6 resultados para Emergency room
RESUMO - Introdução: Actualmente o uso excessivo dos serviços de Urgência Pediátrica hospitalares constitui uma das preocupações de gestores e administradores hospitalares. Esta má utilização pode contribuir para o aumento descomedido dos custos uma vez que a procura não é adequada para este tipo de serviço. A procura de respostas rápidas aos problemas de saúde contribui para a afluência exagerada e por vezes injustificada por parte da população. Objectivo: O objectivo deste estudo foi efectuar a caracterização da utilização da urgência pediátrica num hospital da área metropolitana de Lisboa, no sentido de compreender se existe, ou não, procura injustificada de cuidados de saúde. Material e métodos: Foi utilizado como suporte metodológico uma abordagem quantitativa, num estudo descritivo - correlacional. Foram analisados 36932 episódios de Urgência Pediátrica ocorridos num período de 6 meses (Julho 2010 a Janeiro 2011). Resultados: A amostra é constituída por 53,6% utentes do sexo masculino e por 46,4% do sexo feminino; onde o intervalo de idades mais representativo situa-se entre o 1 ano e 5 anos de idade. O concelho de Sintra apresenta 61% dos episódios, no entanto proporcionalmente o concelho de Amadora recorre mais à Urgência Pediátrica com 7,48% dos episódios. O dia com maior afluência é Segunda-feira com 17% dos episódios; 75% dos epsiódios ocorre entre as 8h - 20h, periodo de funcionamento dos Centros de Saúde. Foram considerados como não urgentes, 54,9% dos episódios, 88,8% destes são encaminhados para o Centro de Saúde. São não referenciados 90% dos episódios. Existe evidência de utilização injustificada do Serviço de Urgência Pediátrica por 49,5% dos utentes. Verifica-se que a utilização do serviço de urgência depende da residência dos utentes (p=0,001), a população da Amadora recorre mais à urgência. Existe evidência de relação entre o dia da semana e o acesso injustificado (p <0,001), quinta-feira apresenta 17,3% dos episódios não justificados. A recorrência injustificada ao serviço de urgência não depende do género (p=0,137). Existe relação entre a idade e a recorrência justificada, sendo estatisticamente significativa (p=0,006). Conclusão: Pode concluir-se que a “sobre utilização” e “inadequação” da procura são fenómenos presentes no Serviço de Urgência Pediátrica. Assim urgem medidas de contenção da utilização indevida, passando estas provavelmente por uma consciencialização e educação da população. - ABSTRACT - Introduction: Currently the overuse of Pediatric Emergency hospital services is a major concern of managers and hospital administrators. This misure may contribute to increased costs because of the inordinate demand is not appropriate for this type of service. The demand for rapid response to health problems contributing to the influx exaggerated and sometimes unjustified by the population. Objective: The aim of this study was carried out to characterize the use of emergency pediatric hospital in the metropolitan area of Lisbon, in order to understand whether there is or not unjustified demand for health care. Methods: We used it as a methodological support a quantitative approach, a descriptive study - correlation. We analyzed 36,932 episodes of pediatric emergency occurring in a period of six months (July 2010 to January 2011). Results: The sample consists of 53.6% of male users and 46.4% female, where the most representative age range is between 1 and 5 years old. The Municipality of Sintra has 61% of the episodes, but the proportion of the county Amadora Pediatric Emergency appeals more to the 7.48% of the episodes. Monday 17% of the episodes is the busiest day, 75% of episodes occurs between 8 am - 20 h period of operation of the Health Centres were considered non-urgent, 54.9% of episodes, 88.8 % of these are referred to the Health Center They are not referenced 90% of episodes. There is evidence of unjustified use of the Pediatric ER for 49.5% of users. It appears that the use of emergency service depends on the residence of users (p = 0.001), the population of Amadora uses more urgency. There is evidence of a relationship between the day of the week and unjustified access (p <0.001), Thursday shows 17.3% of the episodes are not justified. Recurrence unjustified the emergency room does not depend on gender (p = 0.137). There is a relationship between age and recurrence justified statistically significant (p = 0.006). Conclusion: It can be concluded that "on use" and "inadequacy" of demand phenomena are present in the Pediatric ER. So urge measures to curb misuse, these probably passing an awareness and education of the population.
There has been an increase in the use of telephone-based services and internet throughout the years and, therefore, the Saúde 24 Hotline has become an important service in Portugal. This service aims to screen, counsel and refer the patient in order to avoid unnecessary visits to health institutions and also to indicate the most appropriate resource according to the illness. This work has two different questions: the first one examines the determinants of satisfaction that have more influence on the overall satisfaction of the Saúde 24 Hotline users. The second one aims to analyze if the confidence level of the users is increasing over time, measured by following the recommendation. The first study was conducted on a random sample collected from June to October 2014, which was taken from the User Satisfaction Survey. The second approach includes data from January 2008 to December 2014 from the Clinical Data Base of all users who have called the Hotline. Findings suggest that the majority of users are very satisfied with the service and the variables with more impact on the overall satisfaction are commitment and availability from the nurse, adequacy of call duration and quick identification of the problem. The survey indicates that 94% of respondents follow the recommendation and on average people have called the hotline 3 times in the previous year. The results from the Clinical Database show that people who were recommended to go to the emergency room are more likely to follow the advice than the people who were recommended to book routine appointments
Advanced Materials, Vol. 17, nº 5
Thin Solid Films, vol. 427, nº 1-2
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
The prolonged wait times may arguably put into question the Canadian Health Act of 1984. Statistics show throughput wait times are 5.5 hours and output wait times for admitted patients are 32.4 hours. After probing and analyzing best practices through a qualitative/quantitative Value Stream Mapping and a qualitative SWOT Analysis; Team Triage and an Overcapacity Protocol is suggested to improve non-admitted patients wait times by 1.89 hours and admitted patients wait times by 16 hours by eliminating wasteful steps in the patient process and upon overcapacity, effectively sharing already stabilized and admitted patients with all wards in the hospital.