83 resultados para Hold


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Schools play a key role in transmitting attitudes towards sexual diversity. Many studies stress the importance of teachers" and other professionals" attitudes towards gay men and/or lesbian women. This study evaluates attitudes and prejudices toward homosexuality in a sample of 254 elementary and high school teachers in Barcelona and its surrounding area. The results obtained using a scale of overt and subtle prejudice and a scale of perceived discrepancy of values indicate that discrepancy between likely behavior and personal values was significantly greater in women, those who hold religious beliefs, churchgoers and people without any gay or lesbian acquaintances. Approximately 88% of the teachers showed no type of prejudiced attitudes towards gay men and lesbian women. The experience of proximity to gay men and/or lesbian women reduces not only the discrepancy between personal values and likely behavior but also the presence of homophobic prejudice. It would be advisable to expand specific teacher training in the subject of sexual diversity in order to reduce prejudicial attitudes, thus fostering non-stereotyped knowledge of homosexuality


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This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of the contributions that have been presented to the 30 Spanish Regional Studies Meetings which have been hold since 1973. Firstly, the paper displays rankings of the authors and institutions that have participated more actively in the Meetings. Secondly, the paper analyses the main changes in the objectives, topics and research techniques of the contributions, as well as in the scientific specialisation of their authors. This analysis allows drawing some conclusions on the evolution of Regional Science in Spain throughout the last 30 years.


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We prove the existence and local uniqueness of invariant tori on the verge of breakdown for two systems: the quasi-periodically driven logistic map and the quasi-periodically forced standard map. These systems exemplify two scenarios: the Heagy-Hammel route for the creation of strange non- chaotic attractors and the nonsmooth bifurcation of saddle invariant tori. Our proofs are computer- assisted and are based on a tailored version of the Newton-Kantorovich theorem. The proofs cannot be performed using classical perturbation theory because the two scenarios are very far from the perturbative regime, and fundamental hypotheses such as reducibility or hyperbolicity either do not hold or are very close to failing. Our proofs are based on a reliable computation of the invariant tori and a careful study of their dynamical properties, leading to the rigorous validation of the numerical results with our novel computational techniques.


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Let $Q$ be a suitable real function on $C$. An $n$-Fekete set corresponding to $Q$ is a subset ${Z_{n1}},\dotsb, Z_{nn}}$ of $C$ which maximizes the expression $\Pi^n_i_{hold globally, and we conjecture that such global results are true for a wide range of potentials.


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By theorems of Ferguson and Lacey ($d=2$) and Lacey and Terwilleger ($d>2$), Nehari's theorem is known to hold on the polydisc $\D^d$ for $d>1$, i.e., if $H_\psi$ is a bounded Hankel form on $H^2(\D^d)$ with analytic symbol $\psi$, then there is a function $\varphi$ in $L^\infty(\T^d)$ such that $\psi$ is the Riesz projection of $\varphi$. A method proposed in Helson's last paper is used to show that the constant $C_d$ in the estimate $\|\varphi\|_\infty\le C_d \|H_\psi\|$ grows at least exponentially with $d$; it follows that there is no analogue of Nehari's theorem on the infinite-dimensional polydisc.


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El principal objectiu del treball que es presenta a continuació ha estat investigar la visió estereotipada que actualment es troba present en la nostra societat sobre l’etapa de l’adolescència, tenint en compte la perspectiva dels propis adolescents i dels seus progenitors. En tot moment s’ha volgut identificar com es perceben els adolescents, com creuen que són percebuts i com realment són percebuts. De la mateixa manera que també s’han volgut copsar les possibles discrepàncies i semblances entre les visions presentades per ambdós col·lectius. En dita investigació, participaren 213 adolescents d’entre 15 i 19 anys, estudiants de 4rt d’E.S.O, 1r i 2n de Batxillerat d’un institut del municipi de Pollença (Mallorca, Illes Balears), als quals se’ls va administrar un qüestionari sobre l’adolescència, i dues famílies amb fills adolescents, amb els quals es va realitzar un grup de discussió. Els resultats manifesten la presència d’estereotips, però les característiques associades a aquests diuen no ser viscudes en la majoria dels casos.


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The role of grammatical class in lexical access and representation is still not well understood. Grammatical effects obtained in picture-word interference experiments have been argued to show the operation of grammatical constraints during lexicalization when syntactic integration is required by the task. Alternative views hold that the ostensibly grammatical effects actually derive from the coincidence of semantic and grammatical differences between lexical candidates. We present three picture-word interference experiments conducted in Spanish. In the first two, the semantic relatedness (related or unrelated) and the grammatical class (nouns or verbs) of the target and the distracter were manipulated in an infinitive form action naming task in order to disentangle their contributions to verb lexical access. In the third experiment, a possible confound between grammatical class and semantic domain (objects or actions) was eliminated by using action-nouns as distracters. A condition in which participants were asked to name the action pictures using an inflected form of the verb was also included to explore whether the need of syntactic integration modulated the appearance of grammatical effects. Whereas action-words (nouns or verbs), but not object-nouns, produced longer reaction times irrespective of their grammatical class in the infinitive condition, only verbs slowed latencies in the inflected form condition. Our results suggest that speech production relies on the exclusion of candidate responses that do not fulfil task-pertinent criteria like membership in the appropriate semantic domain or grammatical class. Taken together, these findings are explained by a response-exclusion account of speech output. This and alternative hypotheses are discussed.


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