100 resultados para Multics (Computer operating system)


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Resum En l’actualitat, els sistemes electrònics de processament de dades són cada cop més significatius dins del sector industrial. Són moltes les necessitats que sorgeixen en el món dels sistemes d’autentificació, de l’electrònica aeronàutica, d’equips d’emmagatzemament de dades, de telecomunicacions, etc. Aquestes necessitats tecnològiques exigeixen ser controlades per un sistema fiable, robust, totalment dependent amb els esdeveniments externs i que compleixi correctament les restriccions temporals imposades per tal de que realitzi el seu propòsit d’una manera eficient. Aquí és on entren en joc els sistemes encastats en temps real, els quals ofereixen una gran fiabilitat, disponibilitat, una ràpida resposta als esdeveniments externs del sistema, una alta garantia de funcionament i una àmplia possibilitat d’aplicacions. Aquest projecte està pensat per a fer una introducció al món dels sistemes encastats, com també explicar el funcionament del sistema operatiu en temps real FreeRTOS; el qual utilitza com a mètode de programació l’ús de tasques independents entre elles. Donarem una visió de les seves característiques de funcionament, com organitza tasques mitjançant un scheduler i uns exemples per a poder dissenyar-hi aplicacions.


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Frequently the choice of a library management program is conditioned by social, economic and/or political factors that result in the selection of a system that is not altogether suitable for the library’s needs, characteristics and functions. Open source software is quickly becoming a preferred solution, owing to the freedom to copy, modify and distribute it and the freedom from contracts, as well as for greater opportunities for interoperability with other applications. These new trends regarding open source software in libraries are also reflected in LIS studies, as evidenced by the different courses addressing automated programs, repositorymanagement, including the Linux/GNU operating system, among others. The combination of the needs of the centres and the new trends for open source software is the focus of a virtual laboratory for the use of open source software for library applications. It was the result of a project, whose aim was to make a useful contribution to the library community, that was carried out by a group of professors of the School of Library and Information Science of the University of Barcelona, together with a group of students, members of a Working Group on Open Source Software for Information Professionals, of the Professional Library Association of Catalonia.


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Aquest treball es portarà a terme realitzant una avaluació heurística dels sistmes operatius seleccionats i de les seves aplicacions, un test d'usabilitat i un anàlisi de l'organització de les funcions mitjançant un card sorting on-line.


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Este proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de una aplicación informática que permite gestionar de forma automatizada y consistente los datos requeridos para la actividad docente de un profesor universitario. La aplicación permite gestionar: plan docente, asignaturas, horario docente, calendario de exámenes y proyectos final de carrera. Todas estas opciones tienen las funciones de, agregar, buscar, modificar y eliminar datos. Además tiene otras opciones como calendario docente y webs, cuya finalidad será consultar, de forma directa, páginas web de interés docente. Finalmente, la opción material docente tendrá como finalidad, crear, modificar y eliminar ficheros de diferente formato (word, excel, powerpoint, pdf) asociados a las asignaturas registradas en la aplicación. La aplicación se ha implementado en el sistema operativo Windows en el lenguaje de programación Java. Los datos utilizados se almacenan en la base de datos MySql Workbench. Para las validaciones de entrada de datos se ha utilizado JavaScript y JQuery. El diseño de la interfaz se ha llevado a cabo con Java Server Pages, Html, Css y framework Struts.


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El present Treball Final de Carrera (TFC), basat en el tema dels Sistemes d'informació Geogràfica i Geotelemàtica, es centra en les diverses aplicacions geoespacials per al sistema operatiu Android.


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El proyecto consistirá en diseñar desde cero un juego para smartphones que utilicen el sistema operativo Android. El objetivo del juego será sobrevivir a las oleadas de enemigos, que aparecerán en el extremo derecho de la pantalla y se dirigirán al lado opuesto, durante el tiempo suficiente para superar el nivel actual. Al mismo tiempo tendremos que tratar de esquivar los obstáculos y recoger los objetos que nos proporcionarán un bonus de puntos. En el juego habrá un número finito de niveles, cada uno más difícil que el anterior.


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El trabajo expuesto en la presente memoria tiene como objetivo la creación de un prototipo de avisos para gente sorda. El sistema se encargará de facilitar la interactuación entre una persona con problemas auditivos y los señales sonoros que pueden hallarse en una casa. El prototipo se ha desarrollado a partir de la plataforma hardware Arduino, un Smartphone con sistema operativo Android y la tecnología de comunicaciones inalámbricas Bluetooth y ZigBee.


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Disseny d'una aplicació per a dispositius mòbils basats en el sistema operatiu Android anomenada TrobaT. És tracta d'una eina d'orientació geogràfica que aprofita els sensors i els mecanismes de geolocalització que són habituals en els smartphones actuals. L'objectiu principal de l'aplicació és facilitar tres dades bàsiques per adreçar-se a un lloc: la distància a la que es troba, el desnivell que cal superar i l'orientació en forma d'azimut, és a dir, l'angle de deriva respecte al nord magnètic.


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This Degree Project is the development of an application for mobile devices with Android operating system. It is based on a generic manual with exercises for Alzheimer patients. The aim of the manual -and therefore, of the video game- is simply to be helpful in stimulating cognitive abilities of patients, ie players.


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En l’actualitat, els sistemes electrònics de processament de dades són cada cop més significatius dins del sector industrial. Són moltes les necessitats que sorgeixen en el món dels sistemes d’autentificació, de l’electrònica aeronàutica, d’equips d’emmagatzemament de dades, de telecomunicacions, etc. Aquestes necessitats tecnològiques exigeixen ser controlades per un sistema fiable, robust, totalment dependent amb els esdeveniments externs i que compleixi correctament les restriccions temporals imposades per tal de que realitzi el seu propòsit d’una manera eficient. Aquí és on entren en joc els sistemes encastats en temps real, els quals ofereixen una gran fiabilitat, disponibilitat, una ràpida resposta als esdeveniments externs del sistema, una alta garantia de funcionament i una àmplia possibilitat d’aplicacions. Aquest projecte està pensat per a fer una introducció al món dels sistemes encastats, com també explicar el funcionament del sistema operatiu en temps real FreeRTOS; el qual utilitza com a mètode de programació l’ús de tasques independents entre elles. Donarem una visió de les seves característiques de funcionament, com organitza tasques mitjançant un scheduler i uns exemples per a poder dissenyar-hi aplicacions.


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The EVS4CSCL project starts in the context of a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning environment (CSCL). Previous UOC projects created a CSCL generic platform (CLPL) to facilitate the development of CSCL applications. A discussion forum (DF) was the first application developed over the framework. This discussion forum was different from other products on the marketplace because of its focus on the learning process. The DF carried out the specification and elaboration phases from the discussion learning process but there was a lack in the consensus phase. The consensus phase in a learning environment is not something to be achieved but tested. Common tests are done by Electronic Voting System (EVS) tools, but consensus test is not an assessment test. We are not evaluating our students by their answers but by their discussion activity. Our educational EVS would be used as a discussion catalyst proposing a discussion about the results after an initial query or it would be used after a discussion period in order to manifest how the discussion changed the students mind (consensus). It should be also used by the teacher as a quick way to know where the student needs some reinforcement. That is important in a distance-learning environment where there is no direct contact between the teacher and the student and it is difficult to detect the learning lacks. In an educational environment, assessment it is a must and the EVS will provide direct assessment by peer usefulness evaluation, teacher marks on every query created and indirect assessment from statistics regarding the user activity.


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Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Model-based Systems and Qualitative Reasoning Group (Technical University of Munich), from September until December 2005. Constructed wetlands (CWs), or modified natural wetlands, are used all over the world as wastewater treatment systems for small communities because they can provide high treatment efficiency with low energy consumption and low construction, operation and maintenance costs. Their treatment process is very complex because it includes physical, chemical and biological mechanisms like microorganism oxidation, microorganism reduction, filtration, sedimentation and chemical precipitation. Besides, these processes can be influenced by different factors. In order to guarantee the performance of CWs, an operation and maintenance program must be defined for each Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The main objective of this project is to provide a computer support to the definition of the most appropriate operation and maintenance protocols to guarantee the correct performance of CWs. To reach them, the definition of models which represent the knowledge about CW has been proposed: components involved in the sanitation process, relation among these units and processes to remove pollutants. Horizontal Subsurface Flow CWs are chosen as a case study and the filtration process is selected as first modelling-process application. However, the goal is to represent the process knowledge in such a way that it can be reused for other types of WWTP.


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Report for the scientific sojourn at the Stanford University from January until June 2007. Music is well known for affecting human emotional states, yet the relationship between specific musical parameters and emotional responses is still not clear. With the advent of new human-computer interaction (HCI) technologies, it is now possible to derive emotion-related information from physiological data and use it as an input to interactive music systems. Providing such implicit musical HCI will be highly relevant for a number of applications including music therapy, diagnosis, nteractive gaming, and physiologically-based musical instruments. A key question in such physiology-based compositions is how sound synthesis parameters can be mapped to emotional states of valence and arousal. We used both verbal and heart rate responses to evaluate the affective power of five musical parameters. Our results show that a significant correlation exists between heart rate and the subjective evaluation of well-defined musical parameters. Brightness and loudness showed to be arousing parameters on subjective scale while harmonicity and even partial attenuation factor resulted in heart rate changes typically associated to valence. This demonstrates that a rational approach to designing emotion-driven music systems for our public installations and music therapy applications is possible.


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Para medir los coeficientes de transmisión y reflexión, S21 y S11, de diferentes materiales o muestras planas, se usa un sistema de toma de medidas en espacio libre operando banda W (75 – 110 GHz). Usando estos parámetros, S21 y S11, podemos calcular la permitividad dieléctrica relativa compleja (Er ) y la permeabilidad magnética relativa compleja (μr) mediante un proceso llamado NRW (Nicolson-Ross-Weir). El sistema para medir consiste en dos antenas de bocina, una transmisora y otra receptora, dos espejos con los que obtenemos una onda plana para medir las propiedades del material y un ordenador o dispositivo que calcula los resultados. Este dispositivo requiere de calibración para la obtención de resultados óptimos. Dicho sistema se puede simular de manera ideal con un software llamado ADS (Assistance Design System) para el estudio y comparación de grosores, permitividades dieléctricas relativas y permeabilidades magnéticas relativas de los materiales en función de la frecuencia.


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When underwater vehicles navigate close to the ocean floor, computer vision techniques can be applied to obtain motion estimates. A complete system to create visual mosaics of the seabed is described in this paper. Unfortunately, the accuracy of the constructed mosaic is difficult to evaluate. The use of a laboratory setup to obtain an accurate error measurement is proposed. The system consists on a robot arm carrying a downward looking camera. A pattern formed by a white background and a matrix of black dots uniformly distributed along the surveyed scene is used to find the exact image registration parameters. When the robot executes a trajectory (simulating the motion of a submersible), an image sequence is acquired by the camera. The estimated motion computed from the encoders of the robot is refined by detecting, to subpixel accuracy, the black dots of the image sequence, and computing the 2D projective transform which relates two consecutive images. The pattern is then substituted by a poster of the sea floor and the trajectory is executed again, acquiring the image sequence used to test the accuracy of the mosaicking system