15 resultados para Multimodal texts
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Els objectius són avaluar la seguretat, resultats i l’impacte en els costs d’un programa de rehabilitació multimodal en cirurgia colorrectal, així com estudiar la influència de la experiència de l’equip en el seu compliment i resultats. Estudi prospectiu de cohorts consecutives. La rehabilitació multimodal no augmenta la morbilitat ni la mortalitat. A més a més disminueix l’estada a l’hospital en 3 dies sense incrementar els reingressos. També s’associa a una disminució dels costs totals de 912 euros per pacient. El compliment del protocol millora amb l’experiència de l’equip multidisciplinari, accelerant la recuperació dels pacients i conseqüentment l’alta precoç.
Trabajo Fin de Máster donde se implementa un método multimodal para la clasificación de imágenes sin etiquetar y sin intervención humana.
A new multimodal biometric database designed and acquired within the framework of the European BioSecure Network of Excellence is presented. It is comprised of more than 600 individuals acquired simultaneously in three scenarios: 1) over the Internet, 2) in an office environment with desktop PC, and 3) in indoor/outdoor environments with mobile portable hardware. The three scenarios include a common part of audio/video data. Also, signature and fingerprint data have been acquired both with desktop PC and mobile portable hardware. Additionally, hand and iris data were acquired in the second scenario using desktop PC. Acquisition has been conducted by 11 European institutions. Additional features of the BioSecure Multimodal Database (BMDB) are: two acquisitionsessions, several sensors in certain modalities, balanced gender and age distributions, multimodal realistic scenarios with simple and quick tasks per modality, cross-European diversity, availability of demographic data, and compatibility with other multimodal databases. The novel acquisition conditions of the BMDB allow us to perform new challenging research and evaluation of eithermonomodal or multimodal biometric systems, as in the recent BioSecure Multimodal Evaluation campaign. A description of this campaign including baseline results of individual modalities from the new database is also given. The database is expected to beavailable for research purposes through the BioSecure Association during 2008.
Database of papyrus school texts which may be identified as Christian on the basis of the presence of some internal indicator: Christian symbols, textual content originating from the Bible or of a clearly Christian origin proposed as a copying exercise, or Christian contents not part of the exercise itself, such as prayers or invocations.
This research investigates the phenomenon of translationese in two monolingual comparable corpora of original and translated Catalan texts. Translationese has been defined as the dialect, sub-language or code of translated language. This study aims at giving empirical evidence of translation universals regardless the source language.Traditionally, research conducted on translation strategies has been mainly intuition-based. Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing techniques provide reliable information of lexical frequencies, morphological and syntactical distribution in corpora. Therefore, they have been applied to observe which translation strategies occur in these corpora.Results seem to prove the simplification, interference and explicitation hypotheses, whereas no sign of normalization has been detected with the methodology used.The data collected and the resources created for identifying lexical, morphological and syntactic patterns of translations can be useful for Translation Studies teachers, scholars and students: teachers will have more tools to help students avoid the reproduction of translationese patterns. Resources developed will help in detecting non-genuine or inadequate structures in the target language. This fact may imply an improvement in stylistic quality in translations. Translation professionals can also take advantage of these resources to improve their translation quality.
La pedagogía crítica acentúa la falta de neutralidad de la escuela respecto a las relaciones de poder que existen en la sociedad. Su propuesta consiste en modificar las relaciones de poder en el aula en el sentido de transformar las relaciones coercitivas –las que reproducen las relaciones existentes– en relaciones colaborativas partiendo del reconocimiento y la participación de los alumnos en las actividades escolares. Desde esta perspectiva, uno de los objetivos de las actividades es que los niños produzcan «textos identitarios», entendidos como artefactos que los alumnos se pueden apropiar para promover su desarrollo cognitivo. El artículo muestra el trabajo educativo integrado desde Educación Infantil hasta 6.º de Primaria de una escuela de la provincia de Girona en la que el 97% de los alumnos es de origen extranjero y cuyo propósito es incrementar las habilidades lingüísticas orales y escritas en la lengua escolar, así como la utilización de otros lenguajes multimedia. La unidad didáctica consiste en la elaboración de un cuento a lo largo de un curso escolar por parte de todo el alumnado con la ayuda de los profesores, de dos autores y de tres ilustradores. Cada ciclo escolar decide los personajes y el escenario y explicita textualmente el transcurso de la acción. Los ilustradores producen las imágenes y los autores posibilitan la transición de aquello que ha elaborado un ciclo al producto del siguiente. La actividad basada en la participación y la utilización de procedimientos democráticos de decisión se inserta en la propuesta educativa y lingüística de la escuela, así como en sus concreciones curriculares. Los resultados muestran que los textos construidos por los niños se apoyan en sus «fondos de conocimiento» sociales y familiares y constituyen una fuente de progreso en la consecución de las competencias básicas y en la construcción de valores democráticos
Se presenta el formato de libro multimedia Daisy que permite integrar texto, sonido, imágenes y vídeo de forma sincronizada y con una navegación avanzada por el texto y el audio que lo hace altamente usable para lecturas en digital. También se presenta su componente principal DTBook xml, disposición estructurada del texto que permite generar formatos alternativos. El artículo detalla las diferencias de Daisy respecto a otros audiolibros, los dispositivos de lectura existentes y su adopción en el mercado y en la enseñanza. Si se abaratan los costes de los aparatos lectores y se soluciona la gestión de derechos digitales, tiene muchas posibilidades de convertirse en estrella para editar libros digitales.
The present study investigates the predictive value of the early appearance of simultaneous pointing-speech combinations. An experimental task was used to obtain a communicative productive sample from nineteen children at 1;0 and 1;3. Infant’s communicative productions, in combination with gaze joint engagement patterns, were analyzed in relation to different social conditions. The results show a significant effect of age and social condition on infants’ communicative productions. Gesture-speech combinations seem to work as a strong communicative resource to attract the adult’s attention in social demanding communicative contexts. Gaze joint engagement was used in combination with simultaneous pointing-speech combinations to attract adults’ attention during social demanding conditions. Finally, the use of simultaneous pointing-speech combinations at 1;0 in demanding conditions predicted greater expressive vocabulary acquisition at 1;3 and 1;6. These results indicate that the use of gesture-speech combinations may be considered a significant step towards the early integration of language components.
This paper presents the use of our multimodal mixed reality telecommunication system to support remote acting rehearsal. The rehearsals involved two actors, located in London and Barcelona, and a director in another location in London. This triadic audiovisual telecommunication was performed in a spatial and multimodal collaborative mixed reality environment based on the 'destination-visitor' paradigm, which we define and put into use. We detail our heterogeneous system architecture, which spans the three distributed and technologically asymmetric sites, and features a range of capture, display, and transmission technologies. The actors' and director's experience of rehearsing a scene via the system are then discussed, exploring successes and failures of this heterogeneous form of telecollaboration. Overall, the common spatial frame of reference presented by the system to all parties was highly conducive to theatrical acting and directing, allowing blocking, gross gesture, and unambiguous instruction to be issued. The relative inexpressivity of the actors' embodiments was identified as the central limitation of the telecommunication, meaning that moments relying on performing and reacting to consequential facial expression and subtle gesture were less successful.
This paper presents the use of our multimodal mixed reality telecommunication system to support remote acting rehearsal. The rehearsals involved two actors, located in London and Barcelona, and a director in another location in London. This triadic audiovisual telecommunication was performed in a spatial and multimodal collaborative mixed reality environment based on the 'destination-visitor' paradigm, which we define and put into use. We detail our heterogeneous system architecture, which spans the three distributed and technologically asymmetric sites, and features a range of capture, display, and transmission technologies. The actors' and director's experience of rehearsing a scene via the system are then discussed, exploring successes and failures of this heterogeneous form of telecollaboration. Overall, the common spatial frame of reference presented by the system to all parties was highly conducive to theatrical acting and directing, allowing blocking, gross gesture, and unambiguous instruction to be issued. The relative inexpressivity of the actors' embodiments was identified as the central limitation of the telecommunication, meaning that moments relying on performing and reacting to consequential facial expression and subtle gesture were less successful.
In addition to the two languages essentially involved in translation, that of the source text (L1) and that of the target text (L2), we propose a third language (L3) to refer to any other language(s) found in the text. L3 may appear in the source text (ST) or the target text (TT), actually appearing more frequently inSTs in our case studies. We present a range of combinations for the convergence and divergence of L1, L2 and L3, for the case of feature films and their translations using examples from dubbed and subtitled versions of films, but we are hopeful that our tentative conclusions may be relevant to other modalities of translation, audiovisual and otherwise. When L3 appears in an audiovisual ST,we find a variety of solutions whereby L3 is deleted from or adapted to the TT.In the latter case, L3 might be rendered in a number of ways, depending on factors such as the audience’s familiarity with L3, and the possibility that L3 inthe ST is an invented language.
This paper describes the main features and present results of MPRO-Spanish, a parser for morphological and syntactic analysis of unrestricted Spanish text developed at the IAI1. This parser makes direct use of X-phrase structure rules to handle a variety of patterns from derivational morphology and syntactic structure. Both analyses, morphological and syntactic, are realised by two subsequent modules. One module analyses and disambiguates the source words at morphological level while the other consists of a series of programs and a deterministic, procedural and explicit grammar. The article explains the main features of MPRO and resumes some of the experiments on some of its applications, some of which still being implemented like the monolingual and bilingual term extraction while others need further work like indexing. The results and applications obtained so far with simple and relatively complex sentences give us grounds to believe in its reliability.
Factors cognitius relacionats amb el compliment d'higiene de mans. Impacte d'una campanya multimodal
La higiene de mans (HM) és la mesura preventiva més important per a la prevenció de la transmissió de les infeccions en l’entorn sanitari. No obstant això, tot i la relativa simplicitat del procediment, els estudis observacionals mostren que el compliment d’HM dels professionals de la salut és inferior al 40%. La dificultat per motivar els professionals a seguir les recomanacions respecte a l’HM i, per tant, obtenir un bon compliment suggereix que es tracta d’un comportament complex. El comportament humà és el resultat de múltiples influències com poden ser les característiques biològiques, l’entorn, l’educació i la cultura. La psicologia social intenta entendre aquestes característiques i factors individuals en el comportament. Per això, s’han desenvolupat diferents teories cognitives socials per definir la naturalesa i la relació entre els múltiples factors que afecten els diferents comportaments relacionats amb la salut. Aquestes teories identifiquen tres nivells de factors relacionats amb el comportament: 1) nivell individual o intrapersonal, 2) nivell interpersonal o d’interaccions entre els individus i 3) nivell comunitari.
Social interactions are a very important component in people"s lives. Social network analysis has become a common technique used to model and quantify the properties of social interactions. In this paper, we propose an integrated framework to explore the characteristics of a social network extracted from multimodal dyadic interactions. For our study, we used a set of videos belonging to New York Times" Blogging Heads opinion blog. The Social Network is represented as an oriented graph, whose directed links are determined by the Influence Model. The links" weights are a measure of the"influence" a person has over the other. The states of the Influence Model encode automatically extracted audio/visual features from our videos using state-of-the art algorithms. Our results are reported in terms of accuracy of audio/visual data fusion for speaker segmentation and centrality measures used to characterize the extracted social network.
When sat in front of a computer screen and keyboard, we read and write different kinds of texts (chats, blogs, websites,etc.) and do so differently (with links, photographs, icons, etc.). However, we still comment on as many texts as in the pastin both public and private spheres. After setting out some typical features of reading and writing electronic texts, we givesome examples of students' colloquial commentary out of school, list some of the commonest academic tasks and offersome ideas and make some recommendations for making progress in this field