14 resultados para Primal Joints
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
We develop a mathematical programming approach for the classicalPSPACE - hard restless bandit problem in stochastic optimization.We introduce a hierarchy of n (where n is the number of bandits)increasingly stronger linear programming relaxations, the lastof which is exact and corresponds to the (exponential size)formulation of the problem as a Markov decision chain, while theother relaxations provide bounds and are efficiently computed. Wealso propose a priority-index heuristic scheduling policy fromthe solution to the first-order relaxation, where the indices aredefined in terms of optimal dual variables. In this way wepropose a policy and a suboptimality guarantee. We report resultsof computational experiments that suggest that the proposedheuristic policy is nearly optimal. Moreover, the second-orderrelaxation is found to provide strong bounds on the optimalvalue.
A multiple-partners assignment game with heterogeneous sales and multiunit demands consists of a set of sellers that own a given number of indivisible units of (potentially many different) goods and a set of buyers who value those units and want to buy at most an exogenously fixed number of units. We define a competitive equilibrium for this generalized assignment game and prove its existence by using only linear programming. In particular, we show how to compute equilibrium price vectors from the solutions of the dual linear program associated to the primal linear program defined to find optimal assignments. Using only linear programming tools, we also show (i) that the set of competitive equilibria (pairs of price vectors and assignments) has a Cartesian product structure: each equilibrium price vector is part of a competitive equilibrium with all optimal assignments, and vice versa; (ii) that the set of (restricted) equilibrium price vectors has a natural lattice structure; and (iii) how this structure is translated into the set of agents' utilities that are attainable at equilibrium.
We study preconditioning techniques for discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of isotropic linear elasticity problems in primal (displacement) formulation. We propose subspace correction methods based on a splitting of the vector valued piecewise linear discontinuous finite element space, that are optimal with respect to the mesh size and the Lamé parameters. The pure displacement, the mixed and the traction free problems are discussed in detail. We present a convergence analysis of the proposed preconditioners and include numerical examples that validate the theory and assess the performance of the preconditioners.
La investigación Condiciones para una arquitectura radical se ha desarrollado en el marco de la beca FI 2009-12; y también incluye una beca de movilidad BE-DGR 2009 por un período de seis meses de 2010 en Princeton University School of Architecture. Condiciones para una arquitectura radical tiene un objetivo general: trabajar las relaciones entre límite, experiencia y comunidad a partir de dos pilares: arte y tecnología. Son tres familias de conceptos y sus articulaciones complejas en el espacio común: para definir en última instancia, otros procesos posibles de gestión en la ciudad. La lucha ideológica está en pensar cual debería ser el futuro de las ciudades. El objetivo concreto de la tesis es la búsqueda de herramientas para abrir nuevos espacios en la ciudad donde materializar un cambio social y urbano. Para entender esta aproximación la investigación indaga en los momentos de acercamiento y simbiosis de la arquitectura a las tesis del arte y la tecnología: una mirada atenta a las condiciones de contexto. Se explora el cruce de algunas ideas emancipadoras que se formularon en diferentes momentos de la cultura - desde las vanguardias históricas hasta ahora- en los que se intuyó la importancia del sistema abierto -el paso del objeto al proceso- y su trasposición en arquitectura: una arquitectura y un urbanismo open source; son episodios en los que ha existido un cuestionamiento de las fronteras disciplinares y un interés por la apropiación convivencial de lo público. Algunas de aquellas ideas pueden repetirse en el contexto activo de unas nuevas condiciones.
La inestabilitat del canell consisteix en una pèrdua de la fermesa dels moviments de l’articulació a causa del trencament d’un dels lligaments. Quan l’estructura lligamentosa no treballa adequadament, els ossos que uneix (escafoide i semilunar) deixen de realitzar els moviments de forma solidària, ja que cadascun d’ells es desplaçarà independentment i es perdrà l’equilibri del conjunt. El cas més habitual és el trencament del lligament escafolunarque comporta una inestabilitat dissociativa del carp, deguda a una separació excessiva (més de 5 mil•límetres) dels ossos semilunar i escafoide del carp Així que, l’objectiu del projecte és desenvolupar una pròtesi capaç de dur a terme la funció del lligament escafolunar de la forma més adient possible
The Guilleries are a small and mountainous area located in the north-westem part of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges where metamorphic and igneous Paleozoic rocks are exposed. After the main hercynian folding this area was affected by a brittle deformation that is mainly manifested by the intrusion of a very large number of dykes of granodiorite and the development of a complex joint system. Trends of dykes indicate that their intrusion was related to a SE-NW extension, whose estimated value is 40% on an average. This extension seems to stand, although without any associated igneous event, with the development of NE-SW directed joints which make the main set. Five families more were developed later, onegently-dipping and fou upright; the latter trending roughly SE-NW, ENE-WSW, ESE-WNW and N-S. AU the joint sets appear in the metasedimentary Paleozoic rocks and in the hercynian intrusive bodies. Concerning the ages, joints that belong to the NE-SW and SE-NW directed sets and also those slightly dipping have been attributed to the late-hercynian times and all the other are considered to be later
This article brings a geometric proposal which can be applied to the bar structures. The starting point is the substitution of the usual knots in a structural web by a system of combining the bars tivo by two, which is achieved by twisting the bars in each knot. The tensile forces that appear and the introduction of joints in each of these knots allow the transition from a rigid or undeformablegeometiy to a neiv flexible" one leading to the possibility of one and the same structural web adopting different sizes while preserving its original geometric form
The clinical picture of 15 patients (10 male, five female) with amyloid arthropathy secondary to chronic renal failure treated with haemodialysis has been studied. The average period of haemodialysis was 10.8 years. Joint symptoms appeared between three and 13 years after starting haemodialysis. No patient had renal amyloidosis. Early symptoms were varied and often overlapped: knee swelling (seven patients), painful and stiff shoulders (seven), and carpal tunnel syndrome (six) were the most prominent. Follow up showed extension to other joints. Joint effusions were generally of the non-inflammatory type. Radiologically, geodes and erosions of variable sizes were seen in the affected joints, which can develop into a destructive arthropathy. Amyloid was found in abdominal fat in three of the 12 patients on whom a needle aspiration was performed. Four of 12 patients showed changes compatible with amyloid infiltration in the echocardiogram. One patient had amyloid in the gastric muscular layer, another in the colon mucus, and two of four in rectal biopsy specimens. Amyloid deposits showed the presence of beta 2 microglobulin in 10 patients. The clinical and radiological picture was similar to the amyloid arthropathy associated with multiple myeloma. These patients can develop systemic amyloidosis.
To determine the phenotype of peripheral blood lymphocytes during the time-course of adjuvant arthritis (AA) to detect alterations that could be involved in the pathogenesis of the arthritic process. METHODS--Phenotype analysis was performed on days 7, 14, 21, 28, 42, 56 and 70 after arthritis induction using monoclonal antibodies to CD5, CD4 and CD8 subsets, and flow cytometry. The proportion of activated lymphocytes and lymphocytes was also assessed with monoclonal antibodies to IL-2R (CD25), to Ia antigen and by polyclonal antibodies to rat Ig. RESULTS--Adjuvant arthritis produced leukocytosis with neutrophilia. Rats with AA showed a marked increase in the number of both CD4+ and CD8+ cells. The ratio CD4/CD8 decreased because the rise in CD8+ cells was more pronounced than the increase in CD4+ cells. Changes in lymphocyte counts showed two well-defined periods: the first, from day 14 to day 28, during which the inflammation of the joints reached a maximum and changes in lymphocyte subsets were more pronounced, that is, there was a threefold increase in CD8+ lymphocytes over normal counts, and the second, from day 42 to day 70, in which modified parameters improved considerably but remained different from controls. CONCLUSION--Alterations were detected in the phenotype of peripheral blood lymphocytes in AA, which provides an additional marker of disease activity.
The clinical picture of 15 patients (10 male, five female) with amyloid arthropathy secondary to chronic renal failure treated with haemodialysis has been studied. The average period of haemodialysis was 10.8 years. Joint symptoms appeared between three and 13 years after starting haemodialysis. No patient had renal amyloidosis. Early symptoms were varied and often overlapped: knee swelling (seven patients), painful and stiff shoulders (seven), and carpal tunnel syndrome (six) were the most prominent. Follow up showed extension to other joints. Joint effusions were generally of the non-inflammatory type. Radiologically, geodes and erosions of variable sizes were seen in the affected joints, which can develop into a destructive arthropathy. Amyloid was found in abdominal fat in three of the 12 patients on whom a needle aspiration was performed. Four of 12 patients showed changes compatible with amyloid infiltration in the echocardiogram. One patient had amyloid in the gastric muscular layer, another in the colon mucus, and two of four in rectal biopsy specimens. Amyloid deposits showed the presence of beta 2 microglobulin in 10 patients. The clinical and radiological picture was similar to the amyloid arthropathy associated with multiple myeloma. These patients can develop systemic amyloidosis.
To analyse the association between chondrocalcinosis and osteoarthritis (OA) of the hands and knees in an unselected elderly rural population. METHODS--A community based cross sectional study was performed in individuals randomly selected from a previous epidemiological survey on the prevalence of chondrocalcinosis in people older than 60 years from Osona county, Catalonia, northeastern Spain. Radiological OA (grade 2 or more of Kellgren's classification) was evaluated in 26 individuals with chondrocalcinosis and in 104 controls. A total of 18 articular areas of both knees (medial and lateral tibiofemoral compartments) and hands (first, second and third metacarpophalangeal (MCP), first carpometacarpal, trapezium-scaphoid, radiocarpal and distal radioulnar joints) were studied. RESULTS--Radiological changes of OA in the knees were more common in subjects with chondrocalcinosis than in those without it, with an odds ratio adjusted for age and gender (aOR) of 4.3 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.6 to 11.8, p = 0.005). OA was also more frequent in almost all areas of the hands in individuals with chondrocalcinosis, though the difference reached statistical significance only in the MCP joints (aOR 3.1; 95% CI 1.1 to 8.8; p = 0.033). However, taking into account the side and the different joint compartments analysed, the association between chondrocalcinosis and OA was significant only in the lateral tibiofemoral compartment and the left MCP joints. CONCLUSIONS--In an elderly population unselected for their rheumatic complaints, there was a real association between OA and chondrocalcinosis. This association was particularly relevant in the lateral tibiofemoral compartment of the knee and in the first three left MCP joints.
El ligamento escafolunar es uno de los ligamentos que se halla intraarticular, entre el escafoides y el semilunar. Su función más importante es evitar que ambos huesos se separen cuando se cierra firmemente el puño, en la prono-supinación de la mano sobre el eje del antebrazo y durante la flexo-extensión de la muñeca. La indicación terapéutica para reparar la inestabilidad consiste en la cirugía de reconstrucción, mediante la transferencia de tendones, la fusión de las articulaciones o la reformación de los huesos. Actualmente existen dos métodos quirúrgicos para la reparación del ligamento.Para evitar la cirugía abierta, con el presente proyecto se pretende encontrar una solución que permita, a través de una cirugía con artroscopia, solucionar el problema mediante la implantación de una prótesis