37 resultados para American Piano Competitions
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
No podem pensar en una tradició musical llatinoamericana si no és a partir de la relació i confrontació de les cultures indígenes, africanes i europees, enteses des de la colonització fins a corrents immigratoris posteriors. El que es coneix com a nacionalisme musical va molt més enllà de les limitades barreres d'una nació o de la utilització de melodies i ritmes trets del folklore; consisteix en tot un procés de difusió i d'assimilació que sí que ens fa possible parlar d'unes produccions sonores pròpies, en aquest cas argentines, cubanes o brasileres. Enmig d'aquest context, els compositor llatinoamericans de música culta han hagut de fer una difícil elecció entre la música europea i la dels seus propis països, elecció que mitjançant aquest treball m'agradaria destacar.
The present work contains a general overview of the sentences of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR), which have recognised that crimes against humanity are pre-existing in customary law, and do not prescribe, nor can they be subject to amnesty or pardon. Specific attention is paid to the consequent restrictions and opportunities offered by said verdicts to countries such as Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Peru, which find themselves in postconflict transition processes and where peace has been negotiated with certain groups and state structures that are responsible for carrying out crimes against humanity. In doing so, special attention is paid to the impact of the recognition of the nature of crimes against humanity on the notion of the principle of legality, stricto sensu; on the development and evolution of the doctrine and the practice of international human rights law in the inter-American context; and finally on the aforementioned processes of transitional justice.
Aquest projecte final proposa un recorregut per l'evolució dels estudis per a piano des de la segona meitat del segle XVIII fins a l'inici del segle XX. El treball està format per tres capítols de recerca històrica i un d'anàlisi de les obres del recital que acompanya la part escrita. Aquestes peces han estat analitzades a partir dels coneixements adquirits en la recerca. Per tant, a través del treball escrit es contextualitza i justifica la selecció de les obres del concert.
This paper presents practical experiences using Open educational Resources (OER) for basic and elementary education (K12), educational research and research training on two inter-institutional projects with the collaboration of thirteen higher education institutions and with the support of the Corporación de Universidades para el Desarrollo del Internet (CUDI) and by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) of Mexico and hosted by the Tecnológico de Monterrey. The first initiative is titled "Knowledge Hub for K-12 Education" with the main goal of enrich a catalog of Open Educational Resources for basic and elementary education (K-12) for Mexico and Spanish speaking countries in Latin-America. The main goal of the second initiative is to build a collection of Open Educational Resources for Mobile Learning to address the issue of educational research and research training.
Eduard Toldrà i Soler fou una persona important i significativa per a la societat catalana de principis del segle XX. La seva vida musical és increïblement ampla, ja que abasta facetes de violinista, compositor, director i pedagog. A més, Toldrà va estar sempre immers en la cultura catalana, en l'art en general, i en particular en la poesia. És per aquest motiu que trobem tanta poesia en la seva música. En el següent treball aprofundeixo en l'estudi d'una de les seves obres, Sis Sonets per a violí i piano. A través de l'anàlisi d'aquestes sis peces, coneixerem també al personatge d'Eduard Toldrà i el seu context cultural. Veurem que la seva música se situa fora dels trets estilístics “hispànics” de l'època i que, sota els tòpics de música española, les etiquetes no hi fan cap mena de justícia.
En aquest treball es presenta una proposta de traducció en català per al doblatge d’alguns fragments de la pel•lícula American Pie: The Wedding. A més, també tracta el tema del català col•loquial per conèixer millor de quins recursos disposa aquesta llengua per traduir el gènere audiovisual.
La intenció d’aquest projecte final és donar més informació sobre els concerts de Txaikovski per a Piano i Orquestra a través d’ una contextualització socio-cultural, una recerca entorn a les inspiracions estètiques del compositor i en els concerts en particular, així com les influències que aquests van tenir per als seus contemporanis. El treball es divideix en quatre grans capítols d’ estudi i recerca històrica, així com breus anàlisis per a situar en concret les inspiracions estètiques de les que es parla. Com a repertori de concert s’ interpreta, doncs, un dels concerts en la seva totalitat: el Concert per a Piano i Orquestra No.1, Op.23 en Si bemoll menor.
Unemployment rates in developed countries have recently reached levels not seenin a generation, and workers of all ages are facing increasing probabilities of losingtheir jobs and considerable losses in accumulated assets. These events likely increasethe reliance that most older workers will have on public social insurance programs,exactly at a time that public finances are suffering from a large drop in contributions.Our paper explicitly accounts for employment uncertainty and unexpectedwealth shocks, something that has been relatively overlooked in the literature, butthat has grown in importance in recent years. Using administrative and householdlevel data we empirically characterize a life-cycle model of retirement and claimingdecisions in terms of the employment, wage, health, and mortality uncertainty facedby individuals. Our benchmark model explains with great accuracy the strikinglyhigh proportion of individuals who claim benefits exactly at the Early RetirementAge, while still explaining the increased claiming hazard at the Normal RetirementAge. We also discuss some policy experiments and their interplay with employmentuncertainty. Additionally, we analyze the effects of negative wealth shocks on thelabor supply and claiming decisions of older Americans. Our results can explainwhy early claiming has remained very high in the last years even as the early retirementpenalties have increased substantially compared with previous periods, andwhy labor force participation has remained quite high for older workers even in themidst of the worse employment crisis in decades.
While it is true that Latin American republics had no rival on maximising revenues from custom collection during the belle époque, this paper shows that Latin American countries were also generous importers, only behind the larger commercial countries of Western Europe in terms of imports per capita. Latin American citizens were much more linked to international trade than citizens of most regions of the world. Their relation to the world economy was tighter both via their imports and their exports relative to their population and income levels. This paper comes to show that there is no contradiction between the high custom collection by the Latin American republics and their high level of interaction with the global economy in the pre-1914 belle époque, although large country differences can be observed when descending from the regional to the national level.
We have analyzed the spatial accuracy of European foreign trade statistics compared to Latin American. We have also included USA s data because of the importance of this country in Latin American trade. We have developed a method for mapping discrepancies between exporters and importers, trying to isolate systematic spatial deviations. Although our results don t allow a unique explanation, they present some interesting clues to the distribution channels in the Latin American Continent as well as some spatial deviations for statistics in individual countries. Connecting our results with the literature specialized in the accuracy of foreign trade statistics; we can revisit Morgernstern (1963) as well as Federico and Tena (1991). Morgernstern had had a really pessimistic view on the reliability of this statistic source, but his main alert was focused on the trade balances, not in gross export or import values. Federico and Tena (1991) have demonstrated howaccuracy increases by aggregation, geographical and of product at the same time. But they still have a pessimistic view with relation to distribution questions, remarking that perhaps it will be more accurate to use import sources in this latest case. We have stated that the data set coming from foreign trade statistics for a sample in 1925, being it exporters or importers, it s a valuable tool for geography of trade patterns, although in some specific cases it needs some spatial adjustments.
This paper analyses the robustness of Least-Squares Monte Carlo, a techniquerecently proposed by Longstaff and Schwartz (2001) for pricing Americanoptions. This method is based on least-squares regressions in which theexplanatory variables are certain polynomial functions. We analyze theimpact of different basis functions on option prices. Numerical resultsfor American put options provide evidence that a) this approach is veryrobust to the choice of different alternative polynomials and b) few basisfunctions are required. However, these conclusions are not reached whenanalyzing more complex derivatives.
This paper proposes a nonparametric test in order to establish the level of accuracy of theforeign trade statistics of 17 Latin American countries when contrasted with the trade statistics of the main partners in 1925. The Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Ranks test is used to determine whether the differences between the data registered by exporters and importers are meaningful, and if so, whether the differences are systematic in any direction. The paper tests for the reliability of the data registered for two homogeneous products, petroleum and coal, both in volume and value. The conclusion of the several exercises performed is that we cannot accept the existence of statistically significant differences between the data provided by the exporters and the registered by the importing countries in most cases. The qualitative historiography of Latin American describes its foreign trade statistics as mostly unusable. Our quantitative results contest this view.
Sports and journalism ethics: the coverage of 2012 London Olympics in the British, North-American and Spanish press is a research focused on analysing the treatment that the quality press of three countries (United Kingdom, United States of America and Spain) will carry out in the London Olympic Games. Through a solid methodological approach based on the combination of the qualitative content analysis and qualitative indepth interviews, the investigation will study if the media provide a quality coverage,that is, if they adequate their pieces to the fundamental principles of journalistic deontology (truth, justice, freedom and social responsibility). Furthermore, the research will assess if the selected media comply with the prescriptions established in the ethical codes, stylebooks, newsroom statutes and national and international recommendations about journalism ethics, ranging from each media’s guidelines to key transnational codes established by the UNESCO, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) orthe Council of Europe.