15 resultados para Telecom wavelengths

em RUN (Repositório da Universidade Nova de Lisboa) - FCT (Faculdade de Cienecias e Technologia), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Portugal


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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This paper presents the main developments and learning taken from the Management Consulting Lab at Portugal Telecom. The main purpose of this consulting project was to assess the potential of a specific technology and how could Portugal Telecom maximize the value created. By identifying and evaluating all the business sectors where this technology would have impact, the team was able to address the initial hypotheses stated by the client regarding the importance of the technology and elaborate a set of recommendations based on the main findings obtained through field as well as desk research.


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The purpose of this work project was to analyze and evaluate the potential impact of a technological innovation in the telecommunications sector, across a wide range of business areas. A cost-benefit and competitive analysis for each pre-selected business area was conducted, as well as national and international benchmarks. As a result of the analysis, a list of prioritized business areas, presenting more immediate opportunities for Portugal Telecom, was created and implications for go-to-market strategies were inferred from the conclusions reached. In addition, a final recommendation that redefined the company’s positioning strategy was made


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Com o desenvolvimento das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, as mesmas têm permitido dotar as pessoas de conhecimentos, através de formas mais rápidas e eficientes como é o caso da formação em e-learning. O número de organizações a apostar na formação em e-learning é cada vez maior, tornando-se importante perceber em que medida é que o método é eficaz e quais as vantagens que proporciona à organização, bem como o seu impacto no capital humano. Assim e visando averiguar como esta situação é vivenciada na prática decidiu-se pela realização de um estágio, na PT PRO pertencente Grupo Portugal Telecom. Para a construção deste relatório de estágio foi preciso para além da consulta e análise documental de aquivos internos e intranet, reuniões tidas com os elementos do departamento da Gestão de Formação, onde decorreu o estágio, visando dar uma resposta mais cabal à questão de partida que norteia o estágio: “Qual o impacto gerado pelas ações de e-learning, sua aplicabilidade e satisfação dos colaboradores face às mesmas na PT PRO?” O método utilizado neste estudo foi do tipo quantitativo, tendo sido aplicado um inquérito por questionário construído para o efeito. Face aos resultados obtidos, concluímos que na PT PRO, os colaboradores encontram-se globalmente satisfeitos com o conhecimento gerado e acima de tudo com a aplicabilidade do mesmo nas suas funções de trabalho.


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The intrinsic forces of market aiming for telecom industry convergence has arrived to Brazil. This case presents real characters, a sequence of events and other public information that has been impacting two corporations studied in this case. TIM Brazil and Oi S.A, two top players in the Brazilian telecom industry mobile and fixed segment respectively. While a merge between the two of them looks perfect and simple in an operational perspective due to its vertical complementarity, bring to them opportunities to win over a bundle offer (multi service package) that will consolidate their market predominance. Macroeconomic and internal corporate contrasts between these companies’ environment might signal that an impulsive could have a high price to pay in the future.


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The present Work Project was performed as a Case Study, analysing the merger between Zon, a leading Portuguese Pay TV operator and Optimus, the third largest mobile company in Portugal. The Case Study was developed with the purpose of understanding the value creation of the Zon-Optimus merger, being analysed the: (i) industry trends, (ii) parties’ contribution, (iii) pre-merger events, (iv) merger rationale, (v) deal structure and valuation, (vi) competition authority decision and (vii) competitive advantages and future strategy. Was also attached a Teaching Note where synergies, implied valuations, exchange ratios, shareholder agreements, swot analysis, among others, were duly analysed.


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The amorphous silicon photo-sensor studied in this thesis, is a double pin structure (p(a-SiC:H)-i’(a-SiC:H)-n(a-SiC:H)-p(a-SiC:H)-i(a-Si:H)-n(a-Si:H)) sandwiched between two transparent contacts deposited over transparent glass thus with the possibility of illumination on both sides, responding to wave-lengths from the ultra-violet, visible to the near infrared range. The frontal il-lumination surface, glass side, is used for light signal inputs. Both surfaces are used for optical bias, which changes the dynamic characteristics of the photo-sensor resulting in different outputs for the same input. Experimental studies were made with the photo-sensor to evaluate its applicability in multiplexing and demultiplexing several data communication channels. The digital light sig-nal was defined to implement simple logical operations like the NOT, AND, OR, and complex like the XOR, MAJ, full-adder and memory effect. A pro-grammable pattern emission system was built and also those for the validation and recovery of the obtained signals. This photo-sensor has applications in op-tical communications with several wavelengths, as a wavelength detector and to execute directly logical operations over digital light input signals.


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The following case study depicts the bitter transfiguration of Portugal Telecom, SGPS (PT), a multinational telecommunications company that was once an honourable flag of innovation, corporate governance standards in Portugal and overseas. It scrutinises the controversial episodes that paved the way for the pitiful condition in which PT is nowadays: a company that carries the weight of a ruinous €897 million investment in a defaulted company and no more than a 25.6% stake in a heavily indebted Brazilian carrier. The free-fall is made, ironically, of a complete disregard for best corporate governance practices, allowing for PT’s major shareholders to take over the helm of the company, using it selfishly as a cash cow.


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Field lab: Business project


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The purpose of the present case – and accompanying Teaching Notes – is to better understand the spin-off of PT Multimédia, by Portugal Telecom, after receiving a Public Takeover Offer from Sonaecom, in 2006. The Government and the Competition Authority had never looked in a serious way at PT’s dominant position and the lack of room for competition in the TMT sector – PT was the owner of both the cable and copper networks, having access to privileged information from its competitors with control over the wholesale and retail businesses. In 2006, the company received a takeover offer from Sonaecom, the TMT subsidiary from the Portuguese conglomerate Sonae. The offer was voted and rejected by a majority of PT shareholders, but the whole process triggered several recommendations from the regulatory bodies. As a result, PT divested its cable business with the spin-off of PT Multimédia, giving birth to a new competitor and a totally different landscape in the telecommunications sector in Portugal.


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The ability of a company to be able to do a precisely churn prediction, so it can act on it, is paramount. For this reason, Deloitte addressed me the challenge of characterizing the client’s retention in the telecom companies. To do so, it was created a comprehensive tool that enables Deloitte to evaluate the churn management maturity level of a telecom operator and highlight its strengths and weaknesses. The development of this matrix was based on a depth churn research, a market research based on 40 interviews and 2 focus group and the valuable feedback from Deloitte consultants.


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The purpose of this work is to develop a practicable approach for Telecom firms to manage the credit risk exposition to their commercial agents’ network. Particularly it will try to approach the problem of credit concession to clients’ from a corporation perspective and explore the particular scenario of agents that are part of the commercial chain of the corporation and therefore are not end-users. The agents’ network that served as a model for the presented study is composed by companies that, at the same time, are both clients and suppliers of the Telecommunication Company. In that sense the credit exposition analysis must took into consideration all financial fluxes, both inbound and outbound. The current strain on the Financial Sector in Portugal, and other peripheral European economies, combined with the high leverage situation of most companies, generates an environment prone to credit default risk. Due to these circumstances managing credit risk exposure is becoming increasingly a critical function for every company Financial Department. The approach designed in the current study combined two traditional risk monitoring tools: credit risk scoring and credit limitation policies. The objective was to design a new credit monitoring framework that is more flexible, uses both external and internal relationship history to assess risk and takes into consideration commercial objectives inside the agents’ network. Although not explored at length, the blueprint of a Credit Governance model was created for implementing the new credit monitoring framework inside the telecom firm. The Telecom Company that served as a model for the present work decided to implement the new Credit Monitoring framework after this was presented to its Executive Commission.


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Com o objetivo de consolidar e pôr em prática o conhecimento adquirido ao longo do programa de mestrado, optei pela realização de um estágio, cujo relatório apresento sob a forma de trabalho Final de Mestrado. Assim sendo, surgiu a oportunidade de realizar um estágio curricular (por um período de seis meses, entre Setembro de 2013 e Fevereiro de 2014) no âmbito do trabalho desenvolvido pela equipa de Marketing Analítico da Direção de Segmento Consumo Residencial – DSR na empresa Portugal Telecom, uma das maiores empresas na área das Telecomunicações em Portugal. Num momento de elevada concorrência entre as empresas de telecomunicações, acresce a importância atribuída pelas empresas aos seus clientes e, com ela, a necessidade de estar em constante contacto com estes. É nesse contexto que o trabalho apresentado neste relatório é desenvolvido, recorrendo a métodos explicativos, nomeadamente regressão logística, para identificar características do comportamento dos clientes que têm impacto nas atitudes e perceções dos mesmos. Por outro lado, procura-se definir a relação entre essas atitudes e/ou perceções e a recomendação dos atuais clientes do serviço a outros. Por variadas razões, não foi possível utilizar dados da Portugal Telecom, pelo que foi necessário recorrer a recolha por questionário. Através deste método foram recolhidas 193 respostas, mas apenas 159 poderam ser utilizadas, uma vez que foram eliminados os casos em que os respondentes não possuiam serviço de telecomunicações e os casos em que os clientes MEO não responderam a perguntas fundamentais do questionário. Embora de forma consciente das limitações decorrentes da dimensão desta amostra, foi decidido prosseguir com estes resultados devido à dificuldade em angariar respondentes e devido ao período de tempo de recolha disponível para este relatório. Foi realizada uma caracterização da amostra recolhida com recurso a técnicas descritivas, sendo o modelo que permite estudar os impactos estimado com recurso a regressão por máxima verosimilhança, concretamente regressão logística. A partir da revisão da literatura e do conhecimento adquirido ao longo do estágio foram criados dois modelos explicativos para a recomendação. Os resultados indicam que a reclamação é influenciada positivamente pelo rendimento do agregado familiar, pelo preço e pela percepção que os indivíduos têm em como a PT se preocupa com eles e influenciada negativamente pela reclamação, ou seja quanto quanto mais reclamações os clientes fizerem menos é a probabilidade de recomendarem a empresa.