111 resultados para Inhomogeneous density


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In this paper we propose a generalization of the density functional theory. The theory leads to single-particle equations of motion with a quasilocal mean-field operator, which contains a quasiparticle position-dependent effective mass and a spin-orbit potential. The energy density functional is constructed using the extended Thomas-Fermi approximation and the ground-state properties of doubly magic nuclei are considered within the framework of this approach. Calculations were performed using the finite-range Gogny D1S forces and the results are compared with the exact Hartree-Fock calculations


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We explore the ability of the recently established quasilocal density functional theory for describing the isoscalar giant monopole resonance. Within this theory we use the scaling approach and perform constrained calculations for obtaining the cubic and inverse energy weighted moments (sum rules) of the RPA strength. The meaning of the sum rule approach in this case is discussed. Numerical calculations are carried out using Gogny forces and an excellent agreement is found with HF+RPA results previously reported in literature. The nuclear matter compression modulus predicted in our model lies in the range 210230 MeV which agrees with earlier findings. The information provided by the sum rule approach in the case of nuclei near the neutron drip line is also discussed.


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The extension of density functional theory (DFT) to include pairing correlations without formal violation of the particle-number conservation condition is described. This version of the theory can be considered as a foundation of the application of existing DFT plus pairing approaches to atoms, molecules, ultracooled and magnetically trapped atomic Fermi gases, and atomic nuclei where the number of particles is conserved exactly. The connection with Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) theory is discussed, and the method of quasilocal reduction of the nonlocal theory is also described. This quasilocal reduction allows equations of motion to be obtained which are much simpler for numerical solution than the equations corresponding to the nonlocal case. Our theory is applied to the study of some even Sn isotopes, and the results are compared with those obtained in the standard HFB theory and with the experimental ones.


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We explore the deformation properties of the newly postulated Barcelona-Catania-Paris (BCP) energy density functional (EDF). The results obtained for three isotope chains of Mg, Dy, and Ra are compared to the available experimental data as well as to the results of the Gogny-D1S force. Results for the fission barrier of 240Pu are also discussed.


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The density and excitation energy dependence of symmetry energy and symmetry free energy for finite nuclei are calculated microscopically in a microcanonical framework, taking into account thermal and expansion effects. A finite-range momentum and density-dependent two-body effective interaction is employed for this purpose. The role of mass, isospin, and equation of state (EOS) on these quantities is also investigated; our calculated results are in consonance with the available experimental data.


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The real part of the optical potential for heavy ion elastic scattering is obtained by double folding of the nuclear densities with a density-dependent nucleon-nucleon effective interaction which was successful in describing the binding, size, and nucleon separation energies in spherical nuclei. A simple analytical form is found to differ from the resulting potential considerably less than 1% all through the important region. This analytical potential is used so that only few points of the folding need to be computed. With an imaginary part of the Woods-Saxon type, this potential predicts the elastic scattering angular distribution in very good agreement with experimental data, and little renormalization (unity in most cases) is needed.


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We consider diffusion of a passive substance C in a phase-separating nonmiscible binary alloy under turbulent mixing. The substance is assumed to have different diffusion coefficients in the pure phases A and B, leading to a spatially and temporarily dependent diffusion ¿coefficient¿ in the diffusion equation plus convective term. In this paper we consider especially the effects of a turbulent flow field coupled to both the Cahn-Hilliard type evolution equation of the medium and the diffusion equation (both, therefore, supplemented by a convective term). It is shown that the formerly observed prolonged anomalous diffusion [H. Lehr, F. Sagués, and J.M. Sancho, Phys. Rev. E 54, 5028 (1996)] is no longer seen if a flow of sufficient intensity is supplied.


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In this paper we consider diffusion of a passive substance C in a temporarily and spatially inhomogeneous two-dimensional medium. As a realization for the latter we choose a phase-separating medium consisting of two substances A and B, whose dynamics is determined by the Cahn-Hilliard equation. Assuming different diffusion coefficients of C in A and B, we find that the variance of the distribution function of the said substance grows less than linearly in time. We derive a simple identity for the variance using a probabilistic ansatz and are then able to identify the interface between A and B as the main cause for this nonlinear dependence. We argue that, finally, for very large times the here temporarily dependent diffusion "constant" goes like t-1/3 to a constant asymptotic value D¿. The latter is calculated approximately by employing the effective-medium approximation and by fitting the simulation data to the said time dependence.


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Although ab initio calculations of relativistic Brueckner theory lead to large scalar isovector fields in nuclear matter, at present, successful versions of covariant density functional theory neglect the interactions in this channel. A new high-precision density functional DD-MEδ is presented which includes four mesons, σ, ω, δ, and ρ, with density-dependent meson-nucleon couplings. It is based to a large extent on microscopic ab initiocalculations in nuclear matter. Only four of its parameters are determined by adjusting to binding energies and charge radii of finite nuclei. The other parameters, in particular the density dependence of the meson-nucleon vertices, are adjusted to nonrelativistic and relativistic Brueckner calculations of symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter. The isovector effective mass mp*−mn* derived from relativistic Brueckner theory is used to determine the coupling strength of the δ meson and its density dependence.


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We report variational calculations, in the hypernetted-chain (HNC)-Fermi-HNC scheme, of one-body density matrices and one-particle momentum distributions for 3He-4He mixtures described by a Jastrow correlated wave function. The 4He condensate fractions and the 3He strength poles are examined and compared with the Monte Carlo available results. The agreement has been found to be very satisfactory. Their density dependence is also studied.


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This paper deals with the determination of the interface density of states in amorphous silicon-based multilayers. Photothermal deflection spectroscopy is used to characterize two series of aSi:H/aSi1-xCx:H multilayers, and a new approach in the treatment of experimental dada is used in order to obtain accurate results. From this approach, an upper limit of 10^10 cm-2 is determined for the interface density of states.


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Semiclassical Einstein-Langevin equations for arbitrary small metric perturbations conformally coupled to a massless quantum scalar field in a spatially flat cosmological background are derived. Use is made of the fact that for this problem the in-in or closed time path effective action is simply related to the Feynman-Vernon influence functional which describes the effect of the ``environment,'' the quantum field which is coarse grained here, on the ``system,'' the gravitational field which is the field of interest. This leads to identify the dissipation and noise kernels in the in-in effective action, and to derive a fluctuation-dissipation relation. A tensorial Gaussian stochastic source which couples to the Weyl tensor of the spacetime metric is seen to modify the usual semiclassical equations which can be veiwed now as mean field equsations. As a simple application we derive the correlation functions of the stochastic metric fluctuations produced in a flat spacetime with small metric perturbations due to the quantum fluctuations of the matter field coupled to these perturbations.