10 resultados para Philosophy of creativity


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The workforce in organizations today is becoming increasingly diverse. Consequently the role of diversity management is heavily discussed with respect to the question how diversity influences the productivity of a group. Empirical studies show that on one hand there is a potential for increasing productivity but on the other hand it might be as well that conflicts arise due to the heterogeneity of the group. Usually according empirical studies are based on interviews, questionnaires and/or observations. These methods imply that answers are highly selective and filtered. In order to make the invisible visible, to have access to mental models of team members the paper will present an empirical study on the self-understanding of groups based on an innovative research method, called “mind-scripting”.


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Epistemology in philosophy of mind is a difficult endeavor. Those who believe that our phenomenal life is different from other domains suggest that self-knowledge about phenomenal properties is certain and therefore privileged. Usually, this so called privileged access is explained by the idea that we have direct access to our phenomenal life. This means, in contrast to perceptual knowledge, self-knowledge is non-inferential. It is widely believed that, this kind of directness involves two different senses: an epistemic sense and a metaphysical sense. Proponents of this view often claim that this is due to the fact that we are acquainted with our current experiences. The acquaintance thesis, therefore, is the backbone in justifying privileged access. Unfortunately the whole approach has a profound flaw. For the thesis to work, acquaintance has to be a genuine explanation. Since it is usually assumed that any knowledge relation between judgments and the corresponding objects are merely causal and contingent (e.g. in perception), the proponent of the privileged access view needs to show that acquaintance can do the job. In this thesis, however, I claim that the latter cannot be done. Based on considerations introduced by Levine, I conclude that this approach involves either the introduction of ontologically independent properties or a rather obscure knowledge relation. A proper explanation, however, cannot employ either of the two options. The acquaintance thesis is, therefore, bound to fail. Since the privileged access intuition seems to be vital to epistemology within the philosophy of mind, I will explore alternative justifications. After discussing a number of options, I will focus on the so called revelation thesis. This approach states that by simply having an experience with phenomenal properties, one is in the position to know the essence of those phenomenal properties. I will argue that, after finding a solution for the controversial essence claim, this thesis is a successful replacement explanation which maintains all the virtues of the acquaintance account without necessarily introducing ontologically independent properties or an obscure knowledge relation. The overall solution consists in qualifying the essence claim in the relevant sense, leaving us with an appropriate ontology for phenomenal properties. On the one hand, this avoids employing mysterious independent properties, since this ontological view is physicalist in nature. On the other hand, this approach has the right kind of structure to explain privileged self-knowledge of our phenomenal life. My final conclusion consists in the claim that the privileged access intuition is in fact veridical. It cannot, however, be justified by the popular acquaintance approach, but rather, is explainable by the controversial revelation thesis.


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Difficult and unpredictable times, due to economic instability, lead employees to feel high job insecurity. Organizations’ only way to subsistence is to search innovative ways of solving problems and find creative solutions. This study focuses on the impact that job insecurity has on adaptive performance, a recent measure integrating the response of creativity, reactivity in the face of emergencies, interpersonal adaptability, training effort, and handling work stress, and, mediated by burnout. From the responses of two questionnaires (????????1=252; ????????2=145), we conclude that job insecurity leads to exhaustion, but not to disengagement. In turn, it is the latter that demonstrates to have negative relations with some measures of adaptive performance. Thus, it is crucial to understand how organizations can minimize the inherent process.


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This paper attempts to prove that in the years 1735 to 1755 Venice was the birthplace and cradle of Modern architectural theory, generating a major crisis in classical architecture traditionally based on the Vitruvian assumption that it imitates early wooden structures in stone or in marble. According to its rationalist critics such as the Venetian Observant Franciscan friar and architectural theorist Carlo Lodoli (1690-1761) and his nineteenth-century followers, classical architecture is singularly deceptive and not true to the nature of materials, in other words, dishonest and fallacious. This questioning did not emanate from practising architects, but from Lodoli himself– a philosopher and educator of the Venetian patriciate – who had not been trained as an architect. The roots of this crisis lay in a new approach to architecture stemming from the new rationalist philosophy of the Enlightenment age with its emphasis on reason and universal criticism.


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RESUMO - O título do presente trabalho de projeto é: “Balanced Scorecard como metodologia utilizada no planeamento estratégico de um Laboratório de Patologia Clínica”. Atualmente a qualidade dos serviços prestados na área da saúde constitui uma questão que preocupa todos os stakeholders envolvidos. Neste âmbito, a escolha desta temática prende-se com a necessidade urgente de mudança no sentido de melhorar a performance do Laboratório de Patologia Clínica. Melhorar a qualidade dos serviços prestados garantindo a eficiência e sustentabilidade do serviço constitui a grande máxima de qualquer organização. Os objetivos deste trabalho de projeto são, entre outros: analisar as implicações da avaliação da qualidade de gestão utilizando o Balanced Scorecard como metodologia; destacar a importância do uso desta metodologia num Laboratório de Patologia Clínica no que diz respeito à melhoria da qualidade, da efetividade e da eficiência e apresentar uma proposta de aplicação desta metodologia a um serviço de Patologia Clínica. A filosofia do Balanced Scorecard assenta em 4 perspetivas, financeira, dos clientes, dos processos internos e a perspetiva crescimento e aprendizagem, que funcionam de forma integrada permitindo uma avaliação da qualidade de gestão. Em cada uma destas perspetivas são definidos objetivos e indicadores que têm de funcionar de forma integrada estabelecendo relações causa-efeito entre elas. Qualquer falha decorrente de objetivos não atingidos numa das perspetivas origina o desequilíbrio de todo o sistema desencadeando desvios no percurso estratégico, no cumprimento da missão e da visão da organização. A metodologia utilizada consiste essencialmente na recolha de dados resultantes da entrevista, pesquisa bibliográfica e análise documental do serviço de Patologia Clínica, que contribuíram para a elaboração de uma proposta de implementação. A aplicação de um sistema de medição da qualidade é essencial e a metodologia Balanced Scorecard pode constituir uma ferramenta fundamental neste sentido, facilitando a gestão de organizações de saúde.


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The paper will address George Kubler’s Portuguese Plain Architecture [PPA] (1972) and its effect in Portuguese architectural practice. Kubler’s philosophy of art history implied that closed sequences of objects could be opened by several reasons. Thus, it will be argued that there is an effect upon Portuguese architecture post 1974, that is apparent by the reemergence of some of the form classes treated by Kubler. This was mostly achieved through the popularity of Kubler’s book within architectural practice, scholarship and moreover by the establishment of the term “Plain Architecture” in portuguese architectural vocabulary. Plain Architecture of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries shared some qualities with the architecture to be built in post‑revolutionary Portugal, most importantly the effect that could be achieved with low budget buildings that were responding to a situation of crisis, and simultaneously exhaled aristocratic sparsity. The connection of PPA with the ideological attributes of early modernism and the political context of the time catalysed the reemergence of a new order of Portuguese Plain that resonates still in contemporary architecture.


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This thesis justifies the need for and develops a new integrated model of practical reasoning and argumentation. After framing the work in terms of what is reasonable rather than what is rational (chapter 1), I apply the model for practical argumentation analysis and evaluation provided by Fairclough and Fairclough (2012) to a paradigm case of unreasonable individual practical argumentation provided by mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik (chapter 2). The application shows that by following the model, Breivik is relatively easily able to conclude that his reasoning to mass murder is reasonable – which is understood to be an unacceptable result. Causes for the model to allow such a conclusion are identified as conceptual confusions ingrained in the model, a tension in how values function within the model, and a lack of creativity from Breivik. Distinguishing between dialectical and dialogical, reasoning and argumentation, for individual and multiple participants, chapter 3 addresses these conceptual confusions and helps lay the foundation for the design of a new integrated model for practical reasoning and argumentation (chapter 4). After laying out the theoretical aspects of the new model, it is then used to re-test Breivik’s reasoning in light of a developed discussion regarding the motivation for the new place and role of moral considerations (chapter 5). The application of the new model shows ways that Breivik could have been able to conclude that his practical argumentation was unreasonable and is thus argued to have improved upon the Fairclough and Fairclough model. It is acknowledged, however, that since the model cannot guarantee a reasonable conclusion, improving the critical creative capacity of the individual using it is also of paramount importance (chapter 6). The thesis concludes by discussing the contemporary importance of improving practical reasoning and by pointing to areas for further research (chapter 7).


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Este relatório surge no âmbito da minha Prática do Ensino Supervisionada e representa uma reflexão sobre a minha iniciação como professora de Inglês e de Francês no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário. A reflexão teve como objeto o conceito de ‘aprendizagem criativa’ na teoria do ensino da língua estrangeira e a sua aplicação na prática letiva, nas duas escolas onde desenvolvi o meu estágio, a Escola Secundária de Sebastião da Gama e a Escola Básica do 2º e 3º Ciclos de Aranguez, ambas em Setúbal. Para além de uma tentativa de sistematização das abordagens teóricos, de modo a tornar a noção de ‘criatividade’ mais aplicável na prática da docência da língua estrangeira, a nossa reflexão procura evidenciar como e em que situações a aprendizagem se revela criativa e demonstra a sua utilidade para a aula de língua estrangeira.


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AEIPS is a Portuguese social organization promoting the integration of people with mental health illnesses and/or substance abuse in the community through the intervention model Housing First. The philosophy of Housing First aims at lifting people out of their homelessness status by providing instant access to individualized and permanent housing as well as support services. Housing First projects from all over the world have proved very positive results in terms of residential stability and community integration of its participants. This feasibility study evaluates the suitability of using a Social Impact Bond to fund the Housing First intervention of AEIPS in Portugal.