31 resultados para Ga
We have studied the effects of rapid thermal annealing at 1300¿°C on GaN epilayers grown on AlN buffered Si(111) and on sapphire substrates. After annealing, the epilayers grown on Si display visible alterations with craterlike morphology scattered over the surface. The annealed GaN/Si layers were characterized by a range of experimental techniques: scanning electron microscopy, optical confocal imaging, energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis, Raman scattering, and cathodoluminescence. A substantial Si migration to the GaN epilayer was observed in the crater regions, where decomposition of GaN and formation of Si3N4 crystallites as well as metallic Ga droplets and Si nanocrystals have occurred. The average diameter of the Si nanocrystals was estimated from Raman scattering to be around 3¿nm. Such annealing effects, which are not observed in GaN grown on sapphire, are a significant issue for applications of GaN grown on Si(111) substrates when subsequent high-temperature processing is required.
The self-assembled growth of GaN nanorods on Si (111) substrates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy under nitrogen-rich conditions is investigated. An amorphous silicon nitride layer is formed in the initial stage of growth that prevents the formation of a GaN wetting layer. The nucleation time was found to be strongly influenced by the substrate temperature and was more than 30 min for the applied growth conditions. The observed tapering and reduced length of silicon-doped nanorods is explained by enhanced nucleation on nonpolar facets and proves Ga-adatom diffusion on nanorod sidewalls as one contribution to the axial growth. The presence of Mg leads to an increased radial growth rate with a simultaneous decrease of the nanorod length and reduces the nucleation time for high Mg concentrations.
The oxidation of GaAs and AlGaAs targets subjected to O2+ bombardment has been analyzed, using in situ x¿ray photoelectron spectroscopy, as a function of time until steady state is reached. The oxides formed by the O2+ bombardment have been characterized in terms of composition and binding energy. A strong energy and angular dependence for the oxidation of As relative to Ga is found. Low energies as well as near normal angles of incidence favor the oxidation of As. The difference between Ga and As can be explained in terms of the formation enthalpy for the oxide and the excess supply of oxygen. In an AlGaAs target the Al is very quickly completely oxidized irrespective of the experimental conditions. The steady state composition of the altered layers show in all cases a preferential removal of As.
The influence of premetallization surface preparation on the structural, chemical, and electrical properties of Au-nGaN interfaces has been investigated by x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), current-voltage measurement (I-V) and cross-section transmission electron microscopy (TEM). XPS analysis showed that the three GaN substrate treatments investigated i.e., ex situ hydrofluoric acid etch, in situ anneal in ultrahigh-vacuum (UHV), and in situ Ga reflux cleaning in UHV result in surfaces increasingly free of oxygen contamination. XPS and TEM characterization of Au-nGaN formed after the three premetallization surface treatments show that HF etching and UHV annealing produce abrupt, well-defined interfaces. Conversely, GaN substrate cleaning in a Ga flux results in Au/GaN intermixing. I-V characterization of Au¿nGaN contacts yields a Schottky barrier height of 1.25 eV with a very low-ideality factor and very good contact uniformity for the premetallization UHV anneal, while the Ga reflux cleaning results in a much lower barrier (0.85 eV), with poor ideality and uniformity. I-V and XPS results suggest a high density of acceptor states at the surface, which is further enhanced by UHV annealing. These results are discussed in the context of current models of Schottky barrier formation.
The oxidation of GaAs and AlxGa1−xAs targets by oxygen irradiation has been studied in detail. It was found that the oxidation process is characterized by the strong preferential oxidation of Al as compared to Ga, and of Ga as compared to As. This experimental observation, which has been accurately quantified by using x‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy, is connected to the different heats of formation of the corresponding oxides. The oxide grown by ion beam oxidation shows a strong depletion in As and relatively low oxidation of As as well. The depletion can be associated with the preferential sputtering of the As oxide in respect to other compounds whereas the low oxidation is due to the low heat of formation. In contrast Al is rapidly and fully oxidized, turning the outermost layer of the altered layer to a single Al2O3 overlayer, as observed by transmission electron microscopy. The radiation enhanced diffusion of oxygen and aluminum in the altered layer explains the large thickness of these altered layers and the formation of Al oxides on top of the layers. For the case of ion‐beam oxidation of GaAs a simulation program has been developed which describes adequately the various growth mechanisms experimentally observed
El diposit consisteix en dos filons E-W, tallats per un altre N-S. El rebliment filonia ès zonat amb esfalerita- galena-calcita als nivells profunds i galena-baritina als superiors. Els elements traça en esfalerites i galenes, plenament separades, han estat analitzats mitjancant fluorescència de raigs X. Els resultats mostren que l'esfalerita concentra la majoria d'elements traça, preferentment Fe, Co, Cd, Sn, Sb, Ga, Cu, Ge i Ag, amb una bona correlació entre els sis primers. La galena concentra únicament Sb, Ag i As, amb bona correlació entre els dos primers. Els continguts en elements traça estan homogèniament distribuits en tot el diposit.
It is well known the relationship between source separation and blind deconvolution: If a filtered version of an unknown i.i.d. signal is observed, temporal independence between samples can be used to retrieve the original signal, in the same manner as spatial independence is used for source separation. In this paper we propose the use of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to blindly invert linear channels. The use of GA is justified in the case of small number of samples, where other gradient-like methods fails because of poor estimation of statistics.
The most extensively studied Heusler alloys are those based on the Ni-Mn-Ga system. However, to overcome the high cost of Gallium and the usually low martensitic transformation temperature, the search for Ga-free alloys has been recently attempted, particularly, by introducing In, Sn or Sb. In this work, two alloys (Mn50Ni35.5In14.5 and Ni50Mn35In15) have been obtained by melt spinning. We outline their structural and thermal behaviour. Mn50Ni35.5In14.5 alloy has the transformation above room temperature whereas Ni50Mn35In15 does not have this transformation in the temperature range here analyzed
La experiencia que se presenta se llevó a cabo en la asignatura troncal Farmacolo-gía y Terapéutica II del grado de Farmacia de la Universidad de Barcelona. El objeti-vo general fue integrar los contenidos teóricos de la asignatura con el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en el aula, utilizando un sistema de aprendizaje guiado, la WebQuest (WQ). Además, se quería ayudar a los alumnos a adquirir una serie de competencias transversales del grado de Farmacia, concreta-mente: 1) compromiso ético, 2) trabajo en equipo; 3) habilidades de comunicación e información para tratar con pacientes y usuarios del centro donde se desarrolle la actividad profesional.
Este trabajo presenta un Algoritmo Genético (GA) del problema de secuenciar unidades en una línea de producción. Se tiene en cuenta la posibilidad de cambiar la secuencia de piezas mediante estaciones con acceso a un almacén intermedio o centralizado. El acceso al almacén además está restringido, debido al tamaño de las piezas.AbstractThis paper presents a Genetic Algorithm (GA) for the problem of sequencing in a mixed model non-permutation flowshop. Resequencingis permitted where stations have access to intermittent or centralized resequencing buffers. The access to a buffer is restricted by the number of available buffer places and the physical size of the products.
En este trabajo se evalúan algoritmos heurísticos de exploración de entornos(AED, ANED, SA, TS, GA y GRASP) en la programación de pedidos en unamáquina de la vida real, con el objetivo de minimizar la suma de retrasos . Elcaso estudiado se diferencia de los problemas convencionales en que lostiempos de preparación de las operaciones están separados de los tiempos deprocesamiento y son dependientes de la secuencia. Los resultadoscomputacionales revelan que la Búsqueda Tabú funciona mejor que los otrosalgoritmos aplicados.
BACKGROUND: Candida glabrata follows C. albicans as the second or third most prevalent cause of candidemia worldwide. These two pathogenic yeasts are distantly related, C. glabrata being part of the Nakaseomyces, a group more closely related to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Although C. glabrata was thought to be the only pathogenic Nakaseomyces, two new pathogens have recently been described within this group: C. nivariensis and C. bracarensis. To gain insight into the genomic changes underlying the emergence of virulence, we sequenced the genomes of these two, and three other non-pathogenic Nakaseomyces, and compared them to other sequenced yeasts. RESULTS: Our results indicate that the two new pathogens are more closely related to the non-pathogenic N. delphensis than to C. glabrata. We uncover duplications and accelerated evolution that specifically affected genes in the lineage preceding the group containing N. delphensis and the three pathogens, which may provide clues to the higher propensity of this group to infect humans. Finally, the number of Epa-like adhesins is specifically enriched in the pathogens, particularly in C. glabrata. CONCLUSIONS: Remarkably, some features thought to be the result of adaptation of C. glabrata to a pathogenic lifestyle, are present throughout the Nakaseomyces, indicating these are rather ancient adaptations to other environments. Phylogeny suggests that human pathogenesis evolved several times, independently within the clade. The expansion of the EPA gene family in pathogens establishes an evolutionary link between adhesion and virulence phenotypes. Our analyses thus shed light onto the relationships between virulence and the recent genomic changes that occurred within the Nakaseomyces.
Focused ion beam milling is a processing technology which allows flexible direct writing of nanometer scale features efficiently substituting electron beam lithography. No mask need results in ability for patterns writing even on fragile micromechanical devices. In this work we studied the abilities of the tool for fabrication of diffraction grating couplers in silicon nitride waveguides. The gratings were fabricated on a chip with extra fragile cantilevers of sub micron thickness. Optical characterization of the couplers was done using excitation of the waveguides in visible range by focused Gaussian beams of different waist sizes. Influence of Ga+ implantation on the device performance was studied.
Desde una perspectiva constructivista (Kelly, 1955) la actividad autobiográfica se constituye como un ingrediente de desarrollo personal esencia1 en la senectud (Butler, 1963). En un grupo de sujetos voluntarios de edad avanzada (x = 68, n = 8) se empleó el método de autobiografia guiada (Birren y Hedlund, 1987) para promover la reconstrucción de su experiencia pasada. Los resultados (evaluados mediante un diseño combinado de rejilla y el análisis constructivista de textos autobiográficos propuesto por Feixas 1988) muestran que el GA produjo un cambio signifcativo y gradual en el sistema de construcción de 1os participantes, acercando significativamente la construcción de sí mismos a la de su yo-ideal y haciendo disminuir el aislamiento yo-ideal/otros. El GA parece ser un instrumento adecuado para promover la reconstrucción positiva de la experiencia en personas de edad avanzada.
We experimentally identified the activities of six predicted heptosyltransferases in Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae genome serotype 5b strain L20 and serotype 3 strain JL03. The initial identification was based on a bioinformatic analysis of the amino acid similarity between these putative heptosyltrasferases with others of known function from enteric bacteria and Aeromonas. The putative functions of all the Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae heptosyltrasferases were determined by using surrogate LPS acceptor molecules from well-defined A. hydrophyla AH-3 and A. salmonicida A450 mutants. Our results show that heptosyltransferases APL_0981 and APJL_1001 are responsible for the transfer of the terminal outer core D-glycero-D-manno-heptose (D,D-Hep) residue although they are not currently included in the CAZY glycosyltransferase 9 family. The WahF heptosyltransferase group signature sequence [S(T/S)(GA)XXH] differs from the heptosyltransferases consensus signature sequence [D(TS)(GA)XXH], because of the substitution of D(261) for S(261), being unique.