186 resultados para ENCUESTAS DE OPINIÓN
Changes in the informal caregiver life styles, relations and alterations of mental health. Justification.The increase of the population aged 65 years and older in developed countries is generating a proportional increasing of the dependency caused by chronic pathologies. The care of these persons is being carried out by relatives, informal carers, leading to some alterations in diverse areas, among them mental alterations, as a consequence of taking care. Objectives. To develop a profile of the informal carers and to correlate the caregiver burden with the carers disorders. To detect risk factors to allow carrying out premature nursing interventions to diminish the disorders in the informal carers. Design. An observational and cross-sectional study is made in primary care health services area of the city of Girona. Methodology. Random sample of carer of dependent people at their home , assigned to the program of domiciliary attention (ATDOM) of the educational basic areas of health (ABS). A sample size of 269 persons, with a level of precision of 9% was needed. Questionnaire ICUB 97, the test of Barthel, the Philadelphia Geriatric Center scale, and a questionnaire are used as instruments that includes demographic and social variables, and mental and physical carers disorders.Results. A total of 80 participants were interviewed. The most common problems as consequence of taking care were the backache, to feel more tired, to feel impotent and to have less free time. Correlation between the level of dependence of the patient with the number of problems perceived by the caretaker does not exist. Since they are informal carers they eat frequently outside the habitual schedule, took place an increase or loss of weight, experienced more disorders in sexual life and an increasing lack of interest in surroundings. A 33% of the informal carers are being treated for problems related to the mental health.Conclusion. The fact of being informal carer carries important consequences in their health, the lifestyles and the social relations. These can be attenuated if the nursing interventions are able to consider to the well-taken care of subject, and its surroundings in an holistic way. The professionals of infirmary of mental health must contribute to their knowledge and abilities contributing to make an assessment, a diagnosis and an intervention paying special attention to psycho-social aspects mentioned
Changes in the informal caregiver life styles, relations and alterations of mental health. Justification.The increase of the population aged 65 years and older in developed countries is generating a proportional increasing of the dependency caused by chronic pathologies. The care of these persons is being carried out by relatives, informal carers, leading to some alterations in diverse areas, among them mental alterations, as a consequence of taking care. Objectives. To develop a profile of the informal carers and to correlate the caregiver burden with the carers disorders. To detect risk factors to allow carrying out premature nursing interventions to diminish the disorders in the informal carers. Design. An observational and cross-sectional study is made in primary care health services area of the city of Girona. Methodology. Random sample of carer of dependent people at their home , assigned to the program of domiciliary attention (ATDOM) of the educational basic areas of health (ABS). A sample size of 269 persons, with a level of precision of 9% was needed. Questionnaire ICUB 97, the test of Barthel, the Philadelphia Geriatric Center scale, and a questionnaire are used as instruments that includes demographic and social variables, and mental and physical carers disorders.Results. A total of 80 participants were interviewed. The most common problems as consequence of taking care were the backache, to feel more tired, to feel impotent and to have less free time. Correlation between the level of dependence of the patient with the number of problems perceived by the caretaker does not exist. Since they are informal carers they eat frequently outside the habitual schedule, took place an increase or loss of weight, experienced more disorders in sexual life and an increasing lack of interest in surroundings. A 33% of the informal carers are being treated for problems related to the mental health.Conclusion. The fact of being informal carer carries important consequences in their health, the lifestyles and the social relations. These can be attenuated if the nursing interventions are able to consider to the well-taken care of subject, and its surroundings in an holistic way. The professionals of infirmary of mental health must contribute to their knowledge and abilities contributing to make an assessment, a diagnosis and an intervention paying special attention to psycho-social aspects mentioned
Resumen Los turnos de trabajo tienen repercusión sobre el bienestar de los profesionales sanitarios influyendo en su calidad de vida. El objetivo principal de este estudio es describir las consecuencias que tiene el turno de trabajo diurno de 12 h respecto al de 7 h en los profesionales de enfermería que trabajan en Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos. Se trata así de un estudio descriptivo transversal en 2 hospitales de tercer nivel de Barcelona: Hospital Clínico y Hospital Vall d"Hebron (turnos de 7 h y 12 h respectivamente). La recogida de datos se ha realizado mediante cuestionario ad hoc de 29 preguntas cerradas, anónimo y autoadministrado, basado en 2 escalas: Standard Shiftwork Index y Shiftwork locus of control. Dichos datos fueron procesados a través del programa SPSS V.18.0. De las 85 encuestas realizadas 52 fueron válidas: 22 en el Hospital Clínico de Barcelona y 30 en el Hospital Vall d"Hebron. Cabe destacar que los profesionales encuestados que trabajan en turno de 12 h expresan niveles superiores de conciliación laboral y personal, concretamente en tiempo de ocio a disfrutar (× 2: 10,635; p = 0,031) y tiempo de dedicación familia-amigos, así como niveles más bajos de percepción de fatiga. No se han encontrado diferencias entre el tipo de turno y facilidad de desarrollo del trabajo profesional, a pesar de que el turno de 12 h presenta niveles más altos.
En el curso académico 2007/2008 introdujimos en la asignatura de Anatomía Humana de primer curso un sistema de evaluación continua a través del Campus Moodle. El curso 2010/2011 introdujimos un cambio en el sistema de evaluación continua, que se ha mantenido en el pasado curso 2011/212. Como en los cursos precedentes, se pasaron tres cuestionarios con preguntas de elección múltiple a los estudiantes, uno para cada bloque de la asignatura, pero en este curso con la herramienta Cuestionario de Moodle. Para saber la opinión de los estudiantes respecto a este nuevo modelo evaluativo les pasamos un cuestionario Google.
Se ha elaborado un cuestionario que pretende recoger la opinión del alumnado de evaluación continuada (77% de los matriculados) de FMO, una asignatura obligatoria del 5º Curso del grado de Farmacia, sobre las distintas sesiones y actividades que conformaron el curso 2011-12, para realizar eventuales acciones de mejora de la docencia.
En el curso académico 2007/2008 introdujimos en la asignatura de Anatomía Humana de primer curso un sistema de evaluación continua a través del Campus Moodle. El curso 2010/2011 introdujimos un cambio en el sistema de evaluación continua, que se ha mantenido en el pasado curso 2011/212. Como en los cursos precedentes, se pasaron tres cuestionarios con preguntas de elección múltiple a los estudiantes, uno para cada bloque de la asignatura, pero en este curso con la herramienta Cuestionario de Moodle. Para saber la opinión de los estudiantes respecto a este nuevo modelo evaluativo les pasamos un cuestionario Google.
REBIUN study on Science 2.0 and social web applications for research. There are three categories: share research, share resources and share results. Describes the applications and selected resources of interest: scientific social networks, scientific databases, research platforms, surveys, concept maps, file sharing, bibliographic management, social bookmarking, citation indexes, blogs and wikis, science news, open access. The services are evaluated and the report describes his interest to libraries.
REBIUN study on Science 2.0 and social web applications for research. There are three categories: share research, share resources and share results. Describes the applications and selected resources of interest: scientific social networks, scientific databases, research platforms, surveys, concept maps, file sharing, bibliographic management, social bookmarking, citation indexes, blogs and wikis, science news, open access. The services are evaluated and the report describes his interest to libraries.
From the point of view of local development cultural tourism events represent an opportunity since they are distributed homogeneously by the Catalan territory and are experiencing a vertiginous growth as a way to differentiate the existing supply. In our study a sample of 264 telephone surveys made to organizers of events in Catalonia has been compiled, with the purpose of characterizing the existing supply, thematic typologies, management models, commercialization inputs and economic impact. The results allow us to characterize events from the point of view of their tourist potential. Finally some recommendations are set out to develop future tourism policies based on events according to product differentiation, seasonality, competitiveness and creativity.
My study is based on an ethnography of two groups of young people from working-class neighbourhoods in Barcelona. I was interested in researching the impact of Catalan language policies on the identities of young people of Spanish-speaking immigrant families. I sought to go beyond the constraints of traditional structuralist approaches in Sociolinguistics in order to make my analysis relevant to people working for gender equality, the promotion of the Catalan language, or other social causes. I combine ideas from Bakhtin, Bourdieu, Fairclough, Foucault and Goffman to build a dialectical, historical, process-centred perspective that conceptualises practices in terms of social and political struggles.I analyse young people's peer-group activities in terms of their significance for the construction of gender identities. I propose a variety of forms of masculinity and femininity according to the various ways in which members organised their gender displays in face-to-face interaction.I also show how their use of argot and dialectal Spanish was part of the processes whereby members defined their relationships, constructed particular subject positions in interaction and struggled to legitimate their own values.I explore the meanings constructed through Catalan and Spanish by looking into the code-switching practices of my participants. I analysed their talk in terms of narratives that present particular sequential dramatisations of events for conversational audiences. These narratives follow the expressive intention of the author, and are populated with multiple voices of animated characters. I argue that, in the groups I studied, Catalan was generally not used to animate the voices that were central to the identities of the peer-group, and particularly to masculine identities.In order to contextualise these practices within the wider society, I also look into the processes of language choice in face-to-face encounters. I argue that existing conventions made it difficult for people to find opportunities to speak Catalan. I also pointed to the difficulties that my participants had to find employment, which were particularly acute amongst the more politically aware individuals. I conclude that these young working-class people had little possibilities of investing in more egalitarian forms of identity given their lack of resources and opportunities to develop their identities in other social spaces, such as the workplace.
Introducción: Analizar la eficiencia de añadir la determinación NT-proBNP al examen clínico convencional (ECC) para el diagnóstico de insuficiencia cardíaca (IC) en pacientes con disnea que acuden a servicios de urgencias (SU) españoles. Material y métodos: Se desarrolló un árbol de decisión para evaluar los resultados clínicos y económicos de ambas alternativas durante 60 días de seguimiento desde la visita al SU en pacientes hospitalizados y no hospitalizados. Los parámetros clínicos fueron principalmente obtenidos del estudio PRIDE y validados por médicos de SU y cardiólogos. El punto de corte de la determinación NT-proBNP fue de 900 pg/mL (sensibilidad del 90% y especificidad del 85%). En base a datos espa noles publicados, se asumió que el 65% de pacientes con disnea sufrían IC. El uso de recursos fue identificado mediante opinión de expertos y evaluado desde la perspectiva del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS). El análisis comparó el diagnóstico final del paciente con el diagnóstico realizado en el SU. Se realizaron diversos análisis de sensibilidad para evaluar la incertidumbre del modelo. Resultados: El diagnóstico incorporando la determinación NT-proBNP fue correcto en el 91,96% de los pacientes (59,09% verdaderos positivos y 32,87% verdaderos negativos) frente al 85,53% mediante ECC (50,79% verdaderos positivos y 34,74% verdaderos negativos). La incorporación de la determinación NT-proBNP resultó tener un coste menor (3.720 versus 5.188 ). Los análisis de sensibilidad realizados confirmaron los resultados.
Proyecto basado en diseño emocional como aspecto a aportar para conseguir una experiencia de usuario satisfactoria. Se presenta la ingeniería Kansei como metodología de desarrollo centrado en emociones y sensaciones que provocan los productos o aplicaciones en los usuarios. Asimismo se realizan encuestas y diferencial semántico para saber la satisfacció de los usuarios con Wii y WiiFitPlus.
El objetivo del PFC es Estudiar la dinámica poblacional de la de la perdiz roja norte y centro de la provincia de Burgos, Conocer las variables biométricas que nos permiten determinar el sexo y/o la edad de los individuos, Analizar la actividad cinegética y conocer el desarrollo de la jornada de caza a través de los datos de sobre-fichas, y la temporada de caza a través de las encuestas, Estudiar las diferencias cinegéticas y biológicas entre las perdices silvestres y perdices de granja.
En aquest projecte s’avaluen els possibles impactes derivats de la pràctica de l’esquí nòrdic en l’àmbit d’estudi de Sant Joan de l’Erm, situat al Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu. A la zona d’estudi, aquesta és la principal activitat, i és per aquest motiu s’estudien tots els fluxos energètics derivats de la pràctica de l’esquí, alhora que s’analitza i diagnostica l’estat de qualitat ambiental de totes les infraestructures de la zona. Les eines utilitzades en aquest estudi han estat bàsicament dues. Primerament, s’avalua l’estat de la qualitat ambiental de les infraestructures de l’àmbit d’estudi, amb la utilització d’un informe d’avaluació ambiental, adaptat de l’informe d’avaluació del Distintiu de Qualitat Ambiental de la Generalitat de Catalunya. En segon terme, s’ha creat i emprat un treball de camp, que consta d’enquestes destinades als usuaris de la zona d’estudi, així com unes fitxes de camp, per tal de determinar l’estat de l’entorn natural de l’àmbit d’estudi, i analitzar la repercussió del transport dels usuaris.
En el presente artículo hemos tratado de analizar las características de las almazaras cooperativas catalanas con la finalidad de destacar no solamente sus elementos más importantes de gestión sino también sus principales debilidades.Las cooperativas se consideran instrumentos útiles para acometer políticas de desarrollo económico y bienestar social. A pesar de ello hay un gran debate abierto acerca de la eficiencia de estas organizaciones, que plantean el interrogante de si están en condiciones de competir con éxito en una economía cada vez más abierta, liberalizada y global. A través de las encuestas que hemos realizado al conjunto de las cooperativas oleícolas de Catalunya, hemos podido averiguar sus características distintivas, así como las principales desventajas y problemas a los que se enfrentan. Creemos puede ser de interés analizar las características de estas organizaciones, que tanto desde el punto de vista organizativo como de recursos humanos, como financiero, las hace diferentes de otro tipo de organizaciones pero que sin embargo, han de hacer frente a un mercado cada día más exigente y competitivo.