106 resultados para Species-specific neighbour effects


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Ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) are a highly conserved family of ligand-gated ion channels present in animals, plants, and bacteria, which are best characterized for their roles in synaptic communication in vertebrate nervous systems. A variant subfamily of iGluRs, the Ionotropic Receptors (IRs), was recently identified as a new class of olfactory receptors in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, hinting at a broader function of this ion channel family in detection of environmental, as well as intercellular, chemical signals. Here, we investigate the origin and evolution of IRs by comprehensive evolutionary genomics and in situ expression analysis. In marked contrast to the insect-specific Odorant Receptor family, we show that IRs are expressed in olfactory organs across Protostomia--a major branch of the animal kingdom that encompasses arthropods, nematodes, and molluscs--indicating that they represent an ancestral protostome chemosensory receptor family. Two subfamilies of IRs are distinguished: conserved "antennal IRs," which likely define the first olfactory receptor family of insects, and species-specific "divergent IRs," which are expressed in peripheral and internal gustatory neurons, implicating this family in taste and food assessment. Comparative analysis of drosophilid IRs reveals the selective forces that have shaped the repertoires in flies with distinct chemosensory preferences. Examination of IR gene structure and genomic distribution suggests both non-allelic homologous recombination and retroposition contributed to the expansion of this multigene family. Together, these findings lay a foundation for functional analysis of these receptors in both neurobiological and evolutionary studies. Furthermore, this work identifies novel targets for manipulating chemosensory-driven behaviours of agricultural pests and disease vectors.


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Chemosensory receptor gene families encode divergent proteins capable of detecting a huge diversity of environmental stimuli that are constantly changing over evolutionary time as organisms adapt to distinct ecological niches. While olfaction is dedicated to the detection of volatile compounds, taste is key to assess food quality for nutritional value and presence of toxic substances. The sense of taste also provides initial signals to mediate endocrine regulation of appetite and food metabolism and plays a role in kin recognition. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is a very good model for studying smell and taste because these senses are very important in insects and because a broad variety of genetic tools are available in Drosophila. Recently, a family of 66 chemosensory receptors, the Ionotropic Receptors (IRs) was described in fruit flies. IRs are distantly related to ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs), but their evolutionary origin from these synaptic receptors is unclear. While 16 IRs are expressed in the olfactory system, nothing is known about the other members of this repertoire. In this thesis, I describe bioinformatic, expression and functional analyses of the IRs aimed at understanding how these receptors have evolved, and at characterising the role of the non-olfactory IRs. I show that these have emerged at the basis of the protostome lineage and probably have acquired their sensory function very early. Moreover, although several IRs are conserved across insects, there are rapid and dramatic changes in the size and divergence of IR repertoires across species. I then performed a comprehensive analysis of IR expression in the larva of Drosophila melanogaster, which is a good model to study taste and feeding mechanisms as it spends most of its time eating or foraging. I found that most of the divergent members of the IR repertoire are expressed in both peripheral and internal gustatory neurons, suggesting that these are involved in taste perception. Finally, through the establishment of a new neurophysiological assay in larvae, I identified for the first time subsets of IR neurons that preferentially detect sugars and amino acids, indicating that IRs might be involved in sensing these compounds. Together, my results indicate that IRs are an evolutionarily dynamic and functionally versatile family of receptors. In contrast to the olfactory IRs that are well-conserved, gustatory IRs are rapidly evolving species-specific receptors that are likely to be involved in detecting a wide variety of tastants. - La plupart des animaux possèdent de grandes familles de récepteurs chimiosensoriels dont la fonction est de détecter l'immense diversité de composés chimiques présents dans l'environnement. Ces récepteurs évoluent en même temps que les organismes s'adaptent à leur écosystème. Il existe deux manières de percevoir ces signaux chimiques : l'olfaction et le goût. Alors que le système olfactif perçoit les composés volatiles, le sens du goût permet d'évaluer, par contact, la qualité de la nourriture, de détecter des substances toxiques et de réguler l'appétit et le métabolisme. L'un des organismes modèles les plus pertinents pour étudier le sens du goût est le stade larvaire de la mouche du vinaigre Drosophila melanogaster. En effet, la principale fonction du stade larvaire est de trouver de la nourriture et de manger. De plus, il est possible d'utiliser tous les outils génétiques développés chez la drosophile. Récemment, une nouvelle famille de 66 récepteurs chimiosensoriels appelés Récepteurs Ionotropiques (IRs) a été découverte chez la drosophile. Bien que leur orogine soit peu claire, ces récepteurs sont similaires aux récepteurs ionotropiques glutamatergiques impliqués dans la transmission synaptique. 16 IRs sont exprimés dans le système olfactif de la mouche adulte, mais pour l'instant on ne connaît rien des autres membres de cette famille. Durant ma thèse, j'ai effectué des recherches sur l'évolution de ces récepteurs ainsi que sur l'expression et la fonction des IRs non olfactifs. Je démontre que les IRs sont apparus chez l'ancêtre commun des protostomiens et ont probablement acquis leur fonction sensorielle très rapidement. De plus, bien qu'un certain nombre d'IRs olfactifs soient conservés chez les insectes, d'importantes variations dans la taille et la divergence des répertoires d'IRs entre les espèces ont été constatées. J'ai également découvert qu'un grand nombre d'IRs non olfactifs sont exprimés dans différents organes gustatifs, ce qui leur confère probablement une fonction dans la perception des goûts. Finalement, pour la première fois, des neurones exprimant des IRs ont été identifiés pour leur fonction dans la perception de sucres et d'acides aminés chez la larve. Mes résultats présentent les IRs comme une famille très dynamique, aux fonctions très variées, qui joue un rôle tant dans l'odorat que dans le goût, et dont la fonction est restée importante tout au long de l'évolution. De plus, l'identification de neurones spécialisés dans la perception de certains composés permettra l'étude des circuits neuronaux impliqués dans le traitement de ces informations.


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To understand the biology and evolution of ruminants, the cattle genome was sequenced to about sevenfold coverage. The cattle genome contains a minimum of 22,000 genes, with a core set of 14,345 orthologs shared among seven mammalian species of which 1217 are absent or undetected in noneutherian (marsupial or monotreme) genomes. Cattle-specific evolutionary breakpoint regions in chromosomes have a higher density of segmental duplications, enrichment of repetitive elements, and species-specific variations in genes associated with lactation and immune responsiveness. Genes involved in metabolism are generally highly conserved, although five metabolic genes are deleted or extensively diverged from their human orthologs. The cattle genome sequence thus provides a resource for understanding mammalian evolution and accelerating livestock genetic improvement for milk and meat production.


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Eukaryotic mRNA transcription and turnover is controlled by an enzymatic machinery that includes RNA polymerase II and the 3' to 5' exosome. The activity of these protein complexes is modulated by additional factors, such as the nuclear RNA polymerase II-associated factor 1 (Paf1c) and the cytoplasmic Superkiller (SKI) complex, respectively. Their components are conserved across uni- as well as multi-cellular organisms, including yeast, Arabidopsis, and humans. Among them, SKI8 displays multiple facets on top of its cytoplasmic role in the SKI complex. For instance, nuclear yeast ScSKI8 has an additional function in meiotic recombination, whereas nuclear human hSKI8 (unlike ScSKI8) associates with Paf1c. The Arabidopsis SKI8 homolog VERNALIZATION INDEPENDENT 3 (VIP3) has been found in Paf1c as well; however, whether it also has a role in the SKI complex remains obscure so far. We found that transgenic VIP3-GFP, which complements a novel vip3 mutant allele, localizes to both nucleus and cytoplasm. Consistently, biochemical analyses suggest that VIP3-GFP associates with the SKI complex. A role of VIP3 in the turnover of nuclear encoded mRNAs is supported by random-primed RNA sequencing of wild-type and vip3 seedlings, which indicates mRNA stabilization in vip3. Another SKI subunit homolog mutant, ski2, displays a dwarf phenotype similar to vip3. However, unlike vip3, it displays neither early flowering nor flower development phenotypes, suggesting that the latter reflect VIP3's role in Paf1c. Surprisingly then, transgenic ScSKI8 rescued all aspects of the vip3 phenotype, suggesting that the dual role of SKI8 depends on species-specific cellular context.


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Alternative splicing (AS) has the potential to greatly expand the functional repertoire of mammalian transcriptomes. However, few variant transcripts have been characterized functionally, making it difficult to assess the contribution of AS to the generation of phenotypic complexity and to study the evolution of splicing patterns. We have compared the AS of 309 protein-coding genes in the human ENCODE pilot regions against their mouse orthologs in unprecedented detail, utilizing traditional transcriptomic and RNAseq data. The conservation status of every transcript has been investigated, and each functionally categorized as coding (separated into coding sequence [CDS] or nonsense-mediated decay [NMD] linked) or noncoding. In total, 36.7% of human and 19.3% of mouse coding transcripts are species specific, and we observe a 3.6 times excess of human NMD transcripts compared with mouse; in contrast to previous studies, the majority of species-specific AS is unlinked to transposable elements. We observe one conserved CDS variant and one conserved NMD variant per 2.3 and 11.4 genes, respectively. Subsequently, we identify and characterize equivalent AS patterns for 22.9% of these CDS or NMD-linked events in nonmammalian vertebrate genomes, and our data indicate that functional NMD-linked AS is more widespread and ancient than previously thought. Furthermore, although we observe an association between conserved AS and elevated sequence conservation, as previously reported, we emphasize that 30% of conserved AS exons display sequence conservation below the average score for constitutive exons. In conclusion, we demonstrate the value of detailed comparative annotation in generating a comprehensive set of AS transcripts, increasing our understanding of AS evolution in vertebrates. Our data supports a model whereby the acquisition of functional AS has occurred throughout vertebrate evolution and is considered alongside amino acid change as a key mechanism in gene evolution.


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UniPathway (http://www.unipathway.org) is a fully manually curated resource for the representation and annotation of metabolic pathways. UniPathway provides explicit representations of enzyme-catalyzed and spontaneous chemical reactions, as well as a hierarchical representation of metabolic pathways. This hierarchy uses linear subpathways as the basic building block for the assembly of larger and more complex pathways, including species-specific pathway variants. All of the pathway data in UniPathway has been extensively cross-linked to existing pathway resources such as KEGG and MetaCyc, as well as sequence resources such as the UniProt KnowledgeBase (UniProtKB), for which UniPathway provides a controlled vocabulary for pathway annotation. We introduce here the basic concepts underlying the UniPathway resource, with the aim of allowing users to fully exploit the information provided by UniPathway.


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La présente thèse s'intitule "Développent et Application des Méthodologies Computationnelles pour la Modélisation Qualitative". Elle comprend tous les différents projets que j'ai entrepris en tant que doctorante. Plutôt qu'une mise en oeuvre systématique d'un cadre défini a priori, cette thèse devrait être considérée comme une exploration des méthodes qui peuvent nous aider à déduire le plan de processus regulatoires et de signalisation. Cette exploration a été mue par des questions biologiques concrètes, plutôt que par des investigations théoriques. Bien que tous les projets aient inclus des systèmes divergents (réseaux régulateurs de gènes du cycle cellulaire, réseaux de signalisation de cellules pulmonaires) ainsi que des organismes (levure à fission, levure bourgeonnante, rat, humain), nos objectifs étaient complémentaires et cohérents. Le projet principal de la thèse est la modélisation du réseau de l'initiation de septation (SIN) du S.pombe. La cytokinèse dans la levure à fission est contrôlée par le SIN, un réseau signalant de protéines kinases qui utilise le corps à pôle-fuseau comme échafaudage. Afin de décrire le comportement qualitatif du système et prédire des comportements mutants inconnus, nous avons décidé d'adopter l'approche de la modélisation booléenne. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons la construction d'un modèle booléen étendu du SIN, comprenant la plupart des composantes et des régulateurs du SIN en tant que noeuds individuels et testable expérimentalement. Ce modèle utilise des niveaux d'activité du CDK comme noeuds de contrôle pour la simulation d'évènements du SIN à différents stades du cycle cellulaire. Ce modèle a été optimisé en utilisant des expériences d'un seul "knock-out" avec des effets phénotypiques connus comme set d'entraînement. Il a permis de prédire correctement un set d'évaluation de "knock-out" doubles. De plus, le modèle a fait des prédictions in silico qui ont été validées in vivo, permettant d'obtenir de nouvelles idées de la régulation et l'organisation hiérarchique du SIN. Un autre projet concernant le cycle cellulaire qui fait partie de cette thèse a été la construction d'un modèle qualitatif et minimal de la réciprocité des cyclines dans la S.cerevisiae. Les protéines Clb dans la levure bourgeonnante présentent une activation et une dégradation caractéristique et séquentielle durant le cycle cellulaire, qu'on appelle communément les vagues des Clbs. Cet évènement est coordonné avec la courbe d'activation inverse du Sic1, qui a un rôle inhibitoire dans le système. Pour l'identification des modèles qualitatifs minimaux qui peuvent expliquer ce phénomène, nous avons sélectionné des expériences bien définies et construit tous les modèles minimaux possibles qui, une fois simulés, reproduisent les résultats attendus. Les modèles ont été filtrés en utilisant des simulations ODE qualitatives et standardisées; seules celles qui reproduisaient le phénotype des vagues ont été gardées. L'ensemble des modèles minimaux peut être utilisé pour suggérer des relations regulatoires entre les molécules participant qui peuvent ensuite être testées expérimentalement. Enfin, durant mon doctorat, j'ai participé au SBV Improver Challenge. Le but était de déduire des réseaux spécifiques à des espèces (humain et rat) en utilisant des données de phosphoprotéines, d'expressions des gènes et des cytokines, ainsi qu'un réseau de référence, qui était mis à disposition comme donnée préalable. Notre solution pour ce concours a pris la troisième place. L'approche utilisée est expliquée en détail dans le dernier chapitre de la thèse. -- The present dissertation is entitled "Development and Application of Computational Methodologies in Qualitative Modeling". It encompasses the diverse projects that were undertaken during my time as a PhD student. Instead of a systematic implementation of a framework defined a priori, this thesis should be considered as an exploration of the methods that can help us infer the blueprint of regulatory and signaling processes. This exploration was driven by concrete biological questions, rather than theoretical investigation. Even though the projects involved divergent systems (gene regulatory networks of cell cycle, signaling networks in lung cells), as well as organisms (fission yeast, budding yeast, rat, human), our goals were complementary and coherent. The main project of the thesis is the modeling of the Septation Initiation Network (SIN) in S.pombe. Cytokinesis in fission yeast is controlled by the SIN, a protein kinase signaling network that uses the spindle pole body as scaffold. In order to describe the qualitative behavior of the system and predict unknown mutant behaviors we decided to adopt a Boolean modeling approach. In this thesis, we report the construction of an extended, Boolean model of the SIN, comprising most SIN components and regulators as individual, experimentally testable nodes. The model uses CDK activity levels as control nodes for the simulation of SIN related events in different stages of the cell cycle. The model was optimized using single knock-out experiments of known phenotypic effect as a training set, and was able to correctly predict a double knock-out test set. Moreover, the model has made in silico predictions that have been validated in vivo, providing new insights into the regulation and hierarchical organization of the SIN. Another cell cycle related project that is part of this thesis was to create a qualitative, minimal model of cyclin interplay in S.cerevisiae. CLB proteins in budding yeast present a characteristic, sequential activation and decay during the cell cycle, commonly referred to as Clb waves. This event is coordinated with the inverse activation curve of Sic1, which has an inhibitory role in the system. To generate minimal qualitative models that can explain this phenomenon, we selected well-defined experiments and constructed all possible minimal models that, when simulated, reproduce the expected results. The models were filtered using standardized qualitative ODE simulations; only the ones reproducing the wave-like phenotype were kept. The set of minimal models can be used to suggest regulatory relations among the participating molecules, which will subsequently be tested experimentally. Finally, during my PhD I participated in the SBV Improver Challenge. The goal was to infer species-specific (human and rat) networks, using phosphoprotein, gene expression and cytokine data and a reference network provided as prior knowledge. Our solution to the challenge was selected as in the final chapter of the thesis.


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Alternative splicing produces multiple isoforms from the same gene, thus increasing the number of transcripts of the species. Alternative splicing is a virtually ubiquitous mechanism in eukaryotes, for example more than 90% of protein-coding genes in human are alternatively spliced. Recent evolutionary studies showed that alternative splicing is a fast evolving and highly species- specific mechanism. The rapid evolution of alternative splicing was considered as a contribution to the phenotypic diversity between species. However, the function of many isoforms produced by alternative splicing remains unclear and they might be the result of noisy splicing. Thus, the functional relevance of alternative splicing and the evolutionary mechanisms of its rapid divergence among species are still poorly understood. During my thesis, I performed a large-scale analysis of the regulatory mechanisms that drive the rapid evolution of alternative splicing. To study the evolution of alternative splicing regulatory mechanisms, I used an extensive RNA-sequencing dataset comprising 12 tetrapod species (human, chimpanzee and bonobo, gorilla, orangutan, macaque, marmoset, mouse, opossum, platypus, chicken and frog) and 8 tissues (cerebellum, brain, heart, kidney, liver, testis, placenta and ovary). To identify the catalogue of alternative splicing eis-acting regulatory elements in the different tetrapod species, I used a previously defined computational approach. This approach is a statistical analysis of exons/introns and splice sites composition and relies on a principle of compensation between splice sites strength and the presence of additional regulators. With an evolutionary comparative analysis of the exonic eis-acting regulators, I showed that these regulatory elements are generally shared among primates and more conserved than non-regulatory elements. In addition, I showed that the usage of these regulatory elements is also more conserved than expected by chance. In addition to the identification of species- specific eis-acting regulators, these results may explain the rapid evolution of alternative splicing. I also developed a new approach based on evolutionary sequence changes and corresponding alternative splicing changes to identify potential splicing eis-acting regulators in primates. The identification of lineage-specific substitutions and corresponding lineage-specific alternative splicing changes, allowed me to annotate the genomic sequences that might have played a role in the alternative splicing pattern differences among primates. Finally, I showed that the identified splicing eis-acting regulator datasets are enriched in human disease-causing mutations, thus confirming their biological relevance.


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BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have examined determinants leading to preponderance of women in major depressive disorder (MDD), which is particularly accentuated for the atypical depression subtype. It is thus of interest to explore the specific indirect effects influencing the association between sex and established depression subtypes. METHODS: The data of 1624 subjects with a lifetime diagnosis of MDD derived from the population-based PsyCoLaus data were used. An atypical (n=256), a melancholic (n=422), a combined atypical and melancholic features subtype (n=198), and an unspecified MDD group (n=748) were constructed according to the DSM-IV specifiers. Path models with direct and indirect effects were applied to the data. RESULTS: Partial mediation of the female-related atypical and combined atypical-melancholic depression subtypes was found. Early anxiety disorders and high emotion-orientated coping acted as mediating variables between sex and the atypical depression subtype. In contrast, high Body Mass Index (BMI) served as a suppression variable, also concerning the association between sex and the combined atypical-melancholic subtype. The latter association was additionally mediated by an early age of MDD onset and early/late anxiety disorders. LIMITATIONS: The use of cross-sectional data does not allow causal conclusions. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study that provides evidence for a differentiation of the general mechanisms explaining sex differences of overall MDD by depression subtypes. Determinants affecting the pathways begin early in life. Since some of them are primarily of behavioral nature, the present findings could be a valuable target in mental health care.


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AimHigh intra-specific genetic diversity is necessary for species adaptation to novel environments under climate change, but species tracking suitable conditions are losing alleles through successive founder events during range shift. Here, we investigated the relationship between range shift since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and extant population genetic diversity across multiple plant species to understand variability in species responses. LocationThe circumpolar Arctic and northern temperate alpine ranges. MethodsWe estimated the climatic niches of 30 cold-adapted plant species using range maps coupled with species distribution models and hindcasted species suitable areas to reconstructions of the mid-Holocene and LGM climates. We computed the species-specific migration distances from the species glacial refugia to their current distribution and correlated distances to extant genetic diversity in 1295 populations. Differential responses among species were related to life-history traits. ResultsWe found a negative association between inferred migration distances from refugia and genetic diversities in 25 species, but only 11 had statistically significant negative slopes. The relationships between inferred distance and population genetic diversity were steeper for insect-pollinated species than wind-pollinated species, but the difference among pollination system was marginally independent from phylogenetic autocorrelation. Main conclusionThe relationships between inferred migration distances and genetic diversities in 11 species, independent from current isolation, indicate that past range shifts were associated with a genetic bottleneck effect with an average of 21% loss of genetic diversity per 1000km(-1). In contrast, the absence of relationship in many species also indicates that the response is species specific and may be modulated by plant pollination strategies or result from more complex historical contingencies than those modelled here.


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Leishmaniasis is widely spread disease found in bath tropical and temperate regions but limited to the habitat of its sand fly vector. lt affects over 12 million people with 2 million new cases each year. As cutaneous leishmaniasis patients show varying levels of immunity to the disease after recovery, the development of a vaccine has much promise as a prevention strategy. Unfortunately however, existing anti-leishmanial vaccines are plagued by safety issues and have only ever shown limited efficacy .So, despite much effort, no effective vaccine is currently available. Recent studies suggest a correlation between the presence of Leishmania RNA virus (LRV) and the development of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL), which is characterised by the presence of secondary lesions in nasal and buccal mucosa, causing destructive and disfiguring facial lesions. Moreover, recent research has associated the viral presence to treatment fa ilure in patients. ln the first part of this work, we propose that these viral particles may serve as promising vaccine candidates due to their powerful TLR-3 antigenicity, launching an early cell-mediated attack on stimulated cells and thus eliminating their virulent complications. The second part of this work discusses a preliminary study on the lymphocyte immune response against Leishmania guyanensis infection. The lymphocyte response (and in particular, the raie of CDS+ T cells) is controversial and varies greatly between Leishmania species. Here, we illustrate the importance of a small CDS+ T cell subpopulation, expressing the CDSaa+ receptor. These intraepithelial lymphocytes are mainly present in the skin, vagina and intestinal tissue and are best known for their raie in the early immune response against pathogens. Similarly to traditional CDS+ cells, they secrete the tissue-destructive enzymes, perforin and granzyme, which can result in a hyper-inflammatory cutaneous lesion, raising a possibility for their raie in Leishmania infection. lndeed, our initial results in a murine mode( of Leishmania guyanensis infection suggest a pathogenic raie for CDSaa+ T cells. Further research into species-specific immune responses against the various Leishmania parasites is critical to realising the clinical potential of immunotherapy in the treatment and prevention of this disfiguring disease . -- La Leishmaniose est une maladie infectieuse causée par le parasite Leishmania. Elle est localisée dans les régions où son vecteur se reproduit, c'est-à-dire dans des régions tropicales ou tempérées. Cette pathologie affecte 12 millions des personnes dans le monde et 2 millions de nouveaux cas sont recensés chaque année. D'autres facteurs, tels la déforestation, les conditions d'hygiène ou encore l'accès limité aux médicaments, aggravent la pathologie et renforcent sa propagation. Les patients affectés par la leishmaniose et qui arrivent à en guérir, présentent une protection contre une réinfection. Pour cette raison, le développement d'un vaccin reste la meilleure solution pour combattre ce fléau. Mais, à ce jour, et malgré beaucoup d'efforts, aucun vaccin efficace n'a encore été développé. Un autre facteur responsable de l'aggravation de la pathologie et de la résistance de ces parasites aux drogues est un virus qui peut infecter certaines souches de Leishmania. Ce virus, appelé Leishmania RNA virus, peut induire une réponse inflammatoire exagérée, ce qui a comme résultat l'aggravation de la pathologie, la survie et la dissémination de ce parasite au sein de l'hôte infecté. Vu l'absence d'un vaccin contre ce parasite, Leishmania, nous proposons de développer un vaccin non pas contre le parasite lui- même mais contre l'agent qui provoque l'exacerbation de la pathologie, c'est-à-dire le virus. Dans cette étude, nous décrivons le développement d'un vaccin contre LRV, qui empêche le parasite d'induire des inflammations exagérées dans les souris. En d'autres mots, nous essayons de prévenir toutes les complications générées par cet hyperpathogène qu'est le LRV, en utilisant sa capside comme cible pour le développement d'un vaccin. Dans la deuxième partie de ce manuscrit, nous avons aussi étudié plus en détail la réponse immunitaire, et en particulier la réponse des lymphocytes T COB suite à l'infection du parasite Leishmania guyanensis porteur du LRV.


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Abiotic factors are considered strong drivers of species distribution and assemblages. Yet these spatial patterns are also influenced by biotic interactions. Accounting for competitors or facilitators may improve both the fit and the predictive power of species distribution models (SDMs). We investigated the influence of a dominant species, Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum, on the distribution of 34 subordinate species in the tundra of northern Norway. We related SDM parameters of those subordinate species to their functional traits and their co-occurrence patterns with E. hermaphroditum across three spatial scales. By combining both approaches, we sought to understand whether these species may be limited by competitive interactions and/or benefit from habitat conditions created by the dominant species. The model fit and predictive power increased for most species when the frequency of occurrence of E. hermaphroditum was included in the SDMs as a predictor. The largest increase was found for species that 1) co-occur most of the time with E. hermaphroditum, both at large (i.e. 750 m) and small spatial scale (i.e. 2 m) or co-occur with E. hermaphroditum at large scale but not at small scale and 2) have particularly low or high leaf dry matter content (LDMC). Species that do not co-occur with E. hermaphroditum at the smallest scale are generally palatable herbaceous species with low LDMC, thus showing a weak ability to tolerate resource depletion that is directly or indirectly induced by E. hermaphroditum. Species with high LDMC, showing a better aptitude to face resource depletion and grazing, are often found in the proximity of E. hermaphroditum. Our results are consistent with previous findings that both competition and facilitation structure plant distribution and assemblages in the Arctic tundra. The functional and co-occurrence approaches used were complementary and provided a deeper understanding of the observed patterns by refinement of the pool of potential direct and indirect ecological effects of E. hermaphroditum on the distribution of subordinate species. Our correlative study would benefit being complemented by experimental approaches.


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A murine monoclonal antibody (SJL 2-4) specific for the antigen apo-cytochrome c was shown to inhibit both antigen-induced proliferation and lymphokine secretion by an apo-cytochrome c-specific BALB/c helper T cell clone. The inhibition was specific because additional apo-cytochrome c-specific T cell clones were not inhibited by the same monoclonal antibody. Time course studies of the inhibition indicated that the initial 8 hr of contact between T cell clones and antigen-presenting cells were critical for activation of the T cell clones. Inhibition of T cell functions by antigen-specific antibodies appeared to correlate with the antibody-antigen binding constant because a second monoclonal antibody (Cyt-1-59), with identical specificity but with a lower affinity constant for apo-cytochrome c, had very little inhibitory effect on the proliferation or lymphokine secretion of apo-cytochrome c-specific T cell clones.


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The potential of ochratoxin A (OTA) to damage brain cells was studied by using a three-dimensional cell culture system as model for the developing brain. Aggregating cell cultures of foetal rat telencephalon were tested either during an early developmental period, or during a phase of advanced maturation, over a wide range of OTA concentrations (0.4 nM to 50 microM). By monitoring changes in activities of cell type-specific enzymes (ChAt and GAD, for cholinergic and GABAergic neurones, respectively, GS for astrocytes and CNP for oligodendrocytes), the concentration-dependent toxicity and neurodevelopmental effects of OTA were determined. OTA proved to be highly toxic, since a 10-day treatment at 50 nM caused a general cytotoxicity in both mature and immature cultures. At 10 nM of OTA, cell type-specific effects were observed: in immature cultures, a loss in neuronal and oligodendroglial enzyme activities, and an increase in the activity of the astroglial marker glutamine synthetase were found, Furthermore, at 2 and 10 nM of OTA, a clustering of microglial cells was observed. In mature cultures, OTA was somewhat less potent, but caused a similar pattern of toxic effects. A 24 h-treatment with OTA resulted in a concentration-dependent decrease in protein synthesis, with IC50 values of 25 nM and 33 nM for immature and mature cultures respectively. Acute (24 h) treatment at high OTA concentrations (10 to 50 microM) caused a significant increase in reactive oxygen species formation, as measured by the intracellular oxidation of 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin. These results suggest that OTA has the potential to be a potent toxicant to brain cells, and that its effects at nanomolar concentrations are primarily due to the inhibition of protein synthesis, whereas ROS seem not to be involved in the toxicity mediated by a chronic exposure to OTA at such low concentrations.


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The ability of the developing myocardium to tolerate oxidative stress during early gestation is an important issue with regard to possible detrimental consequences for the fetus. In the embryonic heart, antioxidant defences are low, whereas glycolytic flux is high. The pro- and antioxidant mechanisms and their dependency on glucose metabolism remain to be explored. Isolated hearts of 4-day-old chick embryos were exposed to normoxia (30 min), anoxia (30 min), and hyperoxic reoxygenation (60 min). The time course of ROS production in the whole heart and in the atria, ventricle, and outflow tract was established using lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence. Cardiac rhythm, conduction, and arrhythmias were determined. The activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, gutathione reductase, and glutathione peroxidase as well as the content of reduced and oxidized glutathione were measured. The relative contribution of the ROS-generating systems was assessed by inhibition of mitochondrial complexes I and III (rotenone and myxothiazol), NADPH oxidases (diphenylene iodonium and apocynine), and nitric oxide synthases (N-monomethyl-l-arginine and N-iminoethyl-l-ornithine). The effects of glycolysis inhibition (iodoacetate), glucose deprivation, glycogen depletion, and lactate accumulation were also investigated. In untreated hearts, ROS production peaked at 10.8 ± 3.3, 9 ± 0.8, and 4.8 ± 0.4 min (means ± SD; n = 4) of reoxygenation in the atria, ventricle, and outflow tract, respectively, and was associated with arrhythmias. Functional recovery was complete after 30-40 min. At reoxygenation, 1) the respiratory chain and NADPH oxidases were the main sources of ROS in the atria and outflow tract, respectively; 2) glucose deprivation decreased, whereas glycogen depletion increased, oxidative stress; 3) lactate worsened oxidant stress via NADPH oxidase activation; 4) glycolysis blockade enhanced ROS production; 5) no nitrosative stress was detectable; and 6) the glutathione redox cycle appeared to be a major antioxidant system. Thus, the glycolytic pathway plays a predominant role in reoxygenation-induced oxidative stress during early cardiogenesis. The relative contribution of mitochondria and extramitochondrial systems to ROS generation varies from one region to another and throughout reoxygenation.