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RESUMO: De acordo com o estado da arte, existem intervenções psicofarmacológicas, psicológicas e psicossocias, com evidência científica dos seus resultados, no tratamento de pessoas com esquizofrenia e perturbação esquizoafectiva. No entanto, muitos destes doentes, não procuram ajuda dos serviços de saúde mental, não recebem os referidos cuidados ou não são detectados nem seguidos por estes. Esta realidade levou ao desenvolvimento de programas integrados, intervenções e estudos mais específicos, nomeadamente para tentar ultrapassar os obstáculos na acessibilidade aos cuidados de saúde e na continuidade de seguimento destes doentes. No conjunto das dificuldades apuradas, as questões da exequibilidade (feasibility) e da implementação, têm tido particular relevo na literatura científica recente, bem como a melhor forma de vencer as respectivas barreiras e adaptar essas intervenções às varias realidades, culturas e recursos. Objectivos: Objectivos gerais:1) Avaliar a exequibilidade e a implementação inicial de um programa de cuidados integrados, para pessoas com esquizofrenia ou perturbação esquizoafectiva, no contexto clínico das equipas de saúde mental comunitárias de um departamento de psiquiatria do Serviço Nacional de Saúde, em Portugal, com os recursos materiais e humanos existentes; 2) Avaliar o impacto deste programa, nestes doentes e na respectiva prestação de cuidados de saúde mental. Metodologia. Elaborámos um programa de cuidados integrados (Programa Integrar) com base no modelo clínico de case management, com seguimento mantido e integrado. Cada doente passou a ter um terapeuta de referência, um plano individual de cuidados e manteve o seguimento com o seu psiquiatra assistente. Foram seleccionadas intervenções, nomeadamente, psicoeducativas, familiares, estratégias para lidar com os sintomas e a doença, prevenção de recaídas e intervenções para melhorar o funcionamento social e ocupacional. A estas intervenções foi sempre associado o tratamento psicofarmacológico. O estudo delineado incluiu dois componentes: avaliação da exequibilidade e implementação inicial do programa de cuidados integrados (componente A) e avaliação do impacto deste programa (componente B), através de um estudo de intervenção, prospectivo, naturalista, não aleatorizado e não ontrolado. A amostra do estudo resultou das sucessivas referenciações, para o Programa Integrar, de pessoas com os diagnósticos de esquizofrenia ou perturbação esquizoafectiva, seguidas nas cinco equipas de saúde mental comunitárias do Departamento de Psiquiatria do Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental, com uma área assistencial correspondente a uma população de, aproximadamente, 400 000 pessoas. Definimos etapas, estratégias, parâmetros e indicadores para o estudo da exequibilidade do programa. Efectuámos a monitorização e a avaliação de tarefas, procedimentos e intervenções recomendadas aos terapeutas de referência. Realizámos duas avaliações, uma no início do programa e outra após um ano de intervenção. Foram avaliadas as seguintes dimensões (com indicação do acrónimo do instrumento de avaliação utilizado entre parêntesis): psicopatologia (BPRS), depressão (MADRS), necessidades (CAN), incapacidade (DAS), actividade social e ocupacional (SOFAS), atitude em relação à medicação (DAI), insight (SAI), qualidade de vida (WHOQOL-S) e satisfação (POCS). Resultados: Dos 146 doentes que foram incluídos no estudo, 97 (66%) eram do sexo masculino e 49 (34%) do sexo feminino, com uma idade média de 36 anos. Destes oentes,116 (79,4%)tinham o diagnóstico (ICD10) de esquizofrenia e 30 (20,6%) de perturbação esquizoafectiva. Os restantes dados sociodemográficos eram típicos de populações afins em serviços de saúde mental nacionais. Do total de doentes (146) que iniciaram o estudo, 26 (18%) abandonaram o seguimento neste programa. Para o componente A da investigação (estudo de exequibilidade) salientamos: exerceram funções a totalidade (15) dos terapeutas de referência que receberam formação, 76 % efectuaram o número mínimo recomendado de sessões / ano por doente (≥18), 44,9 fizeram o número mínimo de sessões familiares pretendido (≥ 3). Nas intervenções mais específicas foram atingidos os objectivos em mais de 75% dos doentes, à excepção das intervenções domiciliárias (19,4%), prevenção do abuso de substâncias (45,4%) e do risco de suicídio (34,3%). O plano individual de cuidados foi realizado em 98 % dos doentes e em 38,9 % dos casos ocorreu a participação da família. Neste plano, a média de objectivos definidos foi de 5 e a média de objectivos atingidos correspondeu a 3 (p= 0,001). Na primeira avaliação, estavam a frequentar estruturas de reabilitação psicossocial 42 doentes (28,8%) e,12 meses após, esse número passou para 80 (74,1%).Também aumentou o número de doentes com actividade profissional a tempo completo, de 8 (7,4%) para 18 (16,7%). No componente B do estudo (avaliação do impacto do programa), em termos de psicopatologia, e para as pontuações médias globais do BPRS, ocorreu uma diminuição entre a primeira e a segunda avaliação (p=0,001), tal como nas subescalas: sintomas positivos (p=0,003), sintomas negativos (p=0,002), sintomas de mania (p=0,002) e sintomas de depressão/ansiedade (p=0,001). Na avaliação da depressão (p= 0,001) e da incapacidade (p=0,003), as diferenças foram significativas e favoráveis. O mesmo não sucedeu na atitude em relação à medicação (p=0,690) nem na escala de avaliação do insight (p=0,079). Em relação ao funcionamento social e ocupacional, qualidade de vida e satisfação dos doentes, ocorreu uma melhoria significativa da primeira para a segunda avaliação As necessidades sem resposta mais frequentes, na primeira avaliação, corresponderam aos itens: actividades diárias, contactos sociais, relações íntimas, relacionamento sexual, benefícios sociais, sintomas psicóticos, sofrimento psicológico, informação sobre a doença / tratamento e gestão/problemas de dinheiro. Para todos estes últimos nove itens, verificou-se uma diferença estatisticamente significativa, entre a primeira e a segunda avaliação, com diminuição destas necessidades, excepto nas relações íntimas, relacionamento sexual e nos problemas de dinheiro. Na distribuição dos três estados de necessidades, para todos os itens, diminuíram as necessidades sem resposta e as necessidades com resposta parcial e aumentaram as situações em que deixaram de se verificar necessidades relevantes. Dos resultados obtidos para outros indicadores clínicos e de utilização dos cuidados, será importante referir que na comparação do ano anterior com o ano em que decorreu o programa, o número de doentes da amostra internados diminuiu 64,1%, bem como a média do número de internamentos (p=0,001). Em relação à duração dos internamentos, no ano anterior ao programa, os 39 doentes internados, tiveram um total de dias de internamento de 1522, sendo que, no ano do programa, para os 14 doentes internados, o total foi de 523 dias. Em termos absolutos, ocorreu uma redução de 999 dias (menos 65,6% dias). Também se verificou uma diminuição de 45,6 % de recaídas (p=0,001).Discussão e conclusões A exequibilidade do programa de cuidados integrados permitiu a aplicação do modelo clínico de case management, com seguimento mantido e integrado, através do qual cada doente passou a ter um terapeuta de referência assim como, em 98% casos, um plano individual de cuidados. As famílias continuaram a ser o principal suporte para os doentes, mas surgiram dificuldades quando se pretendeu uma participação mais activa destas no tratamento.A diminuição do número e da duração dos internamentos constituíram importantes resultados com implicações não só em termos clínicos mas também económicos. Os valores obtidos, para as diferentes variáveis, também sugerem o impacto favorável do Programa Integrar a nível da psicopatologia, das necessidades, da incapacidade, do funcionamento social e ocupacional, da qualidade de vida e da satisfação dos doentes. O mesmo não sucedeu para o insight e para a mudança de atitudes dos doentes em relação à medicação, resultados que devem ser igualmente considerados em futuros reajustamentos deste programa ou no desenvolvimento de novos programas. Como principais conclusões podemos referir que: 1) Foi possível a exequibilidade de um programa de cuidados integrados inovador e a implementação inicial desse programa, para doentes com esquizofrenia ou perturbação esquizoafectiva, com os recursos humanos e materiais existentes, no contexto clínico das equipas de saúde mental comunitárias, de um departamento de psiquiatria e saúde mental, em Portugal; 2) Na avaliação do impacto do programa, os resultados obtidos indiciam potencialidades de aplicação, deste programa de cuidados integrados, com vista à melhoria clínica e psicossocial destes doentes. Devem ser realizados estudos de replicação, ou complementares à presente investigação, no entanto, os dados obtidos são encorajadores para o desenvolvimento de programas similares, a nível nacional e internacional, que possam beneficiar um grupo mais alargado de doentes.------------ABSTRACT: Although there are psychological and psychosocial interventions well supported by scientific evidence, which show benefit when combined with psychopharmacological treatments, we know that a significant number of people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders, do not seek help from mental health services, do not receive the care mentioned and are not detected or followed-up by them. This reality led to the development of integrated programs, interventions and more specific studies, to try to overcome the obstacles in the accessibility to the health services and on the follow-up of these patients. Amongst the barriers identified, feasibility and implementation of those programs have been of special relevance in recent scientific literature, as well as the best way to overcome such difficulties and adapt the interventions to the various realities, cultures and resources. Objectives: General objectives were defined: 1) Assessment of the feasibility and initial implementation of an integrated care program, for people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, in the clinical setting of community mental health teams, in a psychiatric department from the national health service in Portugal; 2) Impact evaluation of the integrated care program, for these patients and their mental health care delivery. Methods: We drew up an integrated care program (Program Integrar) based on the clinical case management model, with continuous and integrated follow-up. Each patient got one case manager, an individual care plan and kept the same psychiatrist. Were selected the appropriated interventions, namely: psycho-educative, family-based interventions, strategies for dealing with the symptoms and the disorder, relapse prevention and interventions to improve social and occupational functioning. These interventions were always associated with psychopharmacological treatment. The investigation was outline with two parts: assessment of the feasibility and initial implementation of the Program Integrar (part A of the study) and impact evaluation of the program (part B of the study). We designed a naturalistic, prospective, intervention study, non-randomized and without control group. Our chosen sample was made with successive referrals of patients with the diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, followedup in one of the five community mental health teams of the Psychiatric Department of Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental, with a catchment area for a population of about 400 000 people. Different stages, strategies, criteria and indicators for studying the feasibility of the program and its implementation were set and the tasks, procedures and recommended interventions of the case managers were monitored and evaluated. We did two assessments with an interval of one year and we evaluated the following dimensions (the acronym of the assessment instrument used in brackets): psychopathology (BPRS), depression (MADRS), needs (CAN), disability (DAS), social and occupational functioning (SOFAS), attitude toward medication (DAI), insight (SAI), quality of life (WHOQOL-S) and satisfaction (POCS). Results: Of the 146 patients who started the study, 97 (66%) were male and 49 (34%) females with a mean age of 36 years. Of these, 116 (79,4%) were diagnosed (ICD10) with schizophrenia and 30 (20,6%) with schizoaffective disorder. The other socio-demographic data were typical of populations within Portuguese mental health services. Of all patients (146), who started the program, 26 (18%) of patients left the program (program dropout rate). Of the regarding part A of the study, which focused on feasibility, the following is of note: all professionals who had been trained for this purpose (15) acted as case manager, 76% did the recommended minimum number of sessions / year per patient (≥18) and 44,9% did the minimum number of family sessions desired (≥ 3). For the more specific interventions the parameters set out were met for more than 75% of patients, with the exception of domiciliar interventions (19.4%), prevention of substance abuse (45.4%) and suicide risk prevention(34.3%). The individual care plan was done for 98% of patients and in 38,9% of cases this involved family participation. For this plan the mean objectives defined were 5 and in average was achieved 3 (p=0,001). On the first assessment, 42 patients (28.8%) were attending psychosocial rehabilitation structures and 12 months later that number rose up to 80 (74,1%). Regarding their employment status, in the first assessment 8 (7,4%) were in full time employment and in the second evaluation the number rise to 18 (16,7%). For part B of the study (impact program evaluation), in terms of psychopathology, global mean scores for the BPRS, decreased (p=0,001), as did the four sub scales: positive symptoms (p=0,003); negative symptoms (p=0,002); manic symptoms (p=0,002) and symptoms of depression/anxiety (p=0,001). Both in the evaluation of depression (p=0,001), as in the assessment of disability (p=0,003), the differences were significant. However, this was not the case with attitudes towards medication (p=0,690) and with insight evaluation (p=0,079). In relation to social and occupational functioning, quality of life and patient satisfaction there was a statistically significant improvement from the first to the second assessment. The most commonly unmet needs in the first assessment were daily activities, social contacts, intimate relationships, sexual relations, social benefits, psychotic symptoms,psychological distress, information about the disorder / treatment and money problems money management. Of these, in the second assessment, all of those nine unmet needs showed significant improvement, excepted intimate relationships, sexual relations and Money problems / money management. In the distribution of the three states of needs for all items, it happened a decreased in unmet needs and partially met needs and increased in the situations where relevant needs were no longer found. For other clinical indicators it is important to note, when we compared the year prior to this program and the year after, there were fewer hospitalizations (reduction of 64,1% of admissions) and in the mean number of admissions (p=0,001). Regarding the length of hospitalization in the year prior to the program, the 39 patients admitted had a total of 1522 hospital days, and in the year of the program for the 14 hospitalized patients, the total was 523 days. In absolute terms, there was a reduction of 999 days (65,6%). There was also a 45,6% reduction of relapses (p = 0,001). Discussion and Conclusions: The feasibility of the integrated care program allowed the application of the clinical case management model, with continuous follow-up. Each patient got a case manager and in 98% of the cases they also got an individual plan of care. Families continued to be the main support for patients but, difficulties occurred when it was claimed a more active participation. The decrease in the number and duration of admissions were important findings with implications not only in clinical terms but also in economic field. The achieved results for the different variables can also indicate the favorable impact of this program, at the level of psychopathology, needs, disability, social and occupationa functioning, quality of life and patient satisfaction. The same did not happen for the evaluation of insight and in the changes of attitudes towards medication. These data should also be considered for future readjustments of this program and for the developing of new programs.Finally, the two-overview conclusions are: 1) It was possible the feasibility of an integrated care program and initial implementation of this innovative program, for patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, with the human and material resources available in the clinical context of the community mental health teams, in a psychiatry and mental health department of the national health service in Portugal; 2) In assessing the impact of the program, the results suggest potential application of this integrated care program, to improve clinical state and psychosocial variables for these patients. There should be done studies to replicate these results, however the results obtained are promising for the development of similar programs at nationally and internationally level, that could benefit a wider group of patients.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Logica Computicional


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Hybrid knowledge bases are knowledge bases that combine ontologies with non-monotonic rules, allowing to join the best of both open world ontologies and close world rules. Ontologies shape a good mechanism to share knowledge on theWeb that can be understood by both humans and machines, on the other hand rules can be used, e.g., to encode legal laws or to do a mapping between sources of information. Taking into account the dynamics present today on the Web, it is important for these hybrid knowledge bases to capture all these dynamics and thus adapt themselves. To achieve that, it is necessary to create mechanisms capable of monitoring the information flow present on theWeb. Up to today, there are no such mechanisms that allow for monitoring events and performing modifications of hybrid knowledge bases autonomously. The goal of this thesis is then to create a system that combine these hybrid knowledge bases with reactive rules, aiming to monitor events and perform actions over a knowledge base. To achieve this goal, a reactive system for the SemanticWeb is be developed in a logic-programming based approach accompanied with a language for heterogeneous rule base evolution having as its basis RIF Production Rule Dialect, which is a standard for exchanging rules over theWeb.


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The Corporate world is becoming more and more competitive. This leads organisations to adapt to this reality, by adopting more efficient processes, which result in a decrease in cost as well as an increase of product quality. One of these processes consists in making proposals to clients, which necessarily include a cost estimation of the project. This estimation is the main focus of this project. In particular, one of the goals is to evaluate which estimation models fit the Altran Portugal software factory the most, the organization where the fieldwork of this thesis will be carried out. There is no broad agreement about which is the type of estimation model more suitable to be used in software projects. Concerning contexts where there is plenty of objective information available to be used as input to an estimation model, model-based methods usually yield better results than the expert judgment. However, what happens more frequently is not having this volume and quality of information, which has a negative impact in the model-based methods performance, favouring the usage of expert judgement. In practice, most organisations use expert judgment, making themselves dependent on the expert. A common problem found is that the performance of the expert’s estimation depends on his previous experience with identical projects. This means that when new types of projects arrive, the estimation will have an unpredictable accuracy. Moreover, different experts will make different estimates, based on their individual experience. As a result, the company will not directly attain a continuous growing knowledge about how the estimate should be carried. Estimation models depend on the input information collected from previous projects, the size of the project database and the resources available. Altran currently does not store the input information from previous projects in a systematic way. It has a small project database and a team of experts. Our work is targeted to companies that operate in similar contexts. We start by gathering information from the organisation in order to identify which estimation approaches can be applied considering the organization’s context. A gap analysis is used to understand what type of information the company would have to collect so that other approaches would become available. Based on our assessment, in our opinion, expert judgment is the most adequate approach for Altran Portugal, in the current context. We analysed past development and evolution projects from Altran Portugal and assessed their estimates. This resulted in the identification of common estimation deviations, errors, and patterns, which lead to the proposal of metrics to help estimators produce estimates leveraging past projects quantitative and qualitative information in a convenient way. This dissertation aims to contribute to more realistic estimates, by identifying shortcomings in the current estimation process and supporting the self-improvement of the process, by gathering as much relevant information as possible from each finished project.


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The computational power is increasing day by day. Despite that, there are some tasks that are still difficult or even impossible for a computer to perform. For example, while identifying a facial expression is easy for a human, for a computer it is an area in development. To tackle this and similar issues, crowdsourcing has grown as a way to use human computation in a large scale. Crowdsourcing is a novel approach to collect labels in a fast and cheap manner, by sourcing the labels from the crowds. However, these labels lack reliability since annotators are not guaranteed to have any expertise in the field. This fact has led to a new research area where we must create or adapt annotation models to handle these weaklylabeled data. Current techniques explore the annotators’ expertise and the task difficulty as variables that influences labels’ correction. Other specific aspects are also considered by noisy-labels analysis techniques. The main contribution of this thesis is the process to collect reliable crowdsourcing labels for a facial expressions dataset. This process consists in two steps: first, we design our crowdsourcing tasks to collect annotators labels; next, we infer the true label from the collected labels by applying state-of-art crowdsourcing algorithms. At the same time, a facial expression dataset is created, containing 40.000 images and respective labels. At the end, we publish the resulting dataset.


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Double Degree. A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Master’s Degree in Management from NOVA – School of Business and Economics and a Masters Degree in International Business, Strategy and Innovation from Maastricht University


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The forces of globalization are changing the skills and competences required by effective global leadership. Accordingly, Business Schools (BSs) must adapt curriculums to the new queries so they, in fact, do develop future leader able to meet the challenges ahead. Increasing attention is being placed on global mindset (GM). Yet, this concept lacks research support. To help fulfilling this gap this research analyzes the effect that cultural intelligence (CQ) and a set of both personal and psychological characteristics have on GM enhancement. Based on a sample of academic students (N=220), findings suggested that CQ, vacations abroad and cosmopolitanism directly increase GM, while # language, PsyCap, TA and CSA do it indirectly. Practical implications for BSs and conclusions finalize this study.


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As the complexity of markets and the dynamicity of systems evolve, the need for interoperable systems capable of strengthening enterprise communication effectiveness increases. This is particularly significant when it comes to collaborative enterprise networks, like manufacturing supply chains, where several companies work, communicate, and depend on each other, in order to achieve a specific goal. Once interoperability is achieved, that is once all network parties are able to communicate with and understand each other, organisations are able to exchange information along a stable environment that follows agreed laws. However, as markets adapt to new requirements and demands, an evolutionary behaviour is triggered giving space to interoperability problems, thus disrupting the sustainability of interoperability and raising the need to develop monitoring activities capable of detecting and preventing unexpected behaviour. This work seeks to contribute to the development of monitoring techniques for interoperable SOA-based enterprise networks. It focuses on the automatic detection of harmonisation breaking events during real-time communications, and strives to develop and propose a methodological approach to handle these disruptions with minimal or no human intervention, hence providing existing service-based networks with the ability to detect and promptly react to interoperability issues.


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Following the European Commission’s 2009 Recommendation on the Regulatory Treatment of Fixed and Mobile Termination Rates in the EU, the Portuguese regulatory authority (ANACOM) decided to reduce termination prices in mobile networks to their long-run incremental cost (LRIC). Nevertheless, no serious quantitative assessment of the potential effects of this decision was carried out. In this paper, we adapt and calibrate the Harbord and Hoernig (2014) model of the UK mobile telephony market to the Portuguese reality, and simulate the likely impact on consumer surplus, profits and welfare of four different regulatory approaches: pure LRIC, reciprocal termination charges with fixed networks, “bill & keep”, and asymmetric termination rates. Our results show that reducing MTRs does increase social welfare, profits and consumer surplus in the fixed market, but mobile subscribers are seriously harmed by this decision.


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With the recent technological development, we have been witnessing a progressive loss of control over our personal information. Whether it is the speed in which it spreads over the internet or the permanent storage of information on cloud services, the means by which our personal information escapes our control are vast. Inevitably, this situation allowed serious violations of personal rights. The necessity to reform the European policy for protection of personal information is emerging, in order to adapt to the technological era we live in. Granting individuals the ability to delete their personal information, mainly the information which is available on the Internet, is the best solution for those whose rights have been violated. However, once supposedly deleted from the website the information is still shown in search engines. In this context, “the right to be forgotten in the internet” is invoked. Its implementation will result in the possibility for any person to delete and stop its personal information from being spread through the internet in any way, especially through search engines directories. This way we will have a more comprehensive control over our personal information in two ways: firstly, by allowing individuals to completely delete their information from any website and cloud service and secondly by limiting access of search engines to the information. This way, it could be said that a new and catchier term has been found for an “old” right.


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RESUMO: Introdução: Vários estudos têm encontrado evidência para a relação entre as crenças e atitudes dos profissionais de saúde, a sua abordagem de tratamento, referida como orientada segundo o modelo biomédico ou modelo biopsicossocial (Bishop, 2008; Mutsaers, 2012), e os resultados obtidos. É sugerido que, no tratamento da dor lombar crónica, os profissionais que orientam o seu raciocínio e prática segundo o modelo biomédico, tendem a obter piores resultados quando comparados com os obtidos pelos profissionais que orientam o seu raciocínio e prática segundo uma abordagem biopsicossocial. Esta área de estudo tem salientado a importância de desenhar instrumentos capazes de identificar a orientação preferencial dos profissionais de saúde no tratamento da dor crónica de natureza músculo-esquelética, entre os quais se encontra a “Pain Attitudes and Beliefs Scale for Physiotherapists” (PABS-PT). Objetivo: Adaptar culturalmente a PABS-PT para a população de fisioterapeutas portugueses que intervêm em utentes com dor (lombar) crónica, e contribuir para a sua validação Metodologia: A versão original (língua inglesa) do PABS-PT foi adaptada para a língua e cultura portuguesas, através das etapas definidas nas normas orientadoras estabelecidas para este processo (Beaton et al., 2002; MAPI Institute, 2001). A avaliação das propriedades psicométricas da versão portuguesa foi realizada com recurso a uma amostra de 202 fisioterapeutas e estudantes finalistas do curso de licenciatura em Fisioterapia. Inicialmente foi realizada a análise fatorial exploratória da escala através do método das componentes principais. Posteriormente avaliou-se a consistência interna das componentes obtidas com recurso ao alpha de Cronbach (α). Para analisar a validade de constructo foram correlacionadas as componentes obtidas com a versão portuguesa da “Health Care Providers’ Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale” (HC-PAIRS), recorrendo ao cálculo do coeficiente de Spearman. Resultados: O processo de adaptação cultural não revelou dificuldades importantes sendo considerado que a versão portuguesa da PABS-PT é de fácil compreensão e preenchimento, e os seus itens adequados para avaliar as crenças e atitudes dos fisioterapeutas portugueses relativas à intervenção na dor crónica músculo-esquelética. Os resultados revelaram uma estrutura fatorial de duas componentes, identificadas com as componentes da escala original que explicam 30,96% da variância total. A consistência interna encontrada é boa, para a componente biomédica (α de Cronbach = 0,826), mas muito fraca para a componente biopsicossocial (α de Cronbach= 0,589). Relativamente à validade convergente e discriminativa, foi encontrada uma associação estatisticamente significativa e positiva, entre as componentes 1 (biomédica) da versão nportuguesa da PABS e a HC-PAIRS (Rs = 0,481, p≤ 0,005), e negativa, fraca e significativa entre a pontuação total da componente 2 (biopsicossocial) e a HC-PAIRS (Rs = -0,038, p=0,612). Conclusão: A versão portuguesa do PABS-PT é de fácil compreensão e aparenta ser um instrumento válido para a medição da orientação preferencial dos fisioterapeutas, relativamente às suas atitudes e crenças na avaliação e tratamento de utentes com dor crónica de natureza músculo-esquelética. No entanto, a componente biopsicossocial requer uma análise mais aprofundada para que possa, com rigor, ser utilizada na definição de uma orientação preferencialmente biopsicossocial.--------------ABSTRACT: Introduction: Previous studies have found a relation between the beliefs and attitudes of health professionals, their treatment approach, which can follows a biomedical or a biopsychosocial orientation (Bishop, 2008; Mutsaers, 2012), and the outcomes obtained. Therefore, is suggested that the professionals who tend to approach chronic low back pain patients according to the biomedical model have worse outcomes than professionals who use a biopsychosocial approach in there clinical reasoning. This research field has highlighted the importance of developing measures capable of identifying the preferred orientation of health professionals in the treatment of chronic pain of musculoskeletal nature, including the “Pain Attitudes and Beliefs Scale for Physiotherapists” (PABS-PT). Objective: To cross culturally adapt and validate the PABS-PT for the Portuguese population of physiotherapists. Methodology: The original version (English version) of the PABS-PT was adapted to the Portuguese language and culture, through the guidelines established for these processes (Beaton et al., 2002; MAPI Institute, 2001). The psychometric evaluation of the Portuguese version was carried out on a sample of 202 p physiotherapist and final year students of the physiotherapy course. Initially, an exploratory factorial analysis was performed through the method of the main components. Then, the internal consistence of the main components was evaluated using the Cronbach’s alpha (α). The convergent construct validity was analysed through the correlation between the obtained components of PABS-PT and the Health Care Provider’s Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale (HC-PAIRS), using the Spearmen correlation coefficient. Results: No major difficulties were found during the cultural adaptation process of PABS-PT to Portugal, which means that the Portuguese version is easy to understand and fulfill, and items are appropriated to evaluate the beliefs and attitudes of the Portuguese physiotherapists who treat chronic pain of musculoskeletal origins. The results revealed a factorial structure of two components, as the original scale, explaining 30,96% of the total variance. Internal consistence results were good, for the biomedical component (Cronbach’s α = 0,826), but very weak for the biopsychosocial componente (Cronbach’s α = 0,589). Relatively to convergent and discriminative validity, a statistically significant association was found, between the components 1 (biomedical) of the Portuguese version of PABS-PT and the HC-PAIRS (Rs= 0,481, p≤ 0,005) and negative, weak and significant between the total score of component 2 (biopsychosocial) and the HC-PAIRS (Rs = -0,038, p=0,612). Conclusion: The Portuguese Version of PABS-PT is easy to understand and seems to be a valid instrument to measure the attitudes and beliefs of physiotherapists in the management of patients with chronic low back pain. However, the biopsychosocial component requires a further deep analysis to examine a preferable biopsychosocial orientation.


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This dissertation studies essentially how Millennials are changing the hotel industry, in the sense that new trends are emerging with this generation and hotels need to respond accordingly, in order to survive within their competitive industry. Emphasis is also given to Asian travellers, as the enlargement of these countries’ middle class populations is predicted, therefore making Asian travellers a valuable target for the hotel industry. To successfully target this segment, hoteliers need also to consider the cultural differences and aspirations that come together with the Asian travellers, and appropriately adapt their offer to them. I will then redirect this study to the city of Lisbon, the Portuguese capital, to analyse if Lisbon’s four and five-star hotel managers are aware of the new market trends, and to understand how they are changing their hotels in order to make them more attractive to Millennials and Asian travellers. Using a sample of 12 hotels (four and five-stars ratings), I have concluded that, although there is a notable undergoing process of adaptation to these guests, there is a long way ahead in order for Lisbon’s hotels to entirely please and retain millennial guests.


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The purpose of this project was to study a possible presence of Galp at Social Media. The importance of this study appears as a consequence of the company’s need to adapt to a new mean of communication that is changing our society and the companies way of doing business. In the consulting labs, the analysis was done taking into account the best practices for business at Social Media and the singularities of the company. The output of this study was a collection of specific guidelines concerning several fields to develop a strategic presence at Social Media.


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In recent years a set of production paradigms were proposed in order to capacitate manufacturers to meet the new market requirements, such as the shift in demand for highly customized products resulting in a shorter product life cycle, rather than the traditional mass production standardized consumables. These new paradigms advocate solutions capable of facing these requirements, empowering manufacturing systems with a high capacity to adapt along with elevated flexibility and robustness in order to deal with disturbances, like unexpected orders or malfunctions. Evolvable Production Systems propose a solution based on the usage of modularity and self-organization with a fine granularity level, supporting pluggability and in this way allowing companies to add and/or remove components during execution without any extra re-programming effort. However, current monitoring software was not designed to fully support these characteristics, being commonly based on centralized SCADA systems, incapable of re-adapting during execution to the unexpected plugging/unplugging of devices nor changes in the entire system’s topology. Considering these aspects, the work developed for this thesis encompasses a fully distributed agent-based architecture, capable of performing knowledge extraction at different levels of abstraction without sacrificing the capacity to add and/or remove monitoring entities, responsible for data extraction and analysis, during runtime.


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This work was developed in the context of the MIT Portugal Program, area of Bioengineering Systems, in collaboration with the Champalimaud Research Programme, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal. The project entitled Dynamics of serotonergic neurons revealed by fiber photometry was carried out at Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal and at the Champalimaud Research Programme, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal