140 resultados para libre-échange
Climate change may pose challenges and opportunities to viticulture, and much research has focused in studying the likely impacts on grapes and wine production in different regions worldwide. This study assesses the vulnerability and adaptive capacity of the viticulture sector under changing climate conditions, based on a case study in El Penedès region, Catalonia. Farm assets, livelihood strategies, farmer-market interactions and climate changes perceptions are analysed through semi-structured interviews with different types of wineries and growers. Both types of actors are equally exposed to biophysical stressors but unevenly affected by socioeconomic changes. While wineries are vulnerable because of the current economic crisis and the lack of diversification of their work, which may affect their income or production, growers are mainly affected by the low prices of their products and the lack of fix contracts. These socioeconomic stressors strongly condition their capacity to adapt to climate change, meaning that growers prioritize their immediate income problems, rather than future socioeconomic or climate threats. Therefore, growers undertake reactive adaptation to climate changing conditions, mainly based on ancient knowledge, whilst wineries combine both reactive and anticipatory adaptation practices. These circumstances should be addressed in order to allow better anticipatory adaptation to be implemented, thus avoiding future climate threats.
In the context of observed climate change impacts and their effect on agriculture and crop production, this study intends to assess the vulnerability of rural livelihoods through a study case in Karnataka, India. The social approach of climate change vulnerability in this study case includes defining and exploring factors that determine farmers’ vulnerability in four villages. Key informant interviews, farmer workshops and structured household interviews were used for data collection. To analyse the data, we adapted and applied three vulnerability indices: Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI), LVI-IPCC and the Livelihood Effect Index (LEI), and used descriptive statistical methods. The data was analysed at two scales: whole sample-level and household level. The results from applying the indices for the whole-sample level show that this community's vulnerability to climate change is moderate, whereas the household-level results show that most of the households' vulnerability is high-very high, while 15 key drivers of vulnerability were identified. Results and limitations of the study are discussed under the rural livelihoods framework, in which the indices are based, allowing a better understanding of the social behaviouraltrends, as well as an holistic and integrated view of the climate change, agriculture, and livelihoods processes shaping vulnerability. We conclude that these indices, although a straightforward method to assess vulnerability, have limitations that could account for inaccuracies and inability to be standardised for benchmarking, therefore we stress the need for further research.
[spa] Tras largas y complejas negociaciones, la Unión Europea celebró un acuerdo comercial con Colombia en 2010 que ha empezado a aplicarse provisionalmente el 1 de agosto de 2013. El artículo se centra en las relaciones entre Colombia y la Unión y analiza el impacto que dicho acuerdo pueda tener en el marco de las obligaciones de las partes de respetar los derechos humanos universalmente reconocidos, incluyendo derechos sociales y los derechos de los pueblos indígenas. De dicho análisis se deriva que la presencia de cláusulas democráticas o de derechos humanos en el Acuerdo es insuficiente, habida cuenta los antecedentes del SGP+ vigente hasta la entrada en vigor del nuevo acuerdo, mientras que algunos aspectos sustantivos del Acuerdo permiten augurar consecuencias negativas respecto de los sectores sociales más desfavorecidos en la República de Colombia.
One approach to urban areas emphasizes the existence of certain immutable relationships, such as Zipf's or Gibrat's Law. An alternative view is that urban changereflects individual responses to changing tastes or technologies. This paper examinesalmost 200 years of regional change in the U.S. and finds that few, if any, growth relationships remain constant, including Gibrat's Law. Education does a reasonable jobof explaining urban resilience in recent decades, but does not seem to predict countygrowth a century ago. After reviewing this evidence, we present and estimate a simple model of regional change, where education increases the level of entrepreneurship.Human capital spillovers occur at the city level because skilled workers produce moreproduct varieties and thereby increase labor demand. We find that skills are associatedwith growth in productivity or entrepreneurship, not with growth in quality of life, atleast outside of the West. We also find that skills seem to have depressed housing supplygrowth in the West, but not in other regions, which supports the view that educatedresidents in that region have fought for tougher land-use controls. We also present evidence that skills have had a disproportionately large impact on unemployment duringthe current recession.
Este TFC se centra en la migración de servicios informáticos en una empresa pasándolos de software privativo a libre.
Investigaremos cómo las redes de colaboración y el softwarelibre permiten adaptar el centro educativo al entorno, cómo pueden ayudar al centro a potenciar la formación profesional y garantizar la durabilidad de las acciones, con el objetivo que perdure el conocimiento y la propia red de colaboración para una mejora educativa.
This paper evaluates the global welfare impact of China's trade integration and technological change in a multi-country quantitative Ricardian-Heckscher-Ohlin model.We simulate two alternative growth scenarios: a "balanced" one in which China's productivity grows at the same rate in each sector, and an "unbalanced" one in whichChina's comparative disadvantage sectors catch up disproportionately faster to theworld productivity frontier. Contrary to a well-known conjecture (Samuelson 2004),the large majority of countries experience significantly larger welfare gains whenChina's productivity growth is biased towards its comparative disadvantage sectors.This finding is driven by the inherently multilateral nature of world trade.
[eng] We analyze the equilibrium of a multi-sector exogenous growth model where the introduction of minimum consumption requirements drives structural change. We show that equilibrium dynamics simultaneously exhibt structural change and balanced growth of aggregate variables as is observed in US when the initial intensity of minimum consumption requirements is sufficiently small. This intensity is measured by the ratio between the aggregate value of the minimum consumption requirements and GDP and, therefore, it is inversely related with the level of economic development. Initially rich economies benefit from an initially low intensity of the minimum consumption requirements and, as a consequence, these economies end up exhibiting balanced growth of aggregate variables, while there is structural change. In contrast, initially poor economies suffer from an initially large intensity of the minimum consumption requirements, which makes the growth of the aggregate variables unbalanced during a very large period. These economies may never exhibit simultaneously balanced growth of aggregate variables and structural change.
This paper presents the preliminary findings of pH and colour measurements carried out on artworks on paperand on wood that had been treated with a poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAC) based adhesive in the 1980s. In both cases, areas treated with PVAC proved to be less acidic than untreated areas. Contrary to expectations, the conservation treatments have not, as yet, increased acidity levels in the objects under study. Colour measurements of the works on paper showed that those that had been backed with a cotton fabric using a mixture of methylcellulose and PVAC were less yellow than those from the same print run that had not been backed. This finding suggests that the backing somehow prevented the natural degradation of the support. In view of these preliminary results, further research is clearly needed. This study forms part of a broader ongoing project to assess the role of PVAC in the conservation of a range of cultural assets.
This paper presents the preliminary findings of pH and colour measurements carried out on artworks on paperand on wood that had been treated with a poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAC) based adhesive in the 1980s. In both cases, areas treated with PVAC proved to be less acidic than untreated areas. Contrary to expectations, the conservation treatments have not, as yet, increased acidity levels in the objects under study. Colour measurements of the works on paper showed that those that had been backed with a cotton fabric using a mixture of methylcellulose and PVAC were less yellow than those from the same print run that had not been backed. This finding suggests that the backing somehow prevented the natural degradation of the support. In view of these preliminary results, further research is clearly needed. This study forms part of a broader ongoing project to assess the role of PVAC in the conservation of a range of cultural assets.
Xerrada de cloenda de la Setmana internacional d'accés obert 2011 a la UOC, a càrrec de l'advocat Josep Jover. Per què les estratègies altruistes guanyen les egoistes en el programari lliure i en el #15m? El moviment #15m, igual que el programari, a diferència dels béns materials, no es pot posseir, ja que en pot gaudir (formant-ne part) un nombre indeterminat de persones sense que per això hagi de privar ningú de tenir-lo al seu torn. I això porta a girar com un mitjó la manera com manegen la informació les universitats, i quina és la missió de la universitat en la nova societat. En el futur immediat, valorarem les universitats no per la informació que guarden, que fora sempre serà millor i més extensa, sinó per la capacitat de crear masses crítiques, sia de recerca de coneixement, de capacitació humana, d'enllaç entre iguals... Les universitats hauran d'implantar el model o quedaran relegades.
Industry and large Agencies needs ¿agile¿ programming resources, to reinforce their own development staff and take advantage of innovative approaches produced by ¿fresh minds¿ all over the world. At the same time they may be reluctant to engage in classical software development call for tenders and contracts. Such contracts are often ¿trusted¿ by large ICT firms, which will deliver according to their own rigid frameworks (often based on alliances with proprietary software vendors), may propose comfortable quality assurances, but will cover their (real) risks and liability with high contingency costs and will charge for any change request in case the original specifications have not fixed all possible issues. Introducing FLOSS in business implies a new contracting philosophy, based on incentives rather than penalties and liability. Based on 2011 experience with a large Space Agency, Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz pictures the needed legal instruments for a novel approach.
Softcatalà is a non-profit associationcreated more than 10 years ago to fightthe marginalisation of the Catalan languagein information and communicationtechnologies. It has led the localisationof many applications and thecreation of a website which allows itsusers to translate texts between Spanishand Catalan using an external closed-sourcetranslation engine. Recently,the closed-source translation back-endhas been replaced by a free/open-sourcesolution completely managed by Softcatalà: the Apertium machine translationplatform and the ScaleMT web serviceframework. Thanks to the opennessof the new solution, it is possibleto take advantage of the huge amount ofusers of the Softcatalà translation serviceto improve it, using a series ofmethods presented in this paper. In addition,a study of the translations requestedby the users has been carriedout, and it shows that the translationback-end change has not affected theusage patterns.
Para la mayoría de los economistas, la firma del acuerdo final de la Ronda Uruguay en abril de 1994 en Marrakech (Marruecos) comporta una sustancial mejora en las perspectivas referentes a las relaciones comerciales entre los distintos países. Esta mejora tiene como base la liberalización comercial que suponen los acuerdos alcanzados y, en especial, la creación de una nueva institución: la Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC). La OMC tiene como objetivo recoger el testigo del Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles y Comercio (GATT) en la defensa de un sistema de comercio más libre, transparente y multilateral (Sutherland, 1994). Su creación significa la adecuación al siglo XXI de los acuerdos de Bretton Woods1 concernientes al ámbito comercial que, durante los últimos 50 años, con mayor o menor éxito han regido las relaciones comerciales de carácter multilateral entre las diferentes naciones. Además, en un mundo donde el declive del GATT, desde principios de la década de los ochenta, ha conllevado la proliferación de áreas regionales de comercio, la OMC constituye un elemento imprescindible para hacer frente tanto a actitudes unilaterales que pretenden la realización de un comercio administrado como al incremento del proteccionismo en las transacciones interregionales.
En esta memoria final se encuentra embebido la investigación realizada para poder generar una aplicación Web que permite registrar los procesos realizados para la producción de leche en el Cantón Cayambe de la provincia de Pichincha en Ecuador, el mismo que gracias a la ayuda del CILEC se pudo llevar a su culminación.En el primer capítulo de este documento se hace una breve introducción donde se profundiza la problemática del proyecto, así mismo se puntualiza los objetivos con los cuales se determina las directrices que dieron la guía al proyecto; en este capítulo también se topa brevemente sobre el estado del arte en el cual se puntualiza sobre los trabajos realizados hasta la actualidad.El segundo capítulo presenta el análisis realizado durante la recolección de requerimientos funcionales, deduciendo la automatización de los mismos, luego en mediante la aplicación de la metodología XP se pudo generar los diagramas que dieron el flujo del sistema. Aquí también se describe la estructura de la base de datos que se va a utilizar dentro de la aplicación. En consecución del diseño del sistema se procede a desarrollar la aplicación descrita en el tercer capítulo, donde se describe brevemente los paquetes creados y las configuraciones pertinentes, así mismo se plantea las pruebas de funcionamiento del sistema. En el cuarto capítulo se muestra los resultados de la aplicabilidad del sistema en función de los módulos determinados del sistema. Por último se expone las conclusiones como las referencias bibliográficas que se usó para el presente documento.