106 resultados para Medizinische Einrichtung
111 patients with acute leukemia, including 29 children, were classified according to the surface markers and cytochemistry of their blasts. The acute leukemias were separated into two majors groups (lymphoid and non-lymphoid) depending on the presence or absence of specific lymphoid markers. On the basis of these criteria a correlation of 94% with the hematological diagnosis was obtained. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) was divisible into three sub-groups: 11 cases expressing T-cell specific markers were classified as T-ALL and 33 cases expressing the common ALL antigen (CALLA) as c-ALL. 18 of the latter expressed an additional marker, DSA (Daudi surface antigen), splitting c-ALL cases in two subgroups. Cytochemistry of the cases lacking specific surface markers (n = 67) served to diagnose 41 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cases and 8 monoblastic leukemias. The remaining 18 cases could not be classified. The presence of absence of HLD-DR (Ia) antigens served to subdivide AML into two major subgroups. The prognostic significance of these new diagnostic splits is under active study.
Variables measured during static and dynamic pupillometry were factor-analyzed. Following factors were obtained regardless whether investigations were carried out in normals or in psychiatric patients: A static factor, a dynamic factor, a stimulus-specific factor and a restitution-dependent factor. Evaluation of reliability in normals demonstrated a high reliability for the static variables of pupillometry.
Difficulties in the doctor-patient relationship may arise because of differences in socio-cultural background. The aim of this study was to evaluate the doctors' satisfaction in an ambulatory care setting when confronted with 3 different cultural groups (Swiss, foreign residents, refugees) and to review some preconceived ideas. Actually, the foreign population did not consult more often in emergencies than the Swiss population, nor did it present more frequently with somatizations in first interview. However, the doctors felt globally less satisfied with the refugees than with the other patients, mainly because of communication difficulties and therefore a less satisfying doctor-patient relationship. Nevertheless, the doctors felt they had the same diagnostic accuracy in the 3 groups. Studies on the satisfaction of primary care doctors are important, because the quality of the doctor-patient relationship directly influences the quality of medical care.
Myocardial infarction is almost always the consequence of a thrombotic obstruction of one or more coronary arteries. We report our experience with the first 24 cases of intracoronary thrombolysis for recanalization of obstructed coronary arteries. 19 cases were successful, 1 case was partially successful and in 4 instances no reopening was observed. The amount of streptokinase used was 206 000 +/- 107 000 units, and reperfusion was achieved after 37 +/- 27.5 minutes. Recanalization of the vessel was accompanied by cessation of precordial pain and partial or complete normalization of the electrocardiogram. In one case bypass surgery was necessary because of reocclusion. Left ventricular function improvement after thrombolysis was dependent on the time-lag between occlusion and recanalization. These observations confirm others' experience that intracoronary thrombolysis appears to have favorable effects in patients with evolving myocardial infarction.
A markedly elevated circulating CEA level was observed in January 1978 in a 40-year-old male patient who complained of functional digestive disorders consisting of 2-3 bowel movements at the end of each night. During follow-up of more than 3 years the CEA level was always found to be higher than 300 ng/ml as determined on 12 different blood samples using 3 different assays: the Hansen assay, our own inhibition radioimmunoassay performed on perchloric acid extract of serum, and a newly developed solid phase non-competitive enzyme immunoassay involving monoclonal anti-CEA antibody. The clinical evolution showed no aggravation of the persistent but mild bowel troubles, i.e. no real diarrhea or blood in the stool. The patient enjoys excellent general health and shows no weight loss. Barium enema, colonoscopy and extensive investigation by computerized axial tomography showed no evidence of primary or metastatic tumor. Apart from CEA, the blood chemistry was within normal limits. Six members of the patient's family have normal CEA levels. A possible explanation for this unique case of marked and persistent elevation of circulating CEA without evidence of cancer is discussed.
Myocardial cells of mammals release a peptide with diuretic, natriuretic and vasodilating properties into the circulation. This peptide, called atrial natriuretic factor, is also involved in the regulation of plasma volume and, in addition, is instrumental in suppressing the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. The renal effects of the atrial natriuretic factor become less pronounced when systemic blood pressure is lowered. The auricular natriuretic factor seems to play an important role in cardiovascular regulation due to both its renal and extrarenal actions.
Among 645 obese patients examined at an out-patient clinic for obese patients by physical examination and a computerized questionnaire, two subgroups of patients could be identified according to their nutritional preferences: 177 patients preferred carbohydrates exclusively (group A) and 73 patients fat exclusively (group B). No definite preferences were formulated by the other patients. Among patients under 25 years, only 3 belonged to group B and 49 to group A, while in older patients no significant differences were found. Among patients with BMI less than 30, there were significantly fewer patients from group B than from group A (p = 0.006), while in patients with BMI greater than 30 no significant difference was observed. There were significantly more men in group B than in group A. 57% of the patients of group B complained of physical symptoms related to their obesity, compared to 37% in group A (p = 0.006). 26% of group B suffered from joints and muscles compared to 13% of group A (p = 0.003). Hyperglycemia (greater than 5,6 mmol/l) was found in 21% of group A and in 40% of group B (p less than 0.005). Hypercholesterolemia (greater than 6.5 mmol/l) was found in 20% of group A and in 32% of group B (p less than 0.05). In conclusion, obese patients who prefer fat have more general symptoms related to obesity, more abnormal physical signs, and more frequently have hyperglycemia and hypercholesterolemia than patients who prefer carbohydrates.
When abdominal imaging reveals the existence of unsuspected adrenal masses, a diagnostic strategy is necessary. We report the case of a woman presenting with pulmonary embolism, in whom abdominal ultrasound revealed voluminous masses in both adrenals without clinical or biological signs of hormone hypersecretion, but with mild primary adrenal failure. From a CT scan-directed needle biopsy of the right adrenal mass and subsequent staging we were able to diagnose a primary bilateral adrenal lymphoma, diffuse large B-cell type (REAL/WHO). On CHOP chemotherapy both adrenal masses decreased dramatically and the patient is in remission 18 months later. Primary adrenal lymphoma is a rare condition, since 65 cases have been reported to date. Histological diagnosis is nevertheless important, in view of the excellent response to specific therapy observed in some cases.
3D dose reconstruction is a verification of the delivered absorbed dose. Our aim was to describe and evaluate a 3D dose reconstruction method applied to phantoms in the context of narrow beams. A solid water phantom and a phantom containing a bone-equivalent material were irradiated on a 6 MV linac. The transmitted dose was measured by using one array of a 2D ion chamber detector. The dose reconstruction was obtained by an iterative algorithm. A phantom set-up error and organ interfraction motion were simulated to test the algorithm sensitivity. In all configurations convergence was obtained within three iterations. A local reconstructed dose agreement of at least 3% / 3mm with respect to the planned dose was obtained, except in a few points of the penumbra. The reconstructed primary fluences were consistent with the planned ones, which validates the whole reconstruction process. The results validate our method in a simple geometry and for narrow beams. The method is sensitive to a set-up error of a heterogeneous phantom and interfraction heterogeneous organ motion.
Since current data on vasopressin (AVP) secretion during the early phase of myocardial infarction is not extensive, plasma AVP was measured in 26 patients with acute myocardial infarction. Twelve had an increased AVP concentration (23.2 +/- 7.0 pg/ml; mean +/- SEM) whereas 14 had an AVP level less than 3 pg/ml (1.96 +/- 0.14 pg/ml). The patients with AVP greater than 3 pg/ml had higher heart rate and plasma osmolality than those with AVP less than 3 pg/ml. Blood pressure values were the same in both groups of patients. There was no difference in peak CPK and iso CPK activities between the two groups. Seven patients with AVP greater than 3 pg/ml died within the next few days, while only 1 patient with AVP less than pg/ml died. It thus appears that increased AVP concentration during acute myocardial infarction is associated with a poor prognosis. Whether it is a cause or a consequence of an unfavourable course of myocardial infarction remains to be determined.
In an epidemiologic investigation of mortality among workers in a Swiss rubber-goods factory the cancer mortality in the period 1955-1975 has been studied in all male workers active on 1 January 1955 in (a) a rubber-goods factory and (b) a munitions factory, the latter as reference population. The two groups numbered some 1000 each. Both factories were located in the same Central Swiss village where no other industry was present. Mortality in each industry is compared with that in the Swiss population in general (SMR) and the mortalities of the two industries are compared with each other. The results tend to confirm that rubber workers are exposed to a higher risk of cancer mortality. Three particular types of cancer are briefly discussed: cancer of the stomach, of the lower urinary tract, and glioblastoma.