74 resultados para Guevara, Antonio de, ca. 1480-1545


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This paper presents a dynamic choice model in the attributespace considering rational consumers that discount the future. In lightof the evidence of several state-dependence patterns, the model isfurther extended by considering a utility function that allows for thedifferent types of behavior described in the literature: pure inertia,pure variety seeking and hybrid. The model presents a stationaryconsumption pattern that can be inertial, where the consumer only buysone product, or a variety-seeking one, where the consumer buys severalproducts simultane-ously. Under the inverted-U marginal utilityassumption, the consumer behaves inertial among the existing brands forseveral periods, and eventually, once the stationary levels areapproached, the consumer turns to a variety-seeking behavior. An empiricalanalysis is run using a scanner database for fabric softener andsignificant evidence of hybrid behavior for most attributes is found,which supports the functional form considered in the theory.


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This paper presents and estimates a dynamic choice model in the attribute space considering rational consumers. In light of the evidence of several state-dependence patterns, the standard attribute-based model is extended by considering a general utility function where pure inertia and pure variety-seeking behaviors can be explained in the model as particular linear cases. The dynamics of the model are fully characterized by standard dynamic programming techniques. The model presents a stationary consumption pattern that can be inertial, where the consumer only buys one product, or a variety-seeking one, where the consumer shifts among varied products.We run some simulations to analyze the consumption paths out of the steady state. Underthe hybrid utility assumption, the consumer behaves inertially among the unfamiliar brandsfor several periods, eventually switching to a variety-seeking behavior when the stationary levels are approached. An empirical analysis is run using scanner databases for three different product categories: fabric softener, saltine cracker, and catsup. Non-linear specifications provide the best fit of the data, as hybrid functional forms are found in all the product categories for most attributes and segments. These results reveal the statistical superiority of the non-linear structure and confirm the gradual trend to seek variety as the level of familiarity with the purchased items increases.


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This paper presents findings from a study investigating a firm s ethical practices along the value chain. In so doing we attempt to better understand potential relationships between a firm s ethical stance with its customers and those of its suppliers within a supply chain and identify particular sectoral and cultural influences that might impinge on this. Drawing upon a database comprising of 667 industrial firms from 27 different countries, we found that ethical practices begin with the firm s relationship with its customers, the characteristics of which then influence the ethical stance with the firm s suppliers within the supply chain. Importantly, market structure along with some key cultural characteristics were also found to exert significant influence on the implementation of ethical policies in these firms.


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One of the founders of numismatics in Modern Age was the archbishop of Tarragona and renowned jurist Antonio Agustín. He was educated during the mid-sixteenth century mainly in Italy, particularly in Bologna and Padua. His role in the development of antiquarian studies – and interest in collecting – ran parallel to the development of numismatics in the Cinquecento. His interest in realia , i.e., the materials and documents perceived as primary evidence of history understood in a global sense, make him a pioneer in setting the trends and methodologies which would be later employed by Bernard de Montfaucon. The period Antonio Agustín spent in Bologna, at the Reale Collegio di Spagna, between 1539 and 1544, afforded him the opportunity to enter a very cultivated circle where the admiration and study of the Antique was well established since the mid-fifteenth century. The cultural effervescence taking place in Bologna was encouraged by the court of Giovanni II Bentivoglio and the University alike. Artists also contributed to the development of antiquarian knowledge, and the painter Amico Aspertini (ca. 1475-1552) exemplifies this. It is clear that Antonio Agustín certainly benefited from the scholarly environment in Bologna during the first half of the Cinquecento, which had been firmly anchored since the fertile Quattrocento. Although the documentary evidence is scarce, and it is difficult to pinpoint the details, it is undeniable that Antonio Agustín was heavily influenced by his Bolognese experience.


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En la presente memoria se detallan con exactitud los pasos y procesos realizados para construir una aplicación que posibilite el cruce de datos genéticos a partir de información contenida en bases de datos remotas. Desarrolla un estudio en profundidad del contenido y estructura de las bases de datos remotas del NCBI y del KEGG, documentando una minería de datos con el objetivo de extraer de ellas la información necesaria para desarrollar la aplicación de cruce de datos genéticos. Finalmente se establecen los programas, scripts y entornos gráficos que han sido implementados para la construcción y posterior puesta en marcha de la aplicación que proporciona la funcionalidad de cruce de la que es objeto este proyecto fin de carrera.


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Real-time PCR was used to quantify phytoplasma concentration in fifty inoculated trees from five Prunus rootstocks and in forty-eight symptomatic pear and Japanese plum trees from orchards. Seasonal fluctuation of Ca. P. prunorum in different Prunus rootstocks, over three years, showed that the highest percentage detected by nested-PCR was in the ‘Garnem’ rootstock on nearly all sampling dates. Intra-varietal differences were also observed. Phytoplasma titer could be estimated by real time PCR in some trees of the rootstocks ‘Garnem’, ‘Barrier’, ‘GF-677’ and ‘Marianna’, and ranged from 4.7x105 to 3.18x109 phytoplasmas per gram of tissue. Quantification by real-time PCR was not possible in the ‘Cadaman’ trees analyzed, probably due to a lower phytoplasma titer in this variety. Samples from infected trees from commercial plots had different phytoplasma concentration and detection percentage depending on the variety, both being lower in ‘Fortune’ and ‘606’ Japanese plum and in ‘Blanquilla’ pear trees.


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Aquest estudi presenta els diferents àmbits d’actuació que composen el Programa CA/AC així com l’explicació de les etapes d’implementació d’aquest programa en la seva modalitat B. Aquesta modalitat ha estat aplicada en diversos centres escolars pertanyents als Berritzegunes (Serveis Educatius) de la província de Guipúscoa durant el curs 2010/11. A partir d’aquesta pràctica, s’ha realitzat l’anàlisi quantitativa de les diferents actuacions dels àmbits A i B de manera que se’n poden analitzar a partir de gràfics, quines han estat les freqüències i el grau d’aplicació de les dinàmiques i de les estructures cooperatives que conformen el programa aplicat.


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In this study we examined the shape of the association between temperature and mortality in 13 Spanish cities representing a wide range of climatic and socio demographic conditions. The temperature value linked with minimum mortality (MMT) and the slopes before and after the turning point (MMT) were calculated. Most cities showed a V-shaped temperature-mortality relationship. MMTs were generally higher in cities with warmer climates. Cold and heat effects also depended on climate: effects were greater in hotter cities but lesser in cities with higher variability. The effect of heat was greater than the effect of cold. The effect of cold and MMT was, in general, greater for cardio-respiratory mortality than for total mortality, while the effect of heat was, in general, greater among the elderly


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En aquest treball s'aprofundeix en el coneixement del que va ser l' alçament del 19 de juliol de 1936 i es detalla l'actuació contraposada que protagonitzaren, en temps de guerra idel franquisme, dos militars destinats a la ciutat: el tinent coronel Alcubilla iel capità Justo


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El presente trabajo ha consistido en elaborar el material didáctico para la educación ambiental no formal de los ciudadanos de Nicaragua, con nivel escolar equivalente a sexto grado. Este material en un futuro cercano será la base del programa de alfabetización ambiental “Yo, Sí Puedo Cuidar el Ambiente”,coordinado por la “Red Universitaria Yo, Sí Puedo” en distintas partes de Nicaragua. El resultado del proyecto es una cartilla destinada al alumno y una Guía Metodológica para el educador. Para la realización de este proyecto ha sido necesaria una estancia de tres meses y medio para la recopilación de información y la elaboración de material didáctico. El principal objetivo del material elaborado es contribuir en la sensibilización y la formación de valotres ambientales de los participantes, mejorando asi su calidad de vida y su entorno


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El projecte fa una anàlisi dels programes educatius o guies didàctiques dirigides a treballar la diversitat afectiva i sexual què s’han desenvolupat en els centres de primària i secundària a Catalunya fins al curs 2006-2007


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El projecte consisteix en analitzar, dissenyar i desenvolupar un sistemaestèreo binocular (format per dues càmeres) sobre un suport que ofereixi la mobilitat iportabilitat necessària per utilitzar-lo de forma independent, és a dir, sense necessitat deconnexió a un ordinador, ja que normalment, els sistemes de visió per computador solenincorporar un ordinador amb un frame grabber (placa de captura d’imatges). Per a dur a terme elsistema estèreo més adient, s’analitzaran els requeriments necessaris, s’estudiaran diferentsalternatives, i finalment, es desenvoluparà i es demostrarà el funcionament del sistema en qüestió


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Aquesta instal•lació solar tèrmica s’ha dissenyat per cobrir part de les necessitats energètiques d’un edifici que consta de 10 habitatges de protecció oficial construïts en 2 plantes a la localitat de Quart. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és arribar a una cobertura solar aproximada del 50% de les necessitats d’ aigua calenta sanitària (ACS) i climatització


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S’ha detectat un problema de terbolesa de les aigües de l’estany del Cortalet del PNAE. El sòl d’aquest estany és de tipus sòdic, si pateix alguna alteració és possible que es presenti una desmembració deguda a l’acció dispersant del sodi. Alguns estudis demostren que la vegetació actua com a agent estructurador d’aquest sòl i li dóna estabilitat al sediment. Segons això, podria ser que l’origen de la terbolesa de l’aigua fos causa d’aquesta acció dispersant del sodi en sòls mancats de vegetació. Per analitzar si aquesta és la causa de la terbolesa, s’ha dut a terme un assaig experimental in situ de les causes físiques de la terbolesa de l’aigua, on s’ha tractat d’aïllar una zona amb vegetació, d’una sense vegetació. Els resultats demostren que la terbolesa era major a les zones vegetades i descarten la hipòtesi de l’acció dispersant del sodi en el sediment en sòls mancats de vegetació. Els resultats en canvi suggereixen que les causes de la terbolesa podrien ser d’origen biològic. Atès que es troben diferències entre la producció primària planctònica generada pel fitoplàncton, i bentònica, generada per la biomassa algal


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Breve introducción de los conceptos básicos para la gestión de proyectos, mostrando a continuación dónde se ubica la herramienta CA clarity PPM y cómo se realiza la implantación de esta herramienta.