168 resultados para cost estimation


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Interaction effects are usually modeled by means of moderated regression analysis. Structural equation models with non-linear constraints make it possible to estimate interaction effects while correcting formeasurement error. From the various specifications, Jöreskog and Yang's(1996, 1998), likely the most parsimonious, has been chosen and further simplified. Up to now, only direct effects have been specified, thus wasting much of the capability of the structural equation approach. This paper presents and discusses an extension of Jöreskog and Yang's specification that can handle direct, indirect and interaction effects simultaneously. The model is illustrated by a study of the effects of an interactive style of use of budgets on both company innovation and performance


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The estimation of camera egomotion is a well established problem in computer vision. Many approaches have been proposed based on both the discrete and the differential epipolar constraint. The discrete case is mainly used in self-calibrated stereoscopic systems, whereas the differential case deals with a unique moving camera. The article surveys several methods for mobile robot egomotion estimation covering more than 0.5 million samples using synthetic data. Results from real data are also given


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This paper presents a new charging scheme for cost distribution along a point-to-multipoint connection when destination nodes are responsible for the cost. The scheme focus on QoS considerations and a complete range of choices is presented. These choices go from a safe scheme for the network operator to a fair scheme to the customer. The in-between cases are also covered. Specific and general problems, like the incidence of users disconnecting dynamically is also discussed. The aim of this scheme is to encourage the users to disperse the resource demand instead of having a large number of direct connections to the source of the data, which would result in a higher than necessary bandwidth use from the source. This would benefit the overall performance of the network. The implementation of this task must balance between the necessity to offer a competitive service and the risk of not recovering such service cost for the network operator. Throughout this paper reference to multicast charging is made without making any reference to any specific category of service. The proposed scheme is also evaluated with the criteria set proposed in the European ATM charging project CANCAN


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We present a computer vision system that associates omnidirectional vision with structured light with the aim of obtaining depth information for a 360 degrees field of view. The approach proposed in this article combines an omnidirectional camera with a panoramic laser projector. The article shows how the sensor is modelled and its accuracy is proved by means of experimental results. The proposed sensor provides useful information for robot navigation applications, pipe inspection, 3D scene modelling etc


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Epipolar geometry is a key point in computer vision and the fundamental matrix estimation is the only way to compute it. This article surveys several methods of fundamental matrix estimation which have been classified into linear methods, iterative methods and robust methods. All of these methods have been programmed and their accuracy analysed using real images. A summary, accompanied with experimental results, is given


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All-optical label swapping (AOLS) forms a key technology towards the implementation of all-optical packet switching nodes (AOPS) for the future optical Internet. The capital expenditures of the deployment of AOLS increases with the size of the label spaces (i.e. the number of used labels), since a special optical device is needed for each recognized label on every node. Label space sizes are affected by the way in which demands are routed. For instance, while shortest-path routing leads to the usage of fewer labels but high link utilization, minimum interference routing leads to the opposite. This paper studies all-optical label stacking (AOLStack), which is an extension of the AOLS architecture. AOLStack aims at reducing label spaces while easing the compromise with link utilization. In this paper, an integer lineal program is proposed with the objective of analyzing the softening of the aforementioned trade-off due to AOLStack. Furthermore, a heuristic aiming at finding good solutions in polynomial-time is proposed as well. Simulation results show that AOLStack either a) reduces the label spaces with a low increase in the link utilization or, similarly, b) uses better the residual bandwidth to decrease the number of labels even more


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El projecte es planteja el repte de cobrir un forat en l’oferta turística seguint la fórmula low cost: el guiatge turístic. La idea de la empresa que volem estudiar i crear (BREAKGUIDES) és la de poder oferir els serveis de guiatge, ja siguin guies correu o guies locals en destinació, seguint una fórmula low cost que s’adapti al nou perfil de turista i al seu pressupost. L’empresa tindrà un perfil semblant al d’una xarxa social que ofereixi serveis de guiatge a canvi d’un petit sou i la manutenció


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En aquest treball, es proposa un nou mètode per estimar en temps real la qualitat del producte final en processos per lot. Aquest mètode permet reduir el temps necessari per obtenir els resultats de qualitat de les anàlisi de laboratori. S'utiliza un model de anàlisi de componentes principals (PCA) construït amb dades històriques en condicions normals de funcionament per discernir si un lot finalizat és normal o no. Es calcula una signatura de falla pels lots anormals i es passa a través d'un model de classificació per la seva estimació. L'estudi proposa un mètode per utilitzar la informació de les gràfiques de contribució basat en les signatures de falla, on els indicadors representen el comportament de les variables al llarg del procés en les diferentes etapes. Un conjunt de dades compost per la signatura de falla dels lots anormals històrics es construeix per cercar els patrons i entrenar els models de classifcació per estimar els resultas dels lots futurs. La metodologia proposada s'ha aplicat a un reactor seqüencial per lots (SBR). Diversos algoritmes de classificació es proven per demostrar les possibilitats de la metodologia proposada.


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Aquest treball es justifica per la complementarietat que, d'una banda ofereix el potencial i volum d'un mercat en plena efervescència com és l'àmbit urbà de la Xina, on el seu incipient maduresa, com a conseqüència de l'efecte d'arrossegament que la inversió estrangera - intensa i innovadora - ha provocat, facilitant l'aparició d'una demanda d'un nivell superior, no primària, com les activitats emmarcades en el lleure i el turisme. D'altra banda, per una proposta de negoci dins d'un sector amb grans expectatives de desenvolupament com és el turístic i, finalment, també per l'opció d'un consum basat en el factor preu, amb unes característiques socioeconòmiques determinades de demanda, i en què la societat urbana de la Xina ja comença a veure's reflectida. Més enllà del paper tradicional de la Xina com a procés avantatjós dins de la cadena productiva o com a mercat d'outputs de volum, es dibuixa una nova classe mitjana urbana, inserint-se de ple i en molt poc temps en les dinàmiques de consum global, recolzada en les noves tecnologies - on el procés productiu low cost basa gran part del seu desenvolupament -.


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A method to estimate an extreme quantile that requires no distributional assumptions is presented. The approach is based on transformed kernel estimation of the cumulative distribution function (cdf). The proposed method consists of a double transformation kernel estimation. We derive optimal bandwidth selection methods that have a direct expression for the smoothing parameter. The bandwidth can accommodate to the given quantile level. The procedure is useful for large data sets and improves quantile estimation compared to other methods in heavy tailed distributions. Implementation is straightforward and R programs are available.


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This paper focus on the problem of locating single-phase faults in mixed distribution electric systems, with overhead lines and underground cables, using voltage and current measurements at the sending-end and sequence model of the network. Since calculating series impedance for underground cables is not as simple as in the case of overhead lines, the paper proposes a methodology to obtain an estimation of zero-sequence impedance of underground cables starting from previous single-faults occurred in the system, in which an electric arc occurred at the fault location. For this reason, the signal is previously pretreated to eliminate its peaks voltage and the analysis can be done working with a signal as close as a sinus wave as possible


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In a seminal paper, Aitchison and Lauder (1985) introduced classical kernel densityestimation techniques in the context of compositional data analysis. Indeed, they gavetwo options for the choice of the kernel to be used in the kernel estimator. One ofthese kernels is based on the use the alr transformation on the simplex SD jointly withthe normal distribution on RD-1. However, these authors themselves recognized thatthis method has some deficiencies. A method for overcoming these dificulties based onrecent developments for compositional data analysis and multivariate kernel estimationtheory, combining the ilr transformation with the use of the normal density with a fullbandwidth matrix, was recently proposed in Martín-Fernández, Chacón and Mateu-Figueras (2006). Here we present an extensive simulation study that compares bothmethods in practice, thus exploring the finite-sample behaviour of both estimators


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A novel technique for estimating the rank of the trajectory matrix in the local subspace affinity (LSA) motion segmentation framework is presented. This new rank estimation is based on the relationship between the estimated rank of the trajectory matrix and the affinity matrix built with LSA. The result is an enhanced model selection technique for trajectory matrix rank estimation by which it is possible to automate LSA, without requiring any a priori knowledge, and to improve the final segmentation


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This paper estimates the effect of piracy attacks on shipping costs using a unique data set on shipping contracts in the dry bulk market. We look at shipping routes whose shortest path exposes them to piracy attacks and find that the increase in attacks in 2008 lead to around a ten percent increase in shipping costs. We use this estimate to get a sense of the welfare loss imposed by piracy. Our intermediate estimate suggests that the creation of $120 million of revenue for pirates in the Somalia area led to a welfare loss of over $1.5 billion.


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Un dels àmbits d’actuació del Pla de Mesures publicat pel Departament de Salud és la racionalització de la despesa farmacèutica en els hospitals. Cal dir que, actualment aquesta suposa dins de les despeses d’explotació dels hospitals un 13-15% del total i que, a diferència del consum de receptes mèdiques, no ha deixat de créixer en els últims anys. Si desglossem aquest percentatge, en la seva gran majoria correspon a un tipus de medicació anomenada Medicació Hospitalària de Dispensació Ambulatòria (MHDA) i s’ha de diferenciar del consum de fàrmacs intrahospitalari. La MHDA és un tipus de medicació d’ús hospitalari que es dispensa des del servei de farmàcia de l’hospital a pacients no ingressats i tracta diferents patologies que pel seu seguiment o control, es precisa que es faci des del mateix hospital. L’Objectiu del treball és fer un anàlisi exhaustiu de la gestió d’adquisicions d’un servei de farmàcia estàndard. Aquest anàlisi es farà a partir de l’elaboració de processos interns relacionats amb les adquisicions, passant per fer una relació de les despeses del servei, enumerant els recursos necessaris, i identificant les despeses logístiques i de personal.