105 resultados para Open access publishing
La Institució CERCA organitza una sessió amb Ignasi Labastida, cap de l’Oficina de Difusió del Coneixement de la UB, per conèixer millor les implicacions que la política d’accés obert té sobre investigadors i centres de recerca.
La Ley de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación, publicada en junio de 20111, recoge en su artículo 37 los principales aspectos a tener en cuenta a la hora de llevar a cabo la difusión en abierto de los resultados de la investigación financiada con fondos públicos y aceptados para su publicación en publicaciones de investigación seriadas o periódicas. Sin embargo, las dudas que han surgido en los diferentes ámbitos de aplicación han motivado la realización de un ejercicio de reflexión que permita ordenar cuáles son los pasos que los diferentes agentes involucrados deberían abordar para un correcto cumplimiento de la normativa legal y facilitar así la adecuada aplicación del artículo sobre “Difusión en acceso abierto”.El objetivo de este documento es contar con una guía práctica que defina los aspectos principales de la política nacional de acceso abierto y despeje el camino a todos los actores afectados, al especificar cuáles son los nuevos roles que habrán de adoptarse y elaborar una serie de recomendaciones destinadas a todos los colectivos implicados en la producción y gestión del mercado de la información científica...
Introducción y desarrollo. El acceso abierto es el acceso digital, en línea y libre de barreras económicas, o al menos de algunos derechos de explotación (copyright), a la producción científica o académica de nuestros profesores e investigadores. El autoarchivo o depósito de estos trabajos en repositorios institucionales (vía verde) está cada vez más presente entre las actividades de la comunidad científica. Además de beneficiarse de sus ventajas, los autores son, cada vez con más frecuencia, requeridos por las instituciones financiadoras de la investigación y por las suyas propias para que depositen sus trabajos en repositorios. En el entorno biomédico esto es más necesario, por la repercusión que puede tener en la salud de las personas que los profesionales dispongan o no de la mejor evidencia científica. Para que esto sea posible, los autores deben conocer qué es y cómo funciona un repositorio y deben saber manejar herramientas fáciles como Sherpa/RoMEO o DULCINEA para averiguar qué derechos retienen como autores y si éstos les permiten llevar a la práctica el autoarchivo. PubMed Central y sus homólogos británico y canadiense son los principales repositorios temáticos del ámbito biomédico. En nuestro país no existe ninguno de naturaleza similar; sin embargo, la mayoría de las universidades y el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas disponen de un repositorio institucional en funcionamiento. Conclusión. La mayor visibilidad de los resultados de investigación y su repercusión en una mayor y más temprana citación es uno de los beneficios más esgrimidos del acceso abierto, así como la eliminación de las barreras económicas en el acceso a la información contrastada para colectivos habitualmente excluidos
Podeu consultar el programa de la Setmana de l'Accés Obert 2014 a la Universitat de Barcelona a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/62185
Podeu consultar el programa de la Setmana de l'Accés Obert 2014 a la Universitat de Barcelona a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/62185
Infografia que descriu el procediment a seguir per complir amb el requisit de publicació en accés obert dels projectes finançats pel programa Horitzó 2020 o pel Ministeri d'Economia i Competitivitat d'Espanya
This paper describes high-quality journals in Brazil and Spain, with an emphasis on the distribution models used. It presents the general characteristics (age, type of publisher, and theme) and analyzes the distribution model by studying the type of format (print or digital), the type of access (open access or subscription), and the technology platform used. The 549 journals analyzed (249 in Brazil and 300 in Spain) are included in the 2011 Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases. Data on each journal were collected directly from their websites between March and October 2012. Brazil has a fully open access distribution model (97%) in which few journals require payment by authors thanks to cultural, financial, operational, and technological support provided by public agencies. In Spain, open access journals account for 55% of the total and have also received support from public agencies, although to a lesser extent. These results show that there are systems support of open access in scientific journals other than the"author pays" model advocated by the Finch report for the United Kingdom.
Cooperation between libraries is a universal language spoken in different dialects. In 1996 the libraries of the state-funded universities and the National Library of Catalonia (Spain) formed the Consortium of Academic Libraries of Catalonia (CBUC) to act as a channel for cooperation. The organization and activities of CBUC are an example of how this universal language has been adapted to the specific characteristics of the Libraries of Catalonia. Catalonia is an autonomous region of Spain with 7 million inhabitants with its own language, history and traditions and with a strong feeling of own identity that facilitates the cooperation. Thanks to this (and also to the hard work of the member libraries), since then, CBUC has created a union catalogue, an interlibrary lending program, the Digital Library of Catalonia, a cooperative store, different cooperatives repositories and other cooperation programs. One of these cooperatives repositories is RACO (Catalan Journals in Open Access, www.raco.cat) where can be consulted, in open access, the full-text articles of scientific, cultural and scholar Catalan journals. The main purpose of RACO is to increase the visibility and searches of the journals included and to spread the scientific and academic production published in Catalonia. This purpose makes specific in three aims: encourage the electronic edition of Catalan journals; be the interface that allows the whole search of all the journals and provide the instruments for its preservation. There are currently 244 journals in RACO, that includes more than 85.000 articles (80% in OA) from 50 publishing institutions. Since it got into operation it has had more than 4 millions of queries. These 244 journals offer the full-text of all the published issues. Nevertheless, some journal can have a delay between the introduction of the table of contents and the full-text for the recent issues. From 2005 we have a plan of retrospective digitization that has allowed to digitize more than 350.000 pages of back issues. The RACO repository works with the open source program OJS (Open Journal Systems, http://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/) and uses Dublin Core Metadata and the interoperability protocol created by Open Archives Initiative (OAI) which allows to increase the visibility of the articles published in journals offering oneself together with other international repositories.
PADICAT is the web archive created in 2005 in Catalonia (Spain ) by the Library of Catalonia (BC ) , the National Library of Catalonia , with the aim of collecting , processing and providing permanent access to the digital heritage of Catalonia . Its harvesting strategy is based on the hybrid model ( of massive harvesting . SPA top level domain ; selective compilation of the web site output of Catalan organizations; focused harvesting of public events) . The system provides open access to the whole collection , on the Internet . We consider necessary to complement the current search for new and visualization software with open source software tool, CAT ( Curator Archiving Tool) , composed by three modules aimed to effectively managing the processes of human cataloguing ; to publish directories where the digital resources and special collections ; and to offer statistical information of added value to end users. Within the framework of the International Internet Preservation Consortium meeting ( Vienna 2010) , the progress in the development of this new tool, and the philosophy that has motivated his design, are presented to the international community.
In recent years several educators have organized open courses where participants reflect on their personal blogs. With a large number of participants it becomes a challenge to follow all the course discussions. In this paper we present the EduFeedr system that is specifically designed for following and supporting student activities in blog-based courses.
Michigan State University and OER Africa are creating a win-win collaboration of existing organizations for African publishing, localizing, and sharing of teaching and learning materials that fill critical resource gaps in African MSc agriculture curriculum. By the end of the 18-month planning and pilot initiative, African agriculture universities, faculty, students, researchers, NGO leaders, extension staff, and farmers will participate in building AgShare by demonstrating its benefits and outcomes and by building momentum and support for growth.
The movement of Open Educational Resources (OER) is one of the most important trends that are helping education through the Internet worldwide. "Tecnológico de Monterrey" (http://tecvirtual.itesm.mx/) in Mexico, with other Mexican higher education institutions, is creating an Internet/web based repository of OERs and Mobile Resources for the instruction and development of educational researchers at undergraduate, Master's and Doctoral level. There is a lack of open educational resources and material available at the Internet that can help and assist the development and education of educational researchers in Spanish speaking countries. This OER repository is part of a project that is experimenting new technology for the delivery of OERs from one repository (http://catedra.ruv.itesm.mx/) through an indexed OER catalog (http://www.temoa.info/) to mobile devices (Ipod, Iphone, MP3, MP4). This paper presentation will describe and comment about this project: outcomes, best practices, difficulties and technological constraints.
A new 'Consent Commons' licensing framework is proposed, complementing Creative Commons, to clarify the permissions given for using and reusing clinical and non-clinical digital recordings of people (patients and non-patients) for educational purposes. Consent Commons is a sophisticated expression of ethically based 'digital professionalism', which recognises the rights of patients, carers, their families, teachers, clinicians, students and members of the public to have some say in how their digital recordings are used (including refusing or withdrawing their consent), and is necessary in order to ensure the long term sustainability of teaching materials, including Open Educational Resources (OER). Consent Commons can ameliorate uncertainty about the status of educational resources depicting people, and protect institutions from legal risk by developing robust and sophisticated policies and promoting best practice in managing their information.
This case study introduces our continuous work to enhance the virtual classroom in order to provide faculty and students with an environment open to their needs, compliant with learning standards and, therefore compatible with other e-learning environments, and based on open source software. The result is a modulable, sustainable and interoperable learning environment that can be adapted to different teaching and learning situations by incorporating the LMS integrated tools as well as wikis, blogs, forums and Moodle activities among others.