34 resultados para material sciences
A torrefação é vista como um pré-tratamento térmico que introduz modificações na biomassa, ou em resíduos de biomassa, que facilitam o seu processamento mecânico e aumentam a sua estabilidade e densidade energética, potenciando, assim, uma valorização posterior. Neste trabalho, estudou-se o impacte da torrefação na gama de 200 a 350 ºC e tempos de residência entre 15 e 90 min nas propriedades da biomassa proveniente da herbácea Arundo donax L. e das palmeiras Phoenix canariensis, espécies muito abundantes em vários locais do país, tendo em vista a sua posterior valorização. A proliferação descontrolada do arundo e a praga do escaravelho das palmeiras leva a que estas espécies sejam alvo de frequentes operações de remoção. A sua estrutura altamente fibrosa dificulta e encarece estas operações, que acarretam custos significativos para as câmaras municipais, e não se conhecem medidas para a sua valorização material ou energética. A torrefação foi também aplicada a peletes de resíduos de pinheiro, na gama de 200 a 250 ºC e com tempos de residência de 30 e 60 min, para averiguar o seu impacte na qualidade desse biocombustível sólido. A torrefação permitiu obter peletes mais resistentes à biodegradação, devido à redução do teor de humidade para valores residuais, sem aumentar significativamente o seu teor de cinzas e sem afetar de forma relevante a sua durabilidade, o teor de finos ou a densidade aparente. Com a biomassa de arundo e de palmeira obtiveram-se produtos com maior poder calorífico e com melhor moabilidade. No entanto, a acentuada diminuição dos rendimentos mássico e energético e o elevado teor de cinzas constrangem a sua utilização como biocombustíveis sólidos. Desta forma, optou-se por testar a sua valorização como adsorventes do corante azul de metileno, bastante comum, por exemplo, na indústria têxtil, nos curtumes ou nas industrias do papel. Os estudos de adsorção revelaram maior afinidade pelo corante por parte da biomassa sujeita a torrefação mais ligeira, com eficiências de remoção muito próximas das do carvão ativado comercial, para concentrações iniciais de corante até 200 mg/L. As isotérmicas foram melhor ajustadas ao modelo de Langmuir, que revelou capacidades máximas de adsorção na monocamada entre 59,92 e 92,68 mg/g, tendo as curvas de cinética sido melhor descritas pelo modelo de pseudo-segunda ordem. A adsorção é bastante rápida nos primeiros minutos, essencialmente devido a atrações eletrostáticas, sendo inicialmente controlada pela difusão no filme e depois pela difusão nos poros. Os adsorventes revelaram seletividade por um corante catiónico e permitiram dessorção de corante, ao contrário do verificado com o carvão ativado comercial, o que é um aspeto da maior relevância tendo em mente a regeneração do adsorvente e a recuperação do corante.
Images have gained a never before seen importance. Technological changes have given the Information Society extraordinary means to capture, treat and transmit images, wheter your own or those of others, with or without a commercial purpose, with no boundaries of time or country, without “any kind of eraser”. From the several different ways natural persons may engage in image processing with no commercial purpose, the cases of sharing pictures through social networks and video surveillance assume particular relevance. Consequently there are growing legitimate concerns with the protection of one's image, since its processing may sometimes generate situations of privacy invasion or put at risk other fundamental rights. With this in mind, the present thesis arises from the question: what are the existent legal instruments in Portuguese Law that enable citizens to protect themselves from the abusive usage of their own pictures, whether because that image have been captured by a smartphone or some video surveillance camera, whether because it was massively shared through a blog or some social network? There is no question the one's right to not having his or her image used in an abusive way is protected by the Portuguese constitution, through the article 26th CRP, as well as personally right, under the article 79th of the Civil Code, and finally through criminal law, articles 192nd and 193rd of the Criminal Code. The question arises in the personal data protection context, considering that one's picture, given certain conditions, is personal data. Both the Directive 95/46/CE dated from 1995 as well as the LPD from 1998 are applicable to the processing of personal data, but both exclude situations of natural persons doing so in the pursuit of activities strictly personal or family-related. These laws demand complex procedures to natural persons, such as the preemptive formal authorisation request to the Data Protection National Commission. Failing to do so a natural person may result in the application of fines as high as €2.500,00 or even criminal charges. Consequently, the present thesis aims to study if the image processing with no commercial purposes by a natural person in the context of social networks or through video surveillance belongs to the domain of the existent personal data protection law. To that effect, it was made general considerations regarding the concept of video surveillance, what is its regimen, in a way that it may be distinguishable from Steve Mann's definition of sousveillance, and what are the associated obligations in order to better understand the concept's essence. The application of the existent laws on personal data protection to images processing by natural persons has been analysed taking into account the Directive 95/46/CE, the LPD and the General Regulation. From this analysis it is concluded that the regimen from 1995 to 1998 is out of touch with reality creating an absence of legal shielding in the personal data protection law, a flaw that doesn't exist because compensated by the right to image as a right to personality, that anyway reveals the inability of the Portuguese legislator to face the new technological challenges. It is urgent to legislate. A contrary interpretation will evidence the unconstitutionality of several rules on the LPD due to the obligations natural persons are bound to that violate the right to the freedom of speech and information, which would be inadequate and disproportionate. Considering the recently approved General Regulation and in the case it becomes the final version, the use for natural person of video surveillance of private spaces, Google Glass (in public and private places) and other similar gadgets used to recreational purposes, as well as social networks are subject to its regulation only if the images are shared without limits or existing commercial purposes. Video surveillance of public spaces in all situations is subject to General Regulation provisions.
The following report aims to present the internship developed under the Master in Legal Sciences Business in the Legal Affairs management of Caixa Geral de Depósitos S.A. Activities were developed in the field of Banking Law, focusing on the Special Revitalization Process. The aim of these activities was to promote the construction of a study that, apart from its doctrinal and jurisprudential research, also excels in the practical adequacy of the regime lectured. The revitalizing effectiveness of the Special Revitalization Process is erected in the Article 17-E, nº 1, which establishes a series of procedural – stand still effects - which aim to allow the debtor "breathing space", ie, a period during which creditors are prevented from setting up "actions for debt collection" against him, suspending the pending actions with identical purposes. Therefore, this report essentially studies these effects, considering "actions in debt collection" executive actions that are intended to recover a debt of any kind, including anticipatory precautionary procedures of an action of this nature. In addition, it is necessary to set boundaries temporally and subjectively to the standstill period, understanding that this period should be extended beyond the legally established period, in order to preserve the ratio of the process, concretely, until the recovery plan effects. In turn, we understand that the standstill effects only apply to the established material in connection with the debtor, remaining the rights of creditors unaffected over the ones of the guarantors and debtors.