.
Objective of the study The aim of this study is to understand the institutional implications in Abenomics in a spatial context, the contemporary economic reform taking place in Japan, which is to finally end over two decades of economic malaise. For theoretical perspective of choice, this study explores a synthesis of institutionalism as the main approach, complemented by economies of agglomeration in spatial economics, or New Economic Geography (NEG). The outcomes include a narrative with implications for future research, as well as possible future implications for the economy of Japan, itself. The narrative seeks to depict the dialogue between public discourse and governmental communication in order to create a picture of how this phenomenon is being socially constructed. This is done by studying the official communications by the Cabinet along with public media commentary on respective topics. The reform is studied with reference to historical socio-cultural, economic evolution of Japan, which in turn, is explored through a literature review. This is to assess the unique institutional characteristics of Japan pertinent to reform. Research method This is a social and exploratory qualitative study – an institutional narrative case study. The methodological approach was kept practical: in addition to literature review, a narrative, thematic content analysis with structural emphasis was used to construct the contemporary narrative based on the Cabinet communication. This was combined with practical analytic tools borrowed from critical discourse analysis, which were utilized to assess the implicit intertextual agenda within sources. Findings What appears to characterize the discourse is status quo bias that comes in multiple forms. The bias is also coded in the institutions surrounding the reform, wherein stakeholders have vested interests in protecting the current state of affairs. This correlates with uncertainty avoidance characteristic to Japan. Japan heeds the international criticism to deregulate on a rhetorical level, but consistent with history, the Cabinet solutions appear increasingly bureaucratic. Hence, the imposed western information-age paradigm of liberal cluster agglomeration seems ill-suited to Japan which lacks risk takers and a felicitous entrepreneur culture. The Japanese, however, possess vast innovative potential ascribed to some institutional practices and traits, but restrained by others. The derived conclusion is to study the successful intrapreneur cases in Japanese institutional setting as a potential benchmark for Japan specific cluster agglomeration, and a solution to its structural problems impeding growth.
The Arctic environment is changing constantly. There are several factors that constitute to the rate and immensity of the development. The region differs from the surrounding markets that most of the countries in the region have been used to. Therefore the purpose of the study was to understand how the political environment affects Finnish companies’ strategies and business operations. The issues analyzed were the political environment in the region, the business environment and economic development, and the opportunities and threats that the Finnish companies have in Arctic. The main theories were found from strategic management and market analysis tools. The different theories and definitions were gone through in order to understand the context of the study. This is a qualitative study that uses content analysis as its main method of analyzing the data. Therefore the data analyzed was gathered from already existing material and it was analyzed until the saturation point was found. This was done in order to minimize the risks related to using secondary data. The data collected was then categorized into themes accordingly. First the general political environment in the Arctic was studied, especially the Arctic Council and its work as the main political entity. From there the focus shifted to the business environment and the general opportunities and threats that are found from Arctic economic development. China offered another point of view to this as it represented a non-Arctic state with a keen interest on the region. Lastly the two previous objectives were combined and looked through from a Finnish perspective. Finnish companies have a great starting point to Arctic business and the operational business environment gives them the framework with which they have to operate in. As a conclusion it can be said that there are three main factors leading the Arctic economic development; the climate change, the development of technology, and the political environment. These set the framework with which the companies operating in the region must comply with. The industry that is likely to lead the development is the marine industry. Furthermore it became evident that the Finnish companies operating in the Arctic face many opportunities as well as threats which can be utilized, taken advantage of or controlled through effective strategic management. The key characteristics needed in the region are openness and understanding of the challenging environment and the ability to face and manage the arising challenges.
The energy system of Russia is the world's fourth largest measured by installed power. The largest are that of the the United States of America, China and Japan. After 1990, the electricity consumption decreased as a result of the Russian industry crisis. The vivid economic growth during the latest few years explains the new increase in the demand for energy resources within the State. In 2005 the consumption of electricity achieved the maximum level of 1990 and continues to growth. In the 1980's, the renewal of power facilities was already very slow and practically stopped in the 1990's. At present, the energy system can be very much characterized as outdated, inefficient and uneconomic because of the old equipment, non-effective structure and large losses in the transmission lines. The aim of Russia's energy reform, which was started in 2001, is to achieve a market based energy policy by 2011. This would thus remove the significantly state-controlled monopoly in Russia's energy policy. The reform will stimulateto decrease losses, improve the energy system and employ energy-saving technologies. The Russian energy system today is still based on the use of fossil fuels, and it almost totally ignores the efficient use of renewable sources such as wind, solar, small hydro and biomass, despite of their significant resources in Russia. The main target of this project is to consider opportunities to apply renewable energy production in the North-West Federal Region of Russia to partly solve the above mentioned problems in the energy system.
This research focuses on the career experiences of women managers in the IT industry in China and Finland, two countries with different cultures, policies, size of population, and social and economic structures regarding work-life support and equal opportunities. The object of this research is to present a cross-cultural comparison of women’s career experiences and how women themselves understand and account for their careers. The study explores how the macro and the micro levels of cultural and social processes become manifested in the lives of individual women. The main argument in this thesis is that culture plays a crucial role in making sense of women’s career experiences, although its role should be understood through its interrelationship with other social processes, e.g., institutional relations, social policies, industrial structures and organizations, as well as globalization. The interrelationship of a series of cultural and social processes affects individuals’ attitudes to, and arrangement and organization of, their work and family lives. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part introduces the research topic and discusses the overall results. The second part comprises five research papers. The main research question of the study is: How do cultural and social processes affect the experiences of women managers? Quantitative and qualitative research methods, which include in-depth interviews, Q-methodology, interpretive analysis, and questionnaires, are used in the study. The main theoretical background is culturally sensitive career theory and the theory of individual differences. The results of this study are viewed through a feminist lens. The research methodology applied allows new explorations on how demographic factors, work experiences, lifestyle issues, and organizational cultures can jointly affect women’s managerial careers. The sample group used in the research is 42 women managers working in IT companies in China (21) and Finland (21). The results of the study illustrate the impact of history, tradition, culture, institutional relations, social politics, industry and organizations, and globalization on the careers of women managers. It is claimed that the role of culture – cultural norms within nations and organizations – is of great importance in the relationship of gender and work. Women’s managerial careers are affected by multiple factors (personal, social and cultural) reflecting national and inter-individual differences. The results of the study contribute to research on careers, adding particularly to the literature on gender, work and culture, and offering a complex and holistic perspective for a richer understanding of pluralism and global diversity. The results of the study indicate how old and new career perspectives are evidenced in women managers in the IT industry. The research further contributes to an understanding of women’s managerial careers from a cross-culture perspective. In addition, the study contributes to the literature on culture and extends understanding of Hofstede’s work. Further, most traditional career theories do not perceive the importance of culture in determining an individual’s career experience and this study richens understanding of women managers’ careers and has considerable implications for international human resource management. The results of this study emphasize the need, when discussing women managers’ careers, to understand the ways by which gendering is produced rather than merely examining gender differences. It is argued that the meaning of self-knowledge is critical. Further, the environment where the careers under study develop differs greatly; China and Finland are very different – culturally, historically and socially. The findings of this study should, therefore, be understood as a holistic, specific, and contextually-bound.
The aim of the thesis is to analyze traffic flows and its development from North European companies` point of view to China and Russia using data from logistics questionnaire. Selected North European companies are large Finnish and Swedish companies. The questionnaire was sent via email to the target group. The study is based on the answers got from respondent companies from years 2006, 2009 and 2010. In the thesis Finnish Talouselämä newspaper and Swedish Affärsdata are used as a database to find the target companies for the survey. Respondents were most often logistics managers in companies. In the beginning of the thesis concepts of transportation logistics is presented, including container types, trade terms, axel loads in roads and in railways. Also there is information about warehousing types and terminals. After that, general information of Chinese and Russian transportation logistics is presented. Chinese and Russian issues are discussed in two sections. In both of them it is analyzed economic development, freight transport and trade balance. Some practical examples of factory inaugurations in China and Russia are presented that Finnish and Swedish companies have completed. In freight transport section different transportation modes, logistics outsourcing and problems of transportation logistics is discussed. The results of the thesis show that transportation flows between Europe and China is changing. Freight traffic from China to European countries will strengthen even more from the current base. When it comes to Russia and Europe, traffic flows seem to be changing from eastbound traffic to westbound traffic. It means that in the future it is expected more freight traffic from Russia to Europe. Some probable reasons for that are recent factory establishments in Russia and company interviews support also this observation. Effects of the economic recession are mainly seen in the lower transportation amounts in 2009.
In March 2010, Chinese State Councillor, Dai Bingguo, in a private meeting with US Deputy Secretary of State, James Steinberg, allegedly referred to the South China Sea (SCS) as one of the country’s ‘core interests’, a term normally only used to refer to regions like Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang upon whose sovereignty Beijing will make no compromises. This alleged wording by Mr Dai caused a strong global reaction, with many countries around the world expressing a fear that China, on the back of its rise to the status of the world's second largest economic power, was now about to implement a more assertive foreign policy more in keeping with its new status of global superpower. As the use of the term ‘core interest’ took place in a private meeting and appears to have been subsequently leaked, it is impossible to prove what was said or meant, yet in 2011, with China and the US continuing to eye each other with suspicion, the adverse repercussions of people trying to deduce what was meant are undeniable. By analysing the views of experts and the evolution or otherwise of Chinese rhetoric and policy towards the SCS, this thesis will show how the alleged use of a term in a private meeting can have consequences that far exceed what was originally intended. It will also show that it is highly unlikely that China’s maritime policy is becoming more assertive as, at China's present stage of social and economic development, it simply cannot afford the ill will and adverse consequences that would result from an act of international aggression. It will show how easy it seems to be for a country like the US to project a misleading image of another country’s intentions, which can in turn serve partially to mask its own intentions. Finally, it will show that the China’s stance on the SCS is starting to be seen by the world as a litmus test for the assertiveness of overall Chinese foreign policy.
The modern business development of China began during 1978 and during the last decades Chinese have created one of the most dynamic and strongest economies in the world. China is now second largest trading power calculated in dollars. The special characteristic of this economic development is that it is not copy of any existing economy, instead the developments have been strongly influenced by the Chinese cultural characteristics. One cultural characteristic, guanxi, which is a “network of services and counter- services” is argued to be major component of successful business in China where these changes of services happen between people but also between companies. Obtaining introductions and the guanxi when doing business in China will give attentive audience and security for companies business. Despite the evidenced importance of guanxi, China´s business environment is rapidly changing towards Western economies, which might then reduce the importance of guanxi. Therefore the current impact of guanxi is a important topic to study. The main purpose of this study is to explore the impact of guanxi for Western big and small sized multinational companies´ business processes when doing business in China. This study looks What is the impact of guanxi in contemporary Chinese business environment for foreign companies doing business in China. Sub-questions in this research focus on what is the impact of guanxi on corporate reputation, management and negotiations. Findings present a mixed view where the importance of guanxi is not anymore critical, especially among younger people in the cities, however guanxi was clearly important outside the cities and when dealing with government officials. Efficient use of guanxi can be extremely profitable especially during early stages of business operations and guanxi plays role when bargaining prices and ensuring product quality from the factories. Therefore guanxi should be considered as essential element for successful business in China.
The intellectual property (IP) environment in China is still very immature. There are several problems in legal, political, economic, social-cultural, competitive and labor environment which have hindered IP legal enforcement. Under such circumstances, IP misappropriation is a major concern especially for foreign small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) doing business in China. These circumstances require foreign companies, no matter whether they are multinational corporations (MNCs) or SMEs and have own manufacturing in China or not, to take strong IP actions. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to discuss how IP can be protected in China in the case of outsourcing and in the case of own manufacturing. The comparison will consider the process of outsourcing and own manufacturing consisting two stages: preparation stage and operation stage. In order to clarify the conceptual arguments, two illustrative case studies were studied. The case data bases on two semi-structured interviews of the managing directors, field notes and archival data. The findings propose that attention in IP protection should be given to following issues: integrating IP strategy into the company’s business strategy, protecting the most critical knowledge, regarding IP steps as a whole in the protection mechanism and making IP strategy as proactive as possible. The major difference between outsourcing and own manufacturing in IP protection is in the operation stage. Besides, the findings also provide managerial advice on IP protection, e.g. foreign managers should be prepared for IP risks in China, they should establish an own IP protection mechanism which matches the company’s situation and they should consider IP protection as an on-going process.
Venäläiset ovat eurooppalainen sivistyskansa, joka on vaikuttanut merkittävällä tavalla maailman kohtaloihin. Kommunismin kukistuttua ja Neuvostoliiton hajottua venäläiset joutuivat hämmennyksen tilaan. Kansakunnan uusi nousu alkoi maantieteellisestä, sivistykselliseltä ja historialliselta pohjalta. Länsimaille oli yllätys, ettei Venäjä seurannut läntisiä demokraattisia esikuvia, vaan lähti luomaan uutta yhteiskuntaa omaa tietään kulkien. Valtion johtoon astuivat turvallisuusmiehet, jotka määrittelivät Venäjän kehitysstrategiat ja poliittiset tavoitteet. Heidän mukaansa Venäjän federaatio on imperiumi, eikä se alistu muiden johdettavaksi. Venäjä ei hyväksy Yhdysvaltojen johtamaa yksinapaista maailmaa. Venäjän pyrkimyksenä on kohota yhdeksi tärkeäksi maailmanpolitiikan keskukseksi ja haastaa muiden vaikuttajien kuten EU:n, Kiinan, Japanin ja Intian kanssa Yhdysvaltojen johtoasema. Tavoitteeseen pääseminen edellyttää yhteiskunnan voimavarojen keskittämistä. Vuodesta 1996 lähtien poliittinen valta on keskitetty tiukasti presidentille ja hänen johtamalleen hallintokoneistolle. Vladimir Putinin johdolla yhteiskunta vakautettiin autoritaariseen tyyliin. Vuosina 2008–2012 muodollisena, joskin vaaleilla valittuna, presidenttinä oli Putinin luottomies Dmitri Medvedev. Tuolloin todellisena Venäjän johtajana toimi pääministeri Putin. Medvedevin nelivuotiskauden päätyttyä Putin jatkaa valtion johdossa presidenttinä. Taloudelliset edellytykset harjoitetulle politiikalle ovat Venäjällä itsellään. Maa on maailman ainoa suurvalta, joka on riippumaton ulkomaisista energia- ja raaka-ainelähteistä, ja vuodesta 2002 vuoden 2008 lopulle jatkunut energian ja raaka-aineiden hintojen nousu on tukenut Venäjän talouskehitystä. Lisääntyneillä tuloilla on voitu monipuolisesti kehittää yhteiskuntaa, ja väestön enemmistö on tyytyväinen harjoitettuun politiikkaan. Venäjä selvisi nopeasti vuonna 2009 maailmaa kuristaneesta taloudellisesta kriisistä ja pääsi jälleen kasvu-uralla. Suurena ongelmana on vientiteollisuuden yksipuolinen painottuminen energia- ja raaka-ainesektoreille, jolloin talous on hyvin riippuvainen maailmantalouden kehityksestä. Suurten valtion omistamien yhtiöiden hallitsema elinkeinoelämä ei myöskään ole omiaan edistämään yrittäjyyttä, joka on kaiken innovatiivisuuden perusedellytys. Valtiojohtoinen autoritaarisuus ei ole tyydyttänyt kaikkia, mutta vanhaan venäläiseen tyyliin protestit on tukahdutettu, ja ulkomaisille arvostelijoille venäläiset ovat kertoneet kehittävänsä venäläistä, ”ohjattua” demokratiaa. Imperiumille erittäin tärkeän instrumentin muodostavat vahvat asevoimat, ja valtiojohtoinen autoritaarinen talouselämä antaa mahdollisuudet niiden kehittämiselle. Asevoimien kehityksen esteenä ei ole niinkään talous, vaan teknologinen ja innovatiivinen jälkeenjääneisyys. Vuonna 2003 käynnistetty asevoimien reformi on lähtenyt liikkeelle ja sen tuloksia oli havaittavissa elokuussa 2008 käydyssä Venäjän ja Georgian välisessä sodassa, joka päättyi Venäjän aseille voitokkaasti. Tuolloin kuitenkin todettiin asevoimien tekninen ja taktinen jälkeenjääneisyys, mikä johti asevoimien ja niitä tukevan teollisuuden uudistamiseen tähtäävien uudelleenjärjestelyiden kiirehtimiseen ja kehittämiseen.
The rapid economic growth in China has resulted in environmental challenges ranging from air pollution to water-related issues. Thus supporting clean technology, or cleantech, that encompasses industries that focus on alternative energy, pollution and recycling, power supplies and conservation has become one of the focal points in the Chinese economic policy for the next decade. Simultaneously, the Finnish government has initiated programs to support the internationalisation of domestic cleantech companies in an attempt to spiral the industry into one of the pillars of Finnish economic growth. This study concentrates on the conjunction of these two themes and studies the challenges faced by Finnish cleantech SMEs in the Chinese market. Consequently, the study answers the following sub questions: 1. What human and financial resource-based challenges do Finnish cleantech SMEs face in the Chinese market and what are their solutions? 2. What knowledge-based challenges do Finnish cleantech SMEs face in the Chinese market and how can these difficulties be resolved? 3. What network-based challenges do Finnish cleantech SMEs face in the Chinese market, how do they relate to the resource- and knowledge-based challenges, and how can these difficulties be resolved? This qualitative study is conducted by analysing four semi structured interviews collected from four Finnish SMEs that operate in China. The findings of the study indicate that in human resources the most important challenges are related to the hiring and retaining of employees. In contrast to extant academic literature results distinguish salary and social status as the main solutions to this challenge. Regarding financial resources it is discovered that cleantech companies enjoy a benign business environment in China and benefit from the Chinese government’s support for cleantech industry. Challenges related to knowledge resources can be grouped into categories with the most interesting knowledge flows being the stream of local market knowledge into to the foreign parent company and the outward flow of manufacturing and business practice information into the target venture. The challenge related to the first flow is gathering relevant information and the main solutions are clustering at the foreign location and hiring knowledge prior to internationalisation. Regarding the second flow the main challenge is related to intellectual property rights and the most interesting solution is the purposeful transformation of explicit knowledge into tacit knowledge. Finally, it is discovered that networks, called guanxi in China, greatly affect the business processes. Within the guanxi system there is the concept of face which was found to affect employee propensity to stay as well as, as a novel academic result, employees’ knowledge sharing intention.
Waste incineration plants are increasingly established in China. A low heating value and high moisture content, due to a large proportion of biowaste in the municipal solid waste (MSW), can be regarded as typical characteristics of Chinese MSW. Two incineration technologies have been mainly established in China: stoker grate and circular fluidized bed (CFB). Both of them are designed to incinerate mixed MSW. However, there have been difficulties to reach the sufficient temperature in the combustion process due to the low heating value of the MSW. That is contributed to the usage of an auxiliary fossil fuel, which is often used during the whole incineration process. The objective of this study was to design alternative Waste-to-energy (WTE) scenarios for existing WTE plants with the aim to improve the material and energy efficiency as well as the feasibility of the plants. Moreover, the aim of this thesis was to find the key factors that affect to the feasibility of the scenarios. Five different WTE plants were selected as study targets. The necessary data for calculation was gained from literature as well as received from the operators of the target WTE plants. The created scenarios were based on mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) technologies, in which the produced solid recovered fuel (SRF) was fed as an auxiliary fuel into a WTE plant replacing the fossil fuel. The mechanically separated biowaste was treated either in an anaerobic digestion (AD) plant, a biodrying plant, a thermal drying plant, or a combined AD plant + thermal drying plant. An interactive excel spreadsheet based computation tool was designed to estimate the viability of the scenarios in different WTE cases. The key figures of the improved material and energy efficiency, such as additional electricity generated and avoided waste for landfill, were got as results. Furthermore, economic indicators such as annual profits (or costs), payback period, and internal rate of return (IRR) were gained as results. The results show that the AD scenario was the most profitable in most of the cases. The current heating value of MSW and the tipping fee for the received MSW appeared as the most important factor in terms of feasibility.
The report describes those factors of the future that are related to the growth and needs of Russia, China, and India and that may provide significant internationalisation potential for Uusimaa companies. The report examines the emerging trends and market-entry challenges for each country separately. Additionally, it evaluates the training needs of Uusimaa companies in terms of the current offerings available for education on topics related to Russia, China, and India. The report was created via the Delphi method: experts were interviewed, and both Trendwiki material and the latest literature were used to create a summary of experts’ views, statements, and reasons behind recent developments. This summary of views was sent back to the experts with the objective of reaching consensus synthesising the differing views or, at least, of providing argumentation for the various alternative lines of development. In addition to a number of outside experts and business leaders, all heads of Finpro’s Finland Trade Centers participated in the initial interviews. The summary was commented upon by all Finpro consultants and analysts for Russia, China, and India, with each focusing on his or her own area of expertise. The literature used consisted of reports, listed for each country, and an extensive selection of the most recent newspaper articles. The report was created in January-April 2010. On 22 April 2010 its results were reviewed at the final report presentation in cooperation with the Uusimaa ELY Centre.
I denna avhandling analyserar jag både offentliga och privata företag och organisationer, inklusive universitet, särskilt när det existerar potentiell inre motivation. Jag behandlar både industriell produktion, inklusive infrastruktursektorer med vertikala relationer, och tjänstesektorn. Man tänker sig att ägandet kan påverka kostnadseffektiviteten dels genom olika storlek hos lönetillägg och andra förmåner för de anställda (eng. Internal Rent Capture), och dels via asymmetrisk information. Jag frågar dessutom om det finns andra faktorer än ägande och konkurrens som kan påverka prestandan hos kommersiella företag och ideella organisationer. Dessa frågeställningar aktualiseras av pågående reformer inom den offentliga sektorn, särskilt i samband med den så kallade nya offentliga förvaltningen (eng. New Public Management). Jag analyserar reformernas inverkan på hur bra en organisation fungerar och på den sociala välfärden. Analysen i denna avhandling är teoretisk, men resultaten är relaterade också till den empiriska litteraturen. Avhandlingen är uppdelad i del I och II. I del I sammanfattar jag avhandlingen och sätter den i ett sammanhang, medan del II består av fem redan publicerade essäer. De två första (I–II) är mera traditionella, i och med att de baserar sig på homo economicus (eng. the economic man), utan att beakta den inre motivationen. I essä I (publicerad 2008) bedömer vi fördelar och nackdelar av privatisering och avreglering innanför en sådan ram, men med en betoning också på icke återvinningsbara fasta kostnader och vertikala relationer. I essä II (publicerad 2012) fokuserar vi oss på vertikal separation, och konkurrensutsättning och privatisering i nätverksindustrier. I essäerna III–V vidgas perspektivet genom att införa potentiell inre motivation i en agentmodell. Analysen i essä III (publicerad 2014) tillämpas på offentligt ägande och privatisering. I essäerna IV och V (publicerade 2009 respektive 2013) utvidgas analysen till att även gälla kreativa branscher, särskilt arbete inom universiteten, där den inre motivationen hos de anställda kan tänkas vara avgörande. I dessa essäer tillämpas en analys som inbegriper ett intra-personellt spel inom ramen för en agentmodell med potentiell inre motivation. Vi analyserar sålunda avvägningen mellan ekonomiska incitament och inre motivation.