18 resultados para In-silico
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
A report of the 6th Georgia Tech-Oak Ridge National Lab International Conference on Bioinformatics 'In silico Biology: Gene Discovery and Systems Genomics', Atlanta, USA, 15-17 November, 2007.
Background: Current advances in genomics, proteomics and other areas of molecular biology make the identification and reconstruction of novel pathways an emerging area of great interest. One such class of pathways is involved in the biogenesis of Iron-Sulfur Clusters (ISC). Results: Our goal is the development of a new approach based on the use and combination of mathematical, theoretical and computational methods to identify the topology of a target network. In this approach, mathematical models play a central role for the evaluation of the alternative network structures that arise from literature data-mining, phylogenetic profiling, structural methods, and human curation. As a test case, we reconstruct the topology of the reaction and regulatory network for the mitochondrial ISC biogenesis pathway in S. cerevisiae. Predictions regarding how proteins act in ISC biogenesis are validated by comparison with published experimental results. For example, the predicted role of Arh1 and Yah1 and some of the interactions we predict for Grx5 both matches experimental evidence. A putative role for frataxin in directly regulating mitochondrial iron import is discarded from our analysis, which agrees with also published experimental results. Additionally, we propose a number of experiments for testing other predictions and further improve the identification of the network structure. Conclusion: We propose and apply an iterative in silico procedure for predictive reconstruction of the network topology of metabolic pathways. The procedure combines structural bioinformatics tools and mathematical modeling techniques that allow the reconstruction of biochemical networks. Using the Iron Sulfur cluster biogenesis in S. cerevisiae as a test case we indicate how this procedure can be used to analyze and validate the network model against experimental results. Critical evaluation of the obtained results through this procedure allows devising new wet lab experiments to confirm its predictions or provide alternative explanations for further improving the models.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la University of British Columbia, Canadà, entre 2010 i 2012 La malaltia d'Alzheimer (MA) representa avui la forma més comuna de demència en la població envellida. Malgrat fa 100 anys que va ser descoberta, encara avui no existeix cap tractament preventiu i/o curatiu ni cap agent de diagnòstic que permeti valorar quantitativament l'evolució d'aquesta malaltia. L'objectiu en el que s'emmarca aquest treball és contribuir a aportar solucions al problema de la manca d'agents terapèutics i de diagnosi, unívocs i rigorosos, per a la MA. Des del camp de la química bioinorgànica és fàcil fixar-se en l'excessiva concentració d'ions Zn(II) i Cu(II) en els cervells de malalts de MA, plantejar-se la seva utilització com a dianes terapèutica i, en conseqüència, cercar agents quelants que evitin la formació de plaques senils o contribueixin a la seva dissolució. Si bé aquest va ser el punt de partida d’aquest projecte, els múltiples factors implicats en la patogènesi de la MA fan que el clàssic paradigma d’ ¨una molècula, una diana¨ limiti la capacitat de la molècula de combatre aquesta malaltia tan complexa. Per tant, un esforç considerable s’ha dedicat al disseny d’agentsmultifuncionals que combatin els múltiples factors que caracteritzen el desenvolupament de la MA. En el present treball s’han dissenyat agents multifuncionals inspirats en dos esquelets moleculars ben establers i coneguts en el camp de la química medicinal: la tioflavina-T (ThT) i la deferiprona (DFP). La utilització de tècniques in silico que inclouen càlculs farmacocinètics i modelatge molecular ha estat un procés cabdal per a l’avaluació dels millors candidats en base als següents requeriments: (a) compliment de determinades propietats farmacocinètiques que estableixin el seu possible ús com a fàrmac (b) hidrofobicitat adequada per travessar la BBB i (c) interacció amb el pèptid Aen solució.
BACKGROUND: Selenoproteins are a diverse family of proteins notable for the presence of the 21st amino acid, selenocysteine. Until very recently, all metazoan genomes investigated encoded selenoproteins, and these proteins had therefore been believed to be essential for animal life. Challenging this assumption, recent comparative analyses of insect genomes have revealed that some insect genomes appear to have lost selenoprotein genes. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this paper we investigate in detail the fate of selenoproteins, and that of selenoprotein factors, in all available arthropod genomes. We use a variety of in silico comparative genomics approaches to look for known selenoprotein genes and factors involved in selenoprotein biosynthesis. We have found that five insect species have completely lost the ability to encode selenoproteins and that selenoprotein loss in these species, although so far confined to the Endopterygota infraclass, cannot be attributed to a single evolutionary event, but rather to multiple, independent events. Loss of selenoproteins and selenoprotein factors is usually coupled to the deletion of the entire no-longer functional genomic region, rather than to sequence degradation and consequent pseudogenisation. Such dynamics of gene extinction are consistent with the high rate of genome rearrangements observed in Drosophila. We have also found that, while many selenoprotein factors are concomitantly lost with the selenoproteins, others are present and conserved in all investigated genomes, irrespective of whether they code for selenoproteins or not, suggesting that they are involved in additional, non-selenoprotein related functions. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Selenoproteins have been independently lost in several insect species, possibly as a consequence of the relaxation in insects of the selective constraints acting across metazoans to maintain selenoproteins. The dispensability of selenoproteins in insects may be related to the fundamental differences in antioxidant defense between these animals and other metazoans.
Background: Non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons have contributed to shaping the structure and function of genomes. In silico and experimental approaches have been used to identify the non-LTR elements of the urochordate Ciona intestinalis. Knowledge of the types and abundance of non-LTR elements in urochordates is a key step in understanding their contribution to the structure and function of vertebrate genomes. Results: Consensus elements phylogenetically related to the I, LINE1, LINE2, LOA and R2 elements of the 14 eukaryotic non-LTR clades are described from C. intestinalis. The ascidian elements showed conservation of both the reverse transcriptase coding sequence and the overall structural organization seen in each clade. The apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease and nucleic-acid-binding domains encoded upstream of the reverse transcriptase, and the RNase H and the restriction enzyme-like endonuclease motifs encoded downstream of the reverse transcriptase were identified in the corresponding Ciona families. Conclusions: The genome of C. intestinalis harbors representatives of at least five clades of non-LTR retrotransposons. The copy number per haploid genome of each element is low, less than 100, far below the values reported for vertebrate counterparts but within the range for protostomes. Genomic and sequence analysis shows that the ascidian non-LTR elements are unmethylated and flanked by genomic segments with a gene density lower than average for the genome. The analysis provides valuable data for understanding the evolution of early chordate genomes and enlarges the view on the distribution of the non-LTR retrotransposons in eukaryotes.
Background: Understanding the relationship between gene expression changes, enzyme activity shifts, and the corresponding physiological adaptive response of organisms to environmental cues is crucial in explaining how cells cope with stress. For example, adaptation of yeast to heat shock involves a characteristic profile of changes to the expression levels of genes coding for enzymes of the glycolytic pathway and some of its branches. The experimental determination of changes in gene expression profiles provides a descriptive picture of the adaptive response to stress. However, it does not explain why a particular profile is selected for any given response. Results: We used mathematical models and analysis of in silico gene expression profiles (GEPs) to understand how changes in gene expression correlate to an efficient response of yeast cells to heat shock. An exhaustive set of GEPs, matched with the corresponding set of enzyme activities, was simulated and analyzed. The effectiveness of each profile in the response to heat shock was evaluated according to relevant physiological and functional criteria. The small subset of GEPs that lead to effective physiological responses after heat shock was identified as the result of the tuning of several evolutionary criteria. The experimentally observed transcriptional changes in response to heat shock belong to this set and can be explained by quantitative design principles at the physiological level that ultimately constrain changes in gene expression. Conclusion: Our theoretical approach suggests a method for understanding the combined effect of changes in the expression of multiple genes on the activity of metabolic pathways, and consequently on the adaptation of cellular metabolism to heat shock. This method identifies quantitative design principles that facilitate understating the response of the cell to stress.
The GMO Risk Assessment and Communication of Evidence (GRACE; www.grace-fp7.eu) project is funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme. A key objective of GRACE is to conduct 90-day animal feeding trials, animal studies with an extended time frame as well as analytical, in vitro and in silico studies on genetically modified (GM) maize in order to comparatively evaluate their use in GM plant risk assessment. In the present study, the results of two 90-day feeding trials with two different GM maize MON810 varieties, their near-isogenic non-GM varieties and four additional conventional maize varieties are presented. The feeding trials were performed by taking into account the guidance for such studies published by the EFSA Scientific Committee in 2011 and the OECD Test Guideline 408. The results obtained show that the MON810 maize at a level of up to 33 % in the diet did not induce adverse effects in male and female Wistar Han RCC rats after subchronic exposure, independently of the two different genetic backgrounds of the event
Prèviament havíem identificat la presència d’una forma de l’IKKα de 45kD que s’expressa específicament en el nucli de les cèl.lules de cancer colorectal. A més havíem demostrat que aquesta forma estava fosforilada la qual cosa suggereix que es tracta d’una forma activa d’IKKa. Un dels objectius que ens varem plantejar va ser determinar el mecanisme per el qual es generava aquesta forma de la quinasa. Mitjançant eines bioinformàtiques hem identificat possibles llocs de processament proteolític en la seqüència d’IKKα que podrien ser responsables de generar el fragment de 45kD present en les cèl.lules tumorals. Després, hem demostrat que les proteases identificades in silico són capaces de processar IKKa in vitro, específicament en els llocs predits. S’ha pogut constatar, mitjançant la mutació dels possibles llocs de processament, que només un dels llocs identificats bioinformàticament corresponent a Cathepsin B/L era funcional in vitro, mentre que els altres llocs predits no ho eren. D’igual manera, l’expressió ectòpica de la Cathepsin B o L és capaç de produïr el processament d’IKKα. Pel contrari, la inhibició de l’activitat de la proteasa mitjançant inhibidors específics és capaç de bloquejar el processament d’IKKa en cèl.lules tumorals. Finalment, hem demostrat que els nivells de la Cathepsin B i L, proteases identificades com a responsables de processar IKKa es troben sobre-expressades en la majoria de les mostres humanes de càncer de colon analitzades comparat amb el teixit normal adjacent del mateixos pacients.
En aquest treball s’ha analitzat la relació estructura-funció dels enzims CPT1, o Carnitina palmitoïltransferasa 1, que catalitza la reacció de transesterificació dels àcids grassos de cadena llarga a acil-carnitines, per tal que puguin accedir a la matriu mitocondrial i ser oxidats. Aquest enzim es troba estrictament regulat per malonil-CoA, primer intermediari de la síntesi d’àcids grassos, establint-se així una regulació coordinada entre la formació i la degradació de grasses. S’han estudiat els tres isotips de CPT1 descrits fins al moment: CPT1A, CPT1B i CPT1C. Mitjançant l’expressió heteròloga de mutants de CPT1A de rata i CPT1B de porc en el llevat P. pastoris, s’ha estudiat l’efecte sobre la inhibició per malonil-CoA de petits canvis en la seva estructura, per tal de trobar una relació entre la seva funció enzimàtica i la disposició conformacional de la proteïna. Segons els resultats obtinguts, el residu Glu590 de CPT1A de rata estaria impedint la unió de l’inhibidor, mentre que el residu Met593 estaria afavorint aquesta unió. Els estudis amb l’enzim CPT1B de porc demostraren l’existència d’un determinant positiu per la sensibilitat al malonil-CoA en els primers 18 residus de la proteïna, i definiren la posició Glu17 com la responsable de l’alta afinitat a la carnitina i la baixa sensibilitat a la inhibició per malonil-CoA (8). Es clonà i caracteritzà la regió promotora del gen de CPT1C humana, amb la intenció d’analitzar la funcionalitat de putatius elements de resposta identificats in silico. Cap dels elements estudiats resultà ser funcional in vivo. A més, es demostrà que la manca d’activitat catalítica de la proteïna no és deguda a l’extensió C-terminal que presenta respecte els isotips A i B, tot i presentar un alt percentatge d’identitat de seqüència. S’ha amplificat una isoforma humana de CPT1C (Pubmed Acc. Num. AK299866), corresponent a la regió carboxiterminal de la proteïna, que es pretén utilitzar per obtenir el primer cristall de la part soluble d’una proteïna CPT1.
L’estudi que es realitza en aquest projecte/treball final de carrera queda englobat dins del grup de recerca MICE (Modal Intervals Control and Engeneering), el qual realitzainvestigacions entorn al control de glucèmia. Aquest grup de recerca vinculat a la Universitat de Girona col•labora amb l’Hospital Universitari Dr. Josep Trueta de Girona. La temàtica principal tractarà de realitzar el control de glucèmia en pacients crítics, que es troben ingressats en la unitat de cures intensives de qualsevol hospital. Com a conseqüència d’aquesta problemàtica, s’ha implementat en un entorn virtual, un pacient el qual simula la situació d’un pacient real en la unitat de cures intensives. El model emprat per a la obtenció del model de pacient virtual és el desenvolupat per Chase et al. (2005), el qual mitjançant variables com l’alimentació enteral i la sensibilitat insulínica, es podien realitzar assajos reals per a validar protocols de control ‘in silico’ per posteriorment realitzar assajos amb població real
Background: The understanding of whole genome sequences in higher eukaryotes depends to a large degree on the reliable definition of transcription units including exon/intron structures, translated open reading frames (ORFs) and flanking untranslated regions. The best currently available chicken transcript catalog is the Ensembl build based on the mappings of a relatively small number of full length cDNAs and ESTs to the genome as well as genome sequence derived in silico gene predictions.Results: We use Long Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (LongSAGE) in bursal lymphocytes and the DT40 cell line to verify the quality and completeness of the annotated transcripts. 53.6% of the more than 38,000 unique SAGE tags (unitags) match to full length bursal cDNAs, the Ensembl transcript build or the genome sequence. The majority of all matching unitags show single matches to the genome, but no matches to the genome derived Ensembl transcript build. Nevertheless, most of these tags map close to the 3' boundaries of annotated Ensembl transcripts.Conclusions: These results suggests that rather few genes are missing in the current Ensembl chicken transcript build, but that the 3' ends of many transcripts may not have been accurately predicted. The tags with no match in the transcript sequences can now be used to improve gene predictions, pinpoint the genomic location of entirely missed transcripts and optimize the accuracy of gene finder software.
Purpose: The objective of this study is to investigate the feasibility of detecting and quantifying 3D cerebrovascular wall motion from a single 3D rotational x-ray angiography (3DRA) acquisition within a clinically acceptable time and computing from the estimated motion field for the further biomechanical modeling of the cerebrovascular wall. Methods: The whole motion cycle of the cerebral vasculature is modeled using a 4D B-spline transformation, which is estimated from a 4D to 2D + t image registration framework. The registration is performed by optimizing a single similarity metric between the entire 2D + t measured projection sequence and the corresponding forward projections of the deformed volume at their exact time instants. The joint use of two acceleration strategies, together with their implementation on graphics processing units, is also proposed so as to reach computation times close to clinical requirements. For further characterizing vessel wall properties, an approximation of the wall thickness changes is obtained through a strain calculation. Results: Evaluation on in silico and in vitro pulsating phantom aneurysms demonstrated an accurate estimation of wall motion curves. In general, the error was below 10% of the maximum pulsation, even in the situation when substantial inhomogeneous intensity pattern was present. Experiments on in vivo data provided realistic aneurysm and vessel wall motion estimates, whereas in regions where motion was neither visible nor anatomically possible, no motion was detected. The use of the acceleration strategies enabled completing the estimation process for one entire cycle in 5-10 min without degrading the overall performance. The strain map extracted from our motion estimation provided a realistic deformation measure of the vessel wall. Conclusions: The authors' technique has demonstrated that it can provide accurate and robust 4D estimates of cerebrovascular wall motion within a clinically acceptable time, although it has to be applied to a larger patient population prior to possible wide application to routine endovascular procedures. In particular, for the first time, this feasibility study has shown that in vivo cerebrovascular motion can be obtained intraprocedurally from a 3DRA acquisition. Results have also shown the potential of performing strain analysis using this imaging modality, thus making possible for the future modeling of biomechanical properties of the vascular wall.
Background: Non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons have contributed to shaping the structure and function of genomes. In silico and experimental approaches have been used to identify the non-LTR elements of the urochordate Ciona intestinalis. Knowledge of the types and abundance of non-LTR elements in urochordates is a key step in understanding their contribution to the structure and function of vertebrate genomes. Results: Consensus elements phylogenetically related to the I, LINE1, LINE2, LOA and R2 elements of the 14 eukaryotic non-LTR clades are described from C. intestinalis. The ascidian elements showed conservation of both the reverse transcriptase coding sequence and the overall structural organization seen in each clade. The apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease and nucleic-acid-binding domains encoded upstream of the reverse transcriptase, and the RNase H and the restriction enzyme-like endonuclease motifs encoded downstream of the reverse transcriptase were identified in the corresponding Ciona families. Conclusions: The genome of C. intestinalis harbors representatives of at least five clades of non-LTR retrotransposons. The copy number per haploid genome of each element is low, less than 100, far below the values reported for vertebrate counterparts but within the range for protostomes. Genomic and sequence analysis shows that the ascidian non-LTR elements are unmethylated and flanked by genomic segments with a gene density lower than average for the genome. The analysis provides valuable data for understanding the evolution of early chordate genomes and enlarges the view on the distribution of the non-LTR retrotransposons in eukaryotes.
Drug safety issues pose serious health threats to the population and constitute a major cause of mortality worldwide. Due to the prominent implications to both public health and the pharmaceutical industry, it is of great importance to unravel the molecular mechanisms by which an adverse drug reaction can be potentially elicited. These mechanisms can be investigated by placing the pharmaco-epidemiologically detected adverse drug reaction in an information-rich context and by exploiting all currently available biomedical knowledge to substantiate it. We present a computational framework for the biological annotation of potential adverse drug reactions. First, the proposed framework investigates previous evidences on the drug-event association in the context of biomedical literature (signal filtering). Then, it seeks to provide a biological explanation (signal substantiation) by exploring mechanistic connections that might explain why a drug produces a specific adverse reaction. The mechanistic connections include the activity of the drug, related compounds and drug metabolites on protein targets, the association of protein targets to clinical events, and the annotation of proteins (both protein targets and proteins associated with clinical events) to biological pathways. Hence, the workflows for signal filtering and substantiation integrate modules for literature and database mining, in silico drug-target profiling, and analyses based on gene-disease networks and biological pathways. Application examples of these workflows carried out on selected cases of drug safety signals are discussed. The methodology and workflows presented offer a novel approach to explore the molecular mechanisms underlying adverse drug reactions
La regulación europea que define el desarrollo y comercialización de los productos cosméticos hace un énfasis especial en la necesidad de demostrar la efectividad de los productos cosméticos, en un entorno en el que, debido a la prohibición de uso de modelos experimentales animales, sólo es posible el estudio en modelos alternativos (in silico, in vitro, en cultivo, etc.) o en voluntarios sanos. Dentro de los métodos alternativos, la utilización de los modelos celulares adquiere cada vez más importancia por los grandes avances que se producen en la comprensión de los complejos procesos moleculares que regulan y controlan el devenir de la célula, individualmente y dentro de los tejidos.