11 resultados para Chain of custody of traces
Inorganica Chimica Acta 356 (2003) 215-221
RESUMO: Desde 1976 que as Foras Armadas desenvolvem aces de preveno do consumo de drogas e lcool. Na dcada de 80 foi criada capacidade laboratorial e deu-se incio a um programa de rastreios toxicolgicos. No quinqunio 2001 a 2005, as propores de resultados positivos, associando todos os tipos de rastreio, variaram entre 3,7% e 1,5%. De Outubro de 2006 a Julho de 2007 realizou-se um estudo analtico transversal, para estimar a prevalncia do consumo de drogas (canabinides, opiceos, cocana e anfetaminas) num dos Ramos das Foras Armadas, com base nos despistes realizados pelo seu laboratrio. Foi utilizada uma amostra aleatria simples de 1039 militares, profissionais (QP) e contratados (RC), no activo e de ambos os sexos. Desde a nomeao dos militares a rastrear, passando pela cadeia de custdia das amostras at obteno do resultado foi utilizado apoio informtico especfico. O processo de pesquisa utilizou duas tcnicas de triagem por imunoensaio e tecnologia de confirmao por GC/MS, de acordo com as recomendaes europeias, permitindo estabelecer uma metodologia standard para organizaes e empresas. A prevalncia estimada, de consumidores de droga, foi de 3,8/1.000, para um erro de 0,37%. O nmero de casos registado (4) no permitiu a utilizao de testes estatsticos que conduzissem identificao de caractersticas determinantes da positividade, mas no deixou de revelar aspectos inesperados. A observao de sries de casos e a realizao regular de estudos epidemiolgicos, que ajudem a redefinir grupos alvo e a perceber a dimenso, as determinantes e as consequncias do consumo de drogas sugerida, em concluso.--------------------------------------- RSUM: Depuis 1976, les Forces Armes mettent au point des mesures visant prvenir la consommation de drogues et d'alcool. En 1980, fut cr capacit laboratoriel et ont ensuite commenc un programme de dpistage toxicologique. Au cours des cinq annes allant de 2001 2005, les proportions de consommateurs, impliquant tous les types de dpistage, allaient de 3,7% 1,5 %. D'octobre 2006 juillet 2007, une tude analytique transversale a t organise pour valuer la prvalence de lusage de drogues (cannabis, opiacs, cocane et amphtamines) dans une branche de les Forces Armes, base sur les dpistages faites par un laboratoire militaire, l'aide d'un chantillon alatoire de 1039 militaires, professionnels (QP) et sous contract (RC), lactif et des deux sexes. Tout au long du procs, de la nomination des donneurs, en passant par la chaine de garde des chantillons, jusqu obtention du rsultat, il fut employ un appui informatique scuris. Le processus de recherche employa deux techniques de tri par imunoessay et la technologie de confirmation GC/MS, selon les recommandations europennes, permettant d'tablir une mthodologie standard pour les organisations et les entreprises. La prvalence estime fut de 3,8/1.000 pour une marge derreur de 0,37%. Le nombre de cas enregistrs (4) n'autorise pas l'utilisation de testes statistiques de menant l'identification de caractristiques dterminant de la positivit, mais il permet rvler des aspects inattendus. L'observation de sries de cas et la tenue rgulire dtudes pidmiologiques, qui contribuent redfinir les groupes cibles et de comprendre l'ampleur, les dterminants et les consquences de l'usage de drogues, est suggr, en fin de compte.--------------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Since 1976, the Armed Forces, have been developing measures to prevent the use of drugs and alcohol. In 1980, was created laboratory facility which then started a program of toxicological screenings. In the five years running from 2001 to 2005, the proportions of consumers, involving all types of screening, ranged from 3,7% to 1,5%. From October 2006 to July 2007, a cross-sectional study was held to estimate the prevalence of drug use (cannabinoids, opiates, cocaine and amphetamines) in one branch of the Portuguese Armed Forces, based on laboratory screenings, using a random sample of 1039 military, professional (QP) and enlisted (RC), active-duty and of both sexes. Specific computer support was used all the way, from the appointment, including the chain of custody of samples, to the obtaining of the result. The process of search used two techniques for sorting by immunoassay and confirmation technology GC/MS, according to European recommendations, allowing to establish a standard methodology for organizations and companies. The estimated prevalence of drug users was 3.8/1.000 for a 0.37% error (95% confidence interval). The number of cases registered (4) does not permit use of statistical testing leading to the identification of characteristics weighing in the establishing to extrapolate for the population, but it allows revealing unexpected aspects. The observation of series of cases and the regular holding of epidemiological studies, which help redefine target groups and to understand the extent, the determinants and consequences of drug use, is suggested, in conclusion.
RESUMO - Assistimos hoje a um contexto marcado (i) pelo progressivo envelhecimento das sociedades ocidentais, (ii) pelo aumento da prevalncia das doenas crnicas, de que as demncias so um exemplo, (iii) pelo significativo aumento dos custos associados a estas patologias, (iv) por oramentos pblicos fortemente pressionadas pelo controlo da despesa, (v) por uma vida moderna que dificulta o apoio intergeracional, tornando o suporte proporcionado pelos filhos particularmente difcil, (vi) por fortes expectativas relativamente prestao de cuidados de sade com qualidade. Teremos assim de ser capazes de conseguir melhorar os servios de sade, ao mesmo tempo que recorremos a menos recursos financeiros e humanos, pelo que a inovao parece ser crtica para a sustentabilidade do sistema. Contudo a difuso das Assistive Living Technologies, apesar do seu potencial, tem sido bastante baixa, nomeadamente em Portugal. Porqu? Hamer, Plochg e Moreira (2012), no editorial do International Journal of Healthcare Management, enquadram a Inovao como podendo ser imprevisvel e mesmo dolorosa, pelo que talvez possamos no ficar surpreendidos se surgirem resistncias e que, inovaes bastante necessrias, capazes de melhorar os indicadores de sade, tenham sido de adoo lenta ou que tenham mesmo sido insustentveis. Em Portugal no h bibliografia que procure caracterizar o modelo de difuso da inovao em eHealth ou das tecnologias de vivncia assistida. A bibliografia internacional igualmente escassa. O presente projeto de investigao, de natureza exploratria, tem como objetivo principal, identificar barreiras e oportunidades para a implementao de tecnologias eHealth, aplicadas ao campo das demncias. Como objetivos secundrios pretendemse identificar as oportunidades e limitaes em Portugal: mapa de competncias nacionais, e propor medidas que possa acelerar a inovao em ALT, no contexto nacional. O projeto seguir o modelo de um estudo qualitativo. Para o efeito foram conduzidas entrevistas em profundidade junto de experts em ALT, procurando obter a viso daqueles que participam do lado da Oferta- a Indstria; do lado da Procura- doentes, cuidadores e profissionais de sade; bem como dos Reguladores. O instrumento utilizado para a recolha da informao pretendida foi o questionrio no estruturado. A anlise e interpretao da informao recolhida foram feitas atravs da tcnica de Anlise de Contedo. Os resultados da Anlise de Contedo efetuada permitiram expressar a dicotomia barreira/oportunidade, nas seguintes categorias aqui descritas como contextos (i) Contexto Tecnolgico, nas subcategorias de Acesso s Infraestruturas; Custo da Tecnologia; Interoperabilidade, (ii) Contexto do Valor Percecionado, nas subcategorias de Utilidade; Eficincia; Divulgao, (iii) Contexto Poltico, compreendendo a Liderana; Organizao; Regulao; Recursos, (iv) Contexto Sociocultural, incluindo nomeadamente Idade; Literacia; Capacidade Econmica, (v) Contexto Individual, incluindo como subcategorias, Capacidade de Adaptao a Novas tecnologias; Motivao; Acesso a equipamentos (vi) Contexto Especfico da Doena, nomeadamente o Impacto Cognitivo; Tipologia Heterognea e a Importncia do Cuidador. Foi proposto um modelo exploratrio, designado de Modelo de Contextos e Foras, que estudos subsequentes podero validar. Neste modelo o Contexto Tecnolgico um Fora Bsica ou Fundamental; o Contexto do Valor Percecionado, constitui-se numa Fora Crtica para a adoo de inovao, que assenta na sua capacidade para oferecer valor aos diversos stakeholders da cadeia de cuidados. Temos tambm o Contexto Poltico, com capacidade de modelar a adoo da inovao e nomeadamente com capacidade para o acelerar, se dele emitir um sinal de urgncia para a mudana. O Contexto Sociocultural e Individual expressam uma Fora Intrnseca, dado que elas so caractersticas internas, prprias e imutveis no curto-prazo, das sociedade e das pessoas. Por fim h que considerar o Contexto Especfico da Doena, nesta caso o das demncias. Das concluses do estudo parece evidente que as condies tecnolgicas esto medianamente satisfeitas em Portugal, com evidentes progressos nos ltimos anos (exceo para a interoperabilidade aonde h necessidade de maiores progressos), no constituindo portanto barreira introduo de ALT. Aonde h necessidade de investir nas reas do valor percebido. Da anlise feita, esta uma rea que constitui uma barreira introduo e adoo das ALT em Portugal. A falta de perceo do valor que estas tecnologias trazem, por parte dos profissionais de sade, doentes, cuidadores e decisores polticos, parece ser o principal entrave sua adoo. So recomendadas estratgias de modelos colaborativos de Investigao e Desenvolvimento e de abordagens de cocriao com a contribuio de todos os intervenientes na cadeia de cuidados. H tambm um papel que cabe ao estado no mbito das prioridades e da mobilizao de recursos, sendo-lhe requerida a expresso do sentido de urgncia para que esta mudana acontea. Foram tambm identificadas oportunidades em diversas reas, como na preveno, no diagnstico, na compliance medicamentosa, na teraputica, na monitorizao, no apoio vida diria e na integrao social. O que necessrio que as solues encontradas constituam respostas quilo que so as verdadeiras necessidades dos intervenientes e no uma imposio tecnolgica que s por si nada resolve. Do estudo resultou tambm a perceo de que h que (i) continuar a trabalhar no sentido de aproximar a comunidade cientfica, da clnica e do doente, (ii) fomentar a colaborao entre centros, com vista criao de escala a nvel global. Essa colaborao j parece acontecer a nvel empresarial, tendo sido identificadas empresas Portuguesas com vocao global. A qualidade individual das instituies de ensino, dos centros de investigao, das empresas, permite criar as condies para que Portugal possa ser pas um piloto e um case-study internacional em ALT, desde que para tal pudssemos contar com um trabalho colaborativo entre instituies e com decises polticas arrojadas.
Zara was founded in 1975 by Amancio Ortega Gaona, soon becoming the largest and most successful chain of the Galician group Inditex (Industria de Diseo Textil) and a pioneer of the rising fashion category of Fast Fashion. Its innovative vertically-integrated strategies, combined with its emphasis on quality and demand-based offer have shaped the world of fashion and brought forth many questions on its future sustainability and growth. Zara has always relied on its store network for advertising its product offer; allowing its garments to speak for themselves. With the continued pressure felt in the industry, management has pressed some concerns about future company growth and creative, innovating solutions must be implemented to guarantee Zaras future growth. The case-study narrative focuses on these issues and leaves readers with an open question regarding what decision to implement.
In the mid-twentieth century, Portugal took the first big step towards social awareness of the Safety and Health at Work. Still later, the International Labour Organization and the World Health Organization were responsible for setting global guidelines that clarified the States for the way forward in inguito of safeguarding the common interests of workers, businesses and the state. All workers should be covered by the rules governing matters relating to Safety, imperative requirements established in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic. These also include those soldiers from National Guard who, in contemporary social conjecture face in their everyday life situations worthy of heightened risk aquidade. Ensure the identification of risk factors to which they are exposed, is, first, a big boost in the way of preserving the safety of these employees, who daily selflessly and under the most adverse working conditions fulfill the mission of the Guarda Nacional Republicana. Adverse weather conditions, and violence at work are two examples of risk factors to which the military Guard are daily exposed, and hence arise many days of absence from the workplace. The purpose of this study is to identify the main risk factors to which the military from GNR are exposed during dismounted patrols, and also provide solutions on ways to mitigate and manage the risks presented. The cognitive distance traveled, throughout this study led us to demonstrate that it has been done by the GNR chain of Command, a huge effort to ensure through various forms (including emphasize the new Regulation of Uniforms), the resolution of the main factors that may jeopardize the integrity of the patrolmen, betting this Institution in the protection of the military that compose it, and the prevention of accidents at work through training and systematic monitoring that superiors expend with its employees.
The following work is a case study of overstock and stock-out problems at Volkswagen Autoeuropa (VWAE). It introduces the supply chain of Autoeuropa and specializes then on failures connected to inventory problems. Having a successful supply chain is important in a world where products become more and more similar as it can give to companies an edge over their competitors. The case shows three practices that VWAE uses to prevent and to overcome stock problems. Information was gathered by doing interviews with different managers, by analyzing the companys key processes and by literature research related to the topics of supply chain management and flexibility in the supply chain. Three practices were further investigated: the use of alternative parts, support of the supplier and a rating system of suppliers. In the question section of this work the importance of flexibility and Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) when connected to supply chain management are explained. The described different practices are numerically analyzed and it is concluded that each practice brings both cost savings and the possibility of achieving target numbers to the company, showing the companys flexibility to react to supply chain disturbances. Because of confidentiality reasons, persons in the case are fictionalized and numbers are wherever possible equalized to 100 in order to display true proportions.
RESUMO - Enquadramento: A infeo por Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) considerada um grave problema de Sade Pblica. causa de infees sintomticas tanto no homem como na mulher, bem como, de infees assintomticas que podem ter consequncias muito graves a longo prazo. A presena de CT sem tratamento aumenta o risco de transmisso do vrus da imunodeficincia humana. Existem vrios estudos publicados de prevalncia da CT por todo o mundo, no entanto, estudos de prevalncia da CT em populaes assintomticas, envolvendo homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH) so raros na Europa. Assim, o presente estudo, ao estimar a prevalncia e ao descrever as caratersticas epidemiolgicas e de conduta dos HSH, pretende contribuir para o plano de ao contra as ISTs e VIH na Catalunha, atravs de estratgias concretas para deteo e preveno da CT. Mtodos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional, transversal de prevalncia da CT em HSH utentes de um servio comunitrio em Barcelona, com recurso a tcnicas de diagnstico de biologia molecular e a um questionrio. Durante Maro e Junho de 2015, foram recrutados 200 voluntrios de um servio comunitrio em Barcelona que foram testados para CT e NG em trs locais anatmicos atravs de uma PCR em tempo real utilizando o ensaio Anyplex CT/NG Real-time Detection. Resultados: O presente estudo permitiu uma caraterizao da situao atual quanto prevalncia e aos fatores de risco associados infeo por CT em HSH. A prevalncia nesta populao especfica foi de 12,6% e os fatores risco associados foram o facto de serem VIH e praticarem sexo anal insertivo/recetivo com parceiro estvel. Concluses: Os resultados obtidos reforam a necessidade do desenvolvimento de estratgias adequadas de controlo e preveno da CT nesta populao de risco, tais como: rastreios frequentes e tratamento dos casos positivos para quebrar a cadeia de transmisso, promoo da sade, educao e notificao dos parceiros sexuais. Tambm demonstram a importncia destes rastreios nos trs locais anatmicos: uretra, reto e faringe.
The purpose of this work is to develop a practicable approach for Telecom firms to manage the credit risk exposition to their commercial agents network. Particularly it will try to approach the problem of credit concession to clients from a corporation perspective and explore the particular scenario of agents that are part of the commercial chain of the corporation and therefore are not end-users. The agents network that served as a model for the presented study is composed by companies that, at the same time, are both clients and suppliers of the Telecommunication Company. In that sense the credit exposition analysis must took into consideration all financial fluxes, both inbound and outbound. The current strain on the Financial Sector in Portugal, and other peripheral European economies, combined with the high leverage situation of most companies, generates an environment prone to credit default risk. Due to these circumstances managing credit risk exposure is becoming increasingly a critical function for every company Financial Department. The approach designed in the current study combined two traditional risk monitoring tools: credit risk scoring and credit limitation policies. The objective was to design a new credit monitoring framework that is more flexible, uses both external and internal relationship history to assess risk and takes into consideration commercial objectives inside the agents network. Although not explored at length, the blueprint of a Credit Governance model was created for implementing the new credit monitoring framework inside the telecom firm. The Telecom Company that served as a model for the present work decided to implement the new Credit Monitoring framework after this was presented to its Executive Commission.
The liberalisation of the energy market goes back to the 1990s, when it was impelled by the European legislator. Since then, three legislative packages, temporarily successive, were approved. Those packages contained the measures to be implemented in order to deepen the internal energy market. Besides the opening up of several national markets to competition, the European legislator aimed the creation of a real internal energy market within the European Union. The unbundling regime was one of the most important steps with respect to the liberalisation process. The introduction of these rules ensured independence to the various market operators. A real and effective right of choice was granted to the consumers so they may choose their electricity and natural gas supplier. Therefore, the activity of comercialisation is subject to competition. However, some activities of the electricitys and natural gas chain of value, namely the activities of transportation and distribution, were kept under regulation rules. Even though it may seem odd, the assignment of important competences and strong powers to a regulatory authority was essential in order to achieve the liberalisation process goals. Electricity and natural gas are essential public goods; therefore the market operators are legally bound to public service obligations, such as the security, the universality and the continuity of the supply. The performance of these obligations may become, in some cases, unprofitable for those operators. For such reason, the protection of the consumers rights shall only be properly defended if there is a regulatory authority that monitors the behaviour of the operators and sanctions the failure to comply with the public service obligations. Portugal, as a Member State of the European Union, transposed into the national legal order the European directives concerning the liberalisation process. This transposition has caused radical changes to the electricity and natural gas national markets. The Entidade Reguladora dos Servios Energticos also suffered various mutations in order to keep up with the regulatory demands regarding the liberalisation process.
This project had as main goal to improve the perception of male surfers about the surf brand Lightning Bolt. It was proposed the creation of a collection of wetsuits as well as the A Pure Source Project to show the commitment of the brand with the surf community. To promote both several promotional activities are suggested such as the use of magazines, radio, banners and social media. To complement the distribution chain of the brand, a concept store and a mobile store are also recommended. With this project the brand will be able to double the number of current surfers that buy the brand in a profitable and effective way. The project is expected to generate a net profit of 91,294 in year 1.
Field lab: Entrepreneurial and innovative ventures