113 resultados para Evans, Caroline
Background/Purpose: Gout is a common and excruciatingly painful inflammatory arthritis caused by hyperuricemia. In addition to various lifestyle risk factors, a substantial genetic predisposition to gout has long been recognized. The Global Urate Genetics Consortium (GUGC) has aimed to comprehensively investigate the genetics of serum uric acid and gout using data from _ 140,000 individuals of European-ancestry, 8,340 individuals of Indian ancestry, 5,820 African-Americans, and 15,286 Japanese. Methods: We performed discovery GWAS meta-analyses of serum urate levels (n_110,347 individuals) followed by replication analyses (n_32,813 different individuals). Our gout analysis involved 3,151 cases and 68,350 controls, including 1,036 incident gout cases that met the American College of Rheumatology Criteria. We also examined the association of gout with fractional excretion of uric acid (n_6,799). A weighted genetic urate score was constructed based on the number of risk alleles across urate-associated loci, and their association with the risk of gout was evaluated. Furthermore, we examined implicated transcript expression in cis (expression quantitative trait loci databases) for potential insights into the gene underlying the association signal. Finally, in order to further identify urate-associated genomic regions, we performed functional network analyses that incorporated prior knowledge on molecular interactions in which the gene products of implicated genes operate. Results: We identified and replicated 28 genome-wide significant loci in association with serum urate (P 5_10_8), including all previously-reported loci as well as 18 novel genetic loci. Unlike the majority of previouslyidentified loci, none of the novel loci appeared to be obvious candidates for urate transport. Rather, they were mapped to genes that encode for purine production, transcription, or growth factors with broad downstream responses. Besides SLC2A9 and ABCG2, no additional regions contained SNPs that differed significantly (P _ 5_10_8) between sexes. Urateincreasing alleles were associated with an increased risk of gout for all loci. The urate genetic risk score (ranging from 10 to 45) was significantly associated with an increased odds of prevalent gout (OR per unit increase, 1.11; 95% CI, 1.09-1.14) and incident gout (OR, 1.10; 95% CI, 1.08-1.13). Associations for many of the loci were of similar magnitude in individuals of non-European ancestry. Detailed characterization of the loci revealed associations with transcript expression and the fractional excretion of urate. Network analyses implicated the inhibins-activins signaling pathways and glucose metabolism in systemic urate control. Conclusion: The novel genetic candidates identified in this urate/gout consortium study, the largest to date, highlight the importance of metabolic control of urate production and urate excretion. The modulation by signaling processes that influence metabolic pathways such as glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway appear to be central mechanisms underpinned by the novel GWAS candidates. These findings may have implications for further research into urate-lowering drugs to treat and prevent gout.
La prise en charge des patients souffrant de douleurs chroniques, à l'interface entre corps et psyché, nécessite une approche globale et souvent un réseau de soins coordonnés, contenant et stable. La psychiatrie de liaison a naturellement trouvé sa place dans ce réseau de soins spécifiques auprès des différents soignants impliqués. Les réflexions issues de cette expérience ont pour objectif de mieux comprendre le rôle thérapeutique des soignants et font émerger la notion de Moi auxiliaire comme élément clé dans le traitement de ces patients. Dans cet article, nous reprendrons les fondements historiques et conceptuels de la fonction de Moi auxiliaire pour nous intéresser à ses différentes applications dans ces prises en charge : consultation médicale, psychothérapie individuelle ou de groupe, colloque interdisciplinaire. The management of the patient suffering from chronic pain, situated on the interface between body and psyche, necessitates a global approach and often a coordinated, stable and containing network of care. Liaison psychiatry has become part of this network, together with various health care professionals from somatic disciplines. Based on these experiences, this article aims to better understand the therapeutic role of those who take care of the chronic pain patient by identifying the auxiliary ego as a key element of care. The historical development and conceptual framework of the auxiliary ego are utilized to highlight its roles in the different aspects of care of these patients:in the medical consultation, individual psychotherapy, group psychotherapy and in the interdisciplinary meetings.
The influence of proximal olfactory cues on place learning and memory was tested in two different spatial tasks. Rats were trained to find a hole leading to their home cage or a single food source in an array of petri dishes. The two apparatuses differed both by the type of reinforcement (return to the home cage or food reward) and the local characteristics of the goal (masked holes or salient dishes). In both cases, the goal was in a fixed location relative to distant visual landmarks and could be marked by a local olfactory cue. Thus, the position of the goal was defined by two sets of redundant cues, each of which was sufficient to allow the discrimination of the goal location. These experiments were conducted with two strains of hooded rats (Long-Evans and PVG), which show different speeds of acquisition in place learning tasks. They revealed that the presence of an olfactory cue marking the goal facilitated learning of its location and that the facilitation persisted after the removal of the cue. Thus, the proximal olfactory cue appeared to potentiate learning and memory of the goal location relative to distant environmental cues. This facilitating effect was only detected when the expression of spatial memory was not already optimal, i.e., during the early phase of acquisition. It was not limited to a particular strain.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) replicates its genome in a membrane-associated replication complex, composed of viral proteins, replicating RNA and altered cellular membranes. We describe here HCV replicons that allow the direct visualization of functional HCV replication complexes. Viable replicons selected from a library of Tn7-mediated random insertions in the coding sequence of nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) allowed the identification of two sites near the NS5A C terminus that tolerated insertion of heterologous sequences. Replicons encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP) at these locations were only moderately impaired for HCV RNA replication. Expression of the NS5A-GFP fusion protein could be demonstrated by immunoblot, indicating that the GFP was retained during RNA replication and did not interfere with HCV polyprotein processing. More importantly, expression levels were robust enough to allow direct visualization of the fusion protein by fluorescence microscopy. NS5A-GFP appeared as brightly fluorescing dot-like structures in the cytoplasm. By confocal laser scanning microscopy, NS5A-GFP colocalized with other HCV nonstructural proteins and nascent viral RNA, indicating that the dot-like structures, identified as membranous webs by electron microscopy, represent functional HCV replication complexes. These findings reveal an unexpected flexibility of the C-terminal domain of NS5A and provide tools for studying the formation and turnover of HCV replication complexes in living cells.
Birth weight within the normal range is associated with a variety of adult-onset diseases, but the mechanisms behind these associations are poorly understood. Previous genome-wide association studies of birth weight identified a variant in the ADCY5 gene associated both with birth weight and type 2 diabetes and a second variant, near CCNL1, with no obvious link to adult traits. In an expanded genome-wide association meta-analysis and follow-up study of birth weight (of up to 69,308 individuals of European descent from 43 studies), we have now extended the number of loci associated at genome-wide significance to 7, accounting for a similar proportion of variance as maternal smoking. Five of the loci are known to be associated with other phenotypes: ADCY5 and CDKAL1 with type 2 diabetes, ADRB1 with adult blood pressure and HMGA2 and LCORL with adult height. Our findings highlight genetic links between fetal growth and postnatal growth and metabolism.
Elevated resting heart rate is associated with greater risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality. In a 2-stage meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in up to 181,171 individuals, we identified 14 new loci associated with heart rate and confirmed associations with all 7 previously established loci. Experimental downregulation of gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster and Danio rerio identified 20 genes at 11 loci that are relevant for heart rate regulation and highlight a role for genes involved in signal transmission, embryonic cardiac development and the pathophysiology of dilated cardiomyopathy, congenital heart failure and/or sudden cardiac death. In addition, genetic susceptibility to increased heart rate is associated with altered cardiac conduction and reduced risk of sick sinus syndrome, and both heart rate-increasing and heart rate-decreasing variants associate with risk of atrial fibrillation. Our findings provide fresh insights into the mechanisms regulating heart rate and identify new therapeutic targets.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Arterial base excess and lactate levels are key parameters in the assessment of critically ill patients. The use of venous blood gas analysis may be of clinical interest when no arterial blood is available initially. METHODS: Twenty-four pigs underwent progressive normovolaemic haemodilution and subsequent progressive haemorrhage until the death of the animal. Base excess and lactate levels were determined from arterial and central venous blood after each step. In addition, base excess was calculated by the Van Slyke equation modified by Zander (BE(z)). Continuous variables were summarized as mean +/- SD and represent all measurements (n = 195). RESULTS: Base excess according to National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards for arterial blood was 2.27 +/- 4.12 versus 2.48 +/- 4.33 mmol(-l) for central venous blood (P = 0.099) with a strong correlation (r(2) = 0.960, P < 0.001). Standard deviation of the differences between these parameters (SD-DIFBE) did not increase (P = 0.355) during haemorrhage as compared with haemodilution. Arterial lactate was 2.66 +/- 3.23 versus 2.71 +/- 2.80 mmol(-l) in central venous blood (P = 0.330) with a strong correlation (r(2) = 0.983, P < 0.001). SD-DIFLAC increased (P < 0.001) during haemorrhage. BE(z) for central venous blood was 2.22 +/- 4.62 mmol(-l) (P = 0.006 versus arterial base excess according to National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards) with strong correlation (r(2) = 0.942, P < 0.001). SD-DIFBE(z)/base excess increased (P < 0.024) during haemorrhage. CONCLUSION: Central venous blood gas analysis is a good predictor for base excess and lactate in arterial blood in steady-state conditions. However, the variation between arterial and central venous lactate increases during haemorrhage. The modification of the Van Slyke equation by Zander did not improve the agreement between central venous and arterial base excess.
The pubertal height growth spurt is a distinctive feature of childhood growth reflecting both the central onset of puberty and local growth factors. Although little is known about the underlying genetics, growth variability during puberty correlates with adult risks for hormone-dependent cancer and adverse cardiometabolic health. The only gene so far associated with pubertal height growth, LIN28B, pleiotropically influences childhood growth, puberty and cancer progression, pointing to shared underlying mechanisms. To discover genetic loci influencing pubertal height and growth and to place them in context of overall growth and maturation, we performed genome-wide association meta-analyses in 18 737 European samples utilizing longitudinally collected height measurements. We found significant associations (P < 1.67 × 10(-8)) at 10 loci, including LIN28B. Five loci associated with pubertal timing, all impacting multiple aspects of growth. In particular, a novel variant correlated with expression of MAPK3, and associated both with increased prepubertal growth and earlier menarche. Another variant near ADCY3-POMC associated with increased body mass index, reduced pubertal growth and earlier puberty. Whereas epidemiological correlations suggest that early puberty marks a pathway from rapid prepubertal growth to reduced final height and adult obesity, our study shows that individual loci associating with pubertal growth have variable longitudinal growth patterns that may differ from epidemiological observations. Overall, this study uncovers part of the complex genetic architecture linking pubertal height growth, the timing of puberty and childhood obesity and provides new information to pinpoint processes linking these traits.
Anaemia is a chief determinant of global ill health, contributing to cognitive impairment, growth retardation and impaired physical capacity. To understand further the genetic factors influencing red blood cells, we carried out a genome-wide association study of haemoglobin concentration and related parameters in up to 135,367 individuals. Here we identify 75 independent genetic loci associated with one or more red blood cell phenotypes at P < 10(-8), which together explain 4-9% of the phenotypic variance per trait. Using expression quantitative trait loci and bioinformatic strategies, we identify 121 candidate genes enriched in functions relevant to red blood cell biology. The candidate genes are expressed preferentially in red blood cell precursors, and 43 have haematopoietic phenotypes in Mus musculus or Drosophila melanogaster. Through open-chromatin and coding-variant analyses we identify potential causal genetic variants at 41 loci. Our findings provide extensive new insights into genetic mechanisms and biological pathways controlling red blood cell formation and function.
J. Neurochem. (2010) 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2010.06705.x Abstract Retinal excitotoxicity is associated with retinal ischemia, and with glaucomatous and traumatic optic neuropathy. The present study investigates the role of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation in NMDA-mediated retinal excitotoxicity and determines whether neuroprotection can be obtained with the JNK pathway inhibitor, d-form of JNK-inhibitor 1 (d-JNKI-1). Young adult rats received intravitreal injections of 20 nmol NMDA, which caused extensive neuronal death in the inner nuclear and ganglion cell layers. This excitotoxicity was associated with strong activation of calpain, as revealed by fodrin cleavage, and of JNK. The cell-permeable peptide d-JNKI-1 was used to inhibit JNK. Within 40 min of its intravitreal injection, FITC-labeled d-JNKI-1 spread through the retinal ganglion cell layer into the inner nuclear layer and interfered with the NMDA-induced phosphorylation of JNK. Injections of unlabeled d-JNKI-1 gave unprecedentedly strong neuroprotection against cell death in both layers, lasting for at least 10 days. The NMDA-induced calpain-specific fodrin cleavage was likewise strongly inhibited by d-JNKI-1. Moreover the electroretinogram was partially preserved by d-JNKI-1. Thus, the JNK pathway is involved in NMDA-mediated retinal excitotoxicity and JNK inhibition by d-JNKI-1 provides strong neuroprotection as shown morphologically, biochemically and physiologically.