35 resultados para Filipino Americans


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Este trabajo busca identificar los elementos de cambio y continuidad que los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre tuvieron en la discusión sobre la redefinición de la arquitectura interamericana de seguridad. En particular, se revisan las posturas de Brasil, Chile, Estados Unidos y México, en tanto que se considera que las posiciones de estos países tendrán un peso importante en la Conferencia Especial sobre Seguridad hemisférica que celebrará la Organización de los Estados Americanos en el 2003. Asimismo, de cara a esta Conferencia, se enumeran algunos temas sobre los que hay un amplio consenso y otros en los cuales se tendrá que seguir trabajando para acordar posiciones comunes. Este análisis concluye que después del 11 de septiembre se generaron importantes cambios en la voluntad de varios países para avanzar en la redefinición de la seguridad hemisférica. Si embargo, esto no se tradujo en cambios importantes sobre las posiciones que los cuatro países analizados tenían sobre algunos temas específicos del debate, ni tampoco sobre el conjunto de fenómenos que consideraban como las principales amenazas a la seguridad en el Continente Americano.


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The genetic characterization of Native Mexicans is important to understand multiethnic based features influencing the medical genetics of present Mexican populations, as well as to the reconstruct the peopling of the Americas. We describe the Y-chromosome genetic diversity of 197 Native Mexicans from 11 populations and 1,044 individuals from 44 Native American populations after combining with publicly available data. We found extensive heterogeneity among Native Mexican populations and ample segregation of Q-M242* (46%) and Q-M3 (54%) haplogroups within Mexico. The northernmost sampled populations falling outside Mesoamerica (Pima and Tarahumara) showed a clear differentiation with respect to the other populations, which is in agreement with previous results from mtDNA lineages. However, our results point toward a complex genetic makeup of Native Mexicans whose maternal and paternal lineages reveal different narratives of their population history, with sex-biased continental contributions and different admixture proportions. At a continental scale, we found that Arctic populations and the northernmost groups from North America cluster together, but we did not find a clear differentiation within Mesoamerica and the rest of the continent, which coupled with the fact that the majority of individuals from Central and South American samples are restricted to the Q-M3 branch, supports the notion that most Native Americans from Mesoamerica southwards are descendants from a single wave of migration. This observation is compatible with the idea that present day Mexico might have constituted an area of transition in the diversification of paternal lineages during the colonization of the Americas.


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Aquest treball presenta una traducció al català d’un conte de l’obra Bats out of hell de Barry Hannah, un escriptor nascut al Sud dels Estats Units. L’interès d’aquest treball és la inexistència de traduccions de l’obra de Hannah al català i la denúncia que fa l’autor dels estereotips tan marcats de la societat de la seva regió natal.


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Aquest projecte ha investigat el procés de construcció de la identitat lingüística i cultural dels joves llatinoamericans i xinesos a partir de l’anàlisi de les seves actituds lingüístiques i percepcions respecte a la identitat cultural i els usos lingüístics propis. Hem escollit joves d’ensenyament secundari procedents de dos contextos diferenciats: (a) llatinoamericans que entren en el sistema educatiu amb ple domini d’una de les llengües oficials, el castellà, i (b) xinesos que inicien estudis als centres sense dominar cap llengua romànica. La recerca s’ha dut a terme amb una perspectiva etnogràfica en dos centres escolars on conviuen joves d’orígens lingüístics i culturals diferents. Gràcies als vincles creats amb docents dels centres, hem pogut posar en pràctica una metodologia d’observació participant en diversos espais escolars. També hem realitzat entrevistes a joves llatinoamericans i xinesos durant les quals hem investigat pràctiques lingüístiques i experiències quotidianes al centre relacionades amb l’aprenentatge de llengües, així com actituds vers les llengües oficials i les llengües de l’entorn familiar i vers la pluralitat d’identitats a Catalunya. Tot i que en un inici teníem la intenció d’entrevistar joves autòctons, finalment ens hem concentrat només en joves immigrants amb l’objectiu de maximitzar els recursos humans i pressupostaris. Mitjançant observacions i entrevistes amb docents, hem esbrinat com interpreten i aborden els reptes de la diversitat. En el cas d’un centre, també hem entrevistat la mediadora social que facilita les relacions entre els progenitors i el centre. Mitjançant entrevistes amb progenitors dels joves, hem investigat usos i actituds lingüístiques d’ells i dels seus fills, així com actituds al nucli familiar vers la pluralitat cultural i identitària a Catalunya. Les entrevistes han estat transcrites, traduïdes i analitzades en relació a les observacions de camp, tot tenint en compte estudis i marcs teòrics previs.


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Unemployment rates in developed countries have recently reached levels not seenin a generation, and workers of all ages are facing increasing probabilities of losingtheir jobs and considerable losses in accumulated assets. These events likely increasethe reliance that most older workers will have on public social insurance programs,exactly at a time that public finances are suffering from a large drop in contributions.Our paper explicitly accounts for employment uncertainty and unexpectedwealth shocks, something that has been relatively overlooked in the literature, butthat has grown in importance in recent years. Using administrative and householdlevel data we empirically characterize a life-cycle model of retirement and claimingdecisions in terms of the employment, wage, health, and mortality uncertainty facedby individuals. Our benchmark model explains with great accuracy the strikinglyhigh proportion of individuals who claim benefits exactly at the Early RetirementAge, while still explaining the increased claiming hazard at the Normal RetirementAge. We also discuss some policy experiments and their interplay with employmentuncertainty. Additionally, we analyze the effects of negative wealth shocks on thelabor supply and claiming decisions of older Americans. Our results can explainwhy early claiming has remained very high in the last years even as the early retirementpenalties have increased substantially compared with previous periods, andwhy labor force participation has remained quite high for older workers even in themidst of the worse employment crisis in decades.


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Aquest treball té com a objecte l’anàlisi de la implantació de la hipertextualitat, la multimedialitat, la interactivitat i la publicitat com a elements vertebradors de la premsa digital internacional. Primerament, es descriuen de forma teòrica els meritats elements. A continuació, es presenten els resultats de l’estudi empíric desenvolupat, analitzant els anteriors factors, sobre quatre capçaleres digitals internacionals. Finalment, concloem que la implantació de les variables estudiades es troba en fase d'expansió, tot i que encara lluny del nivell òptim d'explotació; també que els diaris europeus són més proclius a fomentar l'ús de la hipertextualitat, mentre els americans prefereixen la multimedialitat; que els principals problemes a superar seran les formes tradicionals de pensar i treballar així com la falta d'inversió generalitzada i, per acabar, que el futur passarà per continuar en la línia de treball sense oblidar-se d'evolucionar.


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Vull plantejar la possibilitat d'una lectura tecnològica dels usos del cos a dues selves brasileres. L'objectiu és discutir tres tòpics: 1) la tecnologia és una conseqüència directa de la ciència, 2) la tecnologia és indissociable de l'artefacte, 3) la tecnologia és el que ens separa de la natura. Enfront d'això construiré altres tres tòpics: 1) la ciència és conseqüència de la tecnologia, 2) la tecnologia és anterior a l'artefacte, 3) la tecnologia és el que ens enfonsa a la natura.


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A partir de la propuesta acerca de los componentes de la sociedad civil de Pérez Díaz, se analizan los migrantes extranjeros como partícipes en la sociedad española. El estudio de las formas de participación que se ha elegido es la inscripción administrativa y la relación con el estado. Se busca detectar y analizar las formas de respuesta de los inmigrantes internacionales en este ámbito. Constituye una forma de relación con las instituciones, independientemente de su situación con la autoridad y de la disposición o no de permisos de residencia. La distribución de los extranjeros es por continente de nacionalidad y se destaca netamente la participación de las personas de América. Las fuentes de datos son: el Censo de 2001, las Amnistías de 2000 y 2001 y los registros de Residentes. Especial mención merecen los resultados en Catalunya, además del análisis a nivel de España. Los latinoamericanos presentarían la mayor cantidad de personas pendientes de regularización, que, sin embargo, han realizado la inscripción voluntaria en el padrón. Las personas de otros continentes no realizan esta inscripción si su situación no es regular o, al menos, en la proporción que lo hacen las personas provenientes de América. En su caso, la forma de relacionarse con las autoridades es independiente de su situación administrativa (poseer o no el permiso de residencia).


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Emigrating and having to leave children behind may be a risk factor for the mental health of immigrants. This study aimed to compare the psychological symptoms reported by immigrants mothers and fathers who took their children with them with those who left their children behind. The sample comprised 213 Latin American immigrants (123 women and 90 men). The results showed that mothers who did not have children with them reported more psychological symptoms than those who did. Few differences were observed in the case of fathers, except that those who had their children with them reported more symptoms related with somatization. After controlling for possible confounding variables ('time since immigration', ·having a job', 'legal status', and social support') it is concluded that for mothers not being accompanied by own's children explains the largest proportion of the psychological synptoms analyzed, although the time since immigration also accounts for some of the variance in the case of depressive sympthomatology and general distress. It is likely that the despair and frustation felt by mothers grows as time goes on and they remain unable to reunite the family. These results may be useful in terms of designing prevention and intervention programs with immigrants mothers.


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Esta ponencia deriva del estudio previo: "la Historia del Instituto Norteamericano de Barcelona, 1951-1962", y sostiene como hipótesis de partida que esta institución, cultural y académica, impulsada desde la sociedad cívica catalana, fue, en su etapa preformativa como en la inmediatamente previa a su consolidación, un fiel reflejo y termómetro del giro político de los Estados Unidos de América respecto del Estado Español en el anterior siglo XX. Su centro de interés radica a nuestro entender en el estudio de la metabolización de ese cambio en un segmento de la sociedad catalana y en la mutua instrumentalización, que no por desigual, ambas partes pusieron en práctica, eso sí, con finalidades ya distintas, coincidentes u opuestas.


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Este trabajo pretende ofrecer una relectura cultural del descubrimiento de América.


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Científics nord-americans creuen que aquesta hormona podria utilitzar-se durant les sessions de teràpia cognitiva per millorar-ne els resultats


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BACKGROUND: Health professionals and organizations in developed countries adapt slowly to the increase of ethnically diverse populations attending health care centres. Several studies report that attention to immigrant mental health comes up with barriers in access, diagnosis and therapeutics, threatening equity. This study analyzes differences in exposure to antidepressant drugs between the immigrant and the native population of a Spanish health region. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of the dispensation of antidepressant drugs to the population aged 15 years or older attending the public primary health centres of a health region, 232,717 autochthonous and 33,361 immigrants, during 2008. Data were obtained from computerized medical records and pharmaceutical records of medications dispensed in pharmacies. Age, sex, country of origin, visits, date of entry in the regional health system, generic drugs and active ingredients were considered. Statistical analysis expressed the percentage of persons exposed to antidepressants stratified by age, gender, and country of origin and prevalence ratios of antidepressant exposition were calculated. RESULTS: Antidepressants were dispensed to 11% of native population and 2.6% of immigrants. Depending on age, native women were prescribed antidepressants between 1.9 and 2.7 times more than immigrant women, and native men 2.5 and 3.1 times more than their immigrant counterparts. Among immigrant females, the highest rate was found in the Latin Americans (6.6%) and the lowest in the sub-Saharans (1.4%). Among males, the highest use was also found in the Latin Americans (1.6%) and the lowest in the sub-Saharans (0.7%). The percentage of immigrants prescribed antidepressants increased significantly in relation to the number of years registered with the local health system. Significant differences were found for the new antidepressants, prescribed 8% more in the native population than in immigrants, both in men and in women. CONCLUSIONS: All the immigrants, regardless of the country of origin, had lower antidepressant consumption than the native population of the same age and sex. Latin American women presented the highest levels of consumption, and the sub-Saharan men the lowest. The prescription profiles also differed, since immigrants consumed more generics and fewer recently commercialized active ingredients.


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Científics nord-americans creuen que aquesta hormona podria utilitzar-se durant les sessions de teràpia cognitiva per millorar-ne els resultats


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Background: Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are critical components for host pathogen recognition and variants in genes participating in this response influence susceptibility to infections. Recently, TLR1 gene polymorphisms have been found correlated with whole blood hyper-inflammatory responses to pathogen-associated molecules and associated with sepsis-associated multiorgan dysfunction and acute lung injury (ALI). We examined the association of common variants of TLR1 gene with sepsis-derived complications in an independent study and with serum levels for four inflammatory biomarker among septic patients. Methodology/Principal Findings: Seven tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms of the TLR1 gene were genotyped in samples from a prospective multicenter case-only study of patients with severe sepsis admitted into a network of intensive care units followed for disease severity. Interleukin (IL)-1 b, IL-6, IL-10, and C-reactive protein (CRP) serum levels were measured at study entry, at 48 h and at 7th day. Alleles -7202G and 248Ser, and the 248Ser-602Ile haplotype were associated with circulatory dysfunction among severe septic patients (0.001<=p <= 0.022), and with reduced IL-10 (0.012<= p <=0.047) and elevated CRP (0.011<= p <=0.036) serum levels during the first week of sepsis development. Additionally, the -7202GG genotype was found to be associated with hospital mortality (p =0.017) and ALI (p =0.050) in a combined analysis with European Americans, suggesting common risk effects among studies Conclusions/Significance: These results partially replicate and extend previous findings, supporting that variants of TLR1 gene are determinants of severe complications during sepsis.