60 resultados para medical error
We present a heuristic method for learning error correcting output codes matrices based on a hierarchical partition of the class space that maximizes a discriminative criterion. To achieve this goal, the optimal codeword separation is sacrificed in favor of a maximum class discrimination in the partitions. The creation of the hierarchical partition set is performed using a binary tree. As a result, a compact matrix with high discrimination power is obtained. Our method is validated using the UCI database and applied to a real problem, the classification of traffic sign images.
A common way to model multiclass classification problems is by means of Error-Correcting Output Codes (ECOCs). Given a multiclass problem, the ECOC technique designs a code word for each class, where each position of the code identifies the membership of the class for a given binary problem. A classification decision is obtained by assigning the label of the class with the closest code. One of the main requirements of the ECOC design is that the base classifier is capable of splitting each subgroup of classes from each binary problem. However, we cannot guarantee that a linear classifier model convex regions. Furthermore, nonlinear classifiers also fail to manage some type of surfaces. In this paper, we present a novel strategy to model multiclass classification problems using subclass information in the ECOC framework. Complex problems are solved by splitting the original set of classes into subclasses and embedding the binary problems in a problem-dependent ECOC design. Experimental results show that the proposed splitting procedure yields a better performance when the class overlap or the distribution of the training objects conceal the decision boundaries for the base classifier. The results are even more significant when one has a sufficiently large training size.
Podeu consultar el document complet de la "XVI Setmana de Cinema Formatiu" a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/22523
El presente trabajo, continuando la línea investigadora acerca de las nociones derazón, conciencia y subjetividad en Descartes, tal como se ha defendido en otros artículos ya publicados, aporta un nuevo argumento a una línea de trabajo previamente iniciada, poniendo de relieve que el problema gnoseológico del error viene condicionado por la misma noción cartesiana de racionalidad, y que ésta dista mucho de lo que tradicionalmente se ha entendido como una racionalidad abstracta y formal, libre de los imperativos humanos. Por otro lado, y a la inversa, también se intenta mostrar como el hecho del error contribuye, cartesianamente hablando, a definir un modelo de racionalidad profundamentehumanizada. El artículo, tras una introducción, se propone analizar las relaciones entre los conceptos básicos de racionalidad, dogma, y naturaleza, lo que permitirá a continuación dejar constancia de la copertenencia entre racionalidad y error, para acabar viendo como la libertad humana es la vez, y para ambos, su fundamento último.
Introducción. El concepto de comorbilidad en trastornos del neurodesarrollo como el autismo resulta, en ocasiones, ambiguo. La coocurrencia entre ansiedad y autismo es clínicamente signifi cativa; sin embargo, no siempre es fácil diferenciar si se trata de una comorbilidad"real", donde las dos condiciones comórbidas son fenotípica y etiológicamente idénticas a lo que supondría dicha ansiedad en personas con un desarrollo neurotípico; si se trata de una ansiedad fenotípicamente alterada por los procesos patogénicos de los trastornos del espectro autista, resultando en una variante específica de éstos, o si partimos de una comorbilidad falsa derivada de diagnósticos diferenciales poco exactos. Desarrollo. El artículo plantea dos hipótesis explicativas de dicha coocurrencia, que se retroalimentan entre sí y que no dejan de ser una refl exión en voz alta partiendo de las evidencias científi cas con las que contamos. La primera es la hipótesis del"error social", y considera que el desajuste en el comportamiento social de las personas con autismofruto de alteraciones en los procesos de cognición social contribuye a exacerbar la ansiedad en el autismo. La segunda hipótesis, la de la carga alostática, defi ende que la ansiedad es la respuesta a un estrés crónico, al desgaste o agotamiento que produce la hiperactivación de ciertas estructuras del sistema límbico. Conclusiones. Las manifestaciones prototípicas de la ansiedad presentes en la persona con autismo no siempre se relacionan con las mismas variables biopsicosociales evidenciadas en personas sin autismo. Las evidencias apuntan a respuestas hiperreactivas de huida o lucha (hipervigilancia) cuando la persona se encuentra fuera de su zona de confort, y apoyan la hipótesis del"error social" y de la descompensación del mecanismo de alostasis que permite afrontar el estrés.
" Has comes un error" . " Estas en un error" . " És un error votar aquest parti!" . " És un error votar" . " És un error afirmar que 2 + 3 = 9" . " És un error afirmar que és un error afirmar que 2 + 3 = 5" . " És un error afirmar que, quan dividim, sempre obtenim un nombre més petit" . " És un error que l'existencia precedeixi l'essencia" . " És un error que vulguis enganyar-me" . " És un error afirmar que a = a" ... i així fins a acomplir les il'limitades possibilitats del llenguatge. Qualsevol judici, en la mesura que té un significat, en la mesura que és assertori, és susceptible de ser erroni, de ser fals. Peró, l'error té sempre la mateixa qualitat? Us hem proposat un reguitzell d'exemples. És obvi (si excloem la mentida, que no és error, sinó mentida) que el significat d'" error" (o el seu valor) no és identic en tots els casos.
Bone metastases are the result of a primary cancer invasion which spreads into the bone marrow through the lymphogenous or hematogenous pathways. Bone metastases are a common complication of cancer.The primary cancers that most frequently metastasize to bone are breast and prostate cancer (65 - 75 %) amongst many others (thyroid 42 %, lung 36 % or kidney 35 %) (Suva et al., 2011). Although the exact incidence of bone metastases is unknown given its dependence on the type of primary cancer, it is estimated that 350,000 people die of bone metastases annually in the United States.
Image registration has been proposed as an automatic method for recovering cardiac displacement fields from Tagged Magnetic Resonance Imaging (tMRI) sequences. Initially performed as a set of pairwise registrations, these techniques have evolved to the use of 3D+t deformation models, requiring metrics of joint image alignment (JA). However, only linear combinations of cost functions defined with respect to the first frame have been used. In this paper, we have applied k-Nearest Neighbors Graphs (kNNG) estimators of the -entropy (H ) to measure the joint similarity between frames, and to combine the information provided by different cardiac views in an unified metric. Experiments performed on six subjects showed a significantly higher accuracy (p < 0.05) with respect to a standard pairwise alignment (PA) approach in terms of mean positional error and variance with respect to manually placed landmarks. The developed method was used to study strains in patients with myocardial infarction, showing a consistency between strain, infarction location, and coronary occlusion. This paper also presentsan interesting clinical application of graph-based metric estimators, showing their value for solving practical problems found in medical imaging.
In this paper we propose a method for computing JPEG quantization matrices for a given mean square error or PSNR. Then, we employ our method to compute JPEG standard progressive operation mode definition scripts using a quantization approach. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to use a trial and error procedure to obtain a desired PSNR and/or definition script, reducing cost. Firstly, we establish a relationship between a Laplacian source and its uniform quantization error. We apply this model to the coefficients obtained in the discrete cosine transform stage of the JPEG standard. Then, an image may be compressed using the JPEG standard under a global MSE (or PSNR) constraint and a set of local constraints determined by the JPEG standard and visual criteria. Secondly, we study the JPEG standard progressive operation mode from a quantization based approach. A relationship between the measured image quality at a given stage of the coding process and a quantization matrix is found. Thus, the definition script construction problem can be reduced to a quantization problem. Simulations show that our method generates better quantization matrices than the classical method based on scaling the JPEG default quantization matrix. The estimation of PSNR has usually an error smaller than 1 dB. This figure decreases for high PSNR values. Definition scripts may be generated avoiding an excessive number of stages and removing small stages that do not contribute during the decoding process with a noticeable image quality improvement.
In this paper we introduce a highly efficient reversible data hiding system. It is based on dividing the image into tiles and shifting the histograms of each image tile between its minimum and maximum frequency. Data are then inserted at the pixel level with the largest frequency to maximize data hiding capacity. It exploits the special properties of medical images, where the histogram of their nonoverlapping image tiles mostly peak around some gray values and the rest of the spectrum is mainlyempty. The zeros (or minima) and peaks (maxima) of the histograms of the image tiles are then relocated to embed the data. The grey values of some pixels are therefore modified.High capacity, high fidelity, reversibility and multiple data insertions are the key requirements of data hiding in medical images. We show how histograms of image tiles of medical images can be exploited to achieve these requirements. Compared with data hiding method applied to the whole image, our scheme can result in 30%-200% capacity improvement and still with better image quality, depending on the medical image content. Additional advantages of the proposed method include hiding data in the regions of non-interest and better exploitation of spatial masking.
Voltage fluctuations caused by parasitic impedances in the power supply rails of modern ICs are a major concern in nowadays ICs. The voltage fluctuations are spread out to the diverse nodes of the internal sections causing two effects: a degradation of performances mainly impacting gate delays anda noisy contamination of the quiescent levels of the logic that drives the node. Both effects are presented together, in thispaper, showing than both are a cause of errors in modern and future digital circuits. The paper groups both error mechanismsand shows how the global error rate is related with the voltage deviation and the period of the clock of the digital system.
This paper presents a probabilistic approach to model the problem of power supply voltage fluctuations. Error probability calculations are shown for some 90-nm technology digital circuits.The analysis here considered gives the timing violation error probability as a new design quality factor in front of conventional techniques that assume the full perfection of the circuit. The evaluation of the error bound can be useful for new design paradigms where retry and self-recoveringtechniques are being applied to the design of high performance processors. The method here described allows to evaluate the performance of these techniques by means of calculating the expected error probability in terms of power supply distribution quality.
La problemàtica jurídica-social que ha sorgit aquests darrers anys amb les permutes financeres i les participacions preferents ha fet plantejar si s'ha produït un error en el consentiment contractual amb aquest tipus de productes financers. A partir del contingut del Codi Civil espanyol i la doctrina, s'han analitzat els elements essencials del contracte, així com, la legislació aplicable als instruments financers. Amb l’ ajuda de la jurisprudència s'ha pogut comprovar que en la majoria de casos portats als tribunals en relació a aquests contractes, en els quals, es demana l'anul·labilitat contractual, el fonament principal es basa en la vulneració de les entitats de crèdit dels seus deures legals . En el present treball queda palesa la importància d'enllaçar l'element contractual del consentiment amb l'obligació que tenen les entitats de crèdit d'informar els seus clients. Així, la incorrecta formació sobre la realitat contractual que els clients manifesten amb el consentiment, passa sense cap dubte per la necessitat d'obtenir tota la informació rellevant del contracte. L’obligació d’informació està estretament lligada al deure de classificar als clients, totes dues són un compromís legal que tenen les entitats en la seva funció de lleialtat empresària. Les entitats financeres deuen per tant classificar els seus clients i proporcionals la informació, amb més rigor si cap , en el cas de clients minoristes. Per tot això, veiem que en aquells casos de clients minoristes en els quals no s'ha pogut demostrar per part de les entitats de crèdit que es va proporcionar tota la informació necessària, s'ha produït un error en el consentiment. Els clients no coneixien l’autèntic abast de la vinculació ni els costos als quals s'havia obligat , no hi ha dubte que en molts dels casos d'haver conegut la realitat, no haguessin contractat.
Location information is becoming increasingly necessary as every new smartphone incorporates a GPS (Global Positioning System) which allows the development of various applications based on it. However, it is not possible to properly receive the GPS signal in indoor environments. For this reason, new indoor positioning systems are being developed.As indoors is a very challenging scenario, it is necessary to study the precision of the obtained location information in order to determine if these new positioning techniques are suitable for indoor positioning.
The control of the right application of medical protocols is a key issue in hospital environments. For the automated monitoring of medical protocols, we need a domain-independent language for their representation and a fully, or semi, autonomous system that understands the protocols and supervises their application. In this paper we describe a specification language and a multi-agent system architecture for monitoring medical protocols. We model medical services in hospital environments as specialized domain agents and interpret a medical protocol as a negotiation process between agents. A medical service can be involved in multiple medical protocols, and so specialized domain agents are independent of negotiation processes and autonomous system agents perform monitoring tasks. We present the detailed architecture of the system agents and of an important domain agent, the database broker agent, that is responsible of obtaining relevant information about the clinical history of patients. We also describe how we tackle the problems of privacy, integrity and authentication during the process of exchanging information between agents.