77 resultados para Roxas, Simón de, Beato
Hablar de acceso a la cultura y al conocimiento en la Sociedad de la Información exige abordar con detalle las nuevas formas de entender la propiedad intelectual y los derechos de autoría. Este trabajo de final de máster expone algunos aspectos clave de la cultura libre en el campo audiovisual, la investigación llevada a cabo trata de esclarecer cuáles son las posturas y prácticas que existen entre los estudiantes de 4º curso de comunicación audiovisual en las universidades públicas de Barcelona con respecto a las licencias abiertas y los contenidos audiovisuales
This paper focuses on the analysis of a judicial defixio (AIJ557) found in 1912 in the River Kupa, a tributary of the Save, near Sisak (Siscia, Pannonia Superior), that invokes the river god Savus, as well as the ancient Latin goddess Tacita Muta. Among the targets, some of whom are specially stated to come from the western Mediterranean, we pay special attention to Lucius Licinius Sura, Hispanus. We also investigate the religious horizon implicit in the ritual offering, as well as the social and historical context of the information.
Amb la finalitat de conèixer el grau d’aprenentatge dels estudiants en aspectos relacionats amb la qualitat tota (qualitat, seguretat, salut, gestió de residus i sostenibilitat), s’han enquestat els estudiants al llarg del seu itinerari curricular, des del primer fins el quart curs de grau. Els resultats corresponents als cursos acadèmics 2010-11 i 2011-12 (n = 770 i 757 estudiants enquestats, respectivament) evidencien que determinats coneixements dels estudiants milloren al llarg del període considerat (qüestions relacionades amb les bones practiques de laboratori), altres que es mantenen i, per últim, hi ha aspectos com els relacionats amb la seguretat als laboratoris i la gestió dels residus que presenten diferències al llarg dels anys.
Amb la finalitat de conèixer el grau d’aprenentatge dels estudiants en aspectos relacionats amb la qualitat tota (qualitat, seguretat, salut, gestió de residus i sostenibilitat), s’han enquestat els estudiants al llarg del seu itinerari curricular, des del primer fins el quart curs de grau. Els resultats corresponents als cursos acadèmics 2010-11 i 2011-12 (n = 770 i 757 estudiants enquestats, respectivament) evidencien que determinats coneixements dels estudiants milloren al llarg del període considerat (qüestions relacionades amb les bones practiques de laboratori), altres que es mantenen i, per últim, hi ha aspectos com els relacionats amb la seguretat als laboratoris i la gestió dels residus que presenten diferències al llarg dels anys.
This paper contributes to the literature by applying the Granger causality approach and endogenous breakpoint test to offer an operational definition of contagion to examine European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) countries public debt behaviour. A database of yields on 10-year government bonds issued by 11 EMU countries covering fourteen years of monetary union is used. The main results suggest that the 41 new causality patterns, which appeared for the first time in the crisis period, and the intensification of causality recorded in 70% of the cases, provide clear evidence of contagion in the aftermath of the current euro debt crisis.
La repressió dels eclesiàstics absolutistes lleidatans al Trienni Liberal: el cas del bisbe Renteria
El bisbe Simón Renteria y Reyes va ocupar la Mitra de la diòcesi de Lleida durant el període 1819-1824. Al Trienni Liberal Renteria va esdevenir un eix molt important de l’absolutisme a la ciutat de Lleida ja que va oposar-se notablement a les reformes legislatives liberals, defensant una clara tendència al conservadorisme i al tradicionalisme dins de l’àmbit del pensament polític. Per aquest motiu va protestar contra les noves lleis i Decrets del govern liberal i va enviar tot un seguit de cartes i oficis amb l’objectiu de capgirar la política de les Corts Constitucionals. Fruit d’aquesta oposició al règim liberal les autoritats lleidatanes el van expulsar de la ciutat. També altres membres de l’Església van patir, en diferent grau, la repressió del poder liberal. Amb el retorn un altre cop de l’absolutisme a finals de l’any 1823 els religiosos que s’havien mantingut fidels al tradicionalisme van rebre diverses recompenses.
Stellar-mass black holes have all been discovered through X-ray emission, which arises from the accretion of gas from their binary companions (this gas is either stripped from low-mass stars or supplied as winds from massive ones). Binary evolution models also predict the existence of black holes accreting from the equatorial envelope of rapidly spinning Be-type stars (stars of the Be type are hot blue irregular variables showing characteristic spectral emission lines of hydrogen). Of the ~80 Be X-ray binaries known in the Galaxy, however, only pulsating neutron stars have been found as companions. A black hole was formally allowed as a solution for the companion to the Be star MWC 656 (also known as HD 215227), although that was based on a single radial velocity curve of the Be star, a mistaken spectral classification and rough estimates of the inclination angle. Here we report observations of an accretion disk line mirroring the orbit of the Be star. This, together with an improved radial velocity curve of the Be star through fitting sharp Fe II profiles from the equatorial disk, and a refined Be classification (to that of a B1.5-B2 III star), reveals a black hole of 3.8 to 6.9 solar masses orbiting MWC 656, the candidate counterpart of the gamma-ray source AGL J2241+4454. The black hole is X-ray quiescent and fed by a radiatively inefficient accretion flow giving a luminosity less than 1.6 x 10-7 times the Eddington luminosity. This implies that Be binaries with black-hole companions are difficult to detect by conventional X-ray surveys.
Epicatechin conjugates obtained from grape have shown antioxidant activity in various systems. However, how these conjugates exert their antioxidant benefits has not been widely studied. We assessed the activity of epicatechin and epicatechin conjugates on the erythrocyte membrane in the presence and absence of a peroxyl radical initiator, to increase our understanding of their mechanisms. Thus, we studied cell membrane fluidity by fluorescence anisotropy measurements, morphology of erythrocytes by scanning electron microscopy, and finally, red cell membrane proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Our data showed that incubation of red cells in the presence of epicatechin derivatives altered membrane fluidity and erythrocyte morphology but not the membrane protein pattern. The presence in the medium of the peroxyl radical initiator 2,2′-azobis(amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH) resulted in membrane disruptions at all levels analyzed, causing changes in membrane fluidity, cell morphology, and protein degradation. The presence of antioxidants avoided protein oxidation, indicating that the interaction of epicatechin conjugates with the lipid bilayer might reduce the accessibility of AAPH to membranes, which could explain in part the inhibitory ability of these compounds against hemolysis induced by peroxidative insult.
Biofilters degrade only a small fraction of the natural organic matter (NOM) contained in seawater which is the leading cause of biofouling in downstream processes. This work studies the effects of chemical additions on NOM biodegradation by biofilters. In this work, biofiltration of seawater with an empty bed contact time (EBCT) of 6 min and a hydraulic loading rate of 10 m h-1 reduces the biological oxygen demand (BOD7) by 8%, the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by 6% and the UV absorbance at 254 nm (A254) by 7%. Different amounts of ammonium chloride are added to the seawater (up to twice the total dissolved nitrogen in untreated seawater) to study its possible effect on the removal of NOM by a pilot-scale biofilter. Seawater is amended with different amounts of easily biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) supplied as sodium acetate (up to twice the DOC) for the same purpose. The results of this work reveal that the ammonium chloride additions do not significantly affect NOM removal and the sodium acetate is completely consumed by the biofiltration process. For both types of chemical additions, the BOD7, DOC and A254 in the outlet stream of the biofilter are similar to the values for the untreated control. These results indicate that this biofilter easily removes the BDOC from the seawater when the EBCT is not above 6 min. Furthermore, nitrogen does not limit the NOM biodegradation in seawater under these experimental conditions.
In the present study, we examined seawater biofiltration in terms of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and turbidity. A pilot biofilter continuously fed with fresh seawater reduced both turbidity and biological activity measured by ATP. Experiments operated with an empty bed contact time (EBCT) of between 2 and 14 min resulted in cellular ATP removals of 32% to 60% and turbidity removals of 38% to 75%. Analysis of the water from backwashing the biofilter revealed that the first half of the biofilter concentrated around 80% of the active biomass and colloidal material that produces turbidity. By reducing the EBCT, the biological activity moved from the first part of the biofilter to the end. Balances of cellular ATP and turbidity between consecutive backwashings indicated that the biological activity generated in the biofilter represented more than 90% of the detached cellular ATP. In contrast, the trapped ATP was less than 10% of the overall cellular ATP detached during the backwashing process. Furthermore, the biological activity generated in the biofilter seemed to be more dependent on the elapsed time than the volume filtered. In contrast, the turbidity trapped in the biofilter was proportional to the volume filtered, although a slightly higher amount of turbidity was found in the backwashing water; this was probably due to attrition of the bed medium. Finally, no correlations were found between turbidity and ATP, indicating that the two parameters focus on different matter. This suggests that turbidity should not be used as an alternative to cellular concentration.
We empirically investigate whether the transmission of the recent crisis in euro area sovereign debt markets was due to fundamentals-based or pure contagion. To do so, we examine the behaviour of EMU sovereign bond yield spreads with respect to the German bund for a sample of both central and peripheral countries from January 1999 to December 2012. First we apply a dynamic approach to analyse the evolution of the degree of Grangercausality within the 90 pairs of sovereign bond yield spreads in our sample, in order to detect episodes of significantly increased causality between them (which we associate with contagion) and episodes of significantly reduced interconnection (which we associate with immunisation). We then use an ordered logit model to assess the determinants of the occurrence of the episodes detected. Our results suggest the importance of variables proxying market sentiment and of variables proxying macrofundamentals in determining contagion and immunisation outcomes. Therefore, our findings underline the coexistence of “pure” and “fundamentals-based contagion” during the recent European debt crisis.
La evaluación es un proceso que se pone en marcha junto con el inicio de la vida escolar y continúa a lo largo de ella, haciendo acto de presencia de manera continuada (lo cual no es lo mismo que hacer una evaluación continuada). La evaluación es un referente constante en las dinámicas escolares que debe servir de ayuda para que el profesorado y el alumnado aprendan algo respecto de lo que hacen bien y de lo que se requiere modificar para que se produzca más y mejor aprendizaje.
En el marco de un curso de formación para maestros de educación infantil en activo que requerían el postgrado de especialización, se desarrolló un módulo específico de atención a la diversidad de necesidades educativas especiales