110 resultados para Quantum Integrability


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We present a comprehensive study of the low-temperature magnetic relaxation in random magnets. The first part of the paper contains theoretical analysis of the expected features of the relaxation, based upon current theories of quantum tunneling of magnetization. Models of tunneling, dissipation, the crossover from the thermal to the quantum regime, and the effect of barrier distribution on the relaxation rate are discussed. It is argued that relaxation-type experiments are ideally suited for the observation of magnetic tunneling, since they automatically provide the condition of very low barriers. The second part of the paper contains experimental results on transition-metal¿rare-earth amorphous magnets. Structural and magnetic characterization of materials is presented. The temperature and field dependence of the magnetic relaxation is studied. Our key observation is a nonthermal character of the relaxation below a few kelvin. The observed features are in agreement with theoretical suggestions on quantum tunneling of magnetization.


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Magnetic-relaxation measurements of a Tl-based high-Tc superconductor show temperature-independent flux creep below 6 K. The effect is analyzed in terms of the overdamped quantum diffusion of two-dimensional vortices. Good agreement between theory and experiment is found.


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We present an imaginary-time path-integral study of the problem of quantum decay of a metastable state of a uniaxial magnetic particle placed in the magnetic field at an arbitrary angle. Our findings agree with earlier results of Zaslavskii obtained by mapping the spin Hamiltonian onto a particle Hamiltonian. In the limit of low barrier, weak dependence of the decay rate on the angle is found, except for the field which is almost normal to the anisotropy axis, where the rate is sharply peaked, and for the field approaching the parallel orientation, where the rate rapidly goes to zero. This distinct angular dependence, together with the dependence of the rate on the field strength, provides an independent test for macroscopic spin tunneling.


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We consider the effects of quantum fluctuations in mean-field quantum spin-glass models with pairwise interactions. We examine the nature of the quantum glass transition at zero temperature in a transverse field. In models (such as the random orthogonal model) where the classical phase transition is discontinuous an analysis using the static approximation reveals that the transition becomes continuous at zero temperature.


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Rigorous quantum dynamics calculations of reaction rates and initial state-selected reaction probabilities of polyatomic reactions can be efficiently performed within the quantum transition state concept employing flux correlation functions and wave packet propagation utilizing the multi-configurational time-dependent Hartree approach. Here, analytical formulas and a numerical scheme extending this approach to the calculation of state-to-state reaction probabilities are presented. The formulas derived facilitate the use of three different dividing surfaces: two dividing surfaces located in the product and reactant asymptotic region facilitate full state resolution while a third dividing surface placed in the transition state region can be used to define an additional flux operator. The eigenstates of the corresponding thermal flux operator then correspond to vibrational states of the activated complex. Transforming these states to reactant and product coordinates and propagating them into the respective asymptotic region, the full scattering matrix can be obtained. To illustrate the new approach, test calculations study the D + H2(ν, j) → HD(ν′, j′) + H reaction for J = 0.


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We show that a chemically engineered structural asymmetry in [Tb2] molecular clusters renders the two weakly coupled Tb3+ spin qubits magnetically inequivalent. The magnetic energy level spectrum of these molecules meets then all conditions needed to realize a universal CNOT quantum gate. A proposal to realize a SWAP gate within the same molecule is also discussed. Electronic paramagnetic resonance experiments confirm that CNOT and SWAP transitions are not forbidden.


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We study the details of electronic transport related to the atomistic structure of silicon quantum dots embedded in a silicon dioxide matrix using ab initio calculations of the density of states. Several structural and composition features of quantum dots (QDs), such as diameter and amorphization level, are studied and correlated with transport under transfer Hamiltonian formalism. The current is strongly dependent on the QD density of states and on the conduction gap, both dependent on the dot diameter. In particular, as size increases, the available states inside the QD increase, while the QD band gap decreases due to relaxation of quantum confinement. Both effects contribute to increasing the current with the dot size. Besides, valence band offset between the band edges of the QD and the silica, and conduction band offset in a minor grade, increases with the QD diameter up to the theoretical value corresponding to planar heterostructures, thus decreasing the tunneling transmission probability and hence the total current. We discuss the influence of these parameters on electron and hole transport, evidencing a correlation between the electron (hole) barrier value and the electron (hole) current, and obtaining a general enhancement of the electron (hole) transport for larger (smaller) QD. Finally, we show that crystalline and amorphous structures exhibit enhanced probability of hole and electron current, respectively.


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This paper studies non-autonomous Lyness type recurrences of the form x_{n+2}=(a_n+x_n)/x_{n+1}, where a_n is a k-periodic sequence of positive numbers with prime period k. We show that for the cases k in {1,2,3,6} the behavior of the sequence x_n is simple(integrable) while for the remaining cases satisfying k not a multiple of 5 this behavior can be much more complicated(chaotic). The cases k multiple of 5 are studied separately.


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This paper studies non-autonomous Lyness type recurrences of the form xn+2 = (an+xn+1)=xn, where fang is a k-periodic sequence of positive numbers with primitive period k. We show that for the cases k 2 f1; 2; 3; 6g the behavior of the sequence fxng is simple (integrable) while for the remaining cases satisfying this behavior can be much more complicated (chaotic). We also show that the cases where k is a multiple of 5 present some di erent features.


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The computer simulation of reaction dynamics has nowadays reached a remarkable degree of accuracy. Triatomic elementary reactions are rigorously studied with great detail on a straightforward basis using a considerable variety of Quantum Dynamics computational tools available to the scientific community. In our contribution we compare the performance of two quantum scattering codes in the computation of reaction cross sections of a triatomic benchmark reaction such as the gas phase reaction Ne + H2+ %12. NeH++ H. The computational codes are selected as representative of time-dependent (Real Wave Packet [ ]) and time-independent (ABC [ ]) methodologies. The main conclusion to be drawn from our study is that both strategies are, to a great extent, not competing but rather complementary. While time-dependent calculations advantages with respect to the energy range that can be covered in a single simulation, time-independent approaches offer much more detailed information from each single energy calculation. Further details such as the calculation of reactivity at very low collision energies or the computational effort related to account for the Coriolis couplings are analyzed in this paper.