857 resultados para Recerca


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Se realiza una diagnosis socioambiental y un presupuesto para el Plan de Manejo del Parque Nacional Los Quetzales (PNLQ). El PNLQ ocupa una superficie de 4117 ha. Presenta un régimen hí­drico elevado favorecido por la topografí­a quebrada que permite la presencia de fajas de condensación. Estas condiciones favorecen la presencia del bosque nublado que como se ha observado es el hábitat de innumerables especies, algunas de las cuales presentan gran valor ecológico. El presupuesto para el Plan de Manejo refleja cómo los gastos superan en una proporción importante a los ingresos, por lo que se recomienda centrar los esfuerzos en la búsqueda de formas de financiación (pago por servicios ambientales, convenios, co-manejo y donaciones). También se hace precisa una aportación anual del Gobierno Central para la ejecución del Plan.


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We show that L2-bounded singular integrals in metric spaces with respect to general measures and kernels converge weakly. This implies a kind of average convergence almost everywhere. For measures with zero density we prove the almost everywhere existence of principal values.


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Recently there has been a great deal of work on noncommutative algebraic cryptography. This involves the use of noncommutative algebraic objects as the platforms for encryption systems. Most of this work, such as the Anshel-Anshel-Goldfeld scheme, the Ko-Lee scheme and the Baumslag-Fine-Xu Modular group scheme use nonabelian groups as the basic algebraic object. Some of these encryption methods have been successful and some have been broken. It has been suggested that at this point further pure group theoretic research, with an eye towards cryptographic applications, is necessary.In the present study we attempt to extend the class of noncommutative algebraic objects to be used in cryptography. In particular we explore several different methods to use a formal power series ring R && x1; :::; xn && in noncommuting variables x1; :::; xn as a base to develop cryptosystems. Although R can be any ring we have in mind formal power series rings over the rationals Q. We use in particular a result of Magnus that a finitely generated free group F has a faithful representation in a quotient of the formal power series ring in noncommuting variables.


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Discriminating groups were introduced by G.Baumslag, A.Myasnikov and V.Remeslennikov as an outgrowth of their theory of algebraic geometry over groups. However they have taken on a life of their own and have been an object of a considerable amount of study. In this paper we survey the large array results concerning the class of discriminating groups that have been developed over the past decade.


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This paper is a positive analysis of the driving forces in interdisciplinary research. I take the perspective of a research institution that has to decide how to apply its resources among the production of two types of knowledge: specialized or interdisciplinary. Using a prize mechanism of compensation, I show that the choice of interdisciplinarity is compatible with profit maximization when the requirement for the production is sufficiently demanding, and when the new interdisciplinary field is not too neutral. Productive gains due to complementarities of efforts is the main advantage of interdisciplinary organization.


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I analyze, in the context of business and science research collaboration, how the characteristics of partnership agreements are the result of an optimal contract between partners. The final outcome depends on the structure governing the partnership, and on the informational problems towards the efforts involved. The positive effect that the effort of each party has on the success of the other party, makes collaboration a preferred solution. Divergence in research goals may, however, create conflicts between partners. This paper shows how two different structures of partnership governance (a centralized, and a decentralized ones) may optimally use the type of project to motivate the supply of non-contractible efforts. Decentralized structure, however, always choose a project closer to its own preferences. Incentives may also come from monetary transfers, either from partners sharing each other benefits, or from public funds. I derive conditions under which public interventio


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El projecte de recerca s'ha basat en el projecte Miquel Martí i Pol, que ha consistit en la creació i manteniment d'un jardí dedicat a la memòria del poeta, amb persones en situació d'exclusió social (per motius de malaltia mental, immigració, pobresa) i estudiants de teràpia ocupacional de la Universitat de Vic, des d'una sinergia única entre la Universitat de Vic i institucions públiques, socials i empresarials. La recerca ve a cobrir la falta de coneixement sobre l'impacte terapèutic de la jardineria, com afirmava Sempik al 2003. Així mateix, genera coneixements sobre l'ocupació humana, la ciutadania, les comunitats inclusives, les aliances estratègiques i sobre noves praxis educatives en el marc del nou Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior (EEES). El marc teòric s'ha basat en una visió transdisciplinària, des de l'educació, la filosofia, la psicologia, la sociologia, la teràpia ocupacional, la política, l'ecologia i l'antropologia. S'ha desenvolupat una recerca inspirada per la investigació acció participativa que ha aprofundit en el significat que ha tingut aquesta experiència per a les persones implicades en el procés de creació del jardí: les persones procedents de col•lectius en situació d'exclusió, els estudiants, així com els representants de les institucions públiques, socials, empresarials i la pròpia Universitat de Vic. Així es van desenvolupar una sèrie d'entrevistes a fons i formularis amb 5 jardiners; 2 estudiants; la Consellera d'Acció Social de l'Ajuntament de Vic; el Conseller d'Acció Social del Consell Comarcal d'Osona; el President de Caritas; la terapeuta ocupacional de la Fundació Centre Mèdic Psicopedagògic d'Osona; la Rectora de la Universitat de Vic; la Directora de l'EUCS i el President del Rotary Club. Els temes que han sorgit en la recerca són: La construcció de l'ocupació significativa; la jardineria com a font de benestar; un espai de bellesa; la dignitat de la ciutadania; la creació de comunitats inclusives; una Universitat al servei de la Humanitat: noves praxis educatives; l'art de les aliances estratègiques i de les sinergies. Els coneixements generats tenen relació amb els estudis de teràpia ocupacional, així com per a educació social, infermeria, psicologia i ciències ambientals. A més a més són una aposta per al desenvolupament de noves praxis educatives en el nou EEES. El treball ha estat qualificat com a excel•lent per unanimitat del tribunal.


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Counter automata are more powerful versions of finite state automata where addition and subtraction operations are permitted on a set of n integer registers, called counters. We show that the word problem of Zn is accepted by a nondeterministic m-counter automaton if and only if m &= n.


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The Whitehead minimization problem consists in finding a minimum size element in the automorphic orbit of a word, a cyclic word or a finitely generated subgroup in a finite rank free group. We give the first fully polynomial algorithm to solve this problem, that is, an algorithm that is polynomial both in the length of the input word and in the rank of the free group. Earlier algorithms had an exponential dependency in the rank of the free group. It follows that the primitivity problem – to decide whether a word is an element of some basis of the free group – and the free factor problem can also be solved in polynomial time.


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Counting labelled planar graphs, and typical properties of random labelled planar graphs, have received much attention recently. We start the process here of extending these investigations to graphs embeddable on any fixed surface S. In particular we show that the labelled graphs embeddable on S have the same growth constant as for planar graphs, and the same holds for unlabelled graphs. Also, if we pick a graph uniformly at random from the graphs embeddable on S which have vertex set {1, . . . , n}, then with probability tending to 1 as n → ∞, this random graph either is connected or consists of one giant component together with a few nodes in small planar components.


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