73 resultados para Good, Adolphus Clemens, 1856-1894.
[Ressource électronique] : open access journal
During recent years, an increasingly comprehensive set of rules and guidelines has been developed around clinical trials, to ensure their proper ethical, methodological, administrative and financial conduct. While initially limited to new drug development, this regulation is progressively invading all areas of clinical research, with limited respect for the heterogeneity in aims, resources, sponsors and epistemological grounds. No clinical study should be planned without consideration of a series of legal requirements, which are reviewed. Concerns about their practical implications are critically assessed.
Screening people without symptoms of disease is an attractive idea. Screening allows early detection of disease or elevated risk of disease, and has the potential for improved treatment and reduction of mortality. The list of future screening opportunities is set to grow because of the refinement of screening techniques, the increasing frequency of degenerative and chronic diseases, and the steadily growing body of evidence on genetic predispositions for various diseases. But how should we decide on the diseases for which screening should be done and on recommendations for how it should be implemented? We use the examples of prostate cancer and genetic screening to show the importance of considering screening as an ongoing population-based intervention with beneficial and harmful effects, and not simply the use of a test. Assessing whether screening should be recommended and implemented for any named disease is therefore a multi-dimensional task in health technology assessment. There are several countries that already use established processes and criteria to assess the appropriateness of screening. We argue that the Swiss healthcare system needs a nationwide screening commission mandated to conduct appropriate evidence-based evaluation of the impact of proposed screening interventions, to issue evidence-based recommendations, and to monitor the performance of screening programmes introduced. Without explicit processes there is a danger that beneficial screening programmes could be neglected and that ineffective, and potentially harmful, screening procedures could be introduced.
This paper aims to estimate empirically the efficiency of a Swiss telemedicine service introduced in 2003. We used claims' data gathered by a major Swiss health insurer, over a period of 6 years and involving 160 000 insured adults. In Switzerland, health insurance is mandatory, but everyone has the option of choosing between a managed care plan and a fee-for-service plan. This paper focuses on a conventional fee-for-service plan including a mandatory access to a telemedicine service; the insured are obliged to phone this medical call centre before visiting a physician. This type of plan generates much lower average health expenditures than a conventional insurance plan. Reasons for this may include selection, incentive effects or efficiency. In our sample, about 90% of the difference in health expenditure can be explained by selection and incentive effects. The remaining 10% of savings due to the efficiency of the telemedicine service amount to about SFr 150 per year per insured, of which approximately 60% is saved by the insurer and 40% by the insured. Although the efficiency effect is greater than the cost of the plan, the big winners are the insured who not only save monetary and non-monetary costs but also benefit from reduced premiums. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
RESUME : But : Décrire l'évolution après traitement de l'arthrite de Lyme dans une zone d'endémie de l'Ouest de la Suisse, région où certains parmi les premiers cas d'arthrite de Lyme en dehors des Etats-Unis (USA) ont été rapportés. Patients et méthodes : Une évaluation rétrospective a été faite à partir d'un groupe de 24 patients (15 H, 9 F; âge moyen :38,7 ans) qui ont présenté une arthrite monoarticulaire (20 cas) ou oligoarticulaire (4 cas) causée par une infection à Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb). Ces patients ont été recrutés par l'intermédiaire de rhumatologues entre 1994 et 1999. Le genou était touché dans 85 % des cas. Une histoire de piqûre de tique était décrite dans 9 cas et un érythème chronique migrant dans 4 cas. Tous les patients avaient un titre d'anticorps pour Bb élevé, dosé par ELISA.Dans 20 cas, un immunoblot était positif pour Bb, la majorité étant positif pour les 3 sous-types de Bb présents en Suisse ; un seul cas était positif pour Bb sensu stricto. Neuf liquides synoviaux ont été examinés par PCR afin de détecter la présence de BbDNA (6 cas positifs). Résultats : Tous les patients ont reçu des antibiotiques soit oralement (10 cas), soit par voie parentérale (14 cas). Une deuxième cure d'antibiotiques a été administrée à 4 patients en raison de persistance de l'arthrite. On a observé une évolution rapidement favorable chez 13 patients et dans 9 cas, il a fallu, pour obtenir la guérison, réaliser une injection intraarticulaire de glucocorticoïdes ou une synoviorthèse. Après une période d'observation de 40 mois en moyenne (de 6 à 84 mois), aucun patient n'a présenté de signe d'arthrite chronique, mais 2 patients se plaignaient encore de myalgies ou d'arthralgies. Conclusion : Nous n'avons pas trouvé dans notre étude d'arthrite récidivante ou chronique après traitement comme on l'a décrit aux USA. Ceci est peut-être lié au fait que les types de Bb observés en Europe sont différents des USA où on trouve seulement Bb sensu stricto. ABSTRACT: Objective: To describe outcomes of treated Lyme arthritis in an endemic area of western Switzerland, where some of the first cases of Lyme disease outside the United States were reported. Patients and methods: We retrospectively studied 24 patients (15 males and nine females, mean age 38.7 years) managed by rheumatologists between 1994 and 1999 for Borrelia burgdotferi arthritis manifesting as monoarthritis (a = 20), oligoarthritis (a = 3), or polyarthritis (a = 1). The knee was affected in 20 (85%) patients. Nine patients reported a history of tick bite and four of erythema chronicum migrans. All the patients but one had a high titer of antibodies to B. burgdoiferi by ELISA and all but two had a positive immunoblot test (22 positive for all three types of B. burgdorferi found in Switzerland and one positive only for B. burgdoiferi sensu stricto). Joint fluid PCR for B. burgdorferi was done in nine patients and was positive in six. Results: All 24 patients received antibiotic therapy, orally (a= 10) or parenterally (n= 14). A second course of antibiotic therapy was used in four patients with persistent arthritis. A rapid response was noted in 13 patients. IntraarticUlar glucocorticoid therapy or a synoviorthesis was required in nine patients. After a mean follow-up of 40 months (range, 6-84 months), none of the patients had chronic arthritis but two reported persistent muscle or joint pain. Conclusion: Recurrent or chronic arthritis, which has been reported in treated patients in the United States, did not occur in our series. This may be ascribable to differences in B. burgdolferi subtypes, as in the United States only B. burgdoiferi sensu stricto is found.
Bacterial reporter cells (i.e. strains engineered to produce easily measurable signals in response to one or more chemical targets) can principally be used to quantify chemical signals and analytes, physicochemical conditions and gradients on a microscale (i.e. micrometer to submillimeter distances), when the reporter signal is determined in individual cells. This makes sense, as bacterial life essentially thrives in microheterogenic environments and single-cell reporter information can help us to understand the microphysiology of bacterial cells and its importance for macroscale processes like pollutant biodegradation, beneficial bacteria-eukaryote interactions, and infection. Recent findings, however, showed that clonal bacterial populations are essentially always physiologically, phenotypically and genotypically heterogeneous, thus emphasizing the need for sound statistical approaches for the interpretation of reporter response in individual bacterial cells. Serious attempts have been made to measure and interpret single-cell reporter gene expression and to understand variability in reporter expression among individuals in a population.
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is rarely a component of primary immune dysregulation disorders. We report two cases in which T1D was associated with thrombocytopenia. The first patient, a 13-year-old boy, presented with immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), thyroiditis, and, 3 wk later, T1D. Because of severe thrombocytopenia resistant to immunoglobulins, high-dose steroids, and cyclosporine treatment, anti-cluster of differentiation (CD20) therapy was introduced, with consequent normalization of thrombocytes and weaning off of steroids. Three and 5 months after anti-CD20 therapy, levothyroxin and insulin therapy, respectively, were stopped. Ten months after stopping insulin treatment, normal C-peptide and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels and markedly reduced anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) antibodies were measured. A second anti-CD20 trial for relapse of ITP was initiated 2 yr after the first trial. Anti-GAD antibody levels decreased again, but HbA1c stayed elevated and glucose monitoring showed elevated postprandial glycemia, demanding insulin therapy. To our knowledge, this is the first case in which insulin treatment could be interrupted for 28 months after anti-CD20 treatment. In patient two, thrombocytopenia followed a diagnosis of T1D 6 yr previously. Treatment with anti-CD20 led to normalization of thrombocytes, but no effect on T1D was observed. Concerning the origin of the boys' conditions, several primary immune dysregulation disorders were considered. Thrombocytopenia associated with T1D is unusual and could represent a new entity. The diabetes manifestation in patient one was probably triggered by corticosteroid treatment; regardless, anti-CD20 therapy appeared to be efficacious early in the course of T1D, but not long after the initial diagnosis of T1D, as shown for patient two.
OBJECTIVES: Many patients may believe that HIV screening is included in routine preoperative work-ups. We examined what proportion of patients undergoing preoperative blood testing believed that they had been tested for HIV. METHODS: All patients hospitalized for elective orthopaedic surgery between January and December 2007 were contacted and asked to participate in a 15-min computer-assisted telephone interview (n = 1330). The primary outcome was to determine which preoperative tests patients believed had been performed from a choice of glucose, clotting, HIV serology and cholesterol, and what percentage of patients interpreted the lack of result communication as a normal or negative test. The proportion of patients agreeable to HIV screening prior to future surgery was also determined. RESULTS: A total of 991 patients (75%) completed the questionnaire. Three hundred and seventy-five of these 991 patients (38%) believed incorrectly that they had been tested for HIV preoperatively. Younger patients were significantly more likely to believe that an HIV test had been performed (mean age 46 vs. 50 years for those who did not believe that an HIV test had been performed; P < 0.0001). Of the patients who believed that a test had been performed but received no result, 96% interpreted lack of a result as a negative HIV test. Over 80% of patients surveyed stated that they would agree to routine HIV screening prior to future surgery. A higher acceptance rate was associated with younger age (mean age 47 years for those who would agree vs. 56 years for those who would not; P < 0.0001) and male sex ( P < 0.009). CONCLUSIONS: Many patients believe that a preoperative blood test routinely screens for HIV. The incorrect assumption that a lack of result communication indicates a negative test may contribute to delays in HIV diagnoses.
As production and use of nanomaterials in commercial products grow it is imperative to ensure these materials are used safely with minimal unwanted impacts on human health or the environment. Foremost among the populations of potential concern are workers who handle nanomaterials in a variety of occupational settings, including university laboratories, industrial manufacturing plants and other institutions. Knowledge about prudent practices for handling nanomaterials is being developed by many groups around the world but may be communicated in a way that is difficult for practitioners to access or use. The GoodNanoGuide is a collaborative, open-access project aimed at creating an international forum for the development and discussion of prudent practices that can be used by researchers, workers and their representatives, occupational safety professionals, governmental officials and even the public. The GoodNanoGuide is easily accessed by anyone with access to a web browser and aims to become a living repository of good practices for the nanotechnology enterprise. Interested individuals are invited to learn more about the GoodNanoGuide at http://goodnanoguide.org.