62 resultados para conceptual variation


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[cat] La carpeta d'aprenentatge representa un punt de trobada dels grans temes que han ocupat la Didàctica d'ençà dels anys 90 del segle passat: el caràcter formatiu de l'avaluació, l'assumpte de les competències, la metacognició i el pensament crític de l'estudiant, el paper desenvolupat per les TIC, i la concepció d'un aprenentatge col·laboratiu i plantejat a llarg termini. En aquest article de revisió, hom estudia com aquests temes s'han concretat en la carpeta d'aprenentatge i n'han determinat la seva evolució. [eng] The learning portofolio represents a meeting point for the big questions than have concernend teaching since the 1990s: the formative character of the assessment, the issue of competencies, metacognition and the students's critical thinking, the role played by ICTs, and the idea of collaborative learning considered in the long term. The article looks at how these subjects have taken shape in the learning portofolio and how they have determinded its evolutin.


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Nuclear DNA content in gametophytes and sporophytes or the prostrate phases of the following species of Bonnemaisoniaceae (Asparagopsis armata, Asparagopsis taxiformis, Bonnemaisonia asparagoides, Bonnemaisonia clavata and Bonnemaisonia hamifera) were estimated by image analysis and static microspectrophotometry using the DNA-localizing fluorochrome DAPI (4′, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, dilactate) and the chicken erythrocytes standard. These estimates expand on the Kew database of DNA nuclear content. DNA content values for 1C nuclei in the gametophytes (spermatia and vegetative cells) range from 0.5 pg to 0.8 pg, and for 2C nuclei in the sporophytes or the prostrate phases range from 1.15-1.7 pg. Although only the 2C and 4C values were observed in the sporophyte or the prostrate phase, in the vegetative cells of the gametophyte the values oscillated from 1C to 4C, showing the possible start of endopolyploidy. The results confirm the alternation of nuclear phases in these Bonnemaisoniaceae species, in those that have tetrasporogenesis, as well as those that have somatic meiosis. The availability of a consensus phylogenetic tree for Bonnemaisoniaceae has opened the way to determine evolutionary trends in DNA contents. Both the estimated genome sizes and the published chromosome numbers for Bonnemaisoniaceae suggest a narrow range of values consistent with the conservation of an ancestral genome.


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Introduction: Germline variants in TP63 have been consistently associated with several tumors, including bladder cancer, indicating the importance of TP53 pathway in cancer genetic susceptibility. However, variants in other related genes, including TP53 rs1042522 (Arg72Pro), still present controversial results. We carried out an in depth assessment of associations between common germline variants in the TP53 pathway and bladder cancer risk. Material and Methods: We investigated 184 tagSNPs from 18 genes in 1,058 cases and 1,138 controls from the Spanish Bladder Cancer/EPICURO Study. Cases were newly-diagnosed bladder cancer patients during 1998–2001. Hospital controls were age-gender, and area matched to cases. SNPs were genotyped in blood DNA using Illumina Golden Gate and TaqMan assays. Cases were subphenotyped according to stage/grade and tumor p53 expression. We applied classical tests to assess individual SNP associations and the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO)-penalized logistic regression analysis to assess multiple SNPs simultaneously. Results: Based on classical analyses, SNPs in BAK1 (1), IGF1R (5), P53AIP1 (1), PMAIP1 (2), SERINPB5 (3), TP63 (3), and TP73 (1) showed significant associations at p-value#0.05. However, no evidence of association, either with overall risk or with specific disease subtypes, was observed after correction for multiple testing (p-value$0.8). LASSO selected the SNP rs6567355 in SERPINB5 with 83% of reproducibility. This SNP provided an OR = 1.21, 95%CI 1.05–1.38, p-value = 0.006, and a corrected p-value = 0.5 when controlling for over-estimation. Discussion: We found no strong evidence that common variants in the TP53 pathway are associated with bladder cancer susceptibility. Our study suggests that it is unlikely that TP53 Arg72Pro is implicated in the UCB in white Europeans. SERPINB5 and TP63 variation deserve further exploration in extended studies.


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En aquest article desenvolupem una aproximació als sectors i àmbits d'intervenció de l'educació social. Pensem, però, que és bo que, en primer lloc, intentem definir què és el que entenem per educació social i pedagogia social.


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Es comprensible que cuando hablamos de los diagnósticos enfermeros se produzcan confusiones terminológicas puesto que, según el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española, la primera acepción de la palabra diagnóstico es «perteneciente o relativo a la diagnosis. Conjunto de signos que sirven para fijar la naturaleza de una enfermedad». Por tanto, debemos...


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Aquest treball pretén ampliar els estudis relacionats amb la lingüística cognitiva en la llengua catalana, en aquest cas en el camp d'experiència de la publicitat televisiva, i complementar els existents sobre el llenguatge publicitari i la comunicació dels mitjans audiovisuals.


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We examined the genetic population structure of the european hake (Merluccius merluccius) using electrophoretically detectable population markers in 35 protein loci. Samples were collected from 7 locations in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Six loci were polymorphic using the 0.05 criterion of polymorphism. Sample heterozigosities ranged from 0.052 to 0.072 and averaged 0.0625. In this study, significant allele frequency differences were detected between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations in three polymorphic loci: GAPDH-1*, GPI-2* and SOD-1*. Two major genetic groups were considered: a North-Atlantic stock and the Mediterranean stock. The Nei genetic distance, D, (based on 33 loci) between samples from these two groups ranged from 0.002 to 0.006. Genetic differenciation between these areas appears to reflect the barrier effect of Strait of Gibraltar. On average over loci, 96.92 % of the total gene diversity was contained within samples, 0.23 % expressed differences among locations within areas, and 2.64 % differences between regions. A review of morphological variation together with the genetic data presented here suggest that the populations of hake from these areas are subdivided into two different stocks: the North-Atlantic stock and the Mediterranean stock. The most conservative approach to the management of these stocks is to consider the Atlantic and Mediterranean stocks independently from oneanother


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El objetivo de este artículo es presentar el marco teórico y conceptual empleado en el desarrollo del proyecto COM VA© de definición y evaluación de competencias asistenciales y de gestión asistencial del profesional de enfermería en el ámbito hospitalario. El marco teórico recoge principalmente los trabajos de la Dra. Benner y de los profesores Dreyfus en relación con el modelo de adquisición de competencia que define 5 niveles de pericia, de aprendiz a experto. El marco conceptual explora los significados y las interrelaciones de los términos competencia, expertez, pericia, experiencia e inteligencia, entre otros. El artículo incluye también una revisión sobre los principales aspectos relacionados con los instrumentos y los métodos de evaluación de competencias.


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L'interès per la vida quotidiana ha crescut de manera paral•lela a la necessitat d'augmentar el coneixement racional sobre la realitat social. I, més específicament, si hem de fer cas al que diuen algunes especialistes, aquest interès neix, lligat a la clarificació del que s'entén per benestar. Tal com aquest breu estudi exploratori posa de manifest, la complexitat comença en la polisèmia que acompanya el concepte de vida quotidiana, afavoridora de no poques confusions. I, continua amb una de les dificultats més greus amb les que pot ensopegar el coneixement científic. L'interès per clarificar conceptualment la vida quotidiana, en aquesta ocasió, com en tantes d'altres, ha sorgit de la necessitat de conèixer millor per actuar de manera més acurada. Els objectius de l'informe han estat deutors d'aquesta orientació. En concret, han perseguit una doble fita. En primer lloc, han anat dirigits a aconseguir la clarificació i racionalització de la polisèmia conceptual esmentada. En segon lloc, els objectius de l'informe s'han dirigit a obtenir informació sobre els indicadors socials més adients per fer visible l'abast de la vida quotidiana. Això ha suposat la revisió d'una sèrie de bases de dades existents. L'interès d'aquesta revisió és la possibilitat de reconèixer l'existència d'una sèrie de dades objectives, resultatd'enquestes o d'altres tipus de recollida de dades. Els resultats d'aquesta part de l'informe es presenten, de manera ordenada, mostrant les característiques de les bases de dades revisades. I senyalant la informació que, a parer nostre,resulta més pertinent per a ser reutilitzada com a indicadors objectius capaços de mostrar l'àmbit i abast de la vida quotidiana. Aquesta informació es completa amb una sèrie de consideracions sobre aquest tipus d'indicadors socials i la conveniència d'utilitzar els indicadors de tipus subjectiu. I sobre laconveniència de dibuixar una prova pilot sobre uns possibles itineraris de vida quotidiana.


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Previous genetic studies have demonstrated that natal homing shapes the stock structure of marine turtle nesting populations. However, widespread sharing of common haplotypes based on short segments of the mitochondrial control region often limits resolution of the demographic connectivity of populations. Recent studies employing longer control region sequences to resolve haplotype sharing have focused on regional assessments of genetic structure and phylogeography. Here we synthesize available control region sequences for loggerhead turtles from the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic, and western Indian Ocean basins. These data represent six of the nine globally significant regional management units (RMUs) for the species and include novel sequence data from Brazil, Cape Verde, South Africa and Oman. Genetic tests of differentiation among 42 rookeries represented by short sequences (380 bp haplotypes from 3,486 samples) and 40 rookeries represented by long sequences (~800 bp haplotypes from 3,434 samples) supported the distinction of the six RMUs analyzed as well as recognition of at least 18 demographically independent management units (MUs) with respect to female natal homing. A total of 59 haplotypes were resolved. These haplotypes belonged to two highly divergent global lineages, with haplogroup I represented primarily by CC-A1, CC-A4, and CC-A11 variants and haplogroup II represented by CC-A2 and derived variants. Geographic distribution patterns of haplogroup II haplotypes and the nested position of CC-A11.6 from Oman among the Atlantic haplotypes invoke recent colonization of the Indian Ocean from the Atlantic for both global lineages. The haplotypes we confirmed for western Indian Ocean RMUs allow reinterpretation of previous mixed stock analysis and further suggest that contemporary migratory connectivity between the Indian and Atlantic Oceans occurs on a broader scale than previously hypothesized. This study represents a valuable model for conducting comprehensive international cooperative data management and research in marine ecology.


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El present estudi té com a finalitat estudiar què és el reposicionament i quins són els factors que l’envolten. Pretén establir quines són les principals causes que condueixen a reposicionar una marca, així com també analitzar si el reposicionament és equivalent que quan va sorgir, o si pel contrari ha evolucionat, i com ho ha fet. Amb aquest estudi intentarem esbrinar com es reposicionen les marques en l’actualitat.


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Many Ophidiidae are active in dark environments and display complex sonic apparatus morphologies. However, sound recordings are scarce and little is known about acoustic communication in this family. This paper focuses on Ophidion rochei which is known to display an important sexual dimorphism in swimbladder and anterior skeleton. The aims of this study were to compare the sound producing morphology, and the resulting sounds in juveniles, females and males of O. rochei.Results: Males, females, and juveniles possessed different morphotypes. Females and juveniles contrasted with males because they possessed dramatic differences in morphology of their sonic muscles, swimbladder, supraoccipital crest, and first vertebrae and associated ribs. Further, they lacked the ‘rocker bone’ typically found in males. Sounds from each morphotype were highly divergent. Males generally produced non harmonic, multiple-pulsed sounds that lasted for several seconds (3.5 ± 1.3 s) with a pulse period of ca. 100 ms. Juvenile and female sounds were recorded for the first time in ophidiids. Female sounds were harmonic, had shorter pulse period (±3.7 ms), and never exceeded a few dozen milliseconds (18 ± 11 ms). Moreover, unlike male sounds, female sounds did not have alternating long and short pulse periods. Juvenile sounds were weaker but appear to be similar to female sounds.Conclusions: Although it is not possible to distinguish externally male from female in O. rochei, they show a sonic apparatus and sounds that are dramatically different. This difference is likely due to their nocturnal habits that may have favored the evolution of internal secondary sexual characters that help to distinguish males from females and that could facilitate mate choice by females. Moreover, the comparison of different morphotypes in this study shows that these morphological differences result from a peramorphosis that takes place during the development of the gonads


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En este artículo, en primer lugar, se define Educación social y Pedagogía social y, a continuación, se desarrolla una aproximación a los sectores y los ámbitos de intervención de la educación social. Así, se describen diversas variables interdependientes que configuran los sectores de intervención y las áreas institucionales de la educación social, remarcándose el carácter complementario y los puntos de intersección existentes entre las mencionadas variables. A continuación, se describen los ámbitos específicos de intervención de la educación social que presentan carácter transversal, ya que afectan a diversos grupos de edad, a diferentes necesidades o problemáticas singulares y desde posiciones institucionales plurales. Finalmente, se apuntan unas breves reflexiones acerca de algunos nuevos posibles espacios de acción de la educación social que pueden tomar fuerza y singularidad a lo largo de las primeras décadas del nuevo milenio.