24 resultados para Cyclic Polyketide Peroxides

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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A l'estadística de processos estocàstics i camps aleatoris, una funció de moments o un cumulant d'un estimador de la funció de correlació o de la densitat espectral sovint pot contenir una integral amb un producte cíclic de nuclis. En aquest treball es defineix i s'investiga aquesta classe d'integrals i es demostra la desigualtat de Young-Hölder que permet estudiar el comportament asimptòtic de les esmentades integrals en la situació quan els nuclis depenen d'un pàràmetre. Es considera una aplicació al problema d'estimació de la funció de resposta en un sistema de Volterra.


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Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document del fitxer adjunt


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Given a non-positively curved 2-complex with a circle-valued Morse function satisfying some extra combinatorial conditions, we describe how to locally isometrically embed this in a larger non- positively curved 2-complex with free-by-cyclic fundamental group. This embedding procedure is used to produce examples of CAT(0) free-by-cyclic groups that contain closed hyperbolic surface subgroups with polynomial distortion of arbitrary degree. We also produce examples of CAT(0) hyperbolic free-by-cyclic groups that contain closed hyperbolic surface subgroups that are exponentially distorted.


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We study the profinite topology on discrete groups and in particular the property of cyclic subgroup separability. We investigate the class of quasi-potent, cyclic subgroup separable groups, producing many examples and showing how it behaves with respect to certain group constructions.


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The identification of compositional changes in fumarolic gases of active and quiescent volcanoes is one of the mostimportant targets in monitoring programs. From a general point of view, many systematic (often cyclic) and randomprocesses control the chemistry of gas discharges, making difficult to produce a convincing mathematical-statisticalmodelling.Changes in the chemical composition of volcanic gases sampled at Vulcano Island (Aeolian Arc, Sicily, Italy) fromeight different fumaroles located in the northern sector of the summit crater (La Fossa) have been analysed byconsidering their dependence from time in the period 2000-2007. Each intermediate chemical composition has beenconsidered as potentially derived from the contribution of the two temporal extremes represented by the 2000 and 2007samples, respectively, by using inverse modelling methodologies for compositional data. Data pertaining to fumarolesF5 and F27, located on the rim and in the inner part of La Fossa crater, respectively, have been used to achieve theproposed aim. The statistical approach has allowed us to highlight the presence of random and not random fluctuations,features useful to understand how the volcanic system works, opening new perspectives in sampling strategies and inthe evaluation of the natural risk related to a quiescent volcano


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The mechanism of action of antimicrobial peptides is, to our knowledge, still poorly understood. To probe the biophysical characteristics that confer activity, we present here a molecular-dynamics and biophysical study of a cyclic antimicrobial peptide and its inactive linear analog. In the simulations, the cyclic peptide caused large perturbations in the bilayer and cooperatively opened a disordered toroidal pore, 1–2 nm in diameter. Electrophysiology measurements confirm discrete poration events of comparable size. We also show that lysine residues aligning parallel to each other in the cyclic but not linear peptide are crucial for function. By employing dual-color fluorescence burst analysis, we show that both peptides are able to fuse/aggregate liposomes but only the cyclic peptide is able to porate them. The results provide detailed insight on the molecular basis of activity of cyclic antimicrobial peptides


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Las características de la mortalidad Influyen decisivamente en la estructura demográfica de las poblaciones, regida por diferentes factores: internos (rasgos específicos genéticos y culturales), externos (características del ecosistema) e intermedios (capacidad de la población de autoajustarse al ambiente). El estudio de la distribución estacional de las 3313 defunciones registradas en la Villa de El Pont de Suert (Alta Ribagorça, Cataluña) desde 1664 evidencia la importancia de todos estos factores. Los patrones de distribución muestran el Influjo de las condiciones climáticas, de los ambientes epidemiológicos, así como de las transformaciones socioeconómicas y demográficas. El modelo de tendencia cíclica en la mortalidad, común a muchas poblaciones ibéricas de montaña, no se evidencia en esta población.


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A practical solution to the formation of mixtures of E/Z and open/cyclic isomers in the reaction of (2R,4S)-4-hydroxy-2-methylpentanal (as its hemiacetal, a lactol) with conjugated phosphoranes (stabilised Wittig reagents) and Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reagents is disclosed. The HWE reaction has a strong bias to give oxolanes. On the other hand, stabilised Wittig reagents give unsaturated carboxyl derivatives of configuration E (major) and oxolanes (minor); the latter can be avoided by addition of CF3CH2OH or using morpholine amide phosphorane.


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Cyclic peptide architectures can be easily synthesized from cysteine-containing peptides with appending maleimides, free or protected, through an intramolecular Michael-type reaction. After peptide assembly, the peptide can cyclize either during the trifluoroacetic acid treatment, if the maleimide is not protected, or upon deprotection of the maleimide. The combination of free and protected maleimide moieties and two orthogonally protected cysteines gives access to structurally different bicyclic peptides with isolated or fused cycles.


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We discuss metric and combinatorial properties of Thompson's group T, such as the normal forms for elements and uniqueness of tree pair diagrams. We relate these properties to those of Thompson's group F when possible, and highlight combinatorial differences between the two groups. We define a set of unique normal forms for elements of T arising from minimal factorizations of elements into convenient pieces. We show that the number of carets in a reduced representative of T estimates the word length, that F is undistorted in T, and that cyclic subgroups of T are undistorted. We show that every element of T has a power which is conjugate to an element of F and describe how to recognize torsion elements in T.


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We show that a particular free-by-cyclic group has CAT(0) dimension equal to 2, but CAT(-1) dimension equal to 3. We also classify the minimal proper 2-dimensional CAT(0) actions of this group; they correspond, up to scaling, to a 1-parameter family of locally CAT(0) piecewise Euclidean metrics on a fixed presentation complex for the group. This information is used to produce an infinite family of 2-dimensional hyperbolic groups, which do not act properly by isometries on any proper CAT(0) metric space of dimension 2. This family includes a free-by-cyclic group with free kernel of rank 6.


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The Whitehead minimization problem consists in finding a minimum size element in the automorphic orbit of a word, a cyclic word or a finitely generated subgroup in a finite rank free group. We give the first fully polynomial algorithm to solve this problem, that is, an algorithm that is polynomial both in the length of the input word and in the rank of the free group. Earlier algorithms had an exponential dependency in the rank of the free group. It follows that the primitivity problem – to decide whether a word is an element of some basis of the free group – and the free factor problem can also be solved in polynomial time.


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El tema principal del treball és sobre l'estudi teòric de l'estructura i reactivitat en carbens de Fischer de la forma (CO)5Cr=C(X)R (X= OH, NH2, OMe, NMe2 i R= CHCH2 i Ph). Particularment, el nostre interès va sorgir del tipus de reaccions de cicloadicció que donen lloc a la síntesi de productes naturals i fàrmacs de gran valor afegit. Hem estudiat els mecanismes de reacció dels casos més comuns de cicloanul•lació: la reacció de benzanul•lació de Dötz i ciclopentanulacions que es troben en competència amb el primer cas, derivats de l'inserció de acetilè i fenilacetilè. En l'últim pas de les reaccions que comporten la formació d'un sistema de més d'un anell, hi tenim una migració del complex metàl•lic de crom d'un extrem a un altre anomenat com rearranjament haptotròpic. Aleshores, hem investigat sobre els mecanismes de migració haptotròpica de Cr(CO)3 sobre hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics analitzant l'efecte de la mida i la curvatura del sistema així com la complexació d'un segon fragment metàl•lic a la manera de coordinació als anells. D'una altre banda, vam estudiar l'aromaticitat en 54 cúmuls cíclics de molecules inorgàniques mitjançant metodologia desenvolupada al nostre grup de recerca i altres. Vam proposar la tècnica del scan-NICS com nova mesura quantitativa d'aromaticitat i reportar l'escassa correlació entre els distints índexs d'aromaticitat a la literatura. Finalment, com resultat de col•laboracions en estades de recerca, he desenvolupat propostes de mecanismes de reacció en sistemes catalítics de isonitrils i fosfinetà-amides i en dímers de gassos nobles.


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This paper provides an explicit cofibrant resolution of the operad encoding Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras. Thus it defines the notion of homotopy Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras with the required homotopy properties. To define this resolution we extend the theory of Koszul duality to operads and properads that are defined by quadratic and linear relations. The operad encoding Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras is shown to be Koszul in this sense. This allows us to prove a Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt Theorem for such an operad and to give an explicit small quasi-free resolution for it. This particular resolution enables us to describe the deformation theory and homotopy theory of BV-algebras and of homotopy BV-algebras. We show that any topological conformal field theory carries a homotopy BV-algebra structure which lifts the BV-algebra structure on homology. The same result is proved for the singular chain complex of the double loop space of a topological space endowed with an action of the circle. We also prove the cyclic Deligne conjecture with this cofibrant resolution of the operad BV. We develop the general obstruction theory for algebras over the Koszul resolution of a properad and apply it to extend a conjecture of Lian-Zuckerman, showing that certain vertex algebras have an explicit homotopy BV-algebra structure.


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The generator problem was posed by Kadison in 1967, and it remains open until today. We provide a solution for the class of C*-algebras absorbing the Jiang-Su algebra Z tensorially. More precisely, we show that every unital, separable, Z-stable C*-algebra A is singly generated, which means that there exists an element x є A that is not contained in any proper sub-C*- algebra of A. To give applications of our result, we observe that Z can be embedded into the reduced group C*-algebra of a discrete group that contains a non-cyclic, free subgroup. It follows that certain tensor products with reduced group C*-algebras are singly generated. In particular, C*r (F ∞) ⨂ C*r (F ∞) is singly generated.