123 resultados para digestibilidade in vitro e in vivo
The expression of the 240 ConA-binding glycoprotein (240 kDa), a marker of synaptic junctions isolated from the rat cerebellum, was studied by immunocytochemical techniques in forebrain and cerebellum from rat and chicken, and in chick dorsal root ganglia. Parallel studies were carried out either on tissue sections or in dissociated cell cultures. In all cases non neuronal cells were not immunostained. The tissue sections of cerebellum from rat and chick exhibited 240 kDa glycoprotein immunoreactivity, especially in the molecular layer, while the forebrain sections from rat and chick did not show any significant immunostaining. In contrast, in dissociated forebrain cell cultures, all neuronal cells expressed 240 kDa glycoprotein immunoreactivity, while glial cells remained totally unlabelled. In tissue sections of dorsal root ganglion (DRG), sensory neurons expressed the 240 kDa only after the embryonic day (E 10). A large number of small neurons in the dorsomedial part of DRG were immunostained with 240 kDa glycoprotein antiserum, whereas only a small number of neurons in the ventrolateral part of the ganglia displayed 240 kDa immunoreactivity. In dissociated DRG cells cultures (mixed or neuron-enriched DRG cell cultures) all the neuronal perikarya but not their processes were stained. These studies indicate that 240 kDa glycoprotein expression is completely modified in cultures of neurons of CNS or PNS since the antigen becomes synthetized in high amount by all cells independent of synapse formation. This demonstrates that the expression of 240 kDa is controlled by the cell environment.
PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was the in vitro and in vivo evaluation of a novel aqueous formulation based on polymeric micelles for the topical delivery of cyclosporine A for dry eye treatment. METHODS: In vitro experiments were carried out on primary rabbit corneal cells, which were characterized by immunocytochemistry using fluorescein-labeled lectin I/isolectin B4 for the endothelial cells and mouse monoclonal antibody to cytokeratin 3+12 for the epithelial ones. Living cells were incubated for 1 hour or 24 hours with a fluorescently labeled micelle formulation and analyzed by fluorescence microscopy. In vivo evaluations were done by Schirmer test, osmolarity measurement, CyA kinetics in tears, and CyA ocular distribution after topical instillation. A 0.05% CyA micelle formulation was compared to a marketed emulsion (Restasis). RESULTS: The in vitro experiments showed the internalization of micelles in the living cells. The Schirmer test and osmolarity measurements demonstrated that micelles did not alter the ocular surface properties. The evaluation of the tear fluid gave similar CyA kinetics values: AUC = 2339 ± 1032 min*μg/mL and 2321 ± 881.63; Cmax = 478 ± 111 μg/mL and 451 ± 74; half-life = 36 ± 9 min and 28 ± 9 for the micelle formulation and Restasis, respectively. The ocular distribution investigation revealed that the novel formulation delivered 1540 ± 400 ng CyA/g tissue to the cornea. CONCLUSIONS: The micelle formulation delivered active CyA into the cornea without evident negative influence on the ocular surface properties. This formulation could be applied for immune-related ocular surface diseases.
The appearance of immunoreactive alpha-melanotropin (alpha-MSH) and adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) during development was studied in 3 areas of the rat brain--cerebral hemispheres, midbrain and hindbrain--from embryonic day (ED) 13-14 until day 21 postnatally. The alpha-MSH content in vivo was always highest in the midbrain; a peak content at birth was followed by a transient decline and a later, higher plateau from postnatal day 7 onwards. The alpha-MSH content in the cerebral hemispheres rose progressively after birth reaching a peak at day 21. Values in the hindbrain rose at day 3 and changed relatively sue taken at ED 15-16 showed a gradual increase in alpha-MSH content over the 20 days. The alpha-MSH content of hindbrain cultures remained at constant low levels, while no alpha-MSH was detectable in cerebral hemisphere cultures. ACTH appeared in vivo earlier than alpha-MSH and was detectable in embryonic brains at ED 13-14. A transient rise was seen at ED 17-18 and major peaks at birth, day 2 and day 3, in the midbrain, hemispheres and hindbrain, respectively. In vitro, the ACTH content increased in all brain regions during the first 5 days in culture and showed no further change thereafter. Comparisons of the in vivo and in vitro development of alpha-MSH and ACTH demonstrate that (i) these two peptide systems are independent in respect to their localization and time of appearance; (ii) they undergo maturation both in vivo and in vitro; (iii) epigenetic factors, such as interactions with other neurotransmitter systems may modulate the developmental pattern of these two peptides.
SUMMARY Regulation of sodium excretion by the kidney is a key mechanism in the long term regulation of blood pressure, and when altered it constitutes a risk factor for the appearance of arterial hypertension. Aldosterone, which secretion depends upon salt intake in the diet, is a steroid hormone that regulates sodium reabsorption in the distal part of the nephron (functional unit of the kidney) by modulating gene transcription. It has been shown that it can act synergistically with the peptidic hormone insulin through the interaction of their signalisation pathways. Our work consisted of two distinct parts: 1) the in vitro and in vivo characterisation of Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucine Zipper (GILZ) (an aldosterone-induced gene) mechanism of action; 2) the in vitro characterisation of insulin mechanism of action and its interaction with aldosterone. GILZ mRNA, coded by the TSC22D3 gene, is strongly induced by aldosterone in the cell line of principal cells of the cortical collecting duct (CCD) mpkCCDc14, suggesting that GILZ is a mediator of aldosterone response. Co-expression of GILZ and the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel ENaC in vitro in the Xenopus oocyte expression system showed that GILZ has no direct effect on the ENaC-mediated Na+ current in basal conditions. To define the role of GILZ in the kidney and in other organs (colon, heart, skin, etc.), a conditional knock-out mouse is being produced and will allow the in vivo study of its role. Previous data showed that insulin induced a transepithelial sodium transport at supraphysiological concentrations. Insulin and the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) are able to bind to each other receptor with an affinity 50 to 100 times lower than to their cognate receptor. Our starting hypothesis was that the insulin effect observed at these supraphysiological concentrations is actually mediated by the IGF receptor type 1 (IGF-1R). In a new cell line that presents all the characteristics of the principal cells of the CCD (mCCDc11) we have shown that both insulin and IGF-1 induce a physiologically significant increase of Na+ transport through the activation of IGF-1R. Aldosterone and insulin/IGF-1 have an additive effect on Na+ transport, through the activation of the PI3-kinase (PI3-K) pathway and the phosphorylation of the serum- and glucocorticoid-induced kinase 1 (Sgk1) by the IGF-1R, and the induction of Sgk1 expression by aldosterone. Thus, Sgk1 integrates IGF-1/insulin and aldosterone effects. We suggest that IGF-1 is physiologically relevant in the modulation of sodium balance, while insulin can only regulate Na+ transport at supraphysiological conditions. Both hormones would bind to the IGF-1R and induce Na+ transport by activating the PI3-K PDK1/2 - Sgk1 pathway. We have shown for the first time that Sgk1 is expressed and phosphorylated in principal cells of the CCD in basal conditions, although the mechanism that maintains Sgk1 phosphorylation is not known. This new role for IGF-1 suggests that it could be a salt susceptibility gene. In effect, IGF-1 stimulates Na+ and water transport in the kidney in vivo. Moreover, 35 % of the acromegalic patients (overproduction of growth hormone and IGF-1) are hypertensives (higher proportion than in normal population), and genetic analysis suggest a link between the IGF-1 gene locus and blood pressure. RÉSUMÉ La régulation de l'excrétion rénale de sodium (Na+) joue un rôle principal dans le contrôle à long terme de la pression sanguine, et ses altérations constituent un facteur de risque de l'apparition d'une hypertension artérielle. L'aldosterone, dont la sécrétion dépend de l'apport en sel dans la diète, est une hormone stéroïdienne qui régule la réabsorption de Na+ dans la partie distale du nephron (unité fonctionnelle du rein) en contrôlant la transcription de gènes. Elle peut agir de façon synergistique avec l'hormone peptidique insuline, probablement via l'interaction de leurs voies de signalisation cellulaire. Le but de notre travail comportait deux volets: 1) caractériser in vitro et in vivo le mécanisme d'action du Glucocorticoid Induced Leucine Zipper (GILZ) (un gène induit par l'aldosterone); 2) caractériser in vitro le mécanisme d'action de l'insuline et son interaction avec l'aldosterone. L'ARNm de GILZ, codé par le gène TSC22D3, est induit par l'aldosterone dans la lignée cellulaire de cellules principales du tubule collecteur cortical (CCD) mpkCCDc14, suggérant que GILZ est un médiateur potentiel de la réponse à l'aldosterone. La co-expression in vitro de GILZ et du canal à Na+ sensible à l'amiloride ENaC dans le système d'expression de l'oocyte de Xénope a montré que GILZ n'a pas d'effet sur les courants sodiques véhiculées par ENaC en conditions basales. Une souris knock-out conditionnelle de GILZ est en train d'être produite et permettra l'étude in vivo de son rôle dans le rein et d'autres organes. Des expériences préliminaires ont montré que l'insuline induit un transport transépithelial de Na+ à des concentrations supraphysiologiques. L'insuline et l'insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) peuvent se lier à leurs récepteurs réciproques avec une affinité 50 à 100 fois moindre qu'à leur propre récepteur. Nous avons donc proposé que l'effet de l'insuline soit médié par le récepteur à l'IGF type 1 (IGF-1R). Dans une nouvelle lignée cellulaire qui présente toutes les caractéristiques des cellules principales du CCD (mCCDc11) nous avons montré que les deux hormones induisent une augmentation physiologiquement significative du transport du Na+ par l'activation des IGF-1 R. Aldosterone et insuline/IGF-1 ont un effet additif sur le transport de Na+, via l'activation de la voie de la PI3-kinase et la phosphorylation de la serum- and glucocorticoid-induced kinase 1 (Sgk1) par l'IGF-1R, dont l'expression est induite par l'aldosterone. Sgk1 intègre les effets de l'insuline et l'aldosterone. Nous proposons que l'IGF-1 joue un rôle dans la modulation physiologique de la balance sodique, tandis que l'insuline régule le transport de Na+ à des concentrations supraphysiologiques. Les deux hormones agissent en se liant à l'IGF-1R et induisent le transport de Na+ en activant la cascade de signalisation PI3-K - PDK1/2 - Sgk1. Nous avons montré pour la première fois que Sgk1 est exprimée et phosphorylée dans des conditions basales dans les cellules principales du CCD, mais le mécanisme qui maintient sa phosphorylation n'est pas connu. Ce nouveau rôle pour l'IGF-1 suggère qu'il pourrait être un gène impliqué de susceptibilité au sel. Aussi, l'IGF-1 stimule le transport rénal de Na+ in vivo. De plus, 35 % des patients atteints d'acromégalie (surproduction d'hormone de croissance et d'IGF-1) sont hypertensifs (prévalence plus élevée que la population normale), et des analyses génétiques suggèrent un lien entre le locus du gène de l'IGF-1 et la pression sanguine. RÉSUMÉ GRAND PUBLIC Nos ancêtres se sont génétiquement adaptés pendant des centaines de millénaires à un environnement pauvre en sel (chlorure de sodium) dans la savane équatoriale, où ils consommaient moins de 0,1 gramme de sel par jour. On a commencé à ajouter du sel aux aliments avec l'apparition de l'agriculture (il y a 5000 à 10000 années), et aujourd'hui une diète omnivore, qui inclut des plats préparés, contient plusieurs fois la quantité de sodium nécessaire pour notre fonction physiologique normale (environ 10 grammes par jour). Le corps garde sa concentration constante dans le sang en s'adaptant à une consommation très variable de sel. Pour ceci, il module son excrétion soit directement, soit en sécrétant des hormones régulatrices. Le rein joue un rôle principal dans cette régulation puisque l'excrétion urinaire de sel change selon la diète et peut aller d'une quantité dérisoire à plus de 36 grammes par jour. L'attention qu'on prête au sel est liée à sa relation avec l'hypertension essentielle. Ainsi, le contrôle rénal de l'excrétion de sodium et d'eau est le principal mécanisme dans la régulation de la pression sanguine, et une ingestion excessive de sel pourrait être l'un des facteurs-clé déclenchant l'apparition d'un phénotype hypertensif. L'hormone aldosterone diminue l'excrétion de sodium par le rein en modulant l'expression de gènes qui pourraient être impliqués dans la sensibilité au sel. Dans une lignée cellulaire de rein l'expression du gène TSC22D3, qui se traduit en la protéine Glucocorticoid Induced Leucine Zipper (GILZ), est fortement induite par l'aldosterone. Ceci suggère que GILZ est un médiateur potentiel de l'effet de l'aldosterone, et pourrait être impliqué dans la sensibilité au sel. Pour analyser la fonction de GILZ dans le rein plusieurs approches ont été utilisées. Par exemple, une souris dans laquelle GILZ est spécifiquement inactivé dans le rein est en train d'être produite et permettra l'étude du rôle de GILZ dans l'organisme. De plus, on a montré que GILZ, en conditions basales, n'a pas d'effet direct sur la protéine transportant le sodium à travers la membrane des cellules, le canal sodique épithélial ENaC. On a aussi essayé de trouver des protéines qui interagissent directement avec GILZ utilisant une technique appelée du « double-hybride dans la levure », mais aucun candidat n'a émergé. Des études ont montré que, à de hautes concentrations, l'insuline peut aussi diminuer l'excrétion de sodium. A ces concentrations, elle peut activer son récepteur spécifique, mais aussi le récepteur d'une autre hormone, l'Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1). En plus, l'infusion d'IGF-1 augmente la rétention rénale de sodium et d'eau, et des mutations du gène codant pour l'IGF-1 sont liées aux différents niveaux de pression sanguine. On a utilisé une nouvelle lignée cellulaire de rein développée dans notre laboratoire, appelée mCCDc11, pour analyser l'importance relative des deux hormones dans l'induction du transport de sodium. On a montré que les deux hormones induisent une augmentation significative du transport de sodium par l'activation de récepteurs à l'IGF-1 et non du récepteur à l'insuline. On a montré qu'à l'intérieur de la cellule leur activation induit une augmentation du transport sodique par le biais du canal ENaC en modifiant la quantité de phosphates fixés sur la protéine Serumand Glucocorticoid-induced Kinase 1 (Sgk1). On a finalement montré que l'IGF-1 et l'aldosterone ont un effet additif sur le transport de sodium en agissant toutes les deux sur Sgk1, qui intègre leurs effets dans le contrôle du transport de sodium dans le rein.
Plac8 belongs to an evolutionary conserved family of proteins, mostly abundant in plants where they control fruit weight through regulation of cell number. In mice, Plac8 is expressed both in white and brown adipose tissues and we previously showed that Plac8(-/-) mice develop late-onset obesity, with abnormal brown fat differentiation and reduced thermogenic capacity. We also showed that in brown adipocytes, Plac8 is an upstream regulator of C/EBPβ expression. Here, we first assessed the role of Plac8 in white adipogenesis in vitro. We show that Plac8 is induced early after induction of 3T3-L1 adipocytes differentiation, a process that is prevented by Plac8 knockdown; similarly, embryonic fibroblasts obtained from Plac8 knockout mice failed to form adipocytes upon stimulation of differentiation. Knockdown of Plac8 in 3T3-L1 was associated with reduced expression of C/EBPβ, Krox20, and Klf4, early regulators of the white adipogenic program, and we show that Plac8 could transactivate the C/EBPβ promoter. In vivo, we show that absence of Plac8 led to increased white fat mass with enlarged adipocytes but reduced total number of adipocytes. Finally, even though Plac8(-/-) mice showed impaired thermogenesis due to brown fat dysfunction, this was not associated with changes in glycemia or plasma free fatty acid and triglyceride levels. Collectively, these data indicate that Plac8 is an upstream regulator of C/EBPβ required for adipogenesis in vitro. However, in vivo, Plac8 is dispensable for the differentiation of white adipocytes with preserved fat storage capacity but is required for normal fat cell number regulation.
PURPOSE: To study VP22 light controlled delivery of antisense oligonucleotide (ODN) to ocular cells in vitro and in vivo. METHODS: The C-terminal half of VP22 was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified and mixed with 20 mer phosphorothioate oligonucleotides (ODNs) to form light sensitive complex particles (vectosomes). Uptake of vectosomes and light induced redistribution of ODNs in human choroid melanoma cells (OCM-1) and in human retinal pigment epithelial cells (ARPE-19) were studied by confocal and electron microscopy. The effect of vectosomes formed with an antisense ODN corresponding to the 3'-untranslated region of the human c-raf kinase gene on the viability and the proliferation of OCM-1 cells was assessed before and after illumination. Cells incubated with vectosomes formed with a mismatched ODN, a free antisense ODN or a free mismatched ODN served as controls. White light transscleral illumination was carried out 24 h after the intravitreal injection of vectosomes in rat eyes. The distribution of fluorescent vectosomes and free fluorescent ODN was evaluated on cryosections by fluorescence microscopy before, and 1 h after illumination. RESULTS: Overnight incubation of human OCM-1 and ARPE-19 cells with vectosomes lead to intracellular internalization of the vectosomes. When not illuminated, internalized vectosomes remained stable within the cell cytoplasm. Disruption of vectosomes and release of the complexed ODN was induced by illumination of the cultures with a cold white light or a laser beam. In vitro, up to 60% inhibition of OCM-1 cell proliferation was observed in illuminated cultures incubated with vectosomes formed with antisense c-raf ODN. No inhibitory effect on the OCM-1 cell proliferation was observed in the absence of illumination or when the cells are incubated with a free antisense c-raf ODN and illuminated. In vivo, 24 h after intravitreal injection, vectosomes were observed within the various retinal layers accumulating in the cytoplasm of RPE cells. Transscleral illumination of the injected eyes with a cold white light induced disruption of the vectosomes and a preferential localization of the "released" ODNs within the cell nuclei of the ganglion cell layer, the inner nuclear layer and the RPE cells. CONCLUSIONS: In vitro, VP22 light controlled delivery of ODNs to ocular cells nuclei was feasible using white light or laser illumination. In vivo, a single intravitreal injection of vectosomes, followed by transscleral illumination allowed for the delivery of free ODNs to retinal and RPE cells.
NHA2 was recently identified as a novel sodium/hydrogen exchanger which is strongly upregulated during RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation. Previous in vitro studies suggested that NHA2 is a mitochondrial transporter required for osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption. Due to the lack of suitable antibodies, NHA2 was studied only on RNA level thus far. To define the protein's role in osteoclasts in vitro and in vivo, we generated NHA2-deficient mice and raised several specific NHA2 antibodies. By confocal microscopy and subcellular fractionation studies, NHA2 was found to co-localize with the late endosomal and lysosomal marker LAMP1 and the V-ATPase a3 subunit, but not with mitochondrial markers. Immunofluorescence studies and surface biotinylation experiments further revealed that NHA2 was highly enriched in the plasma membrane of osteoclasts, localizing to the basolateral membrane of polarized osteoclasts. Despite strong upregulation of NHA2 during RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation, however, structural parameters of bone, quantified by high-resolution microcomputed tomography, were not different in NHA2-deficient mice compared to wild-type littermates. In addition, in vitro RANKL stimulation of bone marrow cells isolated from wild-type and NHA2-deficient mice yielded no differences in osteoclast development and activity. Taken together, we show that NHA2 is a RANKL-induced plasmalemmal sodium/hydrogen exchanger in osteoclasts. However, our data from NHA2-deficient mice suggest that NHA2 is dispensable for osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption both in vitro and in vivo.
Background: Platelet preparations for tissue healing are usually preactivated before application to deliver concentrated growth factors. In this study, the authors investigated the differences between nonactivated and thrombin-activated platelets in wound healing.Methods: The healing effects (i.e., wound closure, myofibroblast formation, and angiogenesis) of nonactivated and thrombin-activated platelets were compared in experimental wounds in diabetic (db/db) animals. In vitro, fibroblast phenotype and function were tested in response to platelets and activated platelets. No treatment served as a negative control.Results: Wounds treated with platelets reached 90 percent closure after 15 days, faster than activated platelets (26 days), and with higher levels of myofibroblasts and angiogenesis. In vitro, platelets enhanced cell migration and induced twofold higher myofibroblast differentiation and contraction compared with activated platelets.Conclusions: Platelets stimulate wound healing more efficiently compared with activated platelets by enhancing fibroblast differentiation and contractile function. Similar levels of growth factors may induce different biological effects when delivered "on demand" rather than in an initial bolus. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 129: 46e, 2012.)
Major advances in the understanding of the molecular biology of hepatitis C virus (HCV) have been made recently. While the chimpanzee is the only established animal model of HCV infection, several in vivo and in vitro models have been established that allow us to study various aspects of the viral life cycle. In particular, the replicon system and the production of recombinant infectious virions revolutionized the investigation of HCV-RNA replication and rendered all steps of the viral life cycle, including entry and release of viral particles, amenable to systematic analysis. In the following we will review the different in vivo and in vitro models of HCV infection.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) carrying the mecC gene (mecC-MRSA) exhibited at 37°C MICs of oxacillin close to those of methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA). We investigated whether at this temperature, mecC-MRSA strains respond to flucloxacillin treatment like MSSA strains, using a rat model of endocarditis. Flucloxacillin (human-like kinetics of 2 g intravenously every 6 h) cured 80 to 100% of aortic vegetations infected with five different mecC-MRSA strains. These results suggest that mecC-MRSA infections may successfully respond to treatment with β-lactams.