61 resultados para Human Genome Project.
Background and purpose: Individual rupture risk assessment of intracranial aneurysms is a major issue in the clinical management of asymptomatic aneurysms. Aneurysm rupture occurs when wall tension exceeds the strength limit of the wall tissue. At present, aneurysmal wall mechanics are poorly understood and thus, risk assessment involving mechanical properties is inexistent. Aneurysm computational hemodynamics studies make the assumption of rigid walls, an arguable simplification. We therefore aim to assess mechanical properties of ruptured and unruptured intracranial aneurysms in order to provide the foundation for future patient-specific aneurysmal risk assessment. This work also challenges some of the currently held hypotheses in computational flow hemodynamics research. Methods: A specific conservation protocol was applied to aneurysmal tissues following clipping and resection in order to preserve their mechanical properties. Sixteen intracranial aneurysms (11 female, 5 male) underwent mechanical uniaxial stress tests under physiological conditions, temperature, and saline isotonic solution. These represented 11 unruptured and 5 ruptured aneurysms. Stress/strain curves were then obtained for each sample, and a fitting algorithm was applied following a 3-parameter (C(10), C(01), C(11)) Mooney-Rivlin hyperelastic model. Each aneurysm was classified according to its biomechanical properties and (un)rupture status.Results: Tissue testing demonstrated three main tissue classes: Soft, Rigid, and Intermediate. All unruptured aneurysms presented a more Rigid tissue than ruptured or pre-ruptured aneurysms within each gender subgroup. Wall thickness was not correlated to aneurysmal status (ruptured/unruptured). An Intermediate subgroup of unruptured aneurysms with softer tissue characteristic was identified and correlated with multiple documented risk factors of rupture. Conclusion: There is a significant modification in biomechanical properties between ruptured aneurysm, presenting a soft tissue and unruptured aneurysms, presenting a rigid material. This finding strongly supports the idea that a biomechanical risk factor based assessment should be utilized in the to improve the therapeutic decision making.
Background: Amino acid tandem repeats are found in nearly one-fifth of human proteins. Abnormal expansion of these regions is associated with several human disorders. To gain further insight into the mutational mechanisms that operate in this type of sequence, we have analyzed a large number of mutation variants derived from human expressed sequence tags (ESTs).Results: We identified 137 polymorphic variants in 115 different amino acid tandem repeats. Of these, 77 contained amino acid substitutions and 60 contained gaps (expansions or contractions of the repeat unit). The analysis showed that at least about 21% of the repeats might be polymorphic in humans. We compared the mutations found in different types of amino acid repeats and in adjacent regions. Overall, repeats showed a five-fold increase in the number of gap mutations compared to adjacent regions, reflecting the action of slippage within the repetitive structures. Gap and substitution mutations were very differently distributed between different amino acid repeat types. Among repeats containing gap variants we identified several disease and candidate disease genes.Conclusion: This is the first report at a genome-wide scale of the types of mutations occurring in the amino acid repeat component of the human proteome. We show that the mutational dynamics of different amino acid repeat types are very diverse. We provide a list of loci with highly variable repeat structures, some of which may be potentially involved in disease.
The main goal of the InterAmbAr reseach project is to analyze the relationships between landscape systems and human land-use strategies on mountains and littoral plains from a long-term perspective. The study adopts a high resolution analysis of small-scale study areas located in the Mediterranean region of north-eastern Catalonia. The study areas are distributed along an altitudinal transect from the high mountain (above 2000m a.s.l.) to the littoral plain of Empordà (Fig. 1). High resolution interdisciplinary research has been carried out from 2010, based on the integration of palaeoenvironmental and archaeological data. The micro-scale approach is used to understand human-environmental relationships. It allows better understanding of the local-regional nature of environmental changes and the synergies between catchment-based systems, hydro-sedimentary regimes, human mobility, land-uses, human environments, demography, etc.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Alemanya, entre 2010 i 2012. El principal objectiu d’aquest projecte era estudiar en detall les estructures subcorticals, en concret, el rol dels ganglis basals en control cognitiu durant processament lingüístic i no-lingüístic. Per tal d’assolir una diferenciació minuciosa en els diferents nuclis dels ganglis basals s’utilitzà ressonància magnètica d’ultra-alt camp i alta resolució (7T-MRI). El còrtex prefrontal lateral i els ganglis basals treballant conjuntament per a mitjançar memòria de treball i la regulació “top-down” de la cognició. Aquest circuit regula l’equilibri entre respostes automàtiques i d’alt-ordre cognitiu. Es crearen tres condicions experimentals principals: frases/seqüències noambigües, no-gramatical i ambigües. Les frases/seqüències no-ambigües haurien de provocar una resposta automàtica, mentre les frases/seqüències ambigües i no-gramaticals produïren un conflicte amb la resposta automàtica, i per tant, requeririen una resposta de d’alt-ordre cognitiu. Dins del domini de la resposta de control, la ambigüitat i no-gramaticalitat representen dues dimensions diferents de la resolució de conflicte, mentre per una frase/seqüència temporalment ambigua existeix una interpretació correcte, aquest no és el cas per a les frases/seqüències no-gramaticals. A més, el disseny experimental incloïa una manipulació lingüística i nolingüística, la qual posà a prova la hipòtesi que els efectes són de domini-general; així com una manipulació semàntica i sintàctica que avaluà les diferències entre el processament d’ambigüitat/error “intrínseca” vs. “estructural”. Els resultats del primer experiment (sintax-lingüístic) mostraren un gradient rostroventralcaudodorsal de control cognitiu dins del nucli caudat, això és, les regions més rostrals sostenint els nivells més alts de processament cognitiu
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a la the Salk Institute, Estats Units, entre 2010 i 2012. L'estabilitat del genoma és essencial per a la supervivència de les cèl • lules mare, però, l'estabilitat del proteoma pot tenir un paper igualment important en la identitat de cèl • lules mare i la seva funció. La nostra hipòtesi és que les cèl • lules mare tenen la capacitat de proteostasis augmentada en comparació amb els seus homòlegs diferenciats i ens varem preguntar si l'activitat del proteasoma és diferent a les cèl • lules mare embrionàries humanes (hESCs). En particular, els nostres resultats mostren que les poblacions de cèl• lules mare presenten una activitat del proteasoma que es correlaciona amb majors nivells de la subunitat 19S del proteasoma PSMD11/RPN-6 i un corresponent augment del ensamblatge del 26S/30S proteasoma. L'expressió ectòpica de PSMD11 és suficient per augmentar l'activitat del proteasoma. Sorprenentment, varem trobar que la llarga vida del GLP-1 C. elegans mutant té també un augment dramàtic en l'activitat del proteasoma associat a nivells augmentats en l'expressió de RPN-6. El factor de transcripció DAF-16 és essencial per l'augment de la longevitat de GLP-1 i els cucs mutants que trobem DAF-16 necessari per a l'augment d'expressió de RPN-6 i, per tant, per l'activació de l'activitat del proteasoma en GLP-1 mutant animals. Una possibilitat interessant és que els gens que regulen la vida i la resistència a l'estrès en C. elegans poden també regular la funció hESCs de mamífer, cèl • lules que son considerades immortals. Aquests resultats ens van portar a la conclusió de que FOXO4, un factor de transcripció sensible a la insulina/IGF-1, regula l'activitat del proteasoma en hESCs, el que suggereix un paper per FOXO4 en la funció d’aquestes cèl • lules. En efecte, FOXO4 es necessari per a la diferenciació en llinatges neuronals de les hESCs. Els nostres resultats estableixen una nova regulació de laproteostasis en hESCs que uneix la longevitat i la resistència a l'estrès en invertebrats amb la funció i identitat de les hESCs.
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a la Institut J.W. Jenkinson Laboratory for Evolution and Development of the University of Oxford, Regne Unit, entre 2010 i 2012. He estat membre del laboratori del Professor Peter W.H. Holland com a becari post-doctoral Beatriu de Pinós des de setembre de 2010 al setembre de 2012. El nostre projecte de recerca se centra en l'anàlisi genòmic comparatiu del Regne Animal, tot explorant el contingut dels genomes a través de totes les branques de l'arbre dels animals. Totes les referències a les meves publicacions durant aquest post-doc es poden trobar a http://about.me/jordi_paps. Crec que el nombre i la qualitat dels resultats del meu post-doc, un total de 8 publicacions incloent dos articles a la prestigiosa revista Nature, són prova de l'èxit d'aquest post-doc. Prof Peter W. H. Holland (Departament de Zoologia de la Universitat d'Oxford) i jo som coautors de tres articles de genòmica comparativa, resultats directes d'aquest projecte: 1) comparació de families gèniques entre vertebrats invertebrats (Briefings in Functional Genomics), 2) el genoma de l'ostra (publicat a la revista Nature), i 3) els genomes de 6 platihelmints paràsits (acceptat també a Nature). A més, tenim altres 2 treballs en preparació. Un d'ells analitza l'evolució, expressió i funció dels gens Hox al a la tènia Hymenolepis. El perfil fi d'aquests gens clau del desenvolupament esclareix els canvis d'estil de vida dels organismes. A més, durant aquest últim post-doc he participat en diverses col•laboracions, incloent anàlisi de gens d'envelliment a cucs plans, un estudi sobre la filogènia del grup Gastrotricha, una revisió de l'evolució phylum Platyhelminthes, així com un capítol d'un llibre sobre l'evolució dels animals bilaterals. Finalment, gràcies a la beca Beatriu de Pinós, el Prof. Peter W.H. Holland m'ha convidat a formar part del seu equip com un investigador post-doctoral en el seu projecte ERC Advance actual sobre duplicacions genòmiques.
El present projecte s'ha dut a terme a l'American Museum of Natural History (AMNH, New York) entre el 31 de Desembre de 2010 i el 30 de Desembre de 2012. L'objectiu del projecte era elucidar la història evolutiva de la mà humana: traçar els canvis evolutius en la seva forma i proporcions que van propiciar la seva estructura moderna que permet als humans manipular amb precisió. El treball realitzat ha inclòs recol•lecció de dades i anàlisis, redacció de resultats i formació en mètodes analítics específics. Durant aquest temps, l'autor a completat la seva de base de dades existent en mesures lineals de la mà a hominoides. També s'han agafat dades del peu; d'aquesta forma ara mateix es compta amb una base de dades amb més de 500 individus, amb més de 200 mesures per cada un. També s'han agafat dades en tres imensions utilitzant un làser escàner. S'han après tècniques de morfometria geomètrica 3D directament dels pioners al camp a l'AMNH. Com a resultat d'aquesta feina s'han produït 10 resums (publicats a congressos internacionals) i 9 manuscrits (molts d'ells ja publicats a revistes internacionals) amb resultats de gran rellevància: La mà humana posseeix unes proporcions relativament primitives, que són més similars a les proporciones que tenien els hominoides fòssils del Miocè que no pas a la dels grans antropomorfs actuals. Els darrers tenen unes mans allargades amb un polzes molt curts que reflexen l'ús de la mà com a eina de suspensió sota les branques. En canvi, els hominoides del Miocè tenien unes mans relativament curtes amb un polze llarg que feien servir per estabilitzar el seu pes quan caminaven per sobre de les branques. Una vegada els primers homínids van aparèixer al final del Miocè (fa uns 6 Ma) i van començar a fer servir el bipedisme com a mitjà més comú de locomoció, les seves mans van ser "alliberades" de les seves funcions locomotores. La selecció natural—ara només treballant en la manipulació—va convertir les proporcions ja existents de la mà d'aquests primats en l'òrgan manipulatori que representa la mà humana avui dia.
In this project, we have investigated new ways of modelling and analysis of human vasculature from Medical images. The research was divided in two main areas: cerebral vasculature analysis and coronary arteries modeling. Regarding cerebral vasculature analysis, we have studed cerebral aneurysms, internal carotid and the Circle of Willis (CoW). Aneurysms are abnormal vessel enlargements that can rupture causing important cerebral damages or death. The understanding of this pathology, together with its virtual treatment, and image diagnosis and prognosis, includes identification and detailed measurement of the aneurysms. In this context, we have proposed two automatic aneurysm isolation method, to separate the abnormal part of the vessel from the healthy part, to homogenize and speed-up the processing pipeline usually employed to study this pathology, [Cardenes2011TMI, arrabide2011MedPhys]. The results obtained from both methods have been also compared and validatied in [Cardenes2012MBEC]. A second important task here the analysis of the internal carotid [Bogunovic2011Media] and the automatic labelling of the CoW, Bogunovic2011MICCAI, Bogunovic2012TMI]. The second area of research covers the study of coronary arteries, specially coronary bifurcations because there is where the formation of atherosclerotic plaque is more common, and where the intervention is more challenging. Therefore, we proposed a novel modelling method from Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) images, combined with Conventional Coronary Angiography (CCA), to obtain realistic vascular models of coronary bifurcations, presented in [Cardenes2011MICCAI], and fully validated including phantom experiments in [Cardene2013MedPhys]. The realistic models obtained from this method are being used to simulate stenting procedures, and to investigate the hemodynamic variables in coronary bifurcations in the works submitted in [Morlachi2012, Chiastra2012]. Additionally, another preliminary work has been done to reconstruct the coronary tree from rotational angiography, and published in [Cardenes2012ISBI].
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the School of Computing of the University of Dundee, United Kingdom, from 2010 to 2012. This document is a scientific report of the work done, main results, publications and accomplishment of the objectives of the 2-year post-doctoral research project with reference number BP-A 00239. The project has addressed the topic of older people (60+) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which is a topic of growing social and research interest, from a Human-Computer Interaction perspective. Over a 2-year period (June 2010-June 2012), we have conducted classical ethnography of ICT use in a computer clubhouse in Scotland, addressing interaction barriers and strategies, social sharing practices in Social Network Sites, and ICT learning, and carried out rapid ethnographical studies related to geo-enabled ICT and e-government services towards supporting independent living and active ageing. The main results have provided a much deeper understanding of (i) the everyday use of Computer-Mediated Communication tools, such as video-chats and blogs, and its evolution as older people’s experience with ICT increases over time, (ii) cross-cultural aspects of ICT use in the north and south of Europe, (iii) the relevance of cognition over vision in interacting with geographical information and a wide range of ICT tools, despite common stereotypes (e.g. make things bigger), (iv) the important relationship offline-online to provide older people with socially inclusive and meaningful eservices for independent living and active ageing, (v) how older people carry out social sharing practices in the popular YouTube, (vi) their user experiences and (vii) the challenges they face in ICT learning and the strategies they use to become successful ICT learners over time. The research conducted in this project has been published in 17 papers, 4 in journals – two of which in JCR, 5 in conferences, 4 in workshops and 4 in magazines. Other public output consists of 10 invited talks and seminars.
Els avenços en tècniques de genotipat de polimorfismes genètics a gran escala estan liderant una revolució en el camp de l’epidemiologia genètica i la genètica de poblacions humanes. La informació aportada per aquestes tècniques ha evidenciat l’existència d’estructuracions poblacionals que poden augmentar l’error en els estudis d’associació a escala genòmica (GWAS, genome-wide association studies). Estudis recents han demostrat la presència d’aquestes estructuracions a nivell interregional i intrarregional a Europa. El present projecte ha avaluat el grau d’estructuració genètica en poblacions de la Península Ibèrica i altres regions del sudoest europeu (Itàlia i França) per quantificar l’impacte que aquesta potencial estructuració pot tenir en el disseny d’estudis d’associació GWAS i reconstruir la història demogràfica de les poblacions de la Mediterrània. Per aconseguir aquests objectius, s’han analitzat mostres de DNA de 770 individus de 26 poblacions de la Península Ibèrica, França, Itàlia i d’altres països de la Mediterrània. Aquestes mostres van ser genotipades per 240000 SNPs utilitzant l’array 250K StyI d’Affymetrix en el marc d’aquest projecte o mitjançant altres arrays d’Affymetrix en els projectes internacionals HapMap i POPRES. S’han realitzat anàlisis estadístiques incloent anàlisis de components principals, Fst, identitat per descendència, desequilibri de lligament, barreres genètiques, etc. Aquests resultats han permés construir un marc de referència de la variabilitat en aquesta regió, avaluar el seu impacte en estudis d’associació i proposar mesures per evitar l’increment de qualsevol tipus d’error (tipus I i II) en estudis nacionals i internacionals. A més, també han permés reconstruir la història de les poblacions humanes de la Mediterrània així com analitzar les seves relacions demogràfiques. Donada la duració limitada d’aquesta acció (24 mesos, d’octubre de 2010 a setembre de 2012), els resultats d’aquest projecte es troben actualment en fase de redacció i conduiran a diverses publicacions en revistes internacionals i a la preparació de comunicacions a congressos.
Background: Searching for associations between genetic variants and complex diseases has been a very active area of research for over two decades. More than 51,000 potential associations have been studied and published, a figure that keeps increasing, especially with the recent explosion of array-based Genome-Wide Association Studies. Even if the number of true associations described so far is high, many of the putative risk variants detected so far have failed to be consistently replicated and are widely considered false positives. Here, we focus on the world-wide patterns of replicability of published association studies.Results: We report three main findings. First, contrary to previous results, genes associated to complex diseases present lower degrees of genetic differentiation among human populations than average genome-wide levels. Second, also contrary to previous results, the differences in replicability of disease associated-loci between Europeans and East Asians are highly correlated with genetic differentiation between these populations. Finally, highly replicated genes present increased levels of high-frequency derived alleles in European and Asian populations when compared to African populations. Conclusions: Our findings highlight the heterogeneous nature of the genetic etiology of complex disease, confirm the importance of the recent evolutionary history of our species in current patterns of disease susceptibility and could cast doubts on the status as false positives of some associations that have failed to replicate across populations.
UEV proteins are enzymatically inactive variants of the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes that regulate noncanonical elongation of ubiquitin chains. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, UEV is part of the RAD6-mediated error-free DNA repair pathway. In mammalian cells, UEV proteins can modulate c-FOS transcription and the G2-M transition of the cell cycle. Here we show that the UEV genes from phylogenetically distant organisms present a remarkable conservation in their exon–intron structure. We also show that the human UEV1 gene is fused with the previously unknown gene Kua. In Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster, Kua and UEV are in separated loci, and are expressed as independent transcripts and proteins. In humans, Kua and UEV1 are adjacent genes, expressed either as separate transcripts encoding independent Kua and UEV1 proteins, or as a hybrid Kua–UEV transcript, encoding a two-domain protein. Kua proteins represent a novel class of conserved proteins with juxtamembrane histidine-rich motifs. Experiments with epitope-tagged proteins show that UEV1A is a nuclear protein, whereas both Kua and Kua–UEV localize to cytoplasmic structures, indicating that the Kua domain determines the cytoplasmic localization of Kua–UEV. Therefore, the addition of a Kua domain to UEV in the fused Kua–UEV protein confers new biological properties to this regulator of variant polyubiquitination.[Kua cDNAs isolated by RT-PCR and described in this paper have been deposited in the GenBank data library under accession nos. AF1155120 (H. sapiens) and AF152361 (D. melanogaster). Genomic clones containing UEV genes: S. cerevisiae, YGL087c (accession no. Z72609); S. pombe, c338 (accession no. AL023781); P. falciparum, MAL3P2 (accession no. AL034558); A. thaliana, F26F24 (accession no. AC005292); C. elegans, F39B2 (accession no. Z92834); D. melanogaster, AC014908; and H. sapiens, 1185N5 (accession no. AL034423). Accession numbers for Kua cDNAs in GenBank dbEST: M. musculus, AA7853; T. cruzi, AI612534. Other Kua-containing sequences: A. thaliana genomic clones F10M23 (accession no. AL035440), F19K23 (accession no. AC000375), and T20K9 (accession no. AC004786).
Annotation of protein-coding genes is a key goal of genome sequencing projects. In spite of tremendous recent advances in computational gene finding, comprehensive annotation remains a challenge. Peptide mass spectrometry is a powerful tool for researching the dynamic proteome and suggests an attractive approach to discover and validate protein-coding genes. We present algorithms to construct and efficiently search spectra against a genomic database, with no prior knowledge of encoded proteins. By searching a corpus of 18.5 million tandem mass spectra (MS/MS) from human proteomic samples, we validate 39,000 exons and 11,000 introns at the level of translation. We present translation-level evidence for novel or extended exons in 16 genes, confirm translation of 224 hypothetical proteins, and discover or confirm over 40 alternative splicing events. Polymorphisms are efficiently encoded in our database, allowing us to observe variant alleles for 308 coding SNPs. Finally, we demonstrate the use of mass spectrometry to improve automated gene prediction, adding 800 correct exons to our predictions using a simple rescoring strategy. Our results demonstrate that proteomic profiling should play a role in any genome sequencing project.
Understanding the molecular mechanisms responsible for the regulation of the transcriptome present in eukaryotic cells isone of the most challenging tasks in the postgenomic era. In this regard, alternative splicing (AS) is a key phenomenoncontributing to the production of different mature transcripts from the same primary RNA sequence. As a plethora ofdifferent transcript forms is available in databases, a first step to uncover the biology that drives AS is to identify thedifferent types of reflected splicing variation. In this work, we present a general definition of the AS event along with anotation system that involves the relative positions of the splice sites. This nomenclature univocally and dynamically assignsa specific ‘‘AS code’’ to every possible pattern of splicing variation. On the basis of this definition and the correspondingcodes, we have developed a computational tool (AStalavista) that automatically characterizes the complete landscape of ASevents in a given transcript annotation of a genome, thus providing a platform to investigate the transcriptome diversityacross genes, chromosomes, and species. Our analysis reveals that a substantial part—in human more than a quarter—ofthe observed splicing variations are ignored in common classification pipelines. We have used AStalavista to investigate andto compare the AS landscape of different reference annotation sets in human and in other metazoan species and found thatproportions of AS events change substantially depending on the annotation protocol, species-specific attributes, andcoding constraints acting on the transcripts. The AStalavista system therefore provides a general framework to conductspecific studies investigating the occurrence, impact, and regulation of AS.
The recent availability of the chicken genome sequence poses the question of whether there are human protein-coding genes conserved in chicken that are currently not included in the human gene catalog. Here, we show, using comparative gene finding followed by experimental verification of exon pairs by RT–PCR, that the addition to the multi-exonic subset of this catalog could be as little as 0.2%, suggesting that we may be closing in on the human gene set. Our protocol, however, has two shortcomings: (i) the bioinformatic screening of the predicted genes, applied to filter out false positives, cannot handle intronless genes; and (ii) the experimental verification could fail to identify expression at a specific developmental time. This highlights the importance of developing methods that could provide a reliable estimate of the number of these two types of genes.