122 resultados para Biotecnologia - Terminologia


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George Gaskell and colleagues designed, analysed and interpreted the Eurobarometer 73.1 on the Life Sciences and Biotechnology as part of the research project Sensitive Technologies and European Public Ethics (STEPE), funded by the Science in Society Programme of the EC’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7).


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Aquest treball ens endinsa en la terminologia culinària i en les dificultats que sorgeixen en la transferència d'elements culturals. A través de l'anàlisi de cartes i menús, s'exposen els onze elements més rellevants que permeten reflexionar sobre la manca de dades que proporcionin solucions o orientacions en el procés traductològic.


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We analyze the dynamics of Brownian ratchets in a confined environment. The motion of the particles is described by a Fick-Jakobs kinetic equation in which the presence of boundaries is modeled by means of an entropic potential. The cases of a flashing ratchet, a two-state model, and a ratchet under the influence of a temperature gradient are analyzed in detail. We show the emergence of a strong cooperativity between the inherent rectification of the ratchet mechanism and the entropic bias of the fluctuations caused by spatial confinement. Net particle transport may take place in situations where none of those mechanisms leads to rectification when acting individually. The combined rectification mechanisms may lead to bidirectional transport and to new routes to segregation phenomena. Confined Brownian ratchets could be used to control transport in mesostructures and to engineer new and more efficient devices for transport at the nanoscale.


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Aquesta exposició vol presentar breument el ventall d'eines disponibles, la terminologia utilitzada i, en general, el marc metodològic de l'estadística exploratoria i de l'analisi de dades, el paradigma de la disciplina.En el decurs dels darrers anys, la disciplina no ha estat pas capgirada, però de tota manera sí que cal una actualització permanent.S'han forjat i provat algunes eines gairebé només esbossades, han aparegut nous dominis d'aplicació. Cal precisar la relació amb els competidors i dinamics veïns (intel·ligencia artificial, xarxes neurals, Data Mining). La perspectiva que presento dels mètodes d'anàlisi de dades emana evidentment d'un punt de vista particular; altres punts de vista poden ser igualment vàlids


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Postprint (published version)


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Vamos a esbozar las líneas didácticas y los conceptos teóricos más importantes de unametodología de aprendizaje de los lenguajes de especialidad a partir de la lectura y la escriturade los géneros discursivos propios de las disciplinas o los campos del saber que han generadodicho lenguaje de especialidad.


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Gairebé han passat 20 anys d’ençà que vaig començar a reflexionar sobre la incertesa dela mà del Dr. Dídac Ramírez. Vaig presentar una tesi dirigida per ell l’any 2003, he fetarticles, he presentat comunicacions en seminaris i col·loquis. El tema de la incertesa ésmolt ampli; es relaciona amb el coneixement, l'aleatorietat, el caos, l'ètica, la psicologia,etc. En aquests 20 anys, a poc a poc, he anat lligant alguns caps i, en aquests moments,penso que pot tenir interès presentar al seminari IAFI del Departament de Matemàtiquesde la Facultat d’Econòmiques de la UB un esquema amb aquestes idees lligades enforma de vocabulari.Molts dels termes del vocabulari els proposo jo, per la qual cosa no m’he pogut limitar adonar una definició precisa i he necessitat posar explicacions i exemples per tal dejustificar el seu interès.


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El trabajo se divide en tres partes: una traducción del ámbito médico inglés-español; un glosario de términos extraídos del texto con su equivalente en español, y un análisis de los principales problemas de traducción detectado y que son frecuentes en los textos biomédicos, con sus respectivas soluciones.


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Lipases have received great attention as industrial biocatalysts in areas like oils and fats processing, detergents, baking, cheese making, surface cleaning, or fine chemistry . They can catalyse reactions of insoluble substrates at the lipid-water interface, preserving their catalytic activity in organic solvents. This makes of lipases powerful tools for catalysing not only hydrolysis, but also various reverse reactions such as esterification, transesterification, aminolysis, or thiotransesterifications in anhydrous organic solvents. Moreover, lipases catalyse reactions with high specificity, regio and enantioselectivity, becoming the most used enzymes in synthetic organic chemistry. Therefore, they display important advantages over classical catalysts, as they can catalyse reactions with reduced side products, lowered waste treatment costs, and under mild temperature and pressure conditions. Accordingly, the use of lipases holds a great promise for green and economical process chemistry.


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És un estudi sobre el funcionament de la terminologia, en les llengües catalanes i anglesa, sobre un camp semàntic concret que no ofereix gaires equivalents cap a la llengua anglesa: la gastronomia, més en concret, les postres catalanes. Havent-hi aquest buit terminològic, també hi consta una sèrie de propostes neològiques


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Background Enzymatic biodiesel is becoming an increasingly popular topic in bioenergy literature because of its potential to overcome the problems posed by chemical processes. However, the high cost of the enzymatic process still remains the main drawback for its industrial application, mostly because of the high price of refined oils. Unfortunately, low cost substrates, such as crude soybean oil, often release a product that hardly accomplishes the final required biodiesel specifications and need an additional pretreatment for gums removal. In order to reduce costs and to make the enzymatic process more efficient, we developed an innovative system for enzymatic biodiesel production involving a combination of a lipase and two phospholipases. This allows performing the enzymatic degumming and transesterification in a single step, using crude soybean oil as feedstock, and converting part of the phospholipids into biodiesel. Since the two processes have never been studied together, an accurate analysis of the different reaction components and conditions was carried out. Results Crude soybean oil, used as low cost feedstock, is characterized by a high content of phospholipids (900 ppm of phosphorus). However, after the combined activity of different phospholipases and liquid lipase Callera Trans L, a complete transformation into fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs >95%) and a good reduction of phosphorus (P <5 ppm) was achieved. The combination of enzymes allowed avoidance of the acid treatment required for gums removal, the consequent caustic neutralization, and the high temperature commonly used in degumming systems, making the overall process more eco-friendly and with higher yield. Once the conditions were established, the process was also tested with different vegetable oils with variable phosphorus contents. Conclusions Use of liquid lipase Callera Trans L in biodiesel production can provide numerous and sustainable benefits. Besides reducing the costs derived from enzyme immobilization, the lipase can be used in combination with other enzymes such as phospholipases for gums removal, thus allowing the use of much cheaper, non-refined oils. The possibility to perform degumming and transesterification in a single tank involves a great efficiency increase in the new era of enzymatic biodiesel production at industrial scale.


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The repetitive DNA sequences found at telomeres and centromeres play a crucial role in the structure and function of eukaryotic chromosomes. This role may be related to the tendency observed in many repetitive DNAs to adopt non-canonical structures. Although there is an increasing recognition of the importance of DNA quadruplexes in chromosome biology, the co-existence of different quadruplex-forming elements in the same DNA structure is still a matter of debate. Here we report the structural study of the oligonucleotide d(TCGTTTCGT) and its cyclic analog d. Both sequences form dimeric quadruplex structures consisting of a minimal i-motif capped, at both ends, by a slipped minor groove-aligned G:T:G:T tetrad. These mini i-motifs, which do not exhibit the characteristic CD spectra of other i-motif structures, can be observed at neutral pH, although they are more stable under acidic conditions. This finding is particularly relevant since these oligonucleotide sequences do not contain contiguous cytosines. Importantly, these structures resemble the loop moiety adopted by an 11-nucleotide fragment of the conserved centromeric protein B (CENP-B) box motif, which is the binding site for the CENP-B.


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The repetitive DNA sequences found at telomeres and centromeres play a crucial role in the structure and function of eukaryotic chromosomes. This role may be related to the tendency observed in many repetitive DNAs to adopt non-canonical structures. Although there is an increasing recognition of the importance of DNA quadruplexes in chromosome biology, the co-existence of different quadruplex-forming elements in the same DNA structure is still a matter of debate. Here we report the structural study of the oligonucleotide d(TCGTTTCGT) and its cyclic analog d. Both sequences form dimeric quadruplex structures consisting of a minimal i-motif capped, at both ends, by a slipped minor groove-aligned G:T:G:T tetrad. These mini i-motifs, which do not exhibit the characteristic CD spectra of other i-motif structures, can be observed at neutral pH, although they are more stable under acidic conditions. This finding is particularly relevant since these oligonucleotide sequences do not contain contiguous cytosines. Importantly, these structures resemble the loop moiety adopted by an 11-nucleotide fragment of the conserved centromeric protein B (CENP-B) box motif, which is the binding site for the CENP-B.