28 resultados para Fontes do direito
This thesis’ goal is to study the relationship between the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda, notably the hypotheses that the Islamic State derives from Al-Qaeda. The topic to be developed in the following pages is based in reliable sources so that we can obtain the most accurate possible conclusions. In preparation of this report, several quotes were used in order to present correct settings and make logical deductions based on documents. It aims to be a modest contribution to a reflection on the theme, which is addressed in a very general way. Concepts of terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism are addressed in the thesis. Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and the response to terrorism are presented, with the aim of understanding the degree of complexity underlying the Islamic State.
Ne bis in idem, understood as a procedural guarantee in the EU assumes different features in the AFSJ and in european competition law. Despite having a common origin (being, in both sectors the result of the case law of the same jurisdictional organ) its components are quite distintic in each area of the integration. In the AFSJ, the content of bis and idem are broader and addressed at a larger protection of individuals. Its axiological ground is based on the freedom of movements and human dignity, whereas in european competition law its closely linked to defence rights of legal persons and the concept of criminal punishment of anticompetitive sanctions as interpreted by the ECHR´s jurisprudence. In european competition law, ne bis in idem is limited by the systemic framework of competition law and the need to ensure parallel application of both european and national laws. Nonetheless, the absence of a compulsory mechanism to allocate jurisdiction in the EU (both in the AFSJ and in the field of anti-trust law) demands a common axiological framework. In this context, ne bis in idem must be understood as a defence right based on equity and proportionality. As far as its international dimension is concerned, ne bis in idem also lacks an erga omnes effect and it is not considered to be a rule of ius cogens. Consequently, the model which the ECJ has built regarding the application of the ne bis in idem in transnational and supranational contexts should be replicated by other courts through cross fertilization, in order to internationalize that procedural guarantee and broaden its scope of application.
In this thesis, we will treat the discrimination based on age, more specifically of older workers. In recent years, there was an increasing interest on the part of doctrine and jurisprudence on this subject. In fact, in a world in which you live a real economic crisis, older workers tend to have difficulties finding jobs or are targets of the discrimination based on age, at the time of hiring or during the contract. Thus, we will focus on discrimination. We will examine, first, the difference between direct and indirect discrimination, taking into account the importance of the burden of proof, then we will study the figures of positive action measures. Then, treat the legislative framework of the discrimination based on age, that is, in relation to the Labor Code and the Directive 2000/78/EC of November 27, 2000. Eventually, we will determine the cases in which they may accept the discrimination based on age. In fact, these differences in treatment based on age are justified, but must be aimed at a legitimate objective with appropriate and necessary means.
The President of the Portuguese Republic’s relation with the Armed Forces in the current political system is not confined to the vast legislative and constitutional set. As Chief of State and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, the President holds different powers. We develop an approach through the main concepts and themes that regulate the Armed Forces and National Defense, focusing the relations that involve the President directly. The attribution by inherence of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces to the Chief of State, imposes a peculiar relation with the remainder sovereign institutions. The need to analyze the intermediate services as far as military and defense issues are concerned becomes necessary, in particular the role of the Military Cabinet – as a structure of direct support – and the High Council of National Defense – as an advisory body.
In actual context of multidimensional and complex interactions, public safety has been occupying more and more both rhetorical and political agendas and citizen’s concerns. People discuss the causes, crime combat, question the punishment and its implementation as a way of stop the the increasing criminality. Such as public safety, also prisons and prision systems as integral parts in coproduction safety have been taking the center of the discussions, which seeks to realize the preponderance of the portuguese prision system in the context of public safety.
This dissertation analyzes how the current Constitution and the Brazilian law establish consumer protection, arbitration and access to justice. Following we try to demonstrate why arbitration is a method rarely used in the resolution of consumer disputes in Brazil. It also examines the doctrinal and jurisprudential aspects of the conflict between the Brazilian Arbitration Law (Law nº. 9.307/96), which allows the arbitration clause in contracts of adhesion, and the Consumer Protection Code (Law nº 8.078/90) that in article 51, VII, considers as abusive the arbitration clause. Furthermore, analyzes new proposed bills under scrutiny by the National Congress on the issue and identifies the causes, in the Brazilian legal system, hampering the use of arbitration in consumer relations. Concludes that there are no principle obstacles preventing consumer litigations to be settled by arbitration. High costs, mistrust, oppression, misinformation of consumers and non-participation of the State, being a totally private institute, are factors that generate distrust, suspicion, and have prevented the development of arbitration in consumer relations in Brazil.
This study specifically addresses the situation of minority shareholders after the transfer of control in an listed company. The various underlying interests and reasons that shareholders have for investing in a company can demonstrate shareholders’ reasoning for taking radically different positions on issues relating to the transfer of control of the referred company. This study analyses the current legal system in Portugal and in the European Union in order to assess whether, in the event of a takeover bid of a listed company where there is a transfer of control, minority shareholders have the same appraisal rights as other shareholders to sell their shares and leave the company. The study then examines the European Court of Justice decision on whether a general principle of equal treatment of minority shareholders exists upon a transfer of control (Audiolux) and the Portuguese Securities Market Commission decision regarding the delisting of Brisa - Autoestradas de Portugal, S.A. based on the principle of investor protection. The study concludes that although the principle of equality amongst shareholders has made progress in the European legal system e.g. it is laid down in Directive 2004/25/EC of 21 April 2004 on takeover bids and the Portuguese Securities Market Code, there is also a need for further improvement, which can be accomplished by allowing minority shareholders to exercise an appraisal right in similar unregulated situations.
Nos últimos anos, a qualidade do ar interior tem emergido como uma das principais preocupações para os utilizadores, proprietários e gestores de edifícios. A consciência e procura de ambientes interiores saudáveis têm vindo a aumentar, sendo que é generalizado o reconhecimento da importância de ambientes interiores com concentrações de poluentes aceitáveis, confortáveis e produtivos. As pessoas gastam cerca de 90 por cento do seu tempo em ambientes fechados, sendo que o ar dentro de habitações e noutros edifícios pode ser mais poluído do que no ar exterior. Nas habitações diversas fontes emissoras de poluentes estão presentes e a distância entre estas fontes e os ocupantes é muito reduzida. Isto significa que a exposição a poluentes do ar dentro das habitações pode ser muito elevada. O presente estudo teve como objetivo caraterizar a exposição a fontes interiores em habitações. Foram estudadas as seguintes fontes emissoras: lareiras abertas e lareiras fechadas com recuperador de calor com queima de pinho e briquetes; confeção de alimentos, incluindo preparações de fritos e cozidos, bem como o uso de torradeiras elétricas. A exposição de seres humanos a poluentes durante o sono também foi avaliada. As medições de poluentes, como material particulado (PM1, PM2,5, PM10), ozono (O3), monóxido de carbono (CO), dióxido de carbono (CO2), compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs) e formaldeído (CH2O), e parâmetros de conforto, como temperatura e humidade relativa, foram realizadas em três casas com caraterísticas diferentes. A análise temporal dos dados e a comparação entre as concentrações de poluentes medidas no interior e exterior foram utilizadas para avaliar o impacte das fontes avaliadas. Os resultados indicaram que os seres humanos estão expostos a concentrações elevadas de poluentes quando estão perto de fontes específicas. As medições efetuadas em espaços com lareiras indicaram que as concentrações foram mais elevadas no caso da lareira aberta aquando da combustão de pinho. As concentrações de partículas, COVs, CO e CH2O ultrapassaram os valores limite definidos pela legislação. Durante as atividades de culinária as concentrações de COVs, CH2O e partículas medidas na cozinha também excederam os valores limite definidos pela legislação nacional. As concentrações foram mais elevadas para a confeção de alimentos de fritos em fogão a gás e quando a torradeira foi utilizada para um pão bastante torrado. Durante a noite foi observado o aumento das concentrações de CO2 e concentrações superiores de poluentes foram registadas para porta e janela fechadas.