27 resultados para Premature, Newborn, Plasma D-Lactate, Necrotizing Enterocolitis

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Els teixits de llana presenten l’inconvenient de feltrar (encongir) degut a la presència d’escates i a les característiques hidrofòbiques de la seva superfície. Els tractaments amb plasma (gas ionitzat) són una alternativa ecològica als tractaments tradicionals d’anti feltratge de la llana. També són una innovació en el camp de les fibres sintètiques ja que incrementen la hidrofìlia i/o la rugositat. Malgrat les seves avantatges, l’elevat cost de la maquinària de plasma de baixa temperatura existent per a la indústria tèxtil ha frenat la seva aplicació. Basant-se en estudis preliminars, s’ha avaluat l’efecte de la post-descàrrega del plasma sobre l’encongiment dels teixits de llana, així com els seus efectes en la modificació de la morfologia superficial de llana i poliamida 6.


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al National Research Institute for Food and Nutrition, Itàlia, des de novembre del 2006 fins a febrer del 2007. La capacitat antioxidant total (TAC) en plasma pot ser un bon biomarcador del estat antioxidant dels humans. Prenent les mostres de dos projectes diferents de recerca s’ha mesurat la TAC mitjançant el FRAP (ferric reductant antioxidant potencial) i el TRAP (total radical-trapping antioxidant parameter ). D’una banda el PREDIMED, és un estudi prospectiu aleatoritzat i controlat, amb una cohort d’ individus sense patología vascular coneguda, però amb un alt risc de patir-la. En aquest es valora la utilitat d’una intervenció dietética del tipus mediterrània en la prevenció primària de la malaltia cardiovascular. L’altre és el de biodisponibilitat en humans dels metabòlits dels polifenols presents en els solubles de cacau, un estudi crònic (28 dies) on es vol mesurar la influència de la llet en l’absorció dels polifenols del cacau, en voluntaris amb elevat risc de sofrir patologia cardiovascular.


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Proyecto de investigación realizado a partir de una estancia en la University of California, Davis, Estados Unidos, entre octubre y desembre del 2007. Clostridium perfringens (C. perfringens) tipo C causa enteritis necrotizante en humanos y enterotoxemias en animales domésticos. Esta bacteria produce beta toxina (CPB), alfa toxina (CPA) y perfringolisina (PFO) durante la fase logarítimca de crecimiento. En nuestro estudio se evaluó la relación entre CPB y la virulencia del aislamiento CN3685 de Cl. perfringens tipo C en un modelo caprino con inoculación intraduodenal. De manera similar a la infección natural por C. perfringens tipo C, el cultivo vegetativo del tipo salvaje de CN3685 provocó dolor abdominal, diarrea hemorrágica, enteritis necrotizante, colitis, edema pulmonar, hidropericardio y muerte en 2 cabritos, a las 24 horas postinoculación. Por otro lado, mediante tecnología Targe Tron® se prepararon mutantes isogénicos carentes de toxina CPB, los cuales fueron inoculados siguiendo el modelo anteriormente descrito. Los resultados mostraron que estos mutantes carecían de todo tipo de virulencia, ya que no se observaron signos clínicos durante las primeras 24 h postinoculación ni tampoco lesiones macroscópicas ni histopatológicas. Posteriormente se desarrolló un modelo experimental similar a los anteriores, en los que se había repuesto la capacidad de producción de CPB en los mutantes. Los dos animales inoculados con estos mutantes complementarios presentaron signos clínicos y lesiones similares a las observadas en el caso del tipo salvaje. Estos resultados muestran que la toxina CPB es necesaria y suficiente para inducir la enfermedad causada por CN3685. Esto a su vez, demuestra la importancia de este tipo de toxina en la patogénesis de C. perfringems tìpo C.


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La síndrome metabòlica s’associa amb un risc elevat de desenvolupar diabetis tipus 2 i malaltia cardiovascular. La síndrome metabòlica es defineix com un clúster d’anormalitats metabòliques i, d’entre totes, l’obesitat abdominal constitueix el factor de risc més prevalent i crític en el desenvolupament de la síndrome metabòlica, el risc cardiovascular augmentat i la resistència a la insulina. La prevalença augmentada de l’obesitat en la població a nivell mundial ha portat el teixit adipós al primer pla dels estudis epidemiològics. Anteriorment es considerava el reservori energètic de l’organisme, actualment es parla del teixit adipós com un òrgan endocrí, metabòlicament molt actiu, implicat en diferents vies i processos metabòlics. L’etiologia de l’obesitat és complexa i multifactorial, però es fa evident en la disfuncionalitat del teixit adipós. Un teixit adipós disfuncional veu superada la seva capacitat d’emmagatzemar lípid i respon amb la hipersecreció de diferents molècules (adipoquines, citoquines i mediadors inflamatoris) a favor de la resistència a la insulina, proinflamatòries i proaterogèniques. La fatty acid-binding protein 4 (FABP4) i la retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4) són dues adipoquines que en circulació, es desconeix la funció exacta que duen a terme. Estudis recents han suggerit la FABP4 com a marcador d’adipositat, síndrome metabòlica i diabetis tipus 2. I, RBP4, malgrat que les dades de diferents estudis en humans desperten certa controvèrsia, s’ha associat amb la resistència a la insulina i el desenvolupament de la diabetis tipus 2. En aquesta memòria es recullen els treballs en què es va estudiar el paper d’aquestes adipoquines en relació a malalties de base metabòlica amb afectació del teixit adipós com són la síndrome metabòlica, la diabetis tipus 2, la hiperlipèmia familiar combinada i la, lipodistrofia associada a tractament combinat antiretroviral de la infecció pel virus de la immunodeficiència humana (VIH).


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Treball de recerca experimental, prospectiu sense grup control on s’han inclòs 30 pacients als quals s’ha realitzat tractament amb plasma ric en plaquetes (PRP) en genolls amb artrosi moderada per tal d’avaluar el possible benefici en quant a dolor i situació funcional, mitjançant la valoració de l’escala EVA y els tests funcionals SF-36 i KOOS amb controls al mes i tres mesos posteriors a la finalització del tractament.


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Treball de recerca que pretén respondre les següents preguntes: La visió de Goya sobre l'univers femení, i que plasma en les seves pintures, correspon amb la realitat social de les dones de la seva època? Es diu que el segle XVIII va ésser el segle de les dones, però és això realment cert? Va ser el segle de les dones o bé el segle d'algunes dones? A través de dos itineraris paral·lels: la literatura d'una banda i les arts plàstiques de l'altra, s'explorarà la naturalesa d'aquest segle. La comparació de l'anàlisi documental i de dades iconogràfiques potser ens podran donar una resposta.


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Article sobre l' erudit rossellonès M. Jaubert de Passà. El seu interès per la història antiga es plasma en la seva obra 'Notice historique sur la ville et le comte d'Empurias', publicada a Mémoires de la Société Royale des Antiquaires de France (París, 1823), llibret de 86 pàgines que pretén ser una història de la ciutat d'Empúries des d'abans de l'arribada dels foceus fins a principis del segle XVI i de la que els autors d'aquest article n'han editat un facsímil


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BACKGROUND: Cytoskeletal changes after longterm exposure to ethanol have been described in a number of cell types in adult rat and humans. These changes can play a key part in the impairment of nutrient assimilation and postnatal growth retardation after prenatal damage of the intestinal epithelium produced by ethanol intake. AIMS: To determine, in the newborn rat, which cytoskeletal proteins are affected by longterm ethanol exposure in utero and to what extent. ANIMALS: The offspring of two experimental groups of female Wistar rats: ethanol treated group receiving up to 25% (w/v) of ethanol in the drinking fluid and control group receiving water as drinking fluid. METHODS: Single and double electron microscopy immunolocalisation and label density estimation of cytoskeletal proteins on sections of proximal small intestine incubated with monoclonal antibodies against actin, alpha-tubulin, cytokeratin (polypeptides 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 18), and with a polyclonal antibody anti-beta 1,4-galactosyl transferase as trans golgi (TG) or trans golgi network (TGN) marker, or both. SDS-PAGE technique was also performed on cytoskeletal enriched fractions from small intestine. Western blotting analysis was carried out by incubation with the same antibodies used for immunolocalisation. RESULTS: Intestinal epithelium of newborn rats from the ethanol treated group showed an overexpression of cytoskeletal polypeptides ranging from 39 to 54 kDa, affecting actin and some cytokeratins, but not tubulin. Furthermore, a cytokeratin related polypeptide of 28-29 kDa was identified together with an increase in free ubiquitin in the same group. It was noteworthy that actin and cytokeratin were abnormally located in the TG or the TGN, or both. CONCLUSIONS: Longterm exposure to ethanol in utero causes severe dysfunction in the cytoskeleton of the developing intestinal epithelium. Actin and cytokeratins, which are involved in cytoskeleton anchoring to plasma membrane and cell adhesion, are particularly affected, showing overexpression, impaired proteolysis, and mislocalisation.


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BACKGROUND: Cytoskeletal changes after longterm exposure to ethanol have been described in a number of cell types in adult rat and humans. These changes can play a key part in the impairment of nutrient assimilation and postnatal growth retardation after prenatal damage of the intestinal epithelium produced by ethanol intake. AIMS: To determine, in the newborn rat, which cytoskeletal proteins are affected by longterm ethanol exposure in utero and to what extent. ANIMALS: The offspring of two experimental groups of female Wistar rats: ethanol treated group receiving up to 25% (w/v) of ethanol in the drinking fluid and control group receiving water as drinking fluid. METHODS: Single and double electron microscopy immunolocalisation and label density estimation of cytoskeletal proteins on sections of proximal small intestine incubated with monoclonal antibodies against actin, alpha-tubulin, cytokeratin (polypeptides 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 18), and with a polyclonal antibody anti-beta 1,4-galactosyl transferase as trans golgi (TG) or trans golgi network (TGN) marker, or both. SDS-PAGE technique was also performed on cytoskeletal enriched fractions from small intestine. Western blotting analysis was carried out by incubation with the same antibodies used for immunolocalisation. RESULTS: Intestinal epithelium of newborn rats from the ethanol treated group showed an overexpression of cytoskeletal polypeptides ranging from 39 to 54 kDa, affecting actin and some cytokeratins, but not tubulin. Furthermore, a cytokeratin related polypeptide of 28-29 kDa was identified together with an increase in free ubiquitin in the same group. It was noteworthy that actin and cytokeratin were abnormally located in the TG or the TGN, or both. CONCLUSIONS: Longterm exposure to ethanol in utero causes severe dysfunction in the cytoskeleton of the developing intestinal epithelium. Actin and cytokeratins, which are involved in cytoskeleton anchoring to plasma membrane and cell adhesion, are particularly affected, showing overexpression, impaired proteolysis, and mislocalisation.


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Muscle is a major player in metabolism. It uses large amounts of glucose in the absorptive state and changes in muscle insulin-stimulated glucose uptake alter whole-body glucose disposal. Lipid substrates such as fatty acids or ketone bodies are preferentially used by muscle in certain physiological conditions. Muscle is also the main reservoir of amino acids and protein. The activity of many different plasma membrane transporters such as glucose carriers, carnitine, creatine or amino acid transporters maintain muscle metabolism by taking up or releasing substrates or metabolites across the cell surface. The goal of this review is the molecular characterization of muscle membrane transporter proteins and the analysis of their regulatory roles.


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The fast simultaneous hadronization and chemical freeze-out of supercooled quark-gluon plasma, created in relativistic heavy ion collisions, can lead to the reheating of the expanding matter and to the change in a collective flow profile. We use the assumption of statistical nature of the hadronization process, and study quantitatively the freeze-out in the framework of hydrodynamical Bjorken model with different simple quark-gluon plasma equations of state.


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Pentobarbital-anaesthetized male Wistar rats were infused with 6microgkg-1min-1 of noradrenaline. The infusion was supplemented with 8.5 mgkg-1min-1 of D-3-hydroxybutyrate (3-OHB) for 15 min in order to determine its effect on the adrenergic response of the rat. Plasma levels of noradrenaline rose to a plateau of approximately 50 nmoll-1 with infusion. In the group infused with noradrenaline alone, noradrenaline levels were maintained for 1h. Supplementation with 3-OHB induced a decrease in plasma noradrenaline level that was inversely correlated with 3-OHB level. Aortic and interscapular brown adipose tissue temperatures increased with noradrenaline infusion, but the rise was arrested by 3-OHB; replacing 3-OHB with glucose had no effect. Infusion of saline, glucose or 3-OHB in the absence of noradrenaline did not induce a rise in temperature in either tissue. Blood 3-OHB concentration increased to 1.2 mmoll-1 during 3-OHB infusion, decreasing rapidly at the end of infusion. Blood glucose levels increased with noradrenaline infusion; the presence of high 3-OHB levels decreased glucose concentration. The effects observed were transient and dependent on 3-OHB concentration; these effects may help explain most of the other effects of noradrenaline described here. The role of 3-OHB as a regulator of adrenergic responses seems to be part of a complex fail-safe mechanism which prevents wasting.


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This study was undertaken in the framework of a larger European project dealing with the characterization of fat co- and by-products from the food chain, available for feed uses. In this study, we compare the effects, on the fatty acid (FA) and tocol composition of chicken and rabbit tissues, of the addition to feeds of a palm fatty acid distillate, very low in trans fatty acids (TFA), and two levels of the corresponding hydrogenated by-product, containing intermediate and high levels of TFA. Thus, the experimental design included three treatments, formulated for each species, containing the three levels of TFA defined above. Obviously, due to the use of hydrogenated fats, the levels of saturated fatty acids (SFA) show clear differences between the three dietary treatments. The results show that diets high in TFA (76 g/kg fat) compared with those low in TFA (4.4 g/kg fat) led to a lower content of tocopherols and tocotrienols in tissues, although these differences were not always statistically significant, and show a different pattern for rabbit and chicken. The TFA content in meat, liver and plasma increased from low-to-high TFA feeds in both chicken and rabbit. However, the transfer ratios from feed were not proportional to the TFA levels in feeds, reflecting certain differences according to the animal species. Moreover, feeds containing fats higher in TFA induced significant changes in tissue SFA, monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids composition, but different patterns can be described for chicken and rabbit and for each type of tissue.


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The addition of some fat co- and by-products to feeds is usual nowadays; however, the regulations of their use are not always clear and vary between countries. For instance, the use of recycled cooking oils is not allowed in the European Union, but they are used in other countries. However, oils recovered from industrial frying processes could show satisfactory quality for this purpose. Here we studied the effects of including oils recovered from the frying industry in rabbit and chicken feeds (at 30 and 60 g/kg, respectively) on the fatty acid (FA) and tocol (tocopherol + tocotrienol) compositon of meat, liver and plasma, and on their oxidative stability. Three dietary treatments (replicated eight times) were compared: fresh non-used oil (LOX); oil discarded from the frying industry, having a high content of secondary oxidation compounds (HOX); and an intermediate level (MOX) obtained by mixing 50 : 50 of LOX and HOX. The FA composition of oil diets and tissues was assessed by GC, their tocol content by HPLC, the thiobarbituric acid value was used to assess tissue oxidation status, and the ferrous oxidation-xylenol orange method was used to assess the susceptibility of tissues to oxidation. Our results indicate that FA composition of rabbit and chicken meat, liver and plasma was scarcely altered by the addition of recovered frying oils to feed. Differences were encountered in the FA composition between species, which might be attributed mainly to differences in the FA digestion, absorption and metabolism between species, and to some physiological dietary factors (i.e. coprophagy in rabbits that involves fermentation with FA structure modification). The α-tocopherol (αT) content of tissues was reduced in response to the lower αT content in the recovered frying oil. Differences in the content of other tocols were encountered between chickens and rabbits, which might be attributable to the different tocol composition of their feeds, as well as to species differences in the digestion and metabolism of tocols. Tissue oxidation and susceptibility to oxidation were in general low and were not greatly affected by the degree of oxidation of the oil added to the feeds. The relative content of polyunsaturated fatty acids/αT in these types of samples would explain the differences observed between species in the susceptibility of each tissue to oxidation. According to our results, oils recovered from the frying industry could be useful for feed uses.