131 resultados para Liver fibrosis and carcinogenesis
Alisporivir (Debio-025) is an analogue of cyclosporine A andrepresents the prototype of a new class of non-immunosuppressivecyclophilin inhibitors. In vitro and in vivo studies have shownthat alisporivir inhibits hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication andongoing clinical trials are exploring its therapeutic potential inpatients with chronic hepatitis C. Recent data suggest that theantiviral effect is mediated by inhibition of cyclophilin A whichis an essential host factor in the HCV life cycle. However, alisporiviralso inhibits mitochondrial permeability transition by bindingto cyclophilin D. As HCV is known to affect mitochondrialfunction, we explored the effect of alisporivir on HCV proteinmediatedmitochondrial dysfunction. By the use of inducible celllines, which allow to investigate the effects of HCV polyproteinexpression independent from viral RNA replication and whichrecapitulate the major alterations of mitochondrial bioenergeticsobserved in infectious cell systems, we show that alisporivir preventsHCV protein-mediated cytochrome c redistribution,decrease of cell respiration, collapse of mitochondrial membranepotential, overproduction of reactive oxygen species and mitochondrialcalcium overload. Strikingly, some of the HCV-mediatedmitochondrial dysfunctions could even be rescued byalisporivir. These observations provide new insights into thepathogenesis of HCV-related liver disease and reveal an additionalmechanism of action of alisporivir that is likely beneficialin the treatment of chronic hepatitis C.
Coinfection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been associated with severe liver disease and frequent progression to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Clinical evidence suggests reciprocal replicative suppression of the two viruses, or viral interference. However, interactions between HBV and HCV have been difficult to study due to the lack of appropriate model systems. We have established a novel model system to investigate interactions between HBV and HCV. Stable Huh-7 cell lines inducibly replicating HBV were transfected with selectable HCV replicons or infected with cell culture-derived HCV. In this system, both viruses were found to replicate in the same cell without overt interference. Specific inhibition of one virus did not affect the replication and gene expression of the other. Furthermore, cells harboring replicating HBV could be infected with cell culture-derived HCV, arguing against superinfection exclusion. Finally, cells harboring replicating HBV supported efficient production of infectious HCV. Conclusion: HBV and HCV can replicate in the same cell without evidence for direct interference in vitro. Therefore, the viral interference observed in coinfected patients is probably due to indirect mechanisms mediated by innate and/or adaptive host immune responses. These findings provide new insights into the pathogenesis of HBV-HCV coinfection and may contribute to its clinical management in the future.
The purpose was to evaluate the influence of radiologist's experience on the diagnostic yield and complications of a percutaneous liver biopsy (PLB) method. Six hundred patients underwent an ultrasound-guided PLB by an inexperienced operator in 25.2% of cases (experience of less than 15 percutaneous liver biopsies performed alone--group I) or by an experienced operator (experience of more than 150 percutaneous liver biopsies--group II). The two groups were well-matched with respect to sex, age, percentage with viral hepatitis without histological cirrhosis, number of needle passes, history of liver biopsy and pain before the biopsy. A histological diagnosis was available in 97.3% of cases without any significant difference between the two groups ( P=0.25). However, group II samples were significantly longer and contained more portal tracts ( P=0.01). Pain was mild immediately and 6 h after the biopsy, without significant difference between both groups. Eight vasovagal reactions (five in group II) and one arteriobiliary fistula (in group II) occurred. With the method of PLB used for this study, operator's experience did not influence either the final histological diagnosis or the degree of pain suffered.
Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MCM) and propionyl-CoA carboxylase (PCC) are the key enzymes of the catabolic pathway of propionate metabolism and are mainly expressed in liver, kidney and heart. Deficiency of these enzymes leads to two classical organic acidurias: methylmalonic and propionic aciduria. Patients with these diseases suffer from a whole spectrum of neurological manifestations that are limiting their quality of life. Current treatment does not seem to effectively prevent neurological deterioration and pathophysiological mechanisms are poorly understood. In this article we show evidence for the expression of the catabolic pathway of propionate metabolism in the developing and adult rat CNS. Both, MCM and PCC enzymes are co-expressed in neurons and found in all regions of the CNS. Disease-specific metabolites such as methylmalonate, propionyl-CoA and 2-methylcitrate could thus be formed autonomously in the CNS and contribute to the pathophysiological mechanisms of neurotoxicity. In rat embryos (E15.5 and E18.5), MCM and PCC show a much higher expression level in the entire CNS than in the liver, suggesting a different, but important function of this pathway during brain development.
BACKGROUND: Alcohol use causes high burden of disease and injury globally. Switzerland has a high consumption of alcohol, almost twice the global average. Alcohol-attributable deaths and years of life lost in Switzerland were estimated by age and sex for the year 2011. Additionally, the impact of heavy drinking (40+grams/day for women and 60+g/day for men) was estimated. METHODS: Alcohol consumption estimates were based on the Addiction Monitoring in Switzerland study and were adjusted to per capita consumption based on sales data. Mortality data were taken from the Swiss mortality register. Methodology of the Comparative Risk Assessment for alcohol was used to estimate alcohol-attributable fractions. RESULTS: Alcohol use caused 1,600 (95% CI: 1,472 - 1,728) net deaths (1,768 deaths caused, 168 deaths prevented) among 15 to 74 year olds, corresponding to 8.7% of all deaths (men: 1,181 deaths; women: 419 deaths). Overall, 42,627 years of life (9.7%, 95% CI: 40,245 - 45,008) were lost due to alcohol. Main causes of alcohol-attributable mortality were injuries at younger ages (15-34 years), with increasing age digestive diseases (mainly liver cirrhosis) and cancers (particularly breast cancers among women). The majority (62%) of all alcohol-attributable deaths was caused by chronic heavy drinking (men: 67%; women: 48 %). CONCLUSION: Alcohol is a major cause of premature mortality in Switzerland. Its impact, among young people mainly via injuries, among men mainly through heavy drinking, calls for a mix of preventive actions targeting chronic heavy drinking, binge drinking and mean consumption.
The genomic loci occupied by RNA polymerase (RNAP) III have been characterized in human culture cells by genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitations, followed by deep sequencing (ChIP-seq). These studies have shown that only ∼40% of the annotated 622 human tRNA genes and pseudogenes are occupied by RNAP-III, and that these genes are often in open chromatin regions rich in active RNAP-II transcription units. We have used ChIP-seq to characterize RNAP-III-occupied loci in a differentiated tissue, the mouse liver. Our studies define the mouse liver RNAP-III-occupied loci including a conserved mammalian interspersed repeat (MIR) as a potential regulator of an RNAP-III subunit-encoding gene. They reveal that synteny relationships can be established between a number of human and mouse RNAP-III genes, and that the expression levels of these genes are significantly linked. They establish that variations within the A and B promoter boxes, as well as the strength of the terminator sequence, can strongly affect RNAP-III occupancy of tRNA genes. They reveal correlations with various genomic features that explain the observed variation of 81% of tRNA scores. In mouse liver, loci represented in the NCBI37/mm9 genome assembly that are clearly occupied by RNAP-III comprise 50 Rn5s (5S RNA) genes, 14 known non-tRNA RNAP-III genes, nine Rn4.5s (4.5S RNA) genes, and 29 SINEs. Moreover, out of the 433 annotated tRNA genes, half are occupied by RNAP-III. Transfer RNA gene expression levels reflect both an underlying genomic organization conserved in dividing human culture cells and resting mouse liver cells, and the particular promoter and terminator strengths of individual genes.
The binding specificities of 52 well-characterized monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) from 12 different research groups were studied by immunohistochemistry and immuno flow cytometry. In addition, the binding constant for the interaction between Mab and CEA was determined by a solution-phase assay. Cryostat sections of colon carcinoma and normal colon, stomach, liver, pancreas, and spleen were studied by immunohistochemistry. Peripheral blood granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes were assayed by immuno flow cytometry. The Mabs used here have previously been classified into five essentially nonoverlapping epitope groups (GOLD 1-5) (Cancer Res., 49: 4852-4858, 1989). Most Mabs cross-reacted with different normal tissues, ranging from highly cross-reactive Mabs (positive reaction with 8 of 9 discriminating tissues) to relatively specific Mabs (positive reaction with 1 of 9 discriminating tissues). Five Mabs (10%) were specific, reacting only with colon carcinoma, normal colon mucosa, and normal gastric foveola. There was a correlation between epitope group and binding specificity. Mabs with a high degree of CEA specificity almost exclusively belonged to epitope groups 1, 2, and 3, while highly cross-reactive Mabs belonged to epitope groups 4 and 5. There was no correlation between antibody specificity and affinity for CEA. Specific Mabs with high as well as low affinity were found.
Non-adherence with recommended immunosuppressant medications is common post-pediatric liver transplant and is the most important reason for organ rejection in long-term survivors. However, there is currently no validated, standard method to measure adherence, with a well-defined threshold, making it extremely difficult to evaluate interventions to improve adherence. Previous studies have suggested that the degree of fluctuation of medication blood levels over time can provide an idea about how regularly the medication is being taken. The present study, conducted at UCLA medical center, sought to identify a specific threshold value of the s.d. of individual tacrolimus blood levels in pediatric liver transplant recipients which would be associated with rejection episodes in these patients. A threshold of 3.0 has been identified in other studies, and was supported by the analysis of retrospective data from 96 subjects. However, further analysis found that a s.d. of 2.5 appeared to have a better fit with the data. These findings suggest the utility of monitoring the s.d. of routine tacrolimus blood levels in pediatric liver transplant recipients for detecting non-adherence to immunosuppressant medication prior to clinical rejection, allowing earlier interventions.
The EASL Monothematic Conference on Translational Research in Viral Hepatitis brought together a group of leading scientists and clinicians working on both, basic and clinical aspects of viral hepatitis, thereby building bridges from bench to bedside. This report recapitulates the presentations and discussions at the conference held in Lyon, France on November 29-30, 2013. In recent years, great advances have been made in the field of viral hepatitis, particularly in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. The identification of IL28B genetic polymorphisms as a major determinant for spontaneous and treatment-induced HCV clearance was a seminal discovery. Currently, hepatologists are at the doorstep of even greater advances, with the advent of a wealth of directly acting antivirals (DAAs) against HCV. Indeed, promising results have accumulated over the last months and few years, showing sustained virological response (SVR) rates of up to 100% with interferon-free DAA combination therapies. Thus, less than 25years after its identification, HCV infection may soon be curable in the vast majority of patients, highlighting the great success of HCV research over the last decades. However, viral hepatitis and its clinical complications such as liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remain major global challenges. New therapeutic strategies to tackle hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis D virus (HDV) infection are needed, as current therapies have undeniable limitations. Nucleoside/nucleotide analogues (NUC) can efficiently control HBV replication and reduce or even reverse liver damage. However, these drugs have to be given for indefinite periods in most patients to maintain virological and biochemical responses. Although sustained responses off treatment can be achieved by treatment with (pegylated) interferon-α, only about 10-30% of patients effectively resolve chronic hepatitis B. It was the goal of this conference to review the progress made over the last years in chronic viral hepatitis research and to identify key questions that need to be addressed in order to close the gap between basic and clinical research and to develop novel preventive and treatment approaches for this most common cause of liver cirrhosis and HCC.
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most frequent form of primary liver cancer and chronic infection with hepatitis C virus is one of the main risk factors for HCC. This study analyses the characteristics of the patients with chronic hepatitis C participating in the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study who developed HCC. METHODS: Analysis of the database of the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study, a multicentre study that is being carried out in eight major Swiss hospitals since the year 2000. Patients with chronic hepatitis C and HCC were regrouped and compared to the patients without HCC. RESULTS: Among the 3,390 patients of the cohort, 130 developed an HCC. Age was one of the determining factors. Cirrhosis and its complications ascites and porto-systemic encephalopathy were associated with HCC. Males presented a higher risk for HCC than females. Alcohol consumption was associated with HCC. Diabetes mellitus was an important risk factor, especially in patients with low fibrosis. Patients with Hepatitis C genotype 2 had significantly less HCC than patients with other genotypes. A low socioeconomic status (income, education, profession) was associated with HCC. CONCLUSIONS: Beside the expected characteristics (age, gender, cirrhosis, alcohol), these data stress the role of diabetes mellitus and reveal the importance of low socioeconomic status as a risk factor for HCC in Swiss patients infected with hepatitis C virus. This vulnerable population should be closely monitored.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) alpha is a nuclear receptor that is mainly expressed in tissues with a high degree of fatty acid oxidation such as liver, heart, and skeletal muscle. Unsaturated fatty acids, their derivatives, and fibrates activate PPARalpha. Male rats are more responsive to fibrates than female rats. We therefore wanted to investigate if there is a sex difference in PPARalpha expression. Male rats had higher levels of hepatic PPARalpha mRNA and protein than female rats. Fasting increased hepatic PPARalpha mRNA levels to a similar degree in both sexes. Gonadectomy of male rats decreased PPARalpha mRNA expression to similar levels as in intact and gonadectomized female rats. Hypophysectomy increased hepatic PPARalpha mRNA and protein levels. The increase in PPARalpha mRNA after hypophysectomy was more pronounced in females than in males. GH treatment decreased PPARalpha mRNA and protein levels, but the sex-differentiated secretory pattern of GH does not determine the sex-differentiated expression of PPARalpha. The expression of PPARalpha mRNA in heart or soleus muscle was not influenced by gender, gonadectomy, hypophysectomy, or GH treatment. In summary, pituitary-dependent hormones specifically regulate hepatic PPARalpha expression. Sex hormones regulate the sex difference in hepatic PPARalpha levels, but not via the sexually dimorphic GH secretory pattern.
BACKGROUND: Therapy of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) with pegIFNα/ribavirin achieves a sustained virologic response (SVR) in ∼55%. Pre-activation of the endogenous interferon system in the liver is associated with non-response (NR). Recently, genome-wide association studies described associations of allelic variants near the IL28B (IFNλ3) gene with treatment response and with spontaneous clearance of the virus. We investigated if the IL28B genotype determines the constitutive expression of IFN stimulated genes (ISGs) in the liver of patients with CHC. METHODS: We genotyped 93 patients with CHC for 3 IL28B single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, rs12979860, rs8099917, rs12980275), extracted RNA from their liver biopsies and quantified the expression of IL28B and of 8 previously identified classifier genes which discriminate between SVR and NR (IFI44L, RSAD2, ISG15, IFI22, LAMP3, OAS3, LGALS3BP and HTATIP2). Decision tree ensembles in the form of a random forest classifier were used to calculate the relative predictive power of these different variables in a multivariate analysis. RESULTS: The minor IL28B allele (bad risk for treatment response) was significantly associated with increased expression of ISGs, and, unexpectedly, with decreased expression of IL28B. Stratification of the patients into SVR and NR revealed that ISG expression was conditionally independent from the IL28B genotype, i.e. there was an increased expression of ISGs in NR compared to SVR irrespective of the IL28B genotype. The random forest feature score (RFFS) identified IFI27 (RFFS = 2.93), RSAD2 (1.88) and HTATIP2 (1.50) expression and the HCV genotype (1.62) as the strongest predictors of treatment response. ROC curves of the IL28B SNPs showed an AUC of 0.66 with an error rate (ERR) of 0.38. A classifier with the 3 best classifying genes showed an excellent test performance with an AUC of 0.94 and ERR of 0.15. The addition of IL28B genotype information did not improve the predictive power of the 3-gene classifier. CONCLUSIONS: IL28B genotype and hepatic ISG expression are conditionally independent predictors of treatment response in CHC. There is no direct link between altered IFNλ3 expression and pre-activation of the endogenous system in the liver. Hepatic ISG expression is by far the better predictor for treatment response than IL28B genotype.
AIMS: More than two billion people worldwide are deficient in key micronutrients. Single micronutrients have been used at high doses to prevent and treat dietary insufficiencies. Yet the impact of combinations of micronutrients in small doses aiming to improve lipid disorders and the corresponding metabolic pathways remains incompletely understood. Thus, we investigated whether a combination of micronutrients would reduce fat accumulation and atherosclerosis in mice. METHODS AND RESULTS: Lipoprotein receptor-null mice fed with an original combination of micronutrients incorporated into the daily chow showed reduced weight gain, body fat, plasma triglycerides, and increased oxygen consumption. These effects were achieved through enhanced lipid utilization and reduced lipid accumulation in metabolic organs and were mediated, in part, by the nuclear receptor PPARα. Moreover, the micronutrients partially prevented atherogenesis when administered early in life to apolipoprotein E-null mice. When the micronutrient treatment was started before conception, the anti-atherosclerotic effect was stronger in the progeny. This finding correlated with decreased post-prandial triglyceridaemia and vascular inflammation, two major atherogenic factors. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate beneficial effects of a combination of micronutritients on body weight gain, hypertriglyceridaemia, liver steatosis, and atherosclerosis in mice, and thus our findings suggest a novel cost-effective combinatorial micronutrient-based strategy worthy of being tested in humans.
Glucose homeostasis requires the tight regulation of glucose utilization by liver, muscle and white or brown fat, and glucose production and release in the blood by liver. The major goal of maintaining glycemia at ∼ 5 mM is to ensure a sufficient flux of glucose to the brain, which depends mostly on this nutrient as a source of metabolic energy. This homeostatic process is controlled by hormones, mainly glucagon and insulin, and by autonomic nervous activities that control the metabolic state of liver, muscle and fat tissue but also the secretory activity of the endocrine pancreas. Activation or inhibition of the sympathetic or parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous systems are controlled by glucose-excited or glucose-inhibited neurons located at different anatomical sites, mainly in the brainstem and the hypothalamus. Activation of these neurons by hyper- or hypoglycemia represents a critical aspect of the control of glucose homeostasis, and loss of glucose sensing by these cells as well as by pancreatic β-cells is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes. In this article, aspects of the brain-endocrine pancreas axis are reviewed, highlighting the importance of central glucose sensing in the control of counterregulation to hypoglycemia but also mentioning the role of the neural control in β-cell mass and function. Overall, the conclusions of these studies is that impaired glucose homeostasis, such as associated with type 2 diabetes, but also defective counterregulation to hypoglycemia, may be caused by initial defects in glucose sensing.
BACKGROUND: Both nutritional and genetic factors are involved in the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance. OBJECTIVE: The aim was to assess the effects of fructose, a potent stimulator of hepatic de novo lipogenesis, on intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCLs) and insulin sensitivity in healthy offspring of patients with type 2 diabetes (OffT2D)--a subgroup of individuals prone to metabolic disorders. DESIGN: Sixteen male OffT2D and 8 control subjects were studied in a crossover design after either a 7-d isocaloric diet or a hypercaloric high-fructose diet (3.5 g x kg FFM(-1) x d(-1), +35% energy intake). Hepatic and whole-body insulin sensitivity were assessed with a 2-step hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp (0.3 and 1.0 mU x kg(-1) x min(-1)), together with 6,6-[2H2]glucose. IHCLs and intramyocellular lipids (IMCLs) were measured by 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy. RESULTS: The OffT2D group had significantly (P < 0.05) higher IHCLs (+94%), total triacylglycerols (+35%), and lower whole-body insulin sensitivity (-27%) than did the control group. The high-fructose diet significantly increased IHCLs (control: +76%; OffT2D: +79%), IMCLs (control: +47%; OffT2D: +24%), VLDL-triacylglycerols (control: +51%; OffT2D: +110%), and fasting hepatic glucose output (control: +4%; OffT2D: +5%). Furthermore, the effects of fructose on VLDL-triacylglycerols were higher in the OffT2D group (group x diet interaction: P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: A 7-d high-fructose diet increased ectopic lipid deposition in liver and muscle and fasting VLDL-triacylglycerols and decreased hepatic insulin sensitivity. Fructose-induced alterations in VLDL-triacylglycerols appeared to be of greater magnitude in the OffT2D group, which suggests that these individuals may be more prone to developing dyslipidemia when challenged by high fructose intakes. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00523562.