33 resultados para Matching patient to digital phantoms

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Digital learner portfolios are of growing importance in higher education as the sector seeks new teaching-learning-assessment methods which promote students" autonomy as managers of their own virtual learning environment. The purpose of this study was to analyse descriptively the undergraduate students" perceptions, attitudes and behaviour when using an eportfolio to support their learning and assessment in practice based courses at two traditional Spanish universities. The participants were 88 students, who were studying through a blended learning mode. Data were collected through questionnaires: a computer experience survey, another which examined the psychological, pedagogical and technological dimensions of eportfolios use. Further, an individual overall reflection was obtained from each student to help gain an understanding of their experiences of using the eportfolio. A mixed-method analysis was applied in order to study the impact of this technological innovation on students and their satisfaction. The results showed that the students had positive opinions and self-efficiency through the eportfolio as a tool to manage their learning and assessment during a semester, especially from the second month of use. However, the expected impact on their learning was not so significant. Nevertheless, the students emphasised that the eportfolio was valuable as a personal developmental learning tool.


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It is well-known that couples that look jointly for jobs in the same centralized labor market may cause instabilities. We demonstrate that for a natural preference domain for couples, namely the domain of responsive preferences, the existence of stable matchings can easily be established. However, a small deviation from responsiveness in one couple's preference relation that models the wish of a couple to be closer together may already cause instability. This demonstrates that the nonexistence of stable matchings in couples markets is not a singular theoretical irregularity. Our nonexistence result persists even when a weaker stability notion is used that excludes myopic blocking. Moreover, we show that even if preferences are responsive there are problems that do not arise for singles markets. Even though for couples markets with responsive preferences the set of stable matchings is nonempty, the lattice structure that this set has for singles markets does not carry over. Furthermore we demonstrate that the new algorithm adopted by the National Resident Matching Program to fill positions for physicians in the United States may cycle, while in fact a stable matchings does exist, and be prone to strategic manipulation if the members of a couple pretend to be single.


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El sistema desarrollado en este trabajo permite la detección de fatiga del músculo de un paciente. Las señales electromiográficas generadas por el músculo son detectadas mediante electrodos superficiales, que sirven de entrada al circuito hacia los diferentes canales de entrada. Tras una primera etapa de amplificación, las señales son filtradas por un filtro pasabanda. Las señales acondicionadas se digitalizan mediante un conversor analógico digital que está conectado a un microcontrolador. Éste establece la comunicación con el PC enviándole los datos a través del puerto serie. Finalmente, mediante un programa implementado en Labview se procesan los datos y se determina la existencia o no de fatiga muscular.


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This paper analyzes the problem of matching heterogeneous agents in aBayesian learning model. One agent gives a noisy signal to another agent,who is responsible for learning. If production has a strong informationalcomponent, a phase of cross-matching occurs, so that agents of low knowledgecatch up with those of higher one. It is shown that:(i) a greater informational component in production makes cross-matchingmore likely;(ii) as the new technology is mastered, production becomes relatively morephysical and less informational;(iii) a greater dispersion of the ability to learn and transfer informationmakes self-matching more likely; and(iv) self-matching leads to more self-matching, whereas cross-matching canmake less productive agents overtake more productive ones.


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We develop a two-sided matching model to analyze collaboration between heterogeneousacademics and firms. We predict a positive assortative matching in terms of both scientificability and affinity for type of research, but negative assortative in terms of ability on one sideand affinity in the other. In addition, the most able and most applied academics and the mostable and most basic firms shall collaborate rather than stay independent. Our predictionsreceive strong support from the analysis of the teams of academics and firms that proposeresearch projects to the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.


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Three molecular typing methods (pulsed-field electrophoresis, localization of the mecA gene, and probing the vicinity of mec) have been used for the characterization of 40 catheter-related isolates of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) in 14 patients admitted to the same hospital. The 40 isolates yielded 14 different SmaI banding patterns and corresponding unique localizations of mecA, each associated with a unique ClaI mecA polymorph. In 6 of the 14 patients the contaminated skin at the catheter entry site was the source of 4 local infections and 2 cases of bacteremia. A contaminated hub was the origin of 2 local infections and 4 cases of bacteremia in 6 more patients. The remaining 2 patients had positive cultures from both skin and catheter hub. In each bacteremic patient, the CNS recovered from catheter-related sites (tip, skin, and/or hub) and the CNS recovered from blood were identical, but each of these matching isolates was unique to the particular patient, indicating a low rate of cross-infection from patient to patient. Although classical methods for typing CNS (e.g., biotype and antibiotype) are readily available for most hospital laboratories, they have limitations concerning reproducibility and discriminatory power. Molecular epidemiologic techniques can provide powerful support to traditional techniques in determining the etiologic role of CNS in the disease process


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[cat] Estudiem les propietats teòriques que una funció d.emparellament ha de satisfer per tal de representar un mercat laboral amb friccions dins d'un model d'equilibri general amb emparellament aleatori. Analitzem el cas Cobb-Douglas, CES i altres formes funcionals per a la funció d.emparellament. Els nostres resultats estableixen restriccions sobre els paràmetres d'aquests formes funcionals per assegurar que l.equilibri és interior. Aquestes restriccions aporten raons teòriques per escollir entre diverses formes funcionals i permeten dissenyar tests d'error d'especificació de model en els treballs empírics.


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[cat] Estudiem les propietats teòriques que una funció d.emparellament ha de satisfer per tal de representar un mercat laboral amb friccions dins d'un model d'equilibri general amb emparellament aleatori. Analitzem el cas Cobb-Douglas, CES i altres formes funcionals per a la funció d.emparellament. Els nostres resultats estableixen restriccions sobre els paràmetres d'aquests formes funcionals per assegurar que l.equilibri és interior. Aquestes restriccions aporten raons teòriques per escollir entre diverses formes funcionals i permeten dissenyar tests d'error d'especificació de model en els treballs empírics.


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We adapt the Shout and Act algorithm to Digital Objects Preservation where agents explore file systems looking for digital objects to be preserved (victims). When they find something they “shout” so that agent mates can hear it. The louder the shout, the urgent or most important the finding is. Louder shouts can also refer to closeness. We perform several experiments to show that this system works very scalably, showing that heterogeneous teams of agents outperform homogeneous ones over a wide range of tasks complexity. The target at-risk documents are MS Office documents (including an RTF file) with Excel content or in Excel format. Thus, an interesting conclusion from the experiments is that fewer heterogeneous (varying skills) agents can equal the performance of many homogeneous (combined super-skilled) agents, implying significant performance increases with lower overall cost growth. Our results impact the design of Digital Objects Preservation teams: a properly designed combination of heterogeneous teams is cheaper and more scalable when confronted with uncertain maps of digital objects that need to be preserved. A cost pyramid is proposed for engineers to use for modeling the most effective agent combinations


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Aquest projecte és una anàlisi d'algunes tècniques de reconeixement d'objectes en 2D, la seva comparació i equivalència. La solució presentada en aquesta memòria ha estat implementada en C++ per a poder avaluar els resultats així com les diferents problemàtiques aparegudes durant tot el procés. La resolució de puzzles és tan sols un exemple dels múltiples casos d'objectes bidimensionals que ens podem trobar que necessiten tècniques de matching per obtenir un objecte global.


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We formulate a dynamic core-periphery model with frictions in the job matching process to study the interplay between trade costs, migration and regional unemploymentin the short- and long-run. We find that the spatial distribution of unemployment mirrors (inversely) the distribution of economic activities. Further, we highlight a contrast between the short-run and the long-run effects of trade-induced migration on regional unemployment. In particular, an inßow of immigrants from the periphery into the core reduces the unemployment gap in the short-run, but exacerbates unemployment disparities in the long-run.


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Poder mesurar i enregistrar diferents tipus de magnituds com pressió, força, temperatura etc. s’ha convertit en una necessitat per moltes aplicacions actuals. Aquestes magnituds poden tenir procedències molt diverses, tals com l’entorn, o poden ser generades per sistemes mecànics, elèctrics, etc. Per tal de poder adquirir aquestes magnituds, s’utilitzen els sistemes d’adquisició de dades. Aquests sistemes, prenen mostres analògiques del món real, i les transformen en dades digitals que poden ser manipulades per un sistema electrònic. Pràcticament qualsevol magnitud es pot mesurar utilitzant el sensor adient. Una magnitud molt utilitzada en sistemes d’adquisició de dades, és la temperatura. Els sistemes d’adquisició de temperatures estan molt generalitzats, i podem trobar-los com a sistemes, on l’objectiu és mostrar les dades adquirides, o podem trobar-los formant part de sistemes de control, aportant uns inputs necessaris per el seu correcte funcionament, garantir-ne l’estabilitat, seguretat etc. Aquest projecte, promogut per l’empresa Elausa, s’encarregarà d’adquirir, el senyal d’entrada de 2 Termoparells. Aquests mesuraran temperatures de circuits electrònics, que es trobaran dintre la càmera climàtica de Elausa, sotmesos a diferents condicions de temperatura, per tal de rebre l’homologació del circuit. El sistema haurà de poder mostrar les dades adquirides en temps real, i emmagatzemar-les en un PC que estarà ubicat en una oficina, situada a uns 30 m de distància de la sala on es farà el test. El sistema constarà d’un circuit electrònic que adquirirà, i condicionarà el senyal de sortida dels termoparells, per adaptar-lo a la tensió d’entrada d’un convertidor analògic digital, del microcontrolador integrat en aquesta placa. Seguidament aquesta informació, s’enviarà a través d’un mòdul transmissor de radiofreqüència, cap al PC on es visualitzaran les dades adquirides. Els objectius plantejats són els següents: - Dissenyar el circuit electrònic d’adquisició i condicionament del senyal. - Dissenyar, fabricar i muntar el circuit imprès de la placa d’adquisició. - Realitzar el programa de control del microcontrolador. - Realitzar el programa per presentar i desar les dades en un PC. - El sistema ha d’adquirir 2 temperatures, a través de Termoparells amb un rang d’entrada de -40ºC a +240ºC - S’ha de transmetre les dades via R.F. Els resultats del projecte han estat satisfactoris i s’han complert els objectius plantejats.


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The recent surge in scientific electronic journals began when libraries began having access to the WWW in the mid-1990s. The shift from paper to digital has affected the traditional alignment and role of the primary "stakeholders" -mainly authors, publishers, universities and libraries. The author offers a brief review of the history of the scholarly journal followed by the evolution of e-journals in during the past two decades. The article then focuses on the implications that these have had on traditional library processes and services such as selection, acquisitions, cataloguing, storage, preservation and user services. In the conclusion the author speculates on the long term effect of Web-based publishing on the format of the traditional scholarly journal as it has existed for over 300 years.


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Background: Attention to patients with acute minor-illnesses requesting same-day consultation represents a major burden in primary care. The workload is assumed by general practitioners in many countries. A number of reports suggest that care to these patients may be provided, at in least in part, by nurses. However, there is scarce information with respect to the applicability of a program of nurse management for adult patients with acute minor-illnesses in large areas. The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of a program of nurse algorithm-guided care for adult patients with acute minor illnesses requesting same-day consultation in primary care in a largely populated area. Methods: A cross-sectional study of all adult patients seeking same day consultation for 16 common acute minor illnesses in a large geographical area with 284 primary care practices. Patients were included in a program of nurse case management using management algorithms. The main outcome measure was case resolution, defined as completion of the algorithm by the nurse without need of referral of the patient to the general practitioner. The secondary outcome measure was return to consultation, defined as requirement of new consultation for the same reason as the first one, in primary care within a 7-day period. Results: During a two year period (April 2009-April 2011), a total of 1,209,669 consultations were performed in the program. Case resolution was achieved by nurses in 62.5% of consultations. The remaining cases were referred to a general practitioner. Resolution rates ranged from 94.2% in patients with burns to 42% in patients with upper respiratory symptoms. None of the 16 minor illnesses had a resolution rate below 40%. Return to consultation during a 7-day period was low, only 4.6%. Conclusions: A program of algorithms-guided care is effective for nurse case management of patients requesting same day consultation for minor illnesses in primary care.


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Background: Attention to patients with acute minor-illnesses requesting same-day consultation represents a major burden in primary care. The workload is assumed by general practitioners in many countries. A number of reports suggest that care to these patients may be provided, at in least in part, by nurses. However, there is scarce information with respect to the applicability of a program of nurse management for adult patients with acute minor-illnesses in large areas. The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of a program of nurse algorithm-guided care for adult patients with acute minor illnesses requesting same-day consultation in primary care in a largely populated area. Methods: A cross-sectional study of all adult patients seeking same day consultation for 16 common acute minor illnesses in a large geographical area with 284 primary care practices. Patients were included in a program of nurse case management using management algorithms. The main outcome measure was case resolution, defined as completion of the algorithm by the nurse without need of referral of the patient to the general practitioner. The secondary outcome measure was return to consultation, defined as requirement of new consultation for the same reason as the first one, in primary care within a 7-day period. Results: During a two year period (April 2009-April 2011), a total of 1,209,669 consultations were performed in the program. Case resolution was achieved by nurses in 62.5% of consultations. The remaining cases were referred to a general practitioner. Resolution rates ranged from 94.2% in patients with burns to 42% in patients with upper respiratory symptoms. None of the 16 minor illnesses had a resolution rate below 40%. Return to consultation during a 7-day period was low, only 4.6%. Conclusions: A program of algorithms-guided care is effective for nurse case management of patients requesting same day consultation for minor illnesses in primary care.