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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina


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Research Project submited as partial fulfilment for the Master Degree in Statistics and Information Management


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Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica


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RESUMO - Com tanto ruído informativo e peças de informação incompletas e descontextualizadas, relativos ao controlo da tuberculose em Portugal, a chegarem ao cidadão e aos profissionais de saúde, não é fácil que eles disponham do conhecimento necessário ao desempenho dos respectivos papéis nesse controlo. O presente artigo pretende contribuir para um ganho real em conhecimento quanto (1) ao progresso no controlo da tuberculose em Portugal, enquadrado na evolução desse controlo noutras regiões pertinentes, e (2) aos aspectos do conhecimento disponível e da intervenção na população portuguesa que suscitem especial atenção, para melhoria no futuro imediato. Tem como estratégia integrar, e elevar ao nível de conhecimento, a informação disponibilizada nas fontes mais credíveis e pertinentes, valorizada no contexto da validade das mesmas fontes e da coerência dos diversos componentes. Relata o resultado de um exercício independente de apreciação crítica, com uma perspectiva epidemiológica. São observados: a situação actual, sobretudo a relativa aos anos de 2006 e 2007, e o desempenho do Programa Nacional de Controlo da Tuberculose (PNT), ambos relativizados à evolução recente e ao panorama internacional. O exercício de observação e revisão independentes baseia-se numa selecção de informação oficial e segue o mesmo método de abordagem que a O.M.S. faz nos seus relatórios anuais, à semelhança de outros exercícios já antes realizados. O controlo da tuberculose tem prosseguido a sua tímida, mas firme, evolução favorável, aproximando-se do nível já conseguido nos países seus vizinhos da Europa Ocidental. Em 2007, Portugal contribuiu para os 9 milhões de casos novos anuais, estimados no mundo, com 2916 casos notificados. A este número corresponde a taxa de incidência notificada de 25,7 por 100 000 habitantes e uma redução de 14% em relação ao ano anterior. Esta evolução afigura-se animadora, ainda que seja desejável um impacte mais acentuado do PNT, conforme é de esperar considerando o grau de desenvolvimento do País. A taxa de detecção de casos novos estimada é elevada e continua uma das melhores da Europa Ocidental — o que desfavorece artificialmente a imagem notificada do País, relativamente aos países com pior capacidade de detecção. A taxa de sucesso terapêutico melhorou de novo, situando- -se acima da meta de 85% preconizada pela O.M.S, para um bom controlo da tuberculose. Uma das consequências importantes é que se consegue um melhor aproveitamento da detecção habitualmente alcançada. O conhecimento no seu conjunto aponta para que o grau de controlo possa e deva realmente ser melhorado, sendo imperiosa a discriminação positiva das áreas geográficas e dos grupos populacionais em que tende a concentrar-se a emergência de maior número de casos e de resistências aos medicamentos. Deverão assim ser reforçados selectivamente tanto os meios de detecção e de intervenção clínica, como a qualidade da organização local da intervenção, para o cumprimento efectivo da estratégia DOTS. Enquanto programa vertical que atravessa os diversos níveis do sistema de cuidados de saúde, o desempenho do PNT sofre os efeitos das atribulações desses serviços, sobretudo os de cuidados primários, funcionando como uma «situação-marcadora» quanto ao desempenho do sistema de saúde. A evidência é de que é nesta primeira linha de cuidados que se decide o sucesso na detecção e no tratamento dos casos de tuberculose, reflectindo-se também aí o grau de desenvolvimento social e os comportamentos das populações, por sua vez determinantes do risco de doença e do sucesso terapêutico. ------------------- ABSTRACT - It is not easy that both the citizen and health professionals get enabled with the required knowledge, in order do play the corresponding roles in the control of tuberculosis, considering all the information noise and incomplete, out of context information pieces about the subject, that reach them. This paper is envisaging to contribute for a real gain in knowledge, regarding: (1) the progress in tuberculosis control in Portugal, framed by the evolution of such control in other pertinent regions and (2) the available knowledge and intervention aspects in the Portuguese population that require a special attention, for improvement. The article’s strategy is to integrate, and raise to a knowledge level, information provided by the most accredited and pertinent sources, interpreted as a function of the validity context of the same sources and of the coherence of the several components. Two aspects are observed: the current situation, in particular concerning years 2006 and 2007, and the performance of the National Programme for the Tuberculosis Control (PNT), both made relative to the recent evolution and to the international panorama. This independent observation and revision exercise is based on a selection of official information and follows the same approach that the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) uses in its annual reports, like other similar exercises previously undertaken. The control of tuberculosis is evolving in a shy, but firm, fashion, getting closer to the level already attained by the neighbor countries, in Western Europe. Portugal has contributed with 2916 new notified cases, to the 9 million annual cases estimated in the world, in 2007. This number corresponds to an incidence rate, for notified cases, of 25.7 per 100000 population, and to a reduction of 14% in one year. Such evolution seems encouraging, although a greater impact of PNT is desirable, as expected in relation to the degree of the Country development. Estimated new cases detection rate is high and keeps being one of the best in Western Europe — and this artificially disadvantages the notified image of the Country, as compared with other countries having a worst detection capacity. Treatment success rate has improved again and it is above the 85% target proposed by W.H.O., so that a good control of the disease is achieved. One of the important consequences is a better use of the attained detection. Altogether, knowledge suggests that the degree of control can and must be in fact better; and that a positive discrimination of geographic areas and population groups, in which a greater number of new cases and drug resistances tend to concentrate, is mandatory. Therefore, either clinical detection and intervention resources, or the quality of the local intervention organization have to be reinforced, if a total fulfillment of DOTS strategy is to be obtained. As a vertical programme that crosses the several levels of the health care system, PNT performance suffers the effects of services tribulations, mainly primary care, thus acting as a «markersituation » as to this system performance. Evidence shows that it is in this first line of care that success in both detection and treatment of tuberculosis cases is decided; and that this level also reveals the degree of social developmen


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RESUMO: A esporulação em Bacillus subtilis é controlada por uma cascata de factores sigma da polimerase do RNA. F e E controlam os estágios precoces do desenvolvimento no pré-esporo e na célula mãe, respectivamente. Numa fase intermédia da diferenciação, quando a célula mãe acaba por envolver o pré-esporo, F é substituído por G e E é substituído por K. Vários mecanismos asseguram que a actividade dos diferentes factores sigma seja confinada a uma janela temporal precisa na célula adequada. Neste estudo, investigámos a função de um factor anti-G, designado por CsfB. Mostramos que para além da sua função de inibição da actividade do factor G em células pré-divisionais, CsfB é também necessário na célula mãe num estágio tardio do desenvolvimento. Mostramos que a expressão de csfB é activada na célula mãe a partir de um promotor dependente de K. Contudo, demonstramos que CsfB interage directamente com E e não com K, e que CsfB é suficiente para inibir a actividade transcricional dependente de E em células vegetativas de B. subtilis. Propomos que CsfB contribui para reduzir o período dependente de E, na linha de expressão genética da célula mãe, desse modo reduzindo a sobreposição entre os regulões E e K e aumentado a fidelidade do processo de desenvolvimento. Uma segunda proteína, YabK, partilha semelhança estrutural com CsfB. YabK é produzida no pré-esporo sob o comando de F, e é necessária para a esporulação. YabK contribui para a transição F/G no programa genético do pré-esporo, porque uma mutação que torna F sensível a CsfB ultrapassa parcialmente a função de YabK na esporulação. No entanto, YabK e CsfB funcionam por mecanismos diferentes, uma vez que YabK não liga directamente a F.---------ABSTRACT: Gene expression during spore development in Bacillus subtilis is governed by a cascade of RNA polymerase sigma factors. F and E control the early stages of development in the forespore and in the mother cell, respectively. At an intermediate stage in the differentiation process, when the larger mother cell finishes engulfment of the smaller forespore, F is replaced by G and E is replaced by K. Several mechanisms ensure the proper timing of activation of the cell type-specific sigma factors. Here, we have investigated the funtion of an anti-sigma G factor, called CsfB. We show here that in addition to its role in inhibiting G in pre-divisional cells, CsfB is also required in the mother cell at a late stage in development. We show that the expression of csfB is activated in the mother cell from a K-specific promoter. However, we demonstrate that CsfB binds directly to E but not to K in a yeast two-hybrid assay, and that CsfB is sufficient to inhibit E-dependent transcriptional activity in vegetative cells of B. subtilis. We posit that CsfB contributes to shutting off the early, E-controlled period in the mother cell line of gene expression, thus reducing the overlap between deployment of the E and K regulons and increasing the fidelity of the developmental process. A second protein, YabK, shares structural similarity with CsfB. YabK is produced in the forespore under F control, and is required for efficient sporulation. YabK contributes to the transition from the F- to the G-dependent period of gene expression, because a mutation that renders F sensitive to CsfB partially bypasses the need for YabK. Yet, YabK and CsfB must function in the control of sigma factor activity by different mechanisms because YabK does not bind directly to F.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina


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The continued economic and population development puts additional pressure on the already scarce energetic sources. Thus there is a growing urge to adopt a sustainable plan able to meet the present and future energetic demands. Since the last two decades, solar trough technology has been demonstrating to be a reliable alternative to fossil fuels. Currently, the trough industry seeks, by optimizing energy conversion, to drive the cost of electricity down and therefore to place itself as main player in the next energetic age. One of the issues that lately have gained considerable relevance came from the observation of significant heat losses in a large number of receiver modules. These heat losses were attributed to slow permeation of traces of hydrogen gas through the steel tube wall into the vacuum annulus. The presence of hydrogen gas in the absorber tube results from the decomposition of heat transfer fluid due to the long-term exposure to 400°C. The permeated hydrogen acts as heat conduction mean leading to a decrease in the receivers performance and thus its lifetime. In order to prevent hydrogen accumulation, it has been common practice to incorporate hydrogen getters in the vacuum annulus of the receivers. Nevertheless these materials are not only expensive but their gas absorbing capacity can be insufficient to assure the required level of vacuum for the receivers to function. In this work the building of a permeation measurement device, vulnerabilities detected in the construction process and its overcome are described. Furthermore an experimental procedure was optimized and the obtained permeability results, of different samples were evaluated. The data was compared to measurements performed by an external entity. The reliability of the comparative data was also addressed. In the end conclusions on the permeability results for the different samples characteristics, feasibility of the measurement device are drawn and recommendations on future line of work were made.


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The particular characteristics and affordances of technologies play a significant role in human experience by defining the realm of possibilities available to individuals and societies. Some technological configurations, such as the Internet, facilitate peer-to-peer communication and participatory behaviors. Others, like television broadcasting, tend to encourage centralization of creative processes and unidirectional communication. In other instances still, the affordances of technologies can be further constrained by social practices. That is the case, for example, of radio which, although technically allowing peer-to-peer communication, has effectively been converted into a broadcast medium through the legislation of the airwaves. How technologies acquire particular properties, meanings and uses, and who is involved in those decisions are the broader questions explored here. Although a long line of thought maintains that technologies evolve according to the logic of scientific rationality, recent studies demonstrated that technologies are, in fact, primarily shaped by social forces in specific historical contexts. In this view, adopted here, there is no one best way to design a technological artifact or system; the selection between alternative designs—which determine the affordances of each technology—is made by social actors according to their particular values, assumptions and goals. Thus, the arrangement of technical elements in any technological artifact is configured to conform to the views and interests of those involved in its development. Understanding how technologies assume particular shapes, who is involved in these decisions and how, in turn, they propitiate particular behaviors and modes of organization but not others, requires understanding the contexts in which they are developed. It is argued here that, throughout the last century, two distinct approaches to the development and dissemination of technologies have coexisted. In each of these models, based on fundamentally different ethoi, technologies are developed through different processes and by different participants—and therefore tend to assume different shapes and offer different possibilities. In the first of these approaches, the dominant model in Western societies, technologies are typically developed by firms, manufactured in large factories, and subsequently disseminated to the rest of the population for consumption. In this centralized model, the role of users is limited to selecting from the alternatives presented by professional producers. Thus, according to this approach, the technologies that are now so deeply woven into human experience, are primarily shaped by a relatively small number of producers. In recent years, however, a group of three interconnected interest groups—the makers, hackerspaces, and open source hardware communities—have increasingly challenged this dominant model by enacting an alternative approach in which technologies are both individually transformed and collectively shaped. Through a in-depth analysis of these phenomena, their practices and ethos, it is argued here that the distributed approach practiced by these communities offers a practical path towards a democratization of the technosphere by: 1) demystifying technologies, 2) providing the public with the tools and knowledge necessary to understand and shape technologies, and 3) encouraging citizen participation in the development of technologies.


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RESUMO - Enquadramento: Com o aumento da Esperança Média de Vida, e o consequente envelhecimento generalizado da população portuguesa, envelhecer com boa saúde e com elevada qualidade de vida, onde as pessoas com mais de 65 anos tenham a possibilidade de expressar todas as suas potencialidades e manterem um papel ativo na sua vida e na sociedade, é vincadamente um dos maiores desafios da sociedade contemporânea. Desta forma, foi imposto à sociedade e aos sistemas de saúde, a criação de novas estratégias, que promovessem a reabilitação, a autonomia e a qualidade de vida dos idosos. Nesta linha, surgiu em Portugal a criação da Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados, combinando os cuidados de saúde com o apoio social adequado a esta população. Objetivos: Num primeiro objetivo, pretende-se avaliar os diferentes domínios da autoperceção de qualidade de vida de indivíduos com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, que se encontrem em período de internamento nas diferentes tipologias de Unidades de internamento da RNCCI (Unidade de Convalescença, Unidade de Média Duração e Reabilitação e Unidade de Longa Duração e Manutenção), bem como o seu grau de (in) dependência, de risco de falha de auto-cuidado, e de risco de quedas. Como segundo objetivo propomo-nos a avaliar o grau de satisfação desses mesmos utentes, relativamente à equipa de profissionais de saúde e aos aspetos organizacionais e serviços prestados pela Unidade da RNCCI, onde se encontram internados. Por último, pretendemos averiguar a existência ou inexistência de relação entre as demais variáveis em estudo com a tipologia de Unidade de internamento onde o utente se encontra a receber cuidados. Métodos: O presente estudo é caraterizado como um estudo quantitativo, de caráter exploratório, e de índole descritivo-correlacional, que visa descrever fenómenos e, posteriormente, identificar e explorar possíveis relações entre variáveis. O estudo centrou-se em indivíduos, com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, internados em Unidades de Cuidados Continuados da Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados, tendo sido efetuados dois questionários distintos: um de satisfação, e um segundo instrumento de perceção da qualidade de vida, denominado de EasyCare, estando este já cientificamente validado a nível internacional e nacional. Foi obtida uma amostra de 35 utentes.


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Following orders, hierarchical obedience and military discipline are essential values for the survival of the armed forces. Without them, it is not possible to conceive the armed forces as an essential pillar of a democratic state of law and a guarantor of national independence. As issuing orders as well as receiving and following them are inextricably linked to military discipline, and as such injunctions entail the workings of a particular obedience regime within the specific kind of organized power framework which is the Armed Forces, only by analysing the importance of such orders within this microcosm – with its strict hierarchical structure – will it be possible to understand which criminal judicial qualification to ascribe to the individual at the rear by reference to the role of the front line individual (i.e. the one who issues an order vs the one who executes it). That is, of course, when we are faced with the practice of unlawful acts, keeping in mind the organizational framework and its influence over the will of the executor. One thing we take as read, if the orders can be described as unlawful, the boundary line of the duty of obedience, which cannot be overstepped, both because of a legal as well as a constitutional imperative, will have been crossed. And the military have sworn an oath of obedience to the fundamental law. The topic of hierarchical obedience cannot be separated from the analysis of current legislation which pertains to the topic within military institutions. With that in mind, it appeared relevant to address the major norms which regulate the matter within the Portuguese military legal system, and, whenever necessary and required by the reality under analysis, to relate that to civilian law or legal doctrine.


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This study consists of the reflection on a consultancy project developed by four students and one project manager from NOVA SBE. In attempting to assist Galp Energia structure the operationalization of an entry into Social Media, we were confronted with first-time challenges in real-life highly demanding workplace situations. The following considerations attempt to defuse the problem-solving mindset of the practical experience from the methodological development and learning experience extracted from the consulting line of work


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The spinning rotor gauge (SRG) is one of the most interesting vacuum gauges ever made, covering a pressure range of over seven orders of magnitude, with minimal gas interference (no pumping, ionization or heating of the measured gas), and a great stability of less than 1% drift per year. But despite its remarkable properties, apparently the SRG has not been further developed since the eighties, when it gained commercial interest. In this context, this dissertation aims at providing a starting point for a new line of investigation regarding this instrument, focused on the rotor itself. A brief study of different rotor geometries is provided, including a comparison between a cylindrical rotor and a spherical one. A cylindrical spinning rotor gauge (CSRG) is then proposed, based on the original SRG, but requiring a completely new lateral damping system. A prototype was built and tested against a non calibrated reference gauge.


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“One cannot analyse a legal concept outside the economic and socio-cultural context in which it was applied” – such is the longstanding thesis of António Manuel Hespanha. I argue that Hespanha’s line of argument relative to legal concepts is also applicable, mutatis mutandis, to legal agents: the magistrates, advocates, notaries, solicitors and clerks who lived and exercised their professions in a given time and place. The question, then, is how to understand the actions of these individuals in particular contexts – more specifically in late 18th century and 19th century Goa. The main goal of the present thesis was to comprehend how westernized and Catholic Goan elite of Brahman and Chardó origin who provided the majority of Goan legal agents used Portuguese law to their own advantage. It can be divided into five key points. The first one is the importance of the Constitutional liberalism regime (with all the juridical, judicial, administrative and political changes that it has brought, namely the parliamentary representation) and its relations with the perismo – a local political and ideological tendency nurtured by Goan native Catholic elite. It was explored in the chapter 2 of this thesis. The second key point is the repeated attempts made by Goan native Catholic elite to implement the jury system in local courts. It was studied in the chapter 3. Chapter 4 aims to understand the participation of the native Catholic elite in the codification process of the uses and traditions of the indigenous peoples in New Conquests territory. The fourth key point is the involvement of those elites not only in the conflict of civil and ecclesiastical jurisdictions but also in the succession of the Royal House of Sunda. It was analyzed in the chapter 5. The functions of an advocate could be delegated to someone who, though lacking a law degree, possessed sufficient knowledge to perform this role satisfactorily. Those who held a special licence to practice law were known as provisionários (from provisão, or licence, as opposed to the letrados, or lettered). In the Goa of the second half of the 18th century and the 19th century, such provisionários were abundant, the vast majority coming from the native Catholic elite. The characteristics of those provisionários, the role played by the Portuguese letrados in Goa and the difficult relations between both groups were studied in the chapter 6.