7 resultados para Johnson, Virginia
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Línguas, Literaturas e Culturas, Estudos Ingleses e Norte-Americanos
Dissertação de Doutoramento em Literatura Comparada
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Filosofia (especialidade Ontologia e Filosofia da Natureza)
The questioning of fictional identities is central in both texts. Their structure illustrates the Bakhtinian notions of heteroglossia and dialogism and one of their main themes is the structuring and restructuring of social and personal history. Together with the use of irony and humour, the parody of social context, the use of intertextuality and metafiction, the exploration of fragment and of discontinuity, the development of self reflection and the interrogation of the author before the condition of his work, the focusing on the presence of a reader lost in the interpretation of the text, this problematisation of fictional identities places these two novels between the acts of modernism and postmodernism.
Virginia Woolf and Clarice Lispector belong to quite different historical, political and cultural contexts. Beyond its antecedents and roots in European modernism, Brazilian modernism developed according to peculiar patterns and lines, cultivating, for example, more clearly political, nationalist and regionalist tendencies than happened in the British area. Molly Hite’s essay “Virginia Woolf’s Two Bodies” suggests the existence of two kinds of body represented and perhaps experienced by Virginia Woolf: “one kind was the body for others, the body cast in social roles”, the other, the “visionary body”, a second physical presence, which brings into play new perspectives on the female modernist body and new strategies of political and aesthetic representation. It is this “visionary body”, that, in many moments, intersects with transcendence. These two kinds of body are also present in Clarice Lispector’s work, structured, of course, around other complexities and gradations, explained by a different temporal context, but still touching common seminal questions. In Lispector, it is through the body cast in social roles that you reach the “visionary body” and transcendence. The movement is not a flight, as in Woolf, on the contrary it is a necessity, a condition to get to the essence.
This article seeks to restore (anthropologically speaking) the warrior status of the Nuer during the colonial period. It challenges the negative conclusions of Douglas H. Johnson about the cultural dimension of fighting. In 1839, when the Nuer sacrificed an ox before a fleet from the North, the Egyptians thought it was an act of aggression and shot at them. But did this mistake inaugurate a series of misunderstandings on the offensive provision of this people? If that is Johnson's assertion, a return to the sources allows an alternative interpretation. The article puts in symmetry this episode and another, ninety years later, which also involved an "ox peace". The British killed this animal in 1929 during the repression of the Nuer prophetic movement. But if Johnson seeks to contradict the importance of the prophets as leaders of revolt, this article points out that their pacifism was embedded in the ideology of war.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Estudos Literários Comparados