170 resultados para Creative practice, assessable


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El siguiente artículo describe la experiencia de la metodología de aprendizaje basada en la evaluación entre iguales aplicada a la profesionalización de los educadores/as sociales.Tanto a nivel escolar como universitario, hay numerosas experiencias publicadas en relación con la metodología de evaluación entre iguales. Además, existen numerosos apartados de los “Documentos profesionalizadores” donde se justifica el hecho de que se entrenen algunas habilidades que deberían darse en la práctica profesional (como porejemplo en la definición, en el código ético y en el catálogo de funciones y competencias del educador/a social). En estas páginas pretendemos dar a conocer la experiencia de entrenamiento de futuros educadores/as en aspectos que tienen una relación directa con la evaluación entre educadores/as sociales.


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Exploramos, en este artículo, el desarrollo y los resultados iniciales de una metodología innovadora que, usando la metáfora y el sentido del humor, crea un espacio narrativo en un contexto de formación universitaria en competencia social que favorece el proceso de aprendizaje. La experiencia consiste en vincular un escenario metafórico al escenario académico y al futuro escenario profesional. En el artículo se describen los ingredientes de la metáfora utilizada (la fiesta de cumpleaños) y sus vínculos con las competencias trabajadas en la asignatura de Habilidades sociales en la Facultad de Educación Social y Trabajo Social Pere Tarrés (URL). La valoración del profesorado y de los estudiantes la avala como una práctica educativa de éxito cuyos ingredientes pueden ser generalizados a otros contextos formativos.


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A Catalunya els discursos acadèmics i de l'administració han anat evolucionant fins que s'han imposat aquells que apunten a que la relació entre l'escola, la família i l'entorn és clau per l'èxit escolar de l'alumnat i el bon funcionament del sistema educatiu. Malgrat aquesta evolució, en la pràctica el canvi és lent i, sovint, complicat, donat que apareixen resistències en les dues institucions, família i escola, degut a que fins avui sempre s'ha mantingut una relació marcada pel desequilibri de poder. El nostre treball teòric i, sobretot, empíric s'ha centrat en la relació entre la família immigrada i l'escola a Catalunya. Com es presentarà, la creació del que hem anomenat dinàmiques positives de relació i comunicació en els centres escolars es troba condicionada per les actituds i els comportaments dels equips directius, els professionals i les famílies, tot i que també l'espai físic en que es donen aquestes relacions és important. Respecte a la organització del centre hem destacat el papel de l'equip directiu. Diferenciant una models de gestió observem aquells més facilitadors de la relació i la comunicació amb i entre les famílies i aquells més desincentivadors. Això sí, sempre s'ha de tenir en compte les actituds dels docents i de les famílies que són múltiples i complexes.


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This workshop paper states that fostering active student participation both in face-to-face lectures / seminars and outside the classroom (personal and group study at home, the library, etc.) requires a certain level of teacher-led inquiry. The paper presents a set of strategies drawn from real practice in higher education with teacher-led inquiry ingredients that promote active learning. Thesepractices highlight the role of the syllabus, the importance of iterative learning designs, explicit teacher-led inquiry, and the implications of the context, sustainability and practitioners’ creativity. The strategies discussed in this paper can serve as input to the workshop as real cases that need to be represented in design and supported in enactment (with and without technologies).


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This research report concerns about the post-doctoral activities, conducted betweenSeptember 2010 and March 2011 at the University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. It comes to identify the consequences of the convergence phenomenon on photojournalism.Thus, in a more general approach, the effort is to to recovery the structural elements of the convergence concept in journalism. It aims to map, as well, the current debates about the repositioning of photographic practices linked to the news produced in a widespread adoption of digital devices in contemporary workflow. It is also specified,the analysis of photographic collectives as a result of the convergence frameworkapplied to photojournalism; the debate on ways of funding; alternatives facing thealleged crisis of press photography and, finally, proposes to create qualifying stages ofdevelopment of photojournalism in the digital age as well as the proposition of hypotheses concerning the structure of the productive routines. In addition, we present three cases to be analyzed in order to explore and verify the occurrence ofcharacteristics that may identify the object of research in the state of practice. Finally,we work in a series of conclusions, revisiting the main hypotheses. With this strategy, ispossible to define an sequence of analysis capable of addressing the characteristics present in the studied cases and other ones in future, thus, be able to affirm this stage as a step, in the continuous historical course of photojournalism.


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This article examines the different influences that Catholicism and Protestantism exert on economically relevant values. It argues that Catholic theology and practice facilitate personal transactions while Protestantism favors values and types of moral and legal enforcement better adapted for impersonal trade. Protestantism may thus be more conducive to economic growth through anonymous exchange while Catholicism may provide better support for personal contracting. Several components of this hypothesis are confirmed using statistical models with data from the 1998 ISSP international survey on religion. These show that Protestants are more trusting of anonymous counter parties, develop more reliable institutions for legal enforcement and are more willing to spend resources on monitoring and punishing other members of the community. Catholicism is more protective of the family and small-group relationships, and provides more tolerant and less motivating beliefs. Relatively smaller and less consistent differences appear in terms of worldly personal success and incentives.


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This paper introduces the approach of using TURF analysis to design a product line through a binary linear programming model. This improves the efficiency of the search for the solution to the problem compared to the algorithms that have been used to date. Furthermore, the proposed technique enables the model to be improved in order to overcome the main drawbacks presented by TURF analysis in practice.


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The aim of the project was to gauge the extent to which the so-called ‘Barcelona Model’ of urban transformation has been ‘exported’ to Britain and whether Barcelona has learned from British cities. We engage with the literature on successive British governments’ strategies for cities, focused on collecting data on contemporary policy initiatives and debates in the UK, did interviews in Manchester, London Barcelona and participated in the official visit of Leeds to Barcelona in March. Our research findings to date suggest that there is a good deal of mobility and interaction between Barcelona and the UK. However, it is by no means certain that this has resulted in definite instances of policy transfer. While the ‘Barcelona model’ has indeed featured in oficial discourse on urban regeneration in the UK, it does not appear to be the preferred best practice ‘model’ – other North American and European cities figure discursively as much, if not more. Where Barcelona does feature in official discourse, it is usually as an example of good design and an appealing urban aesthetic, rather than in terms of economic or social policy best practice. Our research suggests that the Barcelona model is seen as non-transferable to the UK due to the relatively more centralised governance structure therein.In contrast, evidence collected suggests that the Barcelona model is not influenced by UK British cities experiences but there is small evidence of being influenced by UK-based professionals.


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La relació entre la música i les arts plàstiques s'ha donat des de diverses perspectives al llarg de la història. Després d'analitzar en quins aspectes i amb quina finalitat s'han basat aquestes relacions, proposo una nova aproximació entre la música i la fotografia, basada en els paràmetres morfològics i formals d'aquesta per buscar una relació el més objectiva possible. A partir d'aquesta equivalència defenso la idea de que el coneixement del llenguatge d'una altra forma artística ens pot permetre enriquir el nostre propi llenguatge, aplicant en aquest cas a la música, aquells elements característics de la fotografia. Finalment poso en pràctica aquesta equivalència, per experimentar fins a quin punt ens pot ajudar a enriquir el nostre llenguatge.


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En aquest projecte anomenat “Motivació i eficiència en l’estudi de l’instrument” pretenc reflexionar sobre com els estudiants de música de grau superior entenen i aborden l'estudi de l'instrument. El meu repte consisteix en aprofundir i intentar ampliar tot allò que en sabem relacionat amb aquesta pràctica, donant a conèixer les opinions dels experts i les seves investigacions i aportant noves idees i conclusions pròpies. L’objectiu d’això és intentar que la pràctica amb l'instrument resulti més productiva, diversa i sigui susceptible de ser adaptada als objectius de cadascú perquè serveixi per millorar el rendiment dels instrumentistes. En resum, el projecte farà una reflexió per intentar ampliar la visió de la pràctica i de l’autonomia d’estudi i tractarà de plantejar un enfocament reflexionat.


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Aquest treball fa un estudi dels baixonets a Catalunya des de les perspectives organològica, funcional i del repertori. A partir de les informacions aportades pels instruments originals, pels tractats i per estudis especialitats, es defineixen una tipologia instrumental pròpiament hispànica, i unes funcions principalment relacionades amb la música vocal religiosa de mitjans del segle XVI a mitjans del segle XVIII. Posteriorment, es realitza un estudi de la música amb baixonet a la localitat de Canet de Mar. A partir del treball de camp al seu arxiu parroquial, es compilen vuit obres específiques per a baixonet, se'n transcriuen alguns manuscrits, i se'n defineixen els principals aspectes formals i funcionals. El cas de Canet de Mar es pot considerar com un exemple més o menys representatiu de la pràctica instrumental i del repertori específic del baixonet a Catalunya a finals del segle XVII i començaments del segle XVIII.


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This article illustrates how contracts are completed ex post in practice and, in so doing, indirectly suggests what the real function of contracts may be. Our evidence comes from the contracts between automobile manufacturers and their dealers in 23 dealership networks in Spain. Franchising dominates automobile distribution because of the need to decentralize pricing and control of service decisions. It motivates local managers to undertake these activities at minimum cost for the manufacturer. However, it creates incentive conflicts, both between manufacturers and dealers and among dealers themselves, concerning the level of sales and service provided. It also holds potential for expropriation of specific investments. Contracts deal with these conflicts by restricting dealers decision rights and granting manufacturers extensive completion, monitoring and enforcement powers. The main mechanism that may prevent abuse of these powers is the manufacturers reputational capital.


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Many empirical studies of business cycles have followed the practise ofapplying the Hodrick-Prescott filter for cross-country comparisons. Thestandard procedure is to set the weight \lambda, which determines the'smoothness' of the trend equal to 1600. We show that if this value isused for against common wisdom about business cycles. As an example, weshow that the long recession occurred inSpain between 1975 and 1985 goesunnotoced by the HP filter. We propose a method for adjusting \lambda byreinterpreting the HP-filter as the solution to a constrained minimizationproblem. We argue that the common practice of fixing \lambda across countriesamounts to chankging the constraints on trend variability across countries.Our proposed method is easy to apply, retains all the virtues of thestandard HP-filter and when applied to Spanish data the results are inthe line with economic historian's view. Applying the method to a numberof OECD countries we find that, with the exception of Spain, Italy andJapan, the standard choice of \lambda=1600 is sensible.


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In moment structure analysis with nonnormal data, asymptotic valid inferences require the computation of a consistent (under general distributional assumptions) estimate of the matrix $\Gamma$ of asymptotic variances of sample second--order moments. Such a consistent estimate involves the fourth--order sample moments of the data. In practice, the use of fourth--order moments leads to computational burden and lack of robustness against small samples. In this paper we show that, under certain assumptions, correct asymptotic inferences can be attained when $\Gamma$ is replaced by a matrix $\Omega$ that involves only the second--order moments of the data. The present paper extends to the context of multi--sample analysis of second--order moment structures, results derived in the context of (simple--sample) covariance structure analysis (Satorra and Bentler, 1990). The results apply to a variety of estimation methods and general type of statistics. An example involving a test of equality of means under covariance restrictions illustrates theoretical aspects of the paper.


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We examine the effects of extracting monetary policy disturbances with semi-structural and structural VARs, using data generated bya limited participation model under partial accommodative and feedback rules. We find that, in general, misspecification is substantial: short run coefficients often have wrong signs; impulse responses and variance decompositions give misleadingrepresentations of the dynamics. Explanations for the results and suggestions for macroeconomic practice are provided.