108 resultados para Myth criticism
El artículo realiza un repaso sobre las alternativas teóricas y pragmáticas para una edición crítica de las Novelas ejemplares de Cervantes y a partir de los desarrollos más actuales de la bibliografía material se centra en varios lugares críticos del texto comentados por la tradición editorial de las Novelas.
Those who heard the piece sung at the royal court of Aragon, where it was composed, were more than likely familiar with its author, the troubadour Cerverí de Girona, one of the most significant poets of the time. If later readers knew the poem from a compilation similar to the only chansonnier that has preserved it until present times, they would have had access to at least one hundred and three other pieces by the same troubadour, which give useful clues to understand this self-referential piece
L’edició completa de les obres de Francesc Eiximenis és una empresa filològica que presenta dificultats objectives, no només perquè les obres tenen un pes material més que considerable, sinó també per la gran quantitat de testimonis manuscrits i impresos que cal col·lacionar. Amb l’objectiu d’ajudar a superar aquestes dificultats, ja fa alguns anys que l’Institut de Llengua i Cultura Catalanes de la Universitat de Girona ha emprès la publicació de les Obres de Francesc Eiximenis, i avui afortunadament podem afirmar que les obres d’Eiximenis, especialment les inèdites, ja tenen equips de treball que s’ocupen de la preparació de les edicions corresponents. Paral·lelament, i en la mateixa línia de treball, s’ha iniciat una nova descripció integral dels testimonis manuscrits i impresos de Francesc Eiximenis, els primers resultats de la qual es podran consultar en línia ben aviat. En el marc que acabo de descriure fa temps que un equip treballa en l’edició crítica del Llibre dels àngels (en endavant LA), escrit a València el 1392
Ya son más de una docena los estudios dedicados a la asimilación de Dante en la obra de Borges, pero la dispersión bibliográfica y la carencia de una edición crítica de los textos borgesianos pueden suponer un obstáculo serio para quien pretenda estudiar este aspecto de forma sistemática. Por ello, en este artículo se ofrece una síntesis de los problemas que entraña la presencia de Dante en Borges (cronología de su presencia, tendencias de la crítica y significado de Dante en la poética del escritor argentino). También se ofrece un corpus, ordenado y completo, de las menciones de Dante en las narraciones, ensayos y poemas del bonaerense, que incluye los ensayos que este dedicó a la Comedia, los recuerdos autobiográficos que le conciernen, las menciones generales y precisas, y los comentaristas de Dante que citó a lo largo de sus textos
The evaluation of the quality and impact of journals as a starting point to systematise the quality of research is an indirect method commonly used for obtaining information for systematic and major evaluation efforts, such as those needed for public tenders to aid projects and research groups. Nevertheless, this method runs into an important obstacle: preparing rankings of journals in the humanities and social sciences is considerably more complex than for those on experimental, biomedical or technological sciences. Cultural, linguistic and territorial components of research in the humanities and social sciences radically question the international rankings. Within this context, the article presents the experience of a study-in-progress whose intention is to evaluate the rankings of journals in the humanities and social sciences published in 1997 by the Generalitat de Catalunya. Even thought an attempt was made to bring this type of titles closer to the Catalan community of researchers, the initiative has been frequently surrounded by controversy and criticism and, at the present, does not enjoy the needed recognition of the Catalan academic sector.
The "image" of the cave and the constant temptation to correct Plato: Benjamin Jowettt as an example
Translations of the first chapters of Book VII of Plato's Republic, in which he introduces the well-known image of the cave, eikón, reveals an astonishing and intriguing variety of interpretations of this image: "allegory", "myth", "fable", "parable", "simile" and "comparison", to cite but a few. Taking as an example the work by Benjamin Jowett, the Victorian translator of Plato, remarkable for its textual accuracy and by means of a close analysis of the terms related to the image, this paper insists on the need to neither interpret nor correct the great ideal philosopher, in this case revealing some evident contradictions that arise when this advice is not followed and pointing out the occasional use of terms extraneous to the Platonic lexicon such as "allegory".
What is the use of performing the myth of the cave from book VII of the Republic by Plato? Josep Palau i Fabre, considers that, in Plato's dialogues, the speakers are mere instruments at the service of his dialectical goal. The aim of this article is to show how, by turning the myth into a tragedy and also by relying on Heraclitus's conflict or war of opposites, the playwright succeeds in favoring a sort of thought which is not one-sided or univocal. On the contrary, in Palau i Fabre's La Caverna, the tragic hero, that is, the released prisoner transformed by the light of Reality and finally killed by his "cavemates" -after having been imprisoned again and having tried to rescue them from their ignorance or shadows-, still leaves to them his powerful experience of the agonistikos thought, which might bear fruit in their life to come.
What is the use of performing the myth of the cave from book VII of the Republic by Plato? Josep Palau i Fabre, considers that, in Plato's dialogues, the speakers are mere instruments at the service of his dialectical goal. The aim of this article is to show how, by turning the myth into a tragedy and also by relying on Heraclitus's conflict or war of opposites, the playwright succeeds in favoring a sort of thought which is not one-sided or univocal. On the contrary, in Palau i Fabre's La Caverna, the tragic hero, that is, the released prisoner transformed by the light of Reality and finally killed by his "cavemates" -after having been imprisoned again and having tried to rescue them from their ignorance or shadows-, still leaves to them his powerful experience of the agonistikos thought, which might bear fruit in their life to come.
L'objectiu d'aquest article és mostrar com un mite antic, el mite dels tres gèneres, també anomenat de l'androgin de l'Aristòfanes del Simposi de Plató, esdevé per a John Cameron Mitchell la imatge adient per a explicar l'especial personalitat d'un home, Hedwig, que esdevé mitjançant una operació un androgin imperfecte, però que simbolitza la possibilitat d'una humanitat unida o l'acostament de móns diferents, de la mateixa manera que ell va pertànyer a les dues Berlín dividides per un mur que ara ja ha caigut, quedant restablerta així la unitat perduda.
El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar cómo un mito antiguo, el mito de los tres géneros, también llamado del andrógino del Aristófanes del Simposio de Platón, deviene para John Cameron Mitchell la imagen idónea para explicar la personalidad especial de un hombre, Hedwig, que se convierte mediante una operación en un andrógino imperfecto, pero que simboliza la posibilidad de una humanidad unida o el acercamiento de mundos diferentes, al igual que él perteneció a las dos Berlín divididas por un muro que ahora ya ha caído, restableciéndose así la unidad perdida.
The aim of this article is to show how an ancient myth, that of the three genres, also known as the myth of the androgynous by Aristophanes in Plato¿s Symposium, becomes for John Cameron Mitchell the suitable image in order to explain the peculiar personality of a man, Hedwig, who by means of a surgical operation becomes in his turn an imperfect androgynous but symbolises the need of a sole mankind or the unity of different worlds, just as he belonged to both Berlins divided by an already fallen wall, which permitted their inhabitants to recover their lost unity and identity.
Como la música, la palabra posee -según Platón- una dimensión mágica que la hace capaz de fascinar (kelein) y encantar(epaidein) al alma que la escucha. La eficacia de la retórica sofística reside ahí, pero dicha retórica vincula al alma con el nivel deser inferior de las sombras y de las imágenes. Existe, sin embargo, otro uso mágico de la palabra y otro empleo -positivo- dela retórica: en los diálogos de transición y madurez Platón presenta en los mitos escatológicos un uso de la palabra en el queésta actúa como imagen (eikon) de un nivel superior del ser, imagen que con su belleza seduce al alma, obtiene su asentimiento(pistis) y la moviliza en la dirección de lo ontológicamente superior, supliendo así la falta de una "razón demostrativa" y colmandocon la belleza de sus imágenes el "peligro" que la adhesión comporta.
Notes and comments about the importance of the historical biography in contemporary Catalonia, emphasizing the overcoming of the expectation and of the criticism of the historiography influenced by Marxism.
Notes and comments about the importance of the historical biography in contemporary Catalonia, emphasizing the overcoming of the expectation and of the criticism of the historiography influenced by Marxism.