10 resultados para mussel meat

em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland


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While it's handy to pick up some chicken nuggets or sausages to pop under the grill, these meats often contain more fat and salt than the fresh cuts. Lean meat on the other hand can be just as easy, as well as a bit of a hero round the kitchen. Apart from being lower in fat and salt, it's also high in vitamins and minerals, especially iron. A regular ‘superfood’, you could say.


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Sometimes it's hard to tell when burgers and sausages are properly cooked and ready to eat. These meats can contain harmful bacteria throughout and it is important that they are cooked thoroughly to make them safe to eat.


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Pig meat production was valued at €290 (£198) million at farm gate in Republic of Ireland (ROI) in 2007. In Northern Ireland (NI) in 2006, pig meat was estimated to account for almost seven percent of gross turnover in the food and drinks processing sector at £190 (€280) million. Whilst researching for this report it emerged that comparable figures for the value of the pig meat industry on ROI and NI are not available. This report showed that pig production on the IOI has changed from a small-scale enterprise carried out by a large number of mixed farmers to a modern industry comprised of a small number of specialist producers operating large-scale units. Most products for retailers are prepared and packed in specialised cutting and processing units which may or may not be integrated in the slaughter plant. For some pork products, various additives such as salt, herbs and flavour enhancers are added. Pork products are then stored and transported, frozen or chilled to wholesale, retail and catering facilities for ultimate sale to consumers.


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safefood, the Food Safety Promotion Board, is responsible for increasing food safety awareness and for supporting north/south scientific co-operation. safefood is currently funding a project entitled "Poultry Meat: improving food safety by improving chemical residue surveillance". This joint project between the Veterinary Sciences Division, Queen's University, Belfast and the National Food Centre, Teagasc, Dublin, is addressing the problem of anti-coccidial drug residues in poultry meat and eggs through an all-island research and residue testing initiative. The project started in 2001 and will continue until 2004. Poultry have a high susceptibility to the parasitic disease, coccidiosis. Because of this susceptibility, veterinary drugs, commonly known as coccidiostats are routinely used in intensively-reared poultry. The coccidiostats are potent drugs and, where residues occur in food, they may exacerbate certain coronary disease conditions. It is important, therefore, for poultry and egg producers to prevent the occurrence of residues of coccidiostats in food products.


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Sometimes it's hard to tell when burgers and sausages are properly cooked and ready to eat. These meats can contain harmful bacteria throughout and it is important that they are cooked thoroughly to make them safe to eat. To check that a burger or sausage is properly cooked, cut into the middle with a clean knife and check that it is piping hot all the way through, there is no pink meat left and the juices run clear.


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The Departments of Agriculture in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland monitor cattle to make sure that no BSE-infected cattle enter the food chain. Their strict controls mean that there is now an extremely low risk of contracting the human form of BSE, ‘variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease’ (vCJD), from consuming meat or meat products you buy from reputable sources on the island of Ireland.


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The beef burger is a common food on both the kitchen and restaurant table since the 1800s and is one of the most common choices on fast food menus. The main reason for this is because it is tasty, easily accessible, customisable, affordable and portable. In ROI, composite foods (i.e. foods made up of more than one ingredient) are an important source of meat, especially burgers, with the majority of burgers either being fried or grilled, and many eaten from takeaway outlets. With such easy access and with limited nutritional information available to consumers at point of sale, many people may not be aware of the nutritional content of what they are consuming or of the healthier options that may be available to them. Given the diversity of products available, this survey was designed to provide an insight into the energy (calorie), total fat, saturated fat, protein and salt content of a range of burgers from various takeaway outlets.


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Our Project provides a Meals on Wheels delivery Service and a Drop in Centre five days per week.  We provide a three course meal which is made from only fresh local produce.  All soup, breads, desserts etc. are homemade. Our dinner consists of homemade soup & brown bread, Meat/Fish, two vegetables with potatoes and a dessert for €3.50.  Clients who come into our Drop in Centre avail of free tea/ coffee and biscuits throughout the day.   Initiative Type Community Food Centres Meals on Wheels Location Dublin 9 Target Groups Older people Funding HSE and Dept. Social Protection


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Letter to the health and social care service from the Chief Medical Officer on supplies of beef products to NHS providers.For further information see - http://www.food.gov.uk/news-updates/�


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This poster shows graphically how much of each of the following food groups we should eat for a healthy, balanced diet: fruit and vegetables; bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods; milk and dairy foods; meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein; and foods and drinks high in fat and/or sugar.��