88 resultados para Intercellular CO2 concentration


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El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el impacto, en emisiones de CO2, de la demanda final de Cataluña en relación a los vínculos comerciales interregionales con el resto de España y el resto del mundo. Este proceso implica el análisis del balance en CO2 incorporado para Cataluña, lo que permitirá evaluar la responsabilidad de la economía catalana respecto a estas emisiones. Para este propósito se construye, para esta determinada desagregación regional, un modelo Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) extendido al medioambiente con sectores verticalmente integrados. La incorporación de la técnica de la integración vertical nos permite un enfoque alternativo para el Balance Neto y un análisis más detallado de los vínculos interregionales entre los diversos sectores productivos, centrado en la responsabilidad última de la demanda final de cada sector en cada región. Hasta el momento, los estudios previos sobre los impactos medioambientales incorporados al comercio español se han centrado principalmente en el ámbito nacional. No obstante, por un lado el comercio interregional con el resto de España en términos monetarios representa cerca de la mitad del comercio exterior catalán. Por otro lado, los distintos metabolismos energéticos de ambas economías tienen como consecuencia una importante diferencia en la intensidad de emisión en la producción de bienes y servicios. Esta situación genera para Cataluña un déficit en el Balance Neto estimado con el resto de España, aún teniendo un importante superávit monetario. De esto se desprende la importancia de integrar el nivel interregional en los estudios de los impactos medioambientales incorporados en el comercio y, en consecuencia, en la planificación y formalización de políticas económicas y ambientales a nivel nacional.


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Este manual se ha solicitado como parte del encargo que Iberdrola realizó al IRTA dentro del proyecto SOST-CO2, financiado por el programa CENIT (Consorcios Estratégicos Nacionales en Investigación Técnica), que forma parte del Programa Ingenio 2010, un proyecto del Gobierno español para incrementar la inversión en I+D, tanto pública como privada, con el objetivo de alcanzar en 2010 el 2% del PIB. El proyecto SOST-CO2 tiene como objetivo abordar el ciclo de vida completo del CO2, desde su captura en las fuentes de emisión pasando por su transporte, su almacenamiento y su valorización a gran escala. Se pretende enlazar la captura del CO2 con su posterior revalorización, buscando así una alternativa sostenible al mero confinamiento geológico de las emisiones. En el contexto del proyecto SOST-CO2, Iberdrola se planteó la utilización directa en horticultura intensiva de gases de combustión procedentes de sus plantas de ciclo combinado que utilizan gas natural como combustible, dado su contenido enriquecido en CO2, y encargó al IRTA su estudio. El objetivo general era, a parte de una importante fijación de carbono por parte de los cultivos, un elevado nivel de sostenibilidad ambiental por reducción de los inputs energéticos empleados en la climatización de los invernaderos y en la depuración de los gases. El trabajo se desarrolló a lo largo de cuatro años (2008-2011) en diversos escenarios experimentales. De las diferentes facetas que abarcó este trabajo, se presentan aquí las más directamente relacionadas con el principal resultado del estudio, es decir, la adecuación de los gases de combustión mencionados para obtener una mejora en la producción y rendimiento por su aplicación en horticultura intensiva.


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CO2 emissions induced by human activities are the major cause of climate change; hence, strong environmental policy that limits the growing dependence on fossil fuel is indispensable. Tradable permits and environmental taxes are the usual tools used in CO2 reduction strategies. Such economic tools provide incentives to polluting industries to reduce their emissions through market signals. The aim of this work is to investigate the direct and indirect effects of an environmental tax on Spanish products and services. We apply an environmentally extended input-output (EIO) model to identify CO2 emission intensities of products and services and, accordingly, we estimate the tax proportional to these intensities. The short-term price effects are analyzed using an input-output price model. The effect of tax introduction on consumption prices and its influence on consumers’ welfare are determined. We also quantify the environmental impacts of such taxation in terms of the reduction in CO2 emissions. The results, based on the Spanish economy for the year 2007, show that sectors with relatively poor environmental profile are subjected to high environmental tax rates. And consequently, applying a CO2 tax on these sectors, increases production prices and induces a slight increase in consumer price index and a decrease in private welfare. The revenue from the tax could be used to counter balance the negative effects on social welfare and also to stimulate the increase of renewable energy shares in the most impacting sectors. Finally, our analysis highlights that the environmental and economic goals cannot be met at the same time with the environmental taxation and this shows the necessity of finding other (complementary or alternative) measures to ensure both the economic and ecological efficiencies. Keywords: CO2 emissions; environmental tax; input-output model, effects of environmental taxation.


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Se estudia el comportamiento electroquímico del CO2 en disolución y se establecen las condiciones experimentales óptimas para su determinación electroquímica, tanto de forma cualitativa como cuantitativa, y así determinar los parámetros cinéticos y termodinámicos asociados a su mecanismo de reducción. Finalmente, se aborda el uso de CO2 como reactivo para la obtención de productos orgánicos de mayor valor añadido en procesos iniciados electroquímicamente.


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As a result of globalization and free trade agreements, international trade is enormously growing and inevitably putting more pressure on the environment over the last few decades. This has drawn the attention of both environmentalist and economist in response to the ever growing concerns of climate change and urgent need of international action for its mitigation. In this work we aim at analyzing the implication of international trade in terms of CO2 between Spain and its important partners using a multi-regional input-output (MRIO) model. A fully integrated 13 regions MRIO model is constructed to examine the pollution responsibility of Spain both from production and consumption perspectives. The empirical results show that Spain is a net importer of CO2 emissions which is equivalent to 29% of its emission due to production. Even though the leading partner with regard to import values are countries such as Germany, France, Italy and Great Britain, the CO2 embodied due to trade with China takes the largest share. This is mainly due to the importation of energy intensive products from China coupled with Chinese poor energy mix which is dominated by coal-power plant. The largest portion (67%) of the global imported CO2 emissions is due to intermediate demand requirements by production sectors. Products such as Motor vehicles, chemicals, a variety of machineries and equipments, textile and leather products, construction materials are the key imports that drive the emissions due to their production in the respective exporting countries. Being at its peak in 2005, the Construction sector is the most responsible activity behind both domestic and imported emissions.


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This paper explores the existence of negative peer-group pressures derived from the concentration of foreigners in French lower secondary schools. Using different dependent variables (number of years spent in lower secondary education, grades in 4th ‘and 3rd year and track election in upper secondary schooling) the analyses indicate that the much disputed existence of significant and negative effects of the concentration of foreign students in schools depends on the method used for the estimation. If we assume that the concentration of foreigners is a random and exogenous process, then the multivariate analyses confirm negative interactions. If, on the contrary, we question the assumption that this contextual information is not end the result of prior sorting mechanisms of individuals across social spaces, the concentration of foreigners has no statistical impact on attainment.


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We present a new general concentration-of-measure inequality and illustrate its power by applications in random combinatorics. The results find direct applications in some problems of learning theory.


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We postulate a two-region world, comprised of North (calibrated after the US) and South(calibrated after China). Our optimization results show the compatibility of the following threedesiderata:(1) Global CO2 emissions follow a conservative path that leads to the stabilizationof concentrations at 450 ppm.(2) North and South converge to a path of sustained growth at 1% per year (28.2%per generation) in 2075.(3) During the transition to the steady state, North also grows at 1% per year whileSouth s rates of growth are markedly higher.The transition paths require a drastic reduction of the share of emissions allocated to North,large investments in knowledge, both in North and South, as well as very large investments ineducation in South. Surprisingly, in order to sustain North s utility growth rate, some output mustbe transferred from South to North during the transition.Although undoubtedly subject to many caveats, our results support a degree of optimism byproviding prima facie evidence of the possibility of tackling climate change in a way that is fairboth across generations and across regions while allowing for positive rates of humandevelopment.


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Within a simple model of non-localized, Hotelling-type competitionamong arbitrary numbers of media outlets we characterize qualityand content of media under different ownership structures. Assumingadvertising-sponsored, profit-maximizing outlets, we show that (i) topicssensitive to advertisers can be underreported (self-censored) by alloutlets in the market, (ii) self-censorship increases with the concentrationof ownership, (iii) adding outlets, while keeping the number ofowners fixed, may even increase self-censorship; the latter result relieson consumers' most preferred outlets being potentially owned by thesame media companies. We argue that externalities resulting fromself-censorship could be empirically large.


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En el presente trabajo, se estudia en primer lugar el comportamiento electroquímico del CO2 mediante voltametría cíclica y electrólisis en disoluciones de dimetilformamida que contienen una concentración 0.1M de tetrabutilamonio tetrafluoroborato, utilizando Ag como electrodo de trabajo. El mecanismo de reducción electroquímico del CO2 incluye una primera transferencia monoelectrónica irreversible moderadamente rápida, seguida de una reacción química acoplada de segundo orden para dar principalmente carbonato y CO. La segunda parte del estudio consiste en investigar diferentes estrategias para incorporar CO2 a compuestos aromáticos substituidos con grupos electroatrayentes (nitro y ciano), con la finalidad de trabajar en condiciones suaves y aumentar los rendimientos de carboxilación. La incorporación de CO2 a este tipo de derivados permite la obtención de compuestos de alto valor añadido. Finalmente, se concluye que el factor determinante para la formación de productos carboxílicos es la carga eléctrica pasada y que la naturaleza del electrodo puede afectar tanto al tipo de productos obtenidos como a su distribución.


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Los cambios en los usos del suelo han contribuido de manera importante al incremento de gases de efecto invernadero en la atmósfera, especialmente de dióxido de carbono, aumentando sus emisiones desde 1970 en un 80%. Estos cambios causan la alteración de los suelos provocando un impacto sobre el ciclo del carbono, aumentando las tasas de descomposición de la fracción orgánica creando así un flujo de CO2 a la atmosfera. Entre las recomendaciones del Panel Intergubernamental de expertos sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC, en inglés), y contemplado en el Protocolo de Kyoto, se encuentra el proceso de secuestro de carbono en suelos, que implica la eliminación del CO2 atmosférico por parte de las plantas y su almacenamiento como materia orgánica del suelo. Para poder favorecer dicho proceso, en un determinado tipo de ecosistema, es fundamental conocer cuáles son los factores que gobiernan la respiración del suelo y el impacto que tienen los diferentes usos en la emisión de CO2. En el presente trabajo se han estudiado 4 usos del suelo representativos del secano aragonés: un monocultivo de cebada en siembra directa (NT), un suelo abandonado labrado (AC), un suelo abandonado no alterado (AU) y un suelo forestal (FR) con el objetivo de conocer sus tasas de respiración, la influencia de diferentes parámetros edáficos en ellas, y proponer cambios en el uso del suelo que ayuden a mitigar estas emisiones. Además, se ha dedicado un apartado para conocer cómo influyen diferentes técnicas de fertilización nitrogenada (mineral y orgánica) en la respiración de un monocultivo de cebada en siembra directa. En cuanto a los usos, los resultados obtenidos tanto in situ como en laboratorio muestran una mayor respiración en AC, siendo los valores más bajos los de NT y FR. Una de las principales conclusiones es que la supresión del laboreo y del periodo de barbecho largo, así como la conversión de tierras abandonadas y marginales a cultivos y zonas forestales se presentan en este tipo de ecosistemas como prácticas de secuestro de carbono. En el estudio de aplicación de fertilizantes, no se observó ningún cambio en la respiración del suelo después de la aplicación de nitrógeno mineral. En cambio, el suelo fertilizado con purín sí que mostró picos de emisión durante las siguientes horas a la incorporación de éste, debido fundamentalmente a su alto contenido de carbono lábil.


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During activation, T lymphocytes become motile cells, switching from a spherical to a polarized shape. Chemokines and other chemotactic cytokines induce lymphocyte polarization with the formation of a uropod in the rear pole, where the adhesion receptors intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), ICAM-3, and CD44 redistribute. We have investigated membrane-cytoskeleton interactions that play a key role in the redistribution of adhesion receptors to the uropod. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that the ERM proteins radixin and moesin localized to the uropod of human T lymphoblasts treated with the chemokine RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed, and secreted), a polarization-inducing agent; radixin colocalized with arrays of myosin II at the neck of the uropods, whereas moesin decorated the most distal part of the uropod and colocalized with ICAM-1, ICAM-3, and CD44 molecules. Two other cytoskeletal proteins, ß-actin and ¿-tubulin, clustered at the cell leading edge and uropod, respectively, of polarized lymphocytes. Biochemical analysis showed that moesin coimmunoprecipitates with ICAM-3 in T lymphoblasts stimulated with either RANTES or the polarization- inducing anti-ICAM-3 HP2/19 mAb, as well as in the constitutively polarized T cell line HSB-2. In addition, moesin is associated with CD44, but not with ICAM-1, in polarized T lymphocytes. A correlation between the degree of moesin-ICAM-3 interaction and cell polarization was found as determined by immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation analysis done in parallel. The moesin-ICAM-3 interaction was specifically mediated by the cytoplasmic domain of ICAM-3 as revealed by precipitation of moesin with a GST fusion protein containing the ICAM-3 cytoplasmic tail from metabolically labeled Jurkat T cell lysates. The interaction of moesin with ICAM-3 was greatly diminished when RANTES-stimulated T lymphoblasts were pretreated with the myosin-disrupting drug butanedione monoxime, which prevents lymphocyte polarization. Altogether, these data indicate that moesin interacts with ICAM-3 and CD44 adhesion molecules in uropods of polarized T cells; these data also suggest that these interactions participate in the formation of links between membrane receptors and the cytoskeleton, thereby regulating morphological changes during cell locomotion.


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New economic geography models show that there may be a strong relationship between economic integration and the geographical concentration of industries. Nevertheless, this relationship is neither unique nor stable, and may follow a ?-shaped pattern in the long term. The aim of the present paper is to analyze the evolution of the geographical concentration of manufacturing across Spanish regions during the period 1856-1995. We construct several geographical concentration indices for different points in time over these 140 years. The analysis is carried out at two levels of aggregation, in regions corresponding to the NUTS-II and NUTS-III classifications. We confirm that the process of economic integration stimulated the geographical concentration of industrial activity. Nevertheless, the localization coefficients only started to fall after the beginning of the integration of the Spanish Economy into the international markets in the mid-70s, and this new path was not interrupted by Spain¿s entry in the European Union some years later


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A method to determine the thermal cross section of a deep level from capacitance measurements is reported. The results enable us to explain the nonexponential behavior of the capacitance versus capture time when the trap concentration is not negligible with respect to that of the shallow one, and the Debye tail effects are taken into account. A figure of merit for the nonexponential behavior of the capture process is shown and discussed for different situations of doping and applied bias. We have also considered the influence of the position of the trap level"s energy on the nonexponentiality of the capture transient. The experimental results are given for the gold acceptor level in silicon and for the DX center in Al0.55 Ga0.45As, which are in good agreement with the developed theory.