16 resultados para Wear Tests
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
This study tests the theory of rationing, examining changes in household consumption behavior during the transition to a market economy in Poland, 1987–92. A model of consumption under rationing is developed and fitted to prereform quarterly data from the Polish Household Budget Survey. Virtual prices, prices at which consumers would have voluntarily chosen the rationed levels of goods, are derived for food and housing. The prereform Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) model with rationing is estimated. Estimates from the virtual AIDS yield plausible values for price and income elasticities. The AIDS model (without rationing) is also fitted to postreform quarterly household survey data for comparison and evaluation. When the two sets of results are compared, the impacts of rationing are consistent with the theory. Own-price elasticities for nonrationed goods are larger after the reform, and there is increased complementarity and decreased substitutability for the nonrationed goods. The results for Poland show a 75 percent decline in real household welfare over the transition and this welfare loss is one-third the value obtained using reported prices.
• Examine current pile design and construction procedures used by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). • Recommend changes and improvements to these procedures that are consistent with available pile load test data, soils information, and bridge design practice recommended by the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) approach.
Several agencies specify AASHTO T283 as the primary test for field acceptance of moisture susceptibility in hot mix asphalt. When used in this application, logistical difficulties challenge its practicality, while repeatability is routinely scrutinized by contractors. An alternative test is needed which can effectively demonstrate the ability to screen mixtures based on expected performance. The ideal replacement can be validated with field performance, is repeatable, and allows for prompt reporting of results. Dynamic modulus, flow number, AASHTO T283, Hamburg wheel tracking device (HWTD), and the moisture induced sensitivity test (MIST) were performed on plant produced surface mixes in Iowa. Follow-up distress surveys were used to rank the mixes by their performance. The rankings indicate both the quantity of swelling from MIST conditioning and submersed flow number matched the performance ranking of all but one mixture. Hamburg testing parameters also appear effective, namely the stripping inflection point and the ratio between stripping slope and the creep slope. Dynamic modulus testing was ineffective, followed by AASHTO T283 and ratios produced from flow number results of conditioned samples.
This report presents the results of surveys to determine studded tire usage in Iowa. Also reported are the results of measurements of transverse pavement profiles at selected locations where the pavement is subjected to a high volume of traffic. The surveys were made in January of each of the years 1969 through 1978 and in each of 27 areas into which the state was divided. Estimates of studded tire usage were also made at various locations on Interstate highways in Iowa. The lowest percentage of studded tires was observed in the initial count during the winter of 1968-69. Two years later the percentage had increased to the maximum (22.6%) and then began a gradual decline. The latest count in January of 1978 indicated 8.5% of the cars had studded tires. The decline in the use of studded tires is attributed to the efforts of the Iowa DOT and others to obtain a ban on studded tires and a continual increase in the use of radial tires with claims of improved traction. The wear measurements were recorded by camera. It was found that studded tires have worn ruts in Iowa pavements as deep as 5/16 inch. The ruts lead to water on the pavement and this causes hydroplaning, as well as splash and spray. The conclusion of the study was that studded tires should be banned in Iowa.
Expansion joints increase both the initial cost and the maintenance cost of bridges. Integral abutment bridges provide an attractive design alternative because expansion joints are eliminated from the bridge itself. However, the piles in these bridges are subjected to horizontal movement as the bridge expands and contracts during temperature changes. The objective of this research was to develop a method of designing piles for these conditions. Separate field tests simulating a pile and a bridge girder were conducted for three loading cases: (1) vertical load only, (2) horizontal displacement of pile head only, and (3) combined horizontal displacement of pile head with subsequent vertical load. Both tests (1) and (3) reached the same ultimate vertical load, that is, the horizontal displacement had no effect on the vertical load capacity. Several model tests were conducted in sand with a scale factor of about 1:10. Experimental results from both the field and model tests were used to develop the vertical and horizontal load-displacement properties of the soil. These properties were input into the finite element computer program Integral Abutment Bridge Two-Dimensional (IAB2D), which was developed under a previous research contract. Experimental and analytical results compared well for the test cases. Two alternative design methods, both based upon the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Specification, were developed. Alternative One is quite conservative relative to IAB2D results and does not permit plastic redistribution of forces. Alternative Two is also conservative when compared to IAB2D, but plastic redistribution is permitted. To use Alternative Two, the pile cross section must have sufficient inelastic rotation capacity before local buckling occurs. A design example for a friction pile and an end-bearing pile illustrates both alternatives.
This paper presents the results of the static and dynamic testing of a three-span continuous I-beam highway bridge. Live load stress frequency curves for selected points are shown, and the static and dynamic load distribution to the longitudinal composite beam members are given. The bridge has four traffic lanes with a roadway width of 48 ft. Six longitudinal continuous WF beams act compositely with the reinforced concrete slab to carry the live load. The beams have partial length cover plates at the piers. Previous research has indicated that beams with partial length cover plates have a very low fatigue strength. It was found in this research that the magnitude of the stresses due to actual highway loads were very much smaller than those computed from specification loading. Also, the larger stresses which were measured occurred a relatively small number of times. These data indicate that some requirements for reduced allowable stresses at the ends of cover plates are too conservative. The load distribution to the longitudinal beams was determined for static and moving loads and includes the effect of impact on the distribution. The effective composite section was found at various locations to evaluate the load distribution data. The composite action was in negative as well as positive moment regions. The load distribution data indicate that the lateral distribution of live load is consistent with the specifications, but that there is longitudinal distribution, and therefore the specifications are too conservative.
A study was undertaken by the Bituminous Research Laboratory of the Engineering Research Institute at Iowa State University, under the sponsorship of the Iowa Highway Research Board, project HR 100, to ascertain the effects of a number of characteristics and properties of asphaltic concrete mixes upon the service behavior of the mixes as evaluated by the Traffic Simulator and by field observations. The study included: Investigations of the relations, of gradation, fraction and resistance to wear of aggregates; of stability, cohesion, per cent voids and asphalt content: of a number of laboratory and field mixes to service behavior as indicated by the Traffic Simulator under various test conditions. Based upon the results of the tests and the relationships noted, tentative criteria for the Traffic Simulator test were devised, subject to verification by observations and measurements of field service behavior of the mixes.
As a result of the construction of the Saylorville Dam and Reservoir on the Des Moines River, six highway bridges are scheduled for removal. Five of these are old high-truss single-lane bridges, each bridge having several simple spans. The other bridge is a fairly modern (1955) double 4-span continuous beam-and-slab composite highway bridge. The availability of these bridges affords an unusual opportunity for study of the behavior of full-scale bridges. Because of the magnitude of the potential testing program, a feasibility study was initiated and the results are presented in this two-part final report. Part I summarizes the findings and Part II presents the supporting detailed information.
A laboratory investigation was undertaken to determine the limiting model Reynolds number above which the scour behavior of rock protected structures can be reproduced in hydraulic models scaled according to the Froude criterion. A submerged jet was passed over an initially full scour pocket containing uniform glass spheres and the rate of scour was measured as a function of time. The dimensions of the scour pocket and jet and the particle diameters were varied as needed to maintain strict geometric similarity. For each of two different Froude numbers the Reynolds number was varied over a wide range. The normalized scour rate was found to be practically independent of the Reynolds number, R, (based on the jet velocity and particle diameter) at values of R above about 2.5 x 10^3, and to decrease with Rat smaller values. A grid placed in the jet was found to have a very strong effect on the scour rate. In an attempt to explain the effect of R on the scour behavior, turbulent pressure and velocity fluctuations were measured in air flows and water flows, respectively, over rigid scour pockets having the same geometry as those formed in the scour experiments. The normalized spectra of the fluctuations were found to be nearly independent of R, but the flow pattern was found to be very sensitive to the inlet condition, the jet deflecting upward or downward in a not wholly explainable manner. This indicates that scour behavior can be modeled only if the approach flow is also accurately modeled.
This report presents the results of a comparative laboratory study between well- and gap-graded aggregates used in asphalt concrete paving mixtures. A total of 424 batches of asphalt concrete mixtures and 3,960 Marshall and Hveem specimens were examined. There is strong evidence from this investigation that, with proper-combinations of aggregates and asphalts, both continuous- and gap-graded aggregates can produce mixtures of high density and of qualities meeting current design criteria. There is also reason to believe that the unqualified acceptance of some supposedly desirable, constant, mathematical relationship between adjacent particle sizes of the form such as Fuller's curve p = 100(d/D)^n is not justified. It is recommended that the aggregate grading limits be relaxed or eliminated and that the acceptance or rejection of an aggregate for use in asphalt pavement be based on individual mixture evaluation. Furthermore, because of the potential attractiveness of gap-graded asphalt concrete in cost, quality, and skid and wear resistance, selected gap-graded mixtures are recommended for further tests both in the laboratory and in the field, especially in regard to ease of compaction and skid and wear resistance.
This report presents the results of a comparative laboratory study between well- and gap-graded aggregates used in asphalt concrete paving mixtures. A total of 424 batches of asphalt concrete mixtures and 3,960 Marshall and Hveem specimens were examined. There is strong evidence from this investigation that, with proper combinations of aggregates and asphalts, both continuous- and gap-graded aggregates can produce mixtures of high density and of qualities meeting current design criteria. There is also reason to believe that the unqualified acceptance of some supposedly desirable, constant, mathematical relationship between adjacent particle sizes of the form such as Fuller's curve p = 100 (d/D)n is not justified. It is recommended that. the aggregate grading limits be relaxed or eliminated and that the acceptance or rejection of an aggregate for use in asphalt pavement be based on individual mixture evaluation. Furthermore, because of the potential attractiveness of gap-graded asphalt concrete in cost, quality, and skid and wear resistance, selected gap-graded mixtures are recommended for further tests both in the laboratory and in the field, especially in regard to ease of compaction and skid and wear resistance.
Addendum to HR-273
For well over 100 years, the Working Stress Design (WSD) approach has been the traditional basis for geotechnical design with regard to settlements or failure conditions. However, considerable effort has been put forth over the past couple of decades in relation to the adoption of the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) approach into geotechnical design. With the goal of producing engineered designs with consistent levels of reliability, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) issued a policy memorandum on June 28, 2000, requiring all new bridges initiated after October 1, 2007, to be designed according to the LRFD approach. Likewise, regionally calibrated LRFD resistance factors were permitted by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) to improve the economy of bridge foundation elements. Thus, projects TR-573, TR-583 and TR-584 were undertaken by a research team at Iowa State University’s Bridge Engineering Center with the goal of developing resistance factors for pile design using available pile static load test data. To accomplish this goal, the available data were first analyzed for reliability and then placed in a newly designed relational database management system termed PIle LOad Tests (PILOT), to which this first volume of the final report for project TR-573 is dedicated. PILOT is an amalgamated, electronic source of information consisting of both static and dynamic data for pile load tests conducted in the State of Iowa. The database, which includes historical data on pile load tests dating back to 1966, is intended for use in the establishment of LRFD resistance factors for design and construction control of driven pile foundations in Iowa. Although a considerable amount of geotechnical and pile load test data is available in literature as well as in various State Department of Transportation files, PILOT is one of the first regional databases to be exclusively used in the development of LRFD resistance factors for the design and construction control of driven pile foundations. Currently providing an electronically organized assimilation of geotechnical and pile load test data for 274 piles of various types (e.g., steel H-shaped, timber, pipe, Monotube, and concrete), PILOT (http://srg.cce.iastate.edu/lrfd/) is on par with such familiar national databases used in the calibration of LRFD resistance factors for pile foundations as the FHWA’s Deep Foundation Load Test Database. By narrowing geographical boundaries while maintaining a high number of pile load tests, PILOT exemplifies a model for effective regional LRFD calibration procedures.
As a result of the construction of the Saylorville Dam and Reservoir on the Des Moines River, six highway bridges crossing the river were scheduled for removal. One of these, an old pinconnected high-truss single-lane bridge, was selected for a testing program which included ultimate load tests. The purpose of the ultimate load tests, which are summarized in this report, was to relate design and rating procedures presently used in bridge design to the field behavior of this type of truss bridge. The ultimate load tests consisted of ultimate load testing of one span of the bridge, of two I-shaped floorbeams, and of two panels of the timber deck. The theoretical capacity of each of these components is compared with the results from the field tests.
As a result of the construction of the Saylorville Dam and Reservoir on the Des Moines River, six highway bridges crossing the river were scheduled for removal. Two of these were incorporated into a comprehensive test program to study the behavior of old pin-connected high-truss single-lane bridges. The test program consisted of ultimate load tests, service load tests and a supplementary test program. The results reported in this report cover the service load tests on the two bridges as well as the supplementary tests, both static and fatigue, of eyebar members removed from the two bridges. The field test results of the service loading are compared with theoretical results of the truss analysis.