49 resultados para stream sediment


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Since the beginning of channel straightening at the turn of the century, the streams of western Iowa have degraded 1.5 to 5 times their original depth. This vertical degradation is often accompanied by increases in channel widths of 2 to 4 times the original widths. The deepening and widening of these streams has jeopardized the structural safety of many bridges by undercutting footings or pile caps, exposing considerable length of piling, and removing soil beneath and adjacent to abutments. Various types of flume and drop structures have been introduced in an effort to partially or totally stabilize these channels, protecting or replacing bridge structures. Although there has always been a need for economical grade stabilization structures to stop stream channel degradation and protect highway bridges and culverts, the problem is especially critical at the present time due to rapidly increasing construction costs and decreasing revenues. Benefits derived from stabilization extend beyond the transportation sector to the agricultural sector, and increased public interest and attention is needed.


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The city of Ankeny is submitting this WIRB application for development of green urban stormwater practices on city and private property in the Fourmile Creek watershed. The stormwater project proposed includes stream restoration of the SE Tributary to Fourmile Creek (Tributary B), including weirs, bank shaping, toe protection, trees, and native plantings. The project also includes the creation of a native buffer along the stream channel in the city’s Summerbrook Park, installing four native planting beds, installing a pervious surface trail, installing a series of rain gardens/biorentention cells, and installing educational signage. Polk County Soil and Water Conservation District has committed $17,000 towards the native buffer and rain garden/biorentention cell. The city of Ankeny was also awarded a $100,000 I-JOBS grant from IDNR to complete the stormwater retrofit practices. The largest component of this project is public education. Our vision for this project is to take the entire 281 acre watershed and address it as a whole. We want to make a collaborative watershed that not only addresses the water entering the stream channel through adjacent properties, but takes each individual parcel within the watershed and strives to reduce contributions to the stormwater system. The stormwater issues of concern for Tributary B include stormwater volume, sediment, and nutrients. The stream restoration, best management practices (BMP) at Summerbrook Park, and BMPs on private property should help decrease the volume of stormwater and reduce the amount of sediment and nutrients that enter Tributary B and ultimately Fourmile Creek.


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Walnut Creek is a Class B warm water stream located in northern Poweshiek County. The creek is sixteen miles in length with 26,223 acres of watershed area. Walnut Creek is listed on the 2008 impaired waters list as biologically impaired. Based on results of biological monitoring, no specific causes of the impairment have been identified. This watershed is of particular significance to the Poweshiek SWCD and the state of Iowa because water quality protection efforts can be implemented that will address the impairment. The Poweshiek SWCD received a watershed development grant in 2005, to complete a watershed assessment for the Walnut Creek Watershed. The results of the assessments showed an estimated 23,224 tons of sediment are delivered annually to Walnut Creek, and, about 34% of land in the watershed is delivering nearly 66% of the sediment. Therefore, the acres with more than 1 ton/ac/yr sediment delivery have been prioritized. In Jan. 2008, an implementation grant began. The 1st year’s EQIP matching funds were obligated by July 2008. Specific objectives are to: 1) Reduce sediment delivery by 3,205 tons, by installing conservation practices on the sediment delivery areas of more that 1 ton/ac/yr, and, 2) Develop an information and education program for landowners. The District has prioritized the Walnut Creek watershed for 50% EQIP funding to be combined with 25% WSPF funds. This application is for additional practice funds, utilized as 50% cost-share, to be used with 25% WSPF funds, for eligible soil loss projects (>1 ton/ac), when EQIP funds are not available.


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Silver Creek is a warm water stream resource located in one of the most intensely cropped portions of Clayton County. The stream has been included on Iowa’s 303(d) list of impaired waters since 2002. Aquatic life, which should be present in Silver Creek, isn’t there. According to the Draft Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Silver Creek, the primary nonpoint pollution sources are soil erosion from agricultural land uses and direct deposition of ammonia by livestock with access to the stream. The Clayton Soil & Water Conservation District has begun efforts to remove Silver Creek from the impaired waters list. The District has promoted stream corridor and sinkhole protection, and the installation of buffer practices along Silver Creek and its tributaries. Conservation practices have been targeted to crop fields to reduce sediment delivery to the stream. A series of news articles, newsletters, and field days have been utilized to increase public understanding of water quality issues. Landowner interest has outweighed available cost share resources. Additional financial support will allow the project to build upon its early successes, to further address the identified impairments, and to respond to a long list of landowners that are interested in conservation work on their farms.


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In 2004 Walnut Creek was placed on the 303d list of impaired water bodies for lack of aquatic life with biological causes. Sediment from farmland as well as the stream banks was listed as the most likely stressor. In response to this listing a preliminary watershed assessment was completed by the six counties which have land in the Walnut Creek watershed. Walnut Creek flows through portions of Shelby, Pottawattamie, Montgomery, Mills, Page, and Fremont Counties before reaching its confluence with the West Nishnabotna River. The preliminary study assessed resource concerns and evaluated anticipated landowner participation levels for the six Huc 12 sub-watersheds which divide the Walnut Creek basin. These preliminary assessments revealed a priority sub-watershed which lies between US Hwy 6 and Hwy 34. A development grant was then funded by the Division of Soil Conservation to conduct a detailed assessment of this area. The detailed assessment involved an assessment of the uplands as well as the stream itself. A better understanding of the resource concerns was gained through the assessment, allowing for a comprehensive watershed plan to be developed. A variety of best management practices will be necessary for our project to be a success, many of which will be funded by other sources besides the WIRB. This grant is the first request for funding submitted by the East Pottawattamie and Montgomery SWCDs’. This grant will serve as the first critical step in building what is destined to be a true watershed success story.


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Brief Project Summary (no greater than this space allows): This project is located in the Ludlow Creek Watershed, a 9,827 acre sub-watershed of the Yellow River. Ludlow Creek is extremely fragile and unique because it is a karst watershed, containing an estimated 1,188 sinkholes and depressions. Ludlow Creek may arguably contain more sinkholes per acre than any other watershed in Iowa. Water sampling data shows sediment delivery and E.coli as being water quality impairments in Ludlow Creek. The goals of this project are to 1) Reduce sediment delivery by 40%, 2) Reduce animal waste run-off which may include E.coli and nutrients by 40%, and 3) Reduce the water quality impact that sinkholes have on this watershed. The following Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be implemented to target Ludlow Creek's water quality impairments: no-till, terraces, grade stabilization structures, manure systems, strearnbank stabilization, pasture management, and both sinkhole and stream buffers. Our goal is to implement a combination of approximately 62 BMPs in the Ludlow Creek Watershed. These landowners will receive 75% cost-share for each one of these practices. If we receive funding from this grant, we will reach this 75% cost-share allocation by leveraging WHIP or EQIP funds when available, for most of these practices. This application has been reviewed and approved by the Allamakee County Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioners.


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The Summit Lake Watershed Improvement Project is a watershed-based sediment control project designed to greatly reduce to nearly eliminate sedimentation of an existing lake that is being renovated for use as a water source in southern Iowa. Summit Lake is owned by the City of Creston and was once a water source lake until around 1984. The watershed improvements will include lakeshore stabilization and erosion control practices as a precursor for related improvements to the lake and overall 4,900-acre watershed. Best practices included in this phase are the implementation of riprap, a rain garden, grade stabilization structures, grassed waterways, terraces, basins, water use and access ordinances, education and outreach, water monitoring, and other stream bank improvements. These improvements, along with leveraged work to be done by strategic partners, will enable the lake to be used for local and regional water supplies by sustaining the lake for many years to come. Without the lake rehabilitation, the lake will likely be filled with sedimentation to the point that it will have no recreational value. Key partners are the City of Creston, IDNR, Southern Iowa Rural Water Association, Union County, the Union County NRCS office, Southwestern Community College, and the Summit Lake Association, which is a non-profit group of landowners working to protect the lake. The project will address WIRB targets: a) streambank stabilization, b) livestock runoff, c) agricultural runoff and drainage, d) stormwater runoff, and e) a section of inadequately sewered community.


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Four classes of variables are apparent in the problem of scour around bridge piers and abutments--geometry of piers and abutments, stream-flow characteristics, sediment characteristics, and geometry of site. The laboratory investigation, from its inception, has been divided into four phases based on these classes. In each phase the variables in three of the classes are held constant and those in the pertinent class are varied. To date, the first three phases have been studied. Typical scour bole patterns related to the geometry of the pier or abutment have been found. For equilibrium conditions of scour with uniform sand, the velocity of flow and the sand size do not appear to have any measurable effects on the depth of scour. This result is especially encouraging in the search for correlation between model and prototype since it would indicate that, primarily, only the depth of flow might be involved in the scale effect. The technique of model testing has been simplified, therefore, because rate of sediment transportation does not need to be scaled. Prior to the establishment of equilibrium conditions, however, depths of scour in excess of those for equilibrium conditions have been found. A concept of active scour as an imbalance between sediment transport capacity and rate of sediment supply has been used to explain the laboratory observations.


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Man’s never-ending search for better materials and construction methods and for techniques of analysis and design has overcome most of the early difficulties of bridge building. Scour of the stream bed, however, has remained a major cause of bridge failures ever since man learned to place piers and abutments in the stream in order to cross wide rivers. Considering the overall complexity of field conditions, it is not surprising that no generally accepted principles (not even rules of thumb) for the prediction of scour around bridge piers and abutments have evolved from field experience alone. The flow of individual streams exhibits a manifold variation, and great disparity exists among different rivers. The alignment, cross section, discharge, and slope of a stream must all be correlated with the scour phenomenon, and this in turn must be correlated with the characteristics of the bed material ranging from clays and fine silts to gravels and boulders. Finally, the effect of the shape of the obstruction itself-the pier or abutment-must be assessed. Since several of these factors are likely to vary with time to some degree, and since the scour phenomenon as well is inherently unsteady, sorting out the influence of each of the various factors is virtually impossible from field evidence alone. The experimental approach was chosen as the investigative method for this study, but with due recognition of the importance of field measurements and with the realization that the results must be interpreted so as to be compatible with the present-day theories of fluid mechanics and sediment transportation. This approach was chosen because, on the one hand, the factors affecting the scour phenomenon can be controlled in the laboratory to an extent that is not possible in the field, and, on the other hand, the model technique can be used to circumvent the present inadequate understanding of the phenomenon of the movement of sediment by flowing water. In order to obtain optimum results from the laboratory study, the program was arranged at the outset to include a related set of variables in each of several phases into which the whole problem was divided. The phases thus selected were : 1. Geometry of piers and abutments, 2. Hydraulics of the stream, 3. Characteristics of the sediment, 4. Geometry of channel shape and alignment.


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The primary goal of the Hewitt Creek watershed council is to have Hewitt-Hickory Creek removed from the Iowa impaired waters (303d) list. Hewitt Creek watershed, a livestock dense 23,005 acre sub-watershed of the Maquoketa River Basin, is 91.2% agricultural and 7.5% woodland. Since 2005, sixty-seven percent of 84 watershed farm operations participated in an organized watershed improvement effort using a performance­ based watershed management approach, reducing annual sediment delivery to the stream by 4,000 tons. Watershed residents realize that water quality improvement efforts require a long-term commitment in order to meet their watershed improvement goals and seek funding for an additional five years to continue their successful watershed improvement project. Cooperators will be provided incentives for improved environmental performance, along with incentives and technical support to address feedlot runoff issues and sub-surface nitrate-nitrogen loss. The Phosphorus Index, Soil Conditioning Index and cornstalk nitrate test will be used by producers as measures of performance to refine nutrient and soil loss management and to determine effective alternatives to reduce nutrient and sediment delivery. Twenty-five livestock operations will improve feedlot runoff control systems and five sub-surface bioreactors will be installed to reduce nitrate delivery from priority tile-drained fields. The Hewitt Creek council will seek additional cost-share funding for high-cost feedlot runoff control structures, sediment control basins and stream bank stabilization projects.


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Summary of stream water quality collected in 2013.


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Summary of stream water quality data collected from 2000 through 2013.


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Summary of stream water quality data collected in 2014.


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Summary of stream water quality data collected from 2000 through 2014.


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The Duck Creek watershed has been the target study area of multiple reports by multiple agencies including a 2009 DNR Watershed Master Planning Grant, and the 2011 Duck and Blackhawk Creek Stream Assessment. The information obtained from these reports has lead the City of Davenport to take a micro-watershed approach to identifying the significant contributors to flooding and water quality issues that affect Duck Creek, its tributaries and the surrounding landscape, and devise solutions to mitigate these concerns. The construction of the proposed Littig Area Detention Basin comes as a recommendation from the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan for Pheasant, Goose, and Silver Creeks as prepared by James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc. in September 1991. At the time this report was prepared this basin was one of eight regional detention basins proposed in the upstream watersheds to alleviate flooding on tributaries to Duck Creek. The basin is designed and situated to detain runoff from approximately two hundred and twenty-seven (227) acres of previously developed moderate density residential area with intermixed light business and schools. This basin will reduce flow rates entering the receiving waters from the two, five and ten year storm events by an average of eighty-five percent (85%) and reduce flow rates from the twenty-five, fifty, and one hundred year events by a11 average of fifty percent (50%). With this flow rate reduction it is anticipated that streambank erosion in the immediate downstream receiving waters can be reduced or even stopped. The reduction in sediment leaving this upstream area will greatly enhance the water quality further downstream in Goose and Duck Creeks.