62 resultados para Motor learning.
In this procedure, subjects learn the spatial position of one hole out of many, that allows them to escape from a large open-field into their home cage. The arena is circular and can be rotated between trials so that no proximal landmark is permanently associated with the target hole. This task is thus similar to the Morris water maze procedure, since subjects must remember the position of the escape hole relative to extra-arena cues only. In addition it allows studying the importance of olfactory cues such as scent marks in or around a hole. Since the motivation is to reach home and the motor requirement is low, this task provides a useful alternative to the Morris place navigation task for studying spatial orientation in weanling or senescent rats. Examples are given showing that various behavioural parameters provide a good estimation as how subjects learn this task.
BACKGROUND: The debate about a possible relationship between aerobic fitness and motor skills with cognitive development in children has recently re-emerged, because of the decrease in children's aerobic fitness and the concomitant pressure of schools to enhance cognitive performance. As the literature in young children is scarce, we examined the cross-sectional and longitudinal relationship of aerobic fitness and motor skills with spatial working memory and attention in preschool children. METHODS: Data from 245 ethnically diverse preschool children (mean age: 5.2 (0.6) years, girls: 49.4%) analyzed at baseline and 9 months later. Assessments included aerobic fitness (20 m shuttle run) and motor skills with agility (obstacle course) and dynamic balance (balance beam). Cognitive parameters included spatial working memory (IDS) and attention (KHV-VK). All analyses were adjusted for age, sex, BMI, migration status, parental education, native language and linguistic region. Longitudinal analyses were additionally adjusted for the respective baseline value. RESULTS: In the cross-sectional analysis, aerobic fitness was associated with better attention (r=0.16, p=0.03). A shorter time in the agility test was independently associated with a better performance both in working memory (r=-0.17, p=0.01) and in attention (r=-0.20, p=0.01). In the longitudinal analyses, baseline aerobic fitness was independently related to improvements in attention (r=0.16, p=0.03), while baseline dynamic balance was associated with improvements in working memory (r=0.15, p=0.04). CONCLUSIONS: In young children, higher baseline aerobic fitness and motor skills were related to a better spatial working memory and/or attention at baseline, and to some extent also to their future improvements over the following 9 months. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov NCT00674544.
Advanced mapping of environmental data: Geostatistics, Machine Learning and Bayesian Maximum Entropy
This book combines geostatistics and global mapping systems to present an up-to-the-minute study of environmental data. Featuring numerous case studies, the reference covers model dependent (geostatistics) and data driven (machine learning algorithms) analysis techniques such as risk mapping, conditional stochastic simulations, descriptions of spatial uncertainty and variability, artificial neural networks (ANN) for spatial data, Bayesian maximum entropy (BME), and more.
FtsK acts at the bacterial division septum to couple chromosome segregation with cell division. We demonstrate that a truncated FtsK derivative, FtsK(50C), uses ATP hydrolysis to translocate along duplex DNA as a multimer in vitro, consistent with FtsK having an in vivo role in pumping DNA through the closing division septum. FtsK(50C) also promotes a complete Xer recombination reaction between dif sites by switching the state of activity of the XerCD recombinases so that XerD makes the first pair of strand exchanges to form Holliday junctions that are then resolved by XerC. The reaction between directly repeated dif sites in circular DNA leads to the formation of uncatenated circles and is equivalent to the formation of chromosome monomers from dimers.
In this study, we compared a selective stop task (transition from a bimanual in-phase to a unimanual index fingers' tapping), with a non-selective stop task (stopping a bimanual in-phase tapping at all), and with a switching task (transition from in-phase to anti-phase bimanual tapping). The aim was twofold: 1) to identify the electro-cortical correlates of selective and non-selective inhibition processes and 2) to investigate which type of inhibition - selective or not - is required when switching between two bimanual motor patterns. The results revealed that all tasks led to enhanced activation (alpha power) of the left sensorimotor and posterior regions which seems to reflect an overall effort to stop the preferred bimanual in-phase tendency. Each task implied specific functional connectivity reorganizations (beta coherence) between cerebral motor areas, probably reflecting engagement in a new unimanual or bimanual movement.
BACKGROUND: Recombinant human insulin-like growth factor I (rhIGF-I) is a possible disease modifying therapy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, which is also known as motor neuron disease (MND)). OBJECTIVES: To examine the efficacy of rhIGF-I in affecting disease progression, impact on measures of functional health status, prolonging survival and delaying the use of surrogates (tracheostomy and mechanical ventilation) to sustain survival in ALS. Occurrence of adverse events was also reviewed. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Neuromuscular Disease Group Specialized Register (21 November 2011), CENTRAL (2011, Issue 4), MEDLINE (January 1966 to November 2011) and EMBASE (January 1980 to November 2011) and sought information from the authors of randomised clinical trials and manufacturers of rhIGF-I. SELECTION CRITERIA: We considered all randomised controlled clinical trials involving rhIGF-I treatment of adults with definite or probable ALS according to the El Escorial Criteria. The primary outcome measure was change in Appel Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Rating Scale (AALSRS) total score after nine months of treatment and secondary outcome measures were change in AALSRS at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 months, change in quality of life (Sickness Impact Profile scale), survival and adverse events. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Each author independently graded the risk of bias in the included studies. The lead author extracted data and the other authors checked them. We generated some missing data by making ruler measurements of data in published graphs. We collected data about adverse events from the included trials. MAIN RESULTS: We identified three randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of rhIGF-I, involving 779 participants, for inclusion in the analysis. In a European trial (183 participants) the mean difference (MD) in change in AALSRS total score after nine months was -3.30 (95% confidence interval (CI) -8.68 to 2.08). In a North American trial (266 participants), the MD after nine months was -6.00 (95% CI -10.99 to -1.01). The combined analysis from both RCTs showed a MD after nine months of -4.75 (95% CI -8.41 to -1.09), a significant difference in favour of the treated group. The secondary outcome measures showed non-significant trends favouring rhIGF-I. There was an increased risk of injection site reactions with rhIGF-I (risk ratio 1.26, 95% CI 1.04 to 1.54). . A second North American trial (330 participants) used a novel primary end point involving manual muscle strength testing. No differences were demonstrated between the treated and placebo groups in this study. All three trials were at high risk of bias. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Meta-analysis revealed a significant difference in favour of rhIGF-I treatment; however, the quality of the evidence from the two included trials was low. A third study showed no difference between treatment and placebo. There is no evidence for increase in survival with IGF1. All three included trials were at high risk of bias.
Jana stands at the podium, palms sweaty, looking out at hundreds of colleagues who are waiting to hear about her new initiative. Bill walks into a meeting after a failed product launch to greet an exhausted and demotivated team that desperately needs his direction. Robin gets ready to confront a brilliant but underperforming subordinate who needs to be put back on track. We've all been in situations like these. What they require is charisma-the ability to communicate a clear, visionary, and inspirational message that captivates and motivates an audience. In this article, we discuss how one learns to be more charismatic
Ecologically and evolutionarily oriented research on learning has traditionally been carried out on vertebrates and bees. While less sophisticated than those animals, fruit flies (Drosophila) are capable of several forms of learning, and have an advantage of a short generation time, which makes them an ideal system for experimental evolution studies. This review summarizes the insights into evolutionary questions about learning gained in the last decade from evolutionary experiments on Drosophila. These experiments demonstrate that Drosophila have the genetic potential to evolve substantially improved learning performance in ecologically relevant learning tasks. In at least one set of selected populations the improved learning generalized to another task than that used to impose selection, involving a different behavior, different stimuli, and a different sensory channel for the aversive reinforcement. This improvement in learning ability was associated with reduction in other fitness-related traits, such as larval competitive ability and lifespan, pointing out to evolutionary trade-offs of improved learning. These trade-offs were confirmed by other evolutionary experiments where reduction in learning performance was observed as a correlated response to selection for tolerance to larval nutritional stress or for delayed aging. Such trade-offs could be one reason why fruit flies have not fully used up their evolutionary potential for learning ability. Finally, another evolutionary experiment with Drosophila provided the first direct evidence for the long-standing ideas that learning can under some circumstances accelerate and in other slow down genetically-based evolutionary change. These results demonstrate the usefulness of fruit flies as a model system to address evolutionary questions about learning.
Learning and immunity are two adaptive traits with roles in central aspects of an organism's life: learning allows adjusting behaviours in changing environments, while immunity protects the body integrity against parasites and pathogens. While we know a lot about how these two traits interact in vertebrates, the interactions between learning and immunity remain poorly explored in insects. During my PhD, I studied three possible ways in which these two traits interact in the model system Drosophila melanogaster, a model organism in the study of learning and in the study of immunity. Learning can affect the behavioural defences against parasites and pathogens through the acquisition of new aversions for contaminated food for instance. This type of learning relies on the ability to associate a food-related cue with the visceral sickness following ingestion of contaminated food. Despite its potential implication in infection prevention, the existence of pathogen avoidance learning has been rarely explored in invertebrates. In a first part of my PhD, I tested whether D. melanogaster, which feed on food enriched in microorganisms, innately avoid the orally-acquired 'novel' virulent pathogen Pseudomonas entomophila, and whether it can learn to avoid it. Although flies did not innately avoid this pathogen, they decreased their preference for contaminated food over time, suggesting the existence of a form of learning based likely on infection-induced sickness. I further found that flies may be able to learn to avoid an odorant which was previously associated with the pathogen, but this requires confirmation with additional data. If this is confirmed, this would be the first time, to my knowledge, that pathogen avoidance learning is reported in an insect. The detrimental effect of infection on cognition and more specifically on learning ability is well documented in vertebrates and in social insects. While the underlying mechanisms are described in detail in vertebrates, experimental investigations are lacking in invertebrates. In a second part of my PhD, I tested the effect of an oral infection with natural pathogens on associative learning of D. melanogaster. By contrast with previous studies in insects, I found that flies orally infected with the virulent P. entomophila learned better the association of an odorant with mechanical shock than uninfected flies. The effect seems to be specific to a gut infection, and so far I have not been able to draw conclusions on the respective contributions of the pathogen's virulence and of the flies' immune activity in this effect. Interestingly, infected flies may display an increased sensitivity to physical pain. If the learning improvement observed in infected flies was due partially to the activity of the immune system, my results would suggest the existence of physiological connections between the immune system and the nervous system. The basis of these connections would then need to be addressed. Learning and immunity are linked at the physiological level in social insects. Physiological links between traits often result from the expression of genetic links between these traits. However, in social insects, there is no evidence that learning and immunity may be involved in an evolutionary trade-off. I previously reported a positive effect of infection on learning in D. melanogaster. This might suggest that a positive genetic link could exist between learning and immunity. We tested this hypothesis with two approaches: the diallel cross design with inbred lines, and the isofemale lines design. The two approaches provided consistent results: we found no additive genetic correlation between learning and resistance to infection with the diallel cross, and no genetic correlation in flies which are not yet adapted to laboratory conditions in isofemale lines. Consistently with the literature, the two studies suggested that the positive effect of infection on learning I observed might not be reflected by a positive evolutionary link between learning and immunity. Nevertheless, the existence of complex genetic relationships between the two traits cannot be excluded. - L'apprentissage et l'immunité sont deux caractères à valeur adaptative impliqués dans des aspects centraux de la vie d'un organisme : l'apprentissage permet d'ajuster les comportements pour faire face aux changements de l'environnement, tandis que l'immunité protège l'intégrité corporelle contre les attaques des parasites et des pathogènes. Alors que les interactions entre l'apprentissage et l'immunité sont bien documentées chez les vertébrés, ces interactions ont été très peu étudiées chez les insectes. Pendant ma thèse, je me suis intéressée à trois aspects des interactions possibles entre l'apprentissage et l'immunité chez la mouche du vinaigre Drosophila melanogaster, qui est un organisme modèle dans l'étude à la fois de l'apprentissage et de l'immunité. L'apprentissage peut affecter les défenses comportementales contre les parasites et les pathogènes par l'acquisition de nouvelles aversions pour la nourriture contaminée par exemple. Ce type d'apprentissage repose sur la capacité à associer une caractéristique de la nourriture avec la maladie qui suit l'ingestion de cette nourriture. Malgré les implications potentielles pour la prévention des infections, l'évitement appris des pathogènes a été rarement étudié chez les invertébrés. Dans une première partie de ma thèse, j'ai testé si les mouches, qui se nourrissent sur des milieux enrichis en micro-organismes, évitent de façon innée un 'nouveau' pathogène virulent Pseudomonas entomophila, et si elles ont la capacité d'apprendre à l'éviter. Bien que les mouches ne montrent pas d'évitement inné pour ce pathogène, elles diminuent leur préférence pour de la nourriture contaminée dans le temps, suggérant l'existence d'une forme d'apprentissage basée vraisemblablement sur la maladie générée par l'infection. J'ai ensuite observé que les mouches semblent être capables d'apprendre à éviter une odeur qui était au préalable associée avec ce pathogène, mais cela reste à confirmer par la collecte de données supplémentaires. Si cette observation est confirmée, cela sera la première fois, à ma connaissance, que l'évitement appris des pathogènes est décrit chez un insecte. L'effet détrimental des infections sur la cognition et plus particulièrement sur les capacités d'apprentissage est bien documenté chez les vertébrés et les insectes sociaux. Alors que les mécanismes sous-jacents sont détaillés chez les vertébrés, des études expérimentales font défaut chez les insectes. Dans une seconde partie de ma thèse, j'ai mesuré les effets d'une infection orale par des pathogènes naturels sur les capacités d'apprentissage associatif de la drosophile. Contrairement aux études précédentes chez les insectes, j'ai trouvé que les mouches infectées par le pathogène virulent P. entomophila apprennent mieux à associer une odeur avec des chocs mécaniques que des mouches non infectées. Cet effet semble spécifique à l'infection orale, et jusqu'à présent je n'ai pas pu conclure sur les contributions respectives de la virulence du pathogène et de l'activité immunitaire des mouches dans cet effet. De façon intéressante, les mouches infectées pourraient montrer une plus grande réactivité à la douleur physique. Si l'amélioration de l'apprentissage observée chez les mouches infectées était due en partie à l'activité du système immunitaire, mes résultats suggéreraient l'existence de connections physiologiques entre le système immunitaire et le système nerveux. Les mécanismes de ces connections seraient à explorer. L'apprentissage et l'immunité sont liés sur un plan physiologique chez les insectes sociaux. Les liens physiologiques entre les caractères résultent souvent de l'expression de liens entre ces caractères au niveau génétique. Cependant, chez les insectes sociaux, il n'y a pas de preuve que l'apprentissage et l'immunité soient liés par un compromis évolutif. J'ai précédemment rapporté un effet positif de l'infection sur l'apprentissage chez la drosophile. Cela pourrait suggérer qu'une relation génétique positive existerait entre l'apprentissage et l'immunité. Nous avons testé cette hypothèse par deux approches : le croisement diallèle avec des lignées consanguines, et les lignées isofemelles. Les deux approches ont fournies des résultats similaires : nous n'avons pas détecté de corrélation génétique additive entre l'apprentissage et la résistance à l'infection avec le croisement diallèle, et pas de corrélation génétique chez des mouches non adaptées aux conditions de laboratoire avec les lignées isofemelles. En ligne avec la littérature, ces deux études suggèrent que l'effet positif de l'infection sur l'apprentissage que j'ai précédemment observé ne refléterait pas un lien évolutif positif entre l'apprentissage et l'immunité. Néanmoins, l'existence de relations génétiques complexes n'est pas exclue.