46 resultados para Virgen de Monte-Santo-Novenas


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El conjunto del trabajo busca adentrarse desde la antropología, pero con la ayuda de otras disciplinas, en la devoción de San Esteban del Valle (Ávila) hacia San Pedro Bautista; franciscano natural del mismo pueblo que fue martirizado en Japón a finales del s. XVI. O dicho de otra manera, lo que se pretende mostrar es el rol que San Pedro Bautista ocupa en la forma en que la religión católica se ha configurado en este pueblo abulense.


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In this paper, a hybrid simulation-based algorithm is proposed for the StochasticFlow Shop Problem. The main idea of the methodology is to transform the stochastic problem into a deterministic problem and then apply simulation to the latter. In order to achieve this goal, we rely on Monte Carlo Simulation and an adapted version of a deterministic heuristic. This approach aims to provide flexibility and simplicity due to the fact that it is not constrained by any previous assumption and relies in well-tested heuristics.


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In this paper, a hybrid simulation-based algorithm is proposed for the StochasticFlow Shop Problem. The main idea of the methodology is to transform the stochastic problem into a deterministic problem and then apply simulation to the latter. In order to achieve this goal, we rely on Monte Carlo Simulation and an adapted version of a deterministic heuristic. This approach aims to provide flexibility and simplicity due to the fact that it is not constrained by any previous assumption and relies in well-tested heuristics.


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We report Monte Carlo results for a nonequilibrium Ising-like model in two and three dimensions. Nearest-neighbor interactions J change sign randomly with time due to competing kinetics. There follows a fast and random, i.e., spin-configuration-independent diffusion of Js, of the kind that takes place in dilute metallic alloys when magnetic ions diffuse. The system exhibits steady states of the ferromagnetic (antiferromagnetic) type when the probability p that J>0 is large (small) enough. No counterpart to the freezing phenomena found in quenched spin glasses occurs. We compare our results with existing mean-field and exact ones, and obtain information about critical behavior.


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Aquest treball, desenvolupat en una forest de la serralada de Cuenca, durant el primer any de resinació, ofereix resultats de producció obtinguts en funció de variables dendromètriques dels peus, qualitat d'estació, mida de la ferida i considerant els factors: (i) eina, manual o mecanitzada, i (ii) sentit d'avanç de les piques, ascendent o descendent. Així, el diàmetre dels pins, la qualitat d'estació i la superfície foliar, apareixen més determinants sobre la producció que la superfície de la ferida practicada. El mètode descendent s'evidencia millor que l'oposat, mentre que l'eina utilitzada va resultar indiferent.


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El present projecte defineix les obres necessàries per a la construcció d'una Senda Eco-forestal de 6 km de longitud des de la “Antena de RTVE” fins a “Cañada Honda” a la muntanya “Valonsadero” (Terme Municipal de Soria). S'inclou la realització dels càlculs i mesuraments pertinents, per determinar el disseny del traçat, talussos, desmunts, paviment, cunetes, canons, senyalització de la via i construcció d'elements auxiliars en dues Àrees de descans amb la finalitat d'oferir diferents serveis a l'usuari i satisfer diversos usos i objectius (recreatius, protectors, divulgatius, forestals, ramaders, extinció d'incendis, etc.).


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Departamento de Tecnología de Alimentos, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agraria, Universidad de Lleida. Centro UdL-IRTA. Avda. Alcalde Revira Roure, 177. 25198 Lleida, España. RESUMEN Estudio de la calidad del aceite de oliva virgen de la Denominación de Origen «Les Garrigues» (Lleida) durante la campaña 1995/96. La Denominación de Origen «Les Garrigues» se sitúa en el extremo meridional de la provincia de Lleida. La gran mayoría del aceite producido en esta D.O. corresponde a la categoría de virgen extra y posee unas características organolépticas muy peculiares, derivadas del fruto de origen, la variedad «Arbequina» y de su cuidada elaboración. La aplicación en la zona de modemas técnicas de cultivo del olivo y las nuevas tecnologías de extracción del aceite, hacen necesario un estudio de su composición en campañas sucesivas, con el fin de determinar si la calidad se pudiera ver afectada. El presente trabajo se centra en la caracterización de los aceites producidos en la D.O. «Les Garrigues» durante la campaña 1995/96. Los aceites obtenidos presentan un grado de acidez medio de 0.17%, índice de peróxidos de 6.9 meq/kg de aceite y un K270 de 0.21, valores todos ellos dentro de los criterios de calidad que establece la Reglamentación de la D.O. El contenido medio de polifenoles totales en el aceite es de 152 ppm, observándose una gran variabilidad entre las almazaras muestreadas. La concentración de clorofilas va de 15 mg/kg de aceite, al inicio de campaña, a 6 mg/kg al final de la misma. La concentración de carotenoides se reduce paralelamente, pasando de 12.6 a 4.6 mg/kg de aceite, al final de campaña. El color, en base a la escala visual ABT y a las coordenadas CIELAB, se mantiene dentro de los tonos del amarillo y no presenta diferencias importantes entre aceites de principio y final de campaña.


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In this paper, we present a computer simulation study of the ion binding process at an ionizable surface using a semi-grand canonical Monte Carlo method that models the surface as a discrete distribution of charged and neutral functional groups in equilibrium with explicit ions modelled in the context of the primitive model. The parameters of the simulation model were tuned and checked by comparison with experimental titrations of carboxylated latex particles in the presence of different ionic strengths of monovalent ions. The titration of these particles was analysed by calculating the degree of dissociation of the latex functional groups vs. pH curves at different background salt concentrations. As the charge of the titrated surface changes during the simulation, a procedure to keep the electroneutrality of the system is required. Here, two approaches are used with the choice depending on the ion selected to maintain electroneutrality: counterion or coion procedures. We compare and discuss the difference between the procedures. The simulations also provided a microscopic description of the electrostatic double layer (EDL) structure as a function of pH and ionic strength. The results allow us to quantify the effect of the size of the background salt ions and of the surface functional groups on the degree of dissociation. The non-homogeneous structure of the EDL was revealed by plotting the counterion density profiles around charged and neutral surface functional groups. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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La iglesia de Santo Tomás de Villanueva de Zaragoza es lo único que se conserva de lo que fuera el convento de agustinos observantes, llamado popularmente convento de la Mantería por ubicarse en la plaza del mismo nombre. Fué edificada entre 1663 y 1683 bajo el patronazgo del arzobispo de Zaragoza don Francisco Gamboa. Es un edificio barroco construido en ladrillo, con planta de cruz latina, de una sola nave, cubierta en sus tramos y brazos por cúpulas elípticas, siendo semiesférica la del crucero. Lo más destacable del edificio es su decoración mural. En un principio las pinturas cubrían la totalidad de las paredes y bóvedas. Los avatares históricos, desamortización y posterior empleo como almacén, así como el deterioro por efecto de la humedad, han hecho que sólo hayan llegado hasta nosotros las pinturas de las cúpulas. La ejecución de la pintura se debe al pintor de cámara de Carlos II, Claudio Coello, ayudado por su discípulo Sebastián Muñoz y por una serie de pintores locales. Claudio Coello trabajó entre 1683 y 1684, prolongándose las tareas hasta 1686.


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Present em un catàleg florístic de les espècies recol.lectades en el curs d'una exploració del Parc Nacional d'Ordesa i Monte Perdido (Pirineus centrals) a la tardor de 1989. en el qual comentem i il.lustrem les que considerem més interessants. com són Lentinus adhaerens (A. et S. : Fr.) Fr.. Naucoria permixta P. D. Orton, Tephrocybe baeosperma (Romagn.) Moser i Xeromphalina cornuí (Quél.) Favre.


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The structure of the electric double layer in contact with discrete and continuously charged planar surfaces is studied within the framework of the primitive model through Monte Carlo simulations. Three different discretization models are considered together with the case of uniform distribution. The effect of discreteness is analyzed in terms of charge density profiles. For point surface groups,a complete equivalence with the situation of uniformly distributed charge is found if profiles are exclusively analyzed as a function of the distance to the charged surface. However, some differences are observed moving parallel to the surface. Significant discrepancies with approaches that do not account for discreteness are reported if charge sites of finite size placed on the surface are considered.


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A Monte Carlo simulation study of the vacancy-assisted domain growth in asymmetric binary alloys is presented. The system is modeled using a three-state ABV Hamiltonian which includes an asymmetry term. Our simulated system is a stoichiometric two-dimensional binary alloy with a single vacancy which evolves according to the vacancy-atom exchange mechanism. We obtain that, compared to the symmetric case, the ordering process slows down dramatically. Concerning the asymptotic behavior it is algebraic and characterized by the Allen-Cahn growth exponent x51/2. The late stages of the evolution are preceded by a transient regime strongly affected by both the temperature and the degree of asymmetry of the alloy. The results are discussed and compared to those obtained for the symmetric case.


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A physical model for the simulation of x-ray emission spectra from samples irradiated with kilovolt electron beams is proposed. Inner shell ionization by electron impact is described by means of total cross sections evaluated from an optical-data model. A double differential cross section is proposed for bremsstrahlung emission, which reproduces the radiative stopping powers derived from the partial wave calculations of Kissel, Quarles and Pratt [At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 28, 381 (1983)]. These ionization and radiative cross sections have been introduced into a general-purpose Monte Carlo code, which performs simulation of coupled electron and photon transport for arbitrary materials. To improve the efficiency of the simulation, interaction forcing, a variance reduction technique, has been applied for both ionizing collisions and radiative events. The reliability of simulated x-ray spectra is analyzed by comparing simulation results with electron probe measurements.


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We present a general algorithm for the simulation of x-ray spectra emitted from targets of arbitrary composition bombarded with kilovolt electron beams. Electron and photon transport is simulated by means of the general-purpose Monte Carlo code PENELOPE, using the standard, detailed simulation scheme. Bremsstrahlung emission is described by using a recently proposed algorithm, in which the energy of emitted photons is sampled from numerical cross-section tables, while the angular distribution of the photons is represented by an analytical expression with parameters determined by fitting benchmark shape functions obtained from partial-wave calculations. Ionization of K and L shells by electron impact is accounted for by means of ionization cross sections calculated from the distorted-wave Born approximation. The relaxation of the excited atoms following the ionization of an inner shell, which proceeds through emission of characteristic x rays and Auger electrons, is simulated until all vacancies have migrated to M and outer shells. For comparison, measurements of x-ray emission spectra generated by 20 keV electrons impinging normally on multiple bulk targets of pure elements, which span the periodic system, have been performed using an electron microprobe. Simulation results are shown to be in close agreement with these measurements.